Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Monday 18 December 1837, page 2



From the exaggerated accounts of the nature of the sickness that occurred on board this vessel, and at the request of the Surgeon Superintendent, we

publish the following statement :-

"This ship has had, upon the whole, a very prosperous voyage. Fever and dsyentery made their appearance when off the Cape de Verd Islands, about the middle of September; that

being the rainy, and consequently the unhealthy, season on that coast. All animal food was im-mediately stopped by the Surgeon Superintendent, and a double allowance of oatmeal and extra

sugar substituted; in consequence all the cases of fever that occurred thereafter became milder, and this terrible disease finally disappeared by the

middle of the following month. No male adult died; and of twenty-four deaths which happened, eighteen were very young and delicate children,

the remainder sickly females. All that have landed are nearly all well and refreshed; and although they did not call at any intermediate port had no other symptom of scurvy than pained

limbs; and those so affected were those debilitated previously by the fever and dysentery."

[ADVERTISEMENT ]-On Friday Evening, the 15th instant, the Sergeants of the 28th Regiment gave a parting supper to the Sergeants of the 4th (Kings Own) Regiment, on the eve of their em-barkation for India, Mr Pattesons 'Golden Fleece ' York street being the house selected for the entertainment. Conviviality reigned through-out the evening during which the following Toasts wert drank with enthusastic applause -

Queen Victoria, may her reign be long and happy, and terminate as gloriously in the annals of her country as any of her great predecessors

Nine times nine

His Excelloncy Colonel Snodgrass C B our gallant and highly respected Governor Three

times three

The Army and Navy, when required in the service of their country may they be entertained with laurels honorably obtained, Three times three

The Officers Non-commissioned Officers, and Soldiers of the Kings Own and Slashers, and the Army in General, and may the young soldiers when required against the enemies of Old England prove themselves as brave as the old ones did at Waterloo. Three times three

At nine o cloek the company separated for their respective quarters highly pleased with their entertainment. A good feeling towards each other has existed between these two regiments for many years, owing to their being what in mili-tary phrase, is termed " Waterloo Heroes '

SOCIETY FOR THE RELIEF OF SHIPWRECKED SEAMAN-Amongst the many excellent institu-tions which adorn our capital, we believe that none would be attended with more gratifying consequences than a society for the relief of dis-tressd or shipwrecked sailors. It is certainly lamentable to hear of the many disasters which are continually happening at sea, which generally do not effect the owners of those vessels, but it is certainly distressing to know that in the ma-jority of shipwrecks the loss falls heavier upon masters and men. Indeed it is becoming a com-mon occurrence for crews to be brought to Syd-ney without a sixpence in their pockets, or even decent clothing upon their persons, the only re-ward for a long and arduous voyage being a few borrowed rags. A similar instance occurred only a few days ago in the case of the Harriett-the master, surgeon and most of crew, after losing everything, enduring many hardships known only to themselves, have been landed in this port we believe in the most destitute circumstances. What an excellent society would that be which had for its object the relief of these unfortunate sons of the ocean,-every merchant and ship owner, and all who bad humanity in their hearts, must assist it. The hint is thrown out-some of our leading society men will perhaps make use of it -Correspondent

The Committee of the Exchange Company had a meeting on Thursday for the purpose of determining the relative merits of the plans for the proposed building which had been sent in four plans were laid before the Committee, the first prize of 100pds was unanimously awarded to Mr Thomas Bird, the second of £50 to Mr Rhodius, the third of £ 10 to a person not known but whose motto is ' non sibi sed eunitis '

Mr Bird's plan is a veiy elegant building, but as Mr B at the suggestion of the Committee is about making some alterations, we shall not give a description of it as it is at present; the estimated expense is £20 000. Mr Rhodius's drawings are beautifully executed—they are per fect pictures The plans were submitted to Sir Richard Bourke before his departure, with a re quest that be would not allow the ground imme diately in front of the proposed building to be sold in allotments, and His Excellency replied

that he would have a street laid out on each side of the building and the space in front to the ex-tended line of Bridge street left for a square

GAS I IOHT CoMrwv.- \l the first Meeting of the Directors of this Compinj under the pro visions of the Deed of Settlement held on \\ ed ncsda) last the Rev R Mansfield was unani

mouslj ippointed Secretary, and Mr Poole Solicitor, to the Company I he ^ct of Council vests the appointment of allofiicersin the Directors -except the Treasurer, who must bo elected by a | General Meeting of Proprietors

One of the stalls in the north east market

building, letter A, has been fitted up as a stand for the sale of Crown lands and in future the sales will be held there instead of the south wcsl building as heretofore

ORDINATION - Yesterday, the Rev. Joseph Kidd Walpole a Deacon of the Church of Eng-land, was admitted to Priest's orders by the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Australia, who was assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Cartwright, Cowper, and Wood. Previous to the ordination an eloquent and impressive sermon, on the authority and duty of a Minister, was preached by his Lordship.

Mr Bailej, for some time clerk to the Bench it Parram-Ula has been appointed to the same

situation at Illawarra

The foundation of a Roman Catholic Chapel was laid at Appin last week by Bishop Poulding. The French Bishop, Monsieur Pompallitr, who arrived in the Colony a few da) s since in tho Riatta, is about to reside at New Zealand

A very handsome marble font has been erected in St James' Church It was purchased from the widow of the late Mr Clcuitt, who was the person that first introduced the manufacture of marble into this Colony.

On Thnrsd ly Mi Polack bl ought to the hammer Mr Ryder's property, which fetched the following prices. The sale was very num erously as well as lespectahly attended, and the prices, when the piesMire ot the tunes is taken into consideration, weie high -The villa and grounds to Mr. Sempill at £3225; the cotUsre &t to Mr E Hunt «t 1100/, 118 feet allotment Mr Anderson 52 li, 00 leet ditto Mr Nash 195«, GO fi et tinto Mr Wilkins Ubi, ono in ire and foal Mr Christie Ail, ditto Mr Donaldson 4GÍ, ditto Mr. Crampton 432, ditto Mi Aspinall 62/, ditto Mt Aspinall til, ditto Mr Aspnall Bil, ditto Mr. Crampton SU, ditto Mr Crampton 40/, ditto Mi Donaldson -10/ , ditto Mr Hunter 51/, one mare Mi Robeits ¿01, ditto Mr Webb ¿32, ditto Mr Martyn 29/, ditto Mr Martyn SO/, ditto Mr Goidon 55/, ditto Mr Aspinall 30/, one inaie mid foal Mr Gordon 46/, ditto Mr Stephens 43/, ditto Mr Christie 24/, ditto Mi Unwin 31/, one filly Mr Eaiie al/, one maie Mr ¡stephens 38/, ditto Colonel White 54/, one

ditto and foal Mr W<bb27/, one nine Mi j Dunn 40/, ditto Colonel White 6G/, ditto Mi Stephens 47/, ditto Mr IMaishall 11/, ditto Mi I Dawson iii, ditto Mr Heain 282, ditto Mr

Quinn 31/, ditto Mr Webb 43/, one gelding Mi Hunter 35/, one mare Mr Gordon 38/, ditto Mi Benington 30/, ditto Mi Wilkinson 43/, ditto Mi Don Mil, ditto and foil Mr Hiintei 30/, one m ne Mr Huntei 41/, ditlo and f al Mi Baxtei 60/, one nine Mr Goidon 41/, ditto and foal Mr Fietnun ¿91, ditto Mi Quinn 44/, one mate Mr Hunter 38/, ditto Mr Hill 35/, ditto and foal Mi Quinn 36/, ditto Mr Cleeve 45/, one male Mi Cleeve 30/, ditto Mr Benington 31/, one gelding Mi Par-bury Ti/, one blown tilly Mr Baxtei 28/, one Cleveland entire, Sampson, Mr Lawson 265l; one entire, Black Punce, Mr Manning 61l; one chestnut entue, Majoi Nunn 21/-lotal, 7 932/ SECOND DAY -One maie Mi Brenan 31/, one ditto Mr Huntei 34/, one ditto Mr Mums Sil, ont ditto and foal Mi Hcain32/, one ditto ditto Mi ¡sempill 28/, one ditto ditto Mr Morns 35/, one ditto ditto Mr Moms HI, one ditto ditto Mi Turburn 16/ 10s , one filly Mr Roberts 12/ 10s, oin ditto Mr K lins 18/10«, one coll Mr TI}ni 11/10?, one filly Captain Huntei 20/, two lillies Mi Kains 2J/, one colt M yoi Nunn 18/, one ditto Mi Nu liol

sou la/lui, one filly Mr Nicholson 1 ¿I, one colt Mr Rohprts21Z, one hlly Mr 1 lynn 12/, foin ditto Mi Roberts 49/, one gelding Mi Bunin ¿71, one mare Mr Paine 10/15s , one ditto and foal Mr Moms 35/, one colt Mi

Parker 15/, hfl« i n young heifeis mil bulls Mr John Jones 48/ 15s, one bundled ind twenty hvetowsMr WH Hovell 706/ii, fifty cows Mr ¡sempill '¿ill !0A UNO hundred and ten cows Mr R. Campbell 892/ 10s , one hun-dred fat bullocks Mr J Atkinson 087/ 10s , on0 hundred and sixtv four heifeis Mr Hovell 430/10«_Total, 11,7771 5s..

The iron steam boat is nearly completed, she was launched last week, and will make a trip for the purpose of trying her engines on Thursdny She draws very few inches of water, and it n expected that with a cargo and passengers her draught will not exceed eighteen inches