Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Monday 14 September 1840, page 3


LITHOGRAPHY.—On Friday afternoon, the Sydney Bench was occupied between two and three hours in the investigation of a charge of " maliciously destroying property," preferred by Mr. R. Clint against one of his workmen. The circumstances of the case appeared to be as follows ¡-In May last Mr. Clint employed Mr. Biscoe, the master of a vessel trading between this Colony nud Van Dicn^en's Land, to pntcr into an engagement with a lithographic printer there who had just become free, and Mr. Clint had also sent a sort of carte blanche agreement to be filled up by Mr. Biscqc, Qn his arrival in the colony, the détendant gave every kind of satis-faction, but since then his employer and he had several times had words ; it appeared also that the defendant having been previously irri-tated by the prosecutor calling him a scoundrel, and uartjg oihcr opprobrious epithets to him, had said that he (the defendant) had broken the heart of the Surveyor General of Van Diemen's Land, and thnt he would also break Mr. Clint's heart, and about the time when these words were ut-tered the defendant fiad also InoUcn a valuable lithographic stone. In consequence Ol'the threat Mr. Clint had the party up before their worships for maliciously destroying his property, bul ns the qefe>ndunt proved' by the testimony of Mr. Austin, that the stone in question was most probably broken by accident, and also flint there were no marks of its having received unfair treatment, and besides having proved that on the Ineakingof ihe stone he hr,d cxprewed his vexa-tion at¡>uch'an accident taking place, the bench dismissed the ease, at the SRino time cautioning him us to his future conduct. After the case ''"/I been decided, Mr, Clint again applied to the bench, stating that the defendant had grossly insulted him, by saying he had been brought up as a sly grog soller, but nora the statement of Mr. M'Dennott, it appeared that the observation was made not respecting Mr. Clint but the Chief Constable; both pal ties were then advised to be cautious in their conduct toward each other and

left the Court.

SuGAn REFINERY.-The Petition of Francis Kemblc Esq., Director of the Sugar Refining Company, presented to the Council on Tuesday, contains some statements of general interest. It states that the Petitioner and his Co-Directors have brought willi them a plant, machinery, and utensils for working a Sugar Refinery upon an extensive scale of the value of £20,000, and, Hint they have accepted tenders for erecting (with their own materials) buildings on Cook's River, which their Surveyors tell them will, when erected be worth the like sum, and that tliey have brought out mechanics and superior workmen and their families, in all forty two persons, and have made arrangements in England for an annual engagement of men, all of whom would be of great use in the Colony, if they should not remain in the service of the Company; that they will he prepared to manufacture three times the quantity of refined sugar hitherto con-sumed in all the Australasian Colonies, but that they rely upon a great increase of consumption when their low prices shall become generally known, and when the consumers find them to be regularly mnntained; and thnt they anti-cipate an encrensed consumption of Tea also, from the steady and low prices of refined Sugar; that according to the present market, their prices would not exceed fivepence to sixpence per pound for the best loaf sugar ; that they would supply a good strong Syrup, for pre. serving fruits, and similar purposes at four pencej per pound, ",five pieces" or bastard sugar, equal to ' good Mauritius Sugar at twenty shillings per cwt., and fine treacle, free from the acidity which remain!. In the sugar cane molasses, at about two-pence per pound, an excellent and wholesome substitute for butter, and the best artificial food for sheep and cattle. The petitioner then shews that the quantity of refined sugar produced from one hundred and twelve pounds of raw material does not by its higher price represent the whole value by more than one third, and with reference to colonial expenses, the duty upon refined should be fully fifty per cent, (that is, as seven and a half per cent to five per cent.) more than the duty upon raw sugar " to place the Australasian upon a par with the extraneous refiner."; the petitioner then prays that a duty may be im-posed upon all other than British refined sugar, whether imported as loaf, or lump, or in a crushed state ; and further submits that all the refined sugar imported from the United States of America, or (in a crushed state) from Brazil or Rio, is manufactured from a superior raw material, the produce of slave labor only, and that it is not consistent with the interest or policy of Great Britain, which has paid twenty millions for the abolition of slavery in its mildest form in her own Colonies, to throw open the consumption of the Australasian Colonies, about to become very large, as a bounty to slave labor and to the slave trade, which is known to be carried on to great extent by thecountries fromwhichthe American refiners derive their chief supplies of rnw material, and pray to be protected from such competition. These are matters worthy of attention, and the petitioner, doubtless, is quite right for his own interests, seeing the prospect of great increase in our trade with Americn, and that every vessel from that country brings refined sugar (although the importation is as yet but small, ±'33G being the amount in 1838) to look out a head against such competition. That the American would altogether supplant the English manufacturer in the supply of these Colonies seems highly probable-whether he can compete with the Australasian Refinery when established cannot be known until we see at how low a price he will

export to us. Our wishes are naturally with, our fellow Colonists, whose intentions not only to establish low prices, but to maintain them regularly, that the distant consumer, the fruit grower especially, may know that he can de-pend upon them, we entirely approve j and we are also glad to hear, that the sugar of Tahiti and the South Sea Islands is particularly suited for refining, and will tend to enrry com-merce and civilization into those countries, and to extending like proportion our markets for


MR. IIODDLC.-This gentleman has retired from the surveying department, in which he has long been an active efficient officer, his health being in that state, that he does not consider himself competent to the performance of field duties. To-morrow a motion will be made, that he receive a retiring allowance of two years'pay, or £800, and although we object to the system of granting retiring allowances and pensions, we should make no objection in this instance if it are necessary, but we do not consider it is, as there are many situations which Mr Hoddle could fill with ease to himself, and credit to the public. The draftsman's department for in-stance, is stated to be inefficient, the reason assigned being, that the subordinate officers will not remain in it, and an additional one being that the head of it, has other duties to perform, which must, if attended to, occupy all his time ; why then could not Mr. Hoddle be appointed to this department ? Considering the quantity of land surveyed at Port Phillip, there must be suf-ficient employment at Head Quarters for the head of the department, and Mr Hoddle we should have thought, might have been employed there without performing field-duty, but he could undoubtedly be employed in Sydnev'.


inhabitants of Parramatta and its vicinitj', nre very much grieved to leam, that they cannot have a Floral show this year, in consequence of there not being auy suitable accommodation obtainable in the town, ns it appears that the only ropms whjch arc qf sufficient dimensions fqr this purpose cannot hu obtained for less than ten pounds sterling; this is the more to be lamented, as the whole funds are understood not to exceed four times that sum.

It being the intention of Mr. George Harper to proceed to England very shortly, we under-stand the beaulifiil estate qf Abbotsford, Stone-quarry, comprising 7000 acres of land with the

whole of the Live Stock, the nuirçero.ns. buddings and improvements thcieon will be brought into the market for disposal by the hammer.

THE FitvtT SEASO.NV-Ir- « BGnpM,ii" " .

dereel that the early fruity *jfïï2A

quantity and (ma',;ty, ovflng to the great number

o the bees |,at have been stripped of hei

blossoms by the frosts and high winds, but the ' later kinds promise an ample crop to the growers

m most quarters of the orchard grounds in the

Colony. |

WATCH POLICE.-On Friday last, Captain Brown requested several of the reporters con-nected with Sydney journals to correct a report which had been circulated in the columns of one qf {he papers that morning, In which it was inti-mated that he had been officially appointed to the charge of the water police, and particularly that he had appointed the late Sergeant Price as the next officer under him, as the latter report was calculated to prsvent persons from apply-ing for that appointment, who by "their length of service and their other qualifications might be as well, and even better cjualniod fur the appointment than the late Sergeant Price, and in order to show that the appointments could not yet be officially known, he stated that the bill for the water police was still before the Legislative Council.

ROMAN CATHOLIC INSTITUTE.-The Roman Catholics had a numerously attended meeting on Thursday at which a brnnch of the Roman Catholic Institute of London was formed, and also an association for propagating the Roman Catholic Faith. We shall not regret (he forma-tion qf these societies if they have the effect, which they ought to have, of shewing the Pro-testant!} how necessary it is to unite and bd stren-uous in thep-exertion», io promote the Protes-tant religion, "and thus neutralize the exertions of the Romanists. If the Protestants are firm to their duty they have so much of the wealth and intelligence of the Colony, and such a large numerical majority that they need Ue under no fear of the result Qf any trial of strength.

ÏIANU AND SI-OCK.-The Bank and Assurance Shares, and Land Properties, Sold on Saturday by Mr. Samuel Lyons, at his Auction Mart, realised the following prices, viz:-25 Shares in the Commercial Bank, £100 paid up at £38 per share premium,-£34.5,0; 7 ditto" in ditto £100 paid itp, at £38 premium(_¿OGG; 250 Share« in the Syrl»Sy £ank, £3 paid up at 34s. each premium,-£1175; 50 ditto ditto, at 31s. ditto-£233; 270 ditto ditto, at 31s. ditto-12G9; 50 ditto ditto, at 34s. ditto-£235 ; 100 ditto ditto, at 35s. ditto-£470 ; 50 ditto dittQ, at 34s. ditto-£235 j lo ditto ditto, at 3 ls.ditto-£2I1;IQ

25 ditto in the Hunters River Steam Navigation Company £7. I5s. paid up at £2. 7s. premium

-£252 10s. 4 allottments of Land Situate on the Surry Hills, containing 32 feet frontage each to Victoria-street at £3 11s. per foot -£154 8s. Premises Situate at the corner of Castlereagh and Campbell-streets known as the George and Dragon.-£1000 ; Total. £9953 83.

On Saturday afternoon, n person named Charles Archer, a resident in Goulburn-street, went to the west side of Darling Harbour, oppo-site Market-street, and hanged himself.

POST OFFICE.-When the supplementary esti-mates were under discussion Mr. James Mac-arthur said that great inconvenience is felt in consequence of the country postmasters not marking their letters with the dates on which they arc posted as well as the place, and the consequence is that in a case of delay there is no means of tracing it to the proper quarter. The Collector of Customs and Attorney-General were of opinion that some arrangement of this kind is highly essential. The Governor made a memo-randum to cousult Mr. Raymond upon the sub-ject. There is another matter which is almost as great a nuisance and that is that the country postmasters do not use the stamps they have properly, one half the country letters being illegibly marked for want of care.

WATER POLICE.-The following are the prin-cipal provisions of the Act for the further and better regulation of seamen, commonly known as the Water Police Act. The Governor to have the power of appointing one or more Justice or Justices of the peace, Superintendant or Superintendants of the Water Police for the port of Sydney ; and to have the power of ex-tending the provisions of the Act to other ports : superintendants to be police magistrates for the town of Sydney : a sufficient number of able bodied men to be sworn in as a Water Police Force ; Police to have the power to board and search vessels : masters of vessels within twenty four hours after arrival, to deliver to the superin-tendant of the Water Police a correct list of crew and passengers, under a penalty of not less than £10 nor more than £50; masters of vessels to deliver a list of their crew and passengers, twenty four hours before leavingtheport,and to account for those who may have quitted the vessel ; persons found on board vessels after clearance, who are unable to show that they do not intend to proceed to sea in the vessel, may be lodged in custody; seamen deserting from or indebted to their ship, found on board to be detained; persons found on board after clearance, whose names are not inserted in the fist furnished to the superintendant, under a penalty of not less than £10 nor more than £50 : Superintendant of Water Police, or police magistrate may grant a certificate of departure to persons whose names may have been improperly omited in lists ; vessels are not to put to sea without being searched, nor after search to drop anchor, or or delay their departure, except in case of urgent necessity, under a penalty of not less than £10 nor more than £50 : masters of vessels con-cealing persons on board, to be guilty of a mis-demeanour and punishable, by fine and imprison-ment : parties wilfully obstructing or resisting persons charged with the execution of any of the provisions of the Act, to be guilty of a misdemeanour : masters not to discharge sea-men withoutgiving them a certificateof discharge, which discharge is to be registered : no master under a penalty of not more than £50 nor less than £10 to engage a seaman that cannot pro-duce a certificate of discharge, except with the consent in writing of the superintendant : seamen having in their possession or making use of false certificates to be punished as rogues and vaga-bonds : persons going on board or remaining alongside a ship between sunset, and sunrise, without the pet-mission of the officer in charge to be fined, not less than £5 nor more than £10, unless they can prove they were there for some lawful purpose : seamen or other persons em-ployed in or about a ship to be liable to two months' imprisonment for drunkenness, insubor-dination, disorderly conduct, or refusing to work : constables may go on board ships in harbour and orrest seamen guilty of insubordination or disorderly conduct : persons in charge of vessels or boats to nuswer challenges of police boats, under a penalty of not less than £1 nor more than £10 : persons to be punished who shall wilfully injure any boat belonging to the Water Police : seamen dying on board ships to ho buried on shore : seamen on shore after eight o'clock at night without a pass, to be fined ten shillings: parties harbouring seamen, to be liable to a penalty of not mere than £50 nor less than £5 : ships or houses may be searched for runaway seamen and seamen secreting them-selves, and parties harbouring them, to be liable to penalties : tonnage duty to be levied on all ships entering the port towards defraying the expense of working the bill.

A BOLTER.-We have this week to record another instance of bolting, the absentee, being noless a personage than a member of the Legis-lative Council. On Wednesday there were only ten members of the Legislative Council present, the number required to form a quorum, and towards the close of the day, a member left the Chamber without being noticed. Shortly after-wards a member observed that there was not a quorum present. " Eli ! what ! " said a worthy Knight at the fqot of the table, "who has bolted "? a question which was received.with great laughter, but as there had been a " bolter " the Counoil was adjourned.

, HARBOURING.-On Friday last, a number of [ persons were summoned to the police court íor

harbouring convicts, and a number of publicans were fined five pounds each for Supplying spirits to convicts ; in every case Vue convict supplied was brought forward and gave evidence most distinctly against the publicans, thus showing that no publican can supply them with'spirits mid at tim some time bo safe from the publi"

informers or their underlings,

SCONE-The Police Magistrate of Scone has

issued a circular, of which we give a copy below. The propriety of the step depends wholly on the state of the district which a correspondent assures us, is very quiet, only threeunarmed mens supposed to be

bushrangerss, being at large in the district. "A body of armed bushrangers having just made their appear-ance in the neighbourhood of Belltrees, and com-mitted an alarming outrage, I find myself called upon to request your attendance at the Court House here, on Wednesday first, the 9th instant, to concert measure's to extirpate them, and thus prevent the further depredations which are likely to he com-mitted in the district, and render it unnecessary for the Governor to take similar steps in the recall of the assigned servants, as was lately threatened in the district of Carcoar. In the mean time, I need hardly point out the necessity of preventing publicity

of the proposed meeting and all subsequent proceed-


ASHFIELD CHURCH - On Wednesday afternoon the Bishop of Austtalia attended by eight of the cler-gymen of the Diocese, laid the foundation of a new church at Ashfield, on a piece of ground the gift of Mrs. Underwood. There were between one hundred and fifty to two hundred persons present. Mrs. Underwood, previous to the foundation stone being lowered placed a brazen plate in the cavity bearing an appropriate inscription, and stating that the church was dedicated to St John the Baptist, on whose anniversary day the ceremony took place. The service for the day was read by the Revd. J. K. Walpole who has for some time past been labouring in the district ; and who is one of the missionaries sent to this colony by the Society for the Propagation ofthe Gospel in Foreign Parts . The Bishop availed himself of the opportunity of giving a christian address to those present, in which he enforced the duty incumbent on all to support the practice of protestantism, and also pointed out the necessity that existed for extending church accommodation in that quarter, and concluded the service by pronou-cing the apostolic benediction on those present. -It "as intended, to li ive held a public meeting at Concord, aftei the ibove ceremony had been gone tluough, foi the pin pose of e miplc'ing the nuaiige. mellis toi the election ol the Concord Church and School, hut owing to the unavoidable absence ol ses ci al ot the landed piont ictois in that quai tu, who are most îiuciutcdin the erection ot these edifices, the n ccting «as defeucd It will hotvevei be so lal satistictoiy to the ti lends ot ptotestanlism, to leam that tbete lus been alteady upsvnuls of *oU1 hundtcd pounds piovided to aid in the «. lection of the Concord Church and School. Mr G. R. Nichols, has given two acres of land lo;- r. i,{tc, and a donation ot one bundled pom d» towards the building Hie school is | utieulaily iCimued as seventy thre chil-

dren are attending in a astable which in rainy weather is untenable . The Burwood Church appears from

the plans exhibited, io lie i small but commodious edilice, and is intended to be 0rnamented with a pair of small turrets, its site is not at present visib'^ from the road, hut when the wtcivinW iriouud is cluaied it will with the »mi«alimnK country be visible about one ttum^, ofa |Illlc from the present lino or roa ( ^ud u )jn t||e jensity 0t the population a "lana it, cannot ful to be much frequented

TITE CittrF CONST\UTE OF PrsniTji.-Mi Proctoi who has for many years held the np pointment of Chief Constable foi Peniith lins resigned his situation, who is to be his successor is not j et known, but it is surmised that some of the Inspectors of the Sj dney police rorps \v ill be] appointed m Ins slend Promotions from the men m the Sydney force would have a pow eiful tendencj to seem e the sciviees of cllettvc men, where thej arc most vv anted

Por rep ACT-Paitics seem to imagine that when they have n guttei in fioiit of their houses they have done all that is îectuùcd by the Police Act, but this is a mistaken idea, for the guttei must be of that description and of such a size as to cat ry off all the water from the îoof, which from being filled up with dirt and dust, \ cry few of them do We would advise parties to take advantage of the present fine wenthet and have the gutters cleared out and put in older, or they may hav e the pleasure of receiving an invitation to attend at the Police Office, as informations could be laid against one half of the houses m S j dnej

EnucATiON -On Wednesday Sir Tohn Tami

son nsked the Govcmoi whether it was his in-tention to do nnj thing for the introduction of a general sj stem of education during the picsent session ' His Excellency replied that m his minute he had declared that he would do not

tlnng of himself he was ready to go on vvhen cvci there was n manifestation of public feeling m favoui of the system he had proposed, but it Iwas not anj pait ot his duty to force a system

of education down the throats of the people against their w îsli