Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Friday 13 November 1840, page 2

The Sydney Herald.



"Sworn to no Master, of no Sect am I."


The Adventure arrived at Hobart Town, sailed July 26th, but the Review of August 3rd, gives but a very condensed report of the news re-ceived. The following is a part of the summary containing intelligence which we had not pre-


The " troubles" in Canada have recommenced. A large British steam-boat has been blown up by a torpedo. Mr. Waghorn's overland expresses from India have been seized in France, for not passing through the Post-office. A meeting was held in London, the Duke of Beaufort in the chair, to effect the repeal of that provision in the new Marriage Act which prohibits the marrying

sisters. Mr. Drummond the banker who mar-ried three sisters, all co-heiresses, moved the resolution. Colonel Campbell, Ex-Governor of Sierra Leone, has charged Mr. Under-secretary Stephen with being well acquainted with the fact, and not interfering to prevent it, that " the women brought into Sierra Leone in the slave ships were given away to any one who chose to take them, the officers of the Government having the first choice." Mr. Stephen has rather evaded than denied the charge, and it is to come before Parliament. The Great Times of the 6th July gives a supplement of the same size arising out of the persecution of the Jews in Syria. Alderman Gipps and Mr. Farncombe are the new Sheriffs of London. Lord Arden, Registrar of the Admiralty Court, died on the 6th July, the sinecure dies with him. Major Agliouby, the radical M. P. for Cumberland, died on the 9th July. Lord Falkland (son-in-law of William 4th) has resigned the office of Lord in Waiting, and succeeded by Lord Aboyne. Mr. E. Dowling, brother of the Chief

Justice of New South Wales, is appointed Legal Adviser to the Governor-General of Canada.

Bartholomew and Fairlop fairs are abolished. Consuls, 20th July, 922,

By yesterday's arrivals, we received some of our own back files, and were favoured with the loan of the four London morning papers, of the 15th July, one day later than those previously received. Mr. Mackinnon moved for the ap-pointment of a committee to enquire into the subject of Coolie Emigration, but as that was only a colonial subject, there were not forty members in attendance, and the house was

counted out. We give the report of what oc-

curred from the Times.


Mr. Mackinnon, in rising to move, in pursu-ance of notice, for a select committee upon the subject of the immigration of labourers from the Hast Indies and other parts of the world into the colonial possessions of Great Britain, snid be had not brought forward this motion with the view of offering any annoyance to the Go-vernment, his wish being merely- that calm con-sideration should be given to the subject, so as to lead to a satisfactory result. Ile could not, however, approve of the course which the Government lind taken in introducing a legisla-tive provision on this important subject in the form of a rider to a bill, mid so formed as lo operate in a very partial manner, by being con-fined to the Mauritius, instesd of extending to the British Colonies generally. Hail the Colo-nial Department of the Government satisfied the house that it was in possession of such Infor-mation upon the subject as would enable the country to come to any just and satisfactory conclusion? He thought it had not, and, as the question was one of very great importance, with reference to the magnitude and extent of our Colonial possessions, he did not sec how any valid objection could be made to the inquiry which he now proposed. The honorable mem-ber concluded by moving for a select committee to investigate if it were in nccordance with hu-manity, justice, and good policy to sanction by legislative enactments the immigration of labourcrers from the East Indies and other parts of the world into the Colonial possessions of Great Britain.

Mr. V, Smith regretted that so important a motion had been brought forward at so late a period of the session, and in such a shape ns to prevent the house at any time acceding to it, the honorable member having confined it not to any particulor Colony, but extended it to the whole of our Colonial empire. He regretted that Parliament had not sanctionod the experi-ment of his noble friend (Lord J, Russell) with respect to the Mauritius; but the whole subject bad been much considered by the Colonial-office, and he hoped next session some general prac-tical measure- would be brought forward, but at this period of the ses^P» » committee could be

of no use whatever.

Lord Sandon admitted the inutility CÎ appoint-ing a committee at so late a period of the sessiíi1.bnt hoped the Government would immediately direct their attention to the condition of the emancipated negroes both in the Brazils and the Havannah. At present ho very much feared that in many cases wc were only purveyors to the slave masters, whereas, if the negroes we set free from the slave ships were introduced into our own colonies, they would at once enjoy all the rights of freedom, and all the advantages

of civilization.

Mr. C. Buller thought that irrepaiable mis-chief had been done by the rejection ot the clauses in the Colonial Passengers Bill to sanc-tion the introduction of Hill Coolies into the Mauritius. This was a subject of the greatest interest and magnitude ; if they refused n supply of free labour to our West Indian Colonies, their

prosperity would be retarded to an incalculable extent. He hoped the Government would carry out the plan which had been so inopportunely frustrated, and so prepare the public mind as to the basis of future legislotion, (hat the subject might be discussed without prejudice.

Mr. Warburton did not regret the vote he hart given on the Colonial Passengers Bill. He thought thp whole conduct of the immigration of labourers should be under the immédiat« supervision of the Government. Before the house was called on to consider any measure, the whole of the details should be laid before it,

Mr. Elliot rose so address the house, when I An honorable member observed, that forty members were not present.

The house being counted, and forty members I not being present,

"J?6 house.was »-ccording'y adjourned at halfj pa»t seven o'clock.

A new company was being formed for the establishment of a new settlement on this island. We give two advertisements which appeared the papers of the 15th.

NEW SETTLEMENT OF AUSTRALIND - Under the Western Australian Company-Chairman, William Hutt, Esq., M. P. ; Deputy Chairman, John Chapman, Esq. Directors:-Thomas Holdsworth Brooking, Esq., Henry Buckle, Esq.; Charles Enderby, Esq. ; James Irving, Esq. ; Jacob Montefiore, Esq. ; George Robert Smith, Esq., M.P. ; Captain Mark Halpen Sweny, R.N. ; Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Esq.-Secretary, Thomas John Buckton, Esq.; Chief Commissioner in Australia, M. Waller Clifton, Esq., F.R.S. Bankers-Messrs. Smith. Payne, and Smiths ; Messrs."Wright & Co. Standing Counsel-Francis M'Donnell, Esq. Solicitors - Messrs. Few, Hamilton, and Few.-The Company are now disposing of Allotments of Rural and Town Land in their new Settlement of Australind, terms and particulars of which may be obtained on application at the Company's house, No. 6, Adelphi-terrace, London.

To Surveyors and Engineers. - The Dir

rectors of the Western Australian Company are ready to receive Application from Candidates for the appointment of chief Surveyor and Engineer, who will be required to proceed immediately to

the New Settlement of Australind.

Applications, accompanied by the necessary Testimonials, must be delivered in to the Office of the Company, on or before Thursday the 23rd instant. By order of the Board, Thomas John Buckton, Esq., Secretary.

Where the settlement of Australind is to be formed does not appear, but we presume some-where in the vicinity of Swan River. Whatever may be the actual result of the attempt to form this settlement, it must do good to this colony, for every person brought into this part of the world creates an additional demand for all the beef, mutton, and bread, that we can spare.