Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Monday 27 January 1840, page 2


We have received Port Phillip papers to the

16th ult.

The new paper (the Herald) is very well con-ducted, and very neatly got up. We give a few extracts from the various pipers, in order of date. By the way, we must not forget to notice the appro praite motto chosen by the editor of the Port Phillip Phillip Herald "Impartial—not neutral." The choice is judicious—the sentiment is just. A neutral J numil is a vi le i puru ii, but an i/npaitial j lurnitl-one », w ithout my view to patty, can-vasses bath sides of a question, and at uves at a conclusion from due, fur, and fatthtul consideration of the subicct under review, should be valued, and ever will be v iltied To e induct ti jiuinalaftci that fashion is what every j mi nahst should ann at Time should be no swcivmg fiom the motto, juste ludtcato J'he motto ol oui Pott Phillip contení

ixitiuy implies tint admuable sentiment, ind we smeeieh hope tint he will adhere to (he pi maple which it ineuleitis, bec mse by so dum., he w ' acquuc w ealth and I une-both ot w Inch w e w îsh lum to ittain Hit foil «Mii" are extracts fiom the va

tims pipers _

(Pott Phillip Hei alt', ianuatu'Sid )

We have much satisfaction in announcing to our renders from good authority, the gratifying infor-mation that the district of Port Phillip is not included in the monopoly of coal granted to the Australian Agricultural Company , and consequently that there exists no obstacle to the Colonists obtaining coal from Western Port, or any other place nearer to Mel-bourne where it mayv be found

SrLA.vi_1.he miiabitants of Melbourne will be glad to leam that a Urge steamer, named the Madagascai, has been sent for to the Isle of France, by Mr Manning, of Stdiicv , she is intended to ply between tint port and Melbourne, A laige steam tug ot thirty-five horse powei h is also been ordered by a leidino- mcicantile house at Svdney, for the purpose of plying between M ilium's lown and Melbourne Hie former of these vessels muy be.expected here within the next three, and the hitter within six, months fiom the present time [Hie Madagaicai, we have since leaincd, has been forivardcd to India.]

Mu Hoddll-The llcjenuc Cutter Punce Geoiac has brought puvutc information which mav be relied upon, that Su Gcotgc Gipps has accepted Mr Hoddles rci^iutton, which that gentleman,it is supposed, hil tend led some few weeks n^o, in consequence, wc believe, of the Govciment ictusing to raise his salan Mi Hoddle, it appears did not mean to resign, His Eicellencv Mi II says has misunderstood his e miniuuication, w Inch w es merelv that he might be allow ed to retne on a gratuity

SiiFrr-A gentleman on whose accuracy we can ich, ltifotins us that about a week ago he observed sheep being shipped for Hob ut Town at W lllmm's Toivn that avcia^ed upivaids of one hundred weight


(Pott Phillip Patt lot, January bth)

Suburihv Allotments-We understand tha'

orders are houily expected from Svdney to du.poseof py public auction anothet portion of suburb m allot ments, for wInch we antitipate much coui|)ctitioti

Geelong -.W c leam w ith gi e it pie isure, th it the Police Magistrate, at present stationed at Geelong takes great pains to make the few Goveinmeiitliiinds placea at his disposal eflcctive Hie ford, which lins hithcito proved so dangerous, has been rendered sale and practicable bv lins zealous ofii cr

(Pott Phillip Heat Id, Januaiy 7)

Bru»-The foui pound loaf loscycstcrditv fiom Is lOd to 2s, the next am val from Sydniv vii! doubt-less bring news w Inch will reduce the price again considerably

îstw Jouiinhi-Ate have been mfoiincd that Mr Le Soucfi, f ithei of Mr Le Soucfi", of the Cus

toms dep irtnicnt, has it in contcmplition to com-mence another new spapor tn Melbourne at an earlv pet tod.

(Pott Phillip Gazette, Januaiy 8 )

The New lcirlnsb en ushered in with violent

gales of wind, iiccompuucd by storms of thunder and lightning, which fionithe experience we have lnthet to had ot the season, arc both unexpected and m jurious On Fnduy best about the lunn of five pin , asuelden Hld sevcic squall of wind and i uni swept the expanse of the harbotii, and passed over Mel bourne in the manner of a heivv thunder storm The toie top-gallant mast ot the Lui I Stanhipe now loading foi New Zeal mel, was shivered by tile lightning, nnd a nleasittc boat bcloHgmt to J P Muiinv, lisq, ot Alelbourne, was capsized in seven

feet w ater

Comminders hiving experience in the nivigtition of Bass' Straits, give their opinion that the summer season is more productive ot hard and continued gales fiom the southwaid and westwaid, than even that ot the Equinoxes. Wlntcvei it may have proved m the more open sea-at Melbourne this month ;has been genet lily noted for its sultry op pic'sive beut, sometimes followed as in 18s3 by tvo or three weeks of lntcrmittiint min

(Port Phillip Patriot, January 9 )

GtELOsr -Wc find that a Presbvtenan Chuich is about to be erected in this tow nship, and the building is shortly to be commenced upon Mr Fisher, a gentleman cqmiectcd with tlntdistiict, has visited Melbourne within this last week foi the pur nose of raising cantributions towards it, and, we hear, lie has met with much success

Extraordinary Cucumber -A Cucumber mea

suring two feet and a quarter of an inch in length, and seven inches and a quarter in circumference, is now growing in the garden of John Hodgson, Esq , in Flinders lane, under the superintendence of Mr

James Kember

(Pott Phillip Uetaid, Januaiy 10 )

Towv Allotments-On Monday Mr Biodio sold by auction, seveu allotments of land in Queen street, which leahsed the following puces -25 feet frontage to Quecn-slseet, Mr Malcolm, Í2S8 Us, 25ditto, ditto, Mr Newton, Í28315s, 25 ditto, ditto, Mi Brown, Í2TO, 25 ditto, ditto, Mr Thomas, -£263 10s, 25 ditto, ditto, Mi Thomas, £2o0, 4b feet frontage to Flindcr's-laiic Mi Pender, -Ê&00 , l8 ditto, ditto. Mi Pcndci, 1162 -Total, £2{X)l

Masonic-\ geneial meeting of the fiecmasons of Melbourne was held at the Lamb Inn on Mond ty evening last, for the puipose of forming'buy-huvs tor the íccently established Lodge of Australia Felix, under the TJnttcd Grand Lodge of England A liberal subscription was cnteicd into on the occasion, foi the purpose of picturing the insignia and jewels of the v arious masonic orders from Sydney Another meeting will be held on Monday evening next, to take into consideration the measures to be adopted for the election of n lodj,c

f Poj t Phillip Hei aid, Januaiy 11 )

THE BLACKS.-Intelligence reached Melbourne on Saturday that a strong party of armed blacks, headed bv Jacky Jacky, were committing depreda-tions on the property of the settlers on the Yarra Yarra, near the Stringy Bark Range, and had fired several times upon the owners when endeavouring to rid themselves of the aggressors. Mr. Gisborne and his party started off immediately in pursuit of the depredators, the protectors, Messrs. Ro-binson and Parker being both absent from their stations. The blacks are said to be very trouble-some and dangerous customers in this particular neighbourhood.

Portland Bay-We have been kindly favoured by Captain Moore, of the revenue cutter Punce George, with some intelligence respecting his late visit to Portland Bay to ascertain its capabilities as a harbour for shipping, and we regret to say, Cap-tain Moore's report is far from favourable. The bay, it seems, is very much exposed to the fury of the south-east winds, but the anchorage is good, with a stiff green clayey bottom in six fathoms water. With the wind from south-west to east a heavy sea sets in, and at such times a landing cannot be effected without difficulty, indeed, generally speak-ing, on such occasions it is altogether impracticable. Captain Moore is of opinion that Portland Bay can never be a place of importance, excepting as an outlet for the shipping of wool. The land in the immediate vicinity of the bay, with the exception of a narrow belt about eight hundred acres in extent, is exceedingly sterile, and unsuitcd to agricultural purposes ; indeed, no land of any extent fit for such purposes is to be found within thirty-five miles of the bay. Captain Moore found at the bay only Mr. Henty's establishment, consisting of thirty people, and a Mr. Cook, who was about to proceed to the interior. The report that upwards of three hundred persons had settled there, turns out a hoax.

W ESTLrtN Port -We hav e also been favoured ty Captun Mooie with some intelligence respecting his visit to Western Poit, whither the revenue cutter went in search of the coal sud to be found there On the east side ot the biy, below Ililli water maik, C iptuin Mooie found a strtta of coal, but it was of inferior quality and of very mconsidtirablc thickness, besides, on that side of the bay a mud flat exists vi ich would pi event íes. els drawing more than nine feet w\ter fiom coming wilhm half a mile of the beach where the ceal is lhere is a runlom that coal of a much better quality and in gi eater abun il ince has been discovered about four or fiv e miles inlaid, but Ciptnin Mooie bud no oppcrtunity of accci turning whether it was correct Captain Mooie reports the harboui to be so well protected at the entrance that no sea can roll in to do iny damage , theic is good anchorage in stiff mud in six fathoms water, but the navigation of the bav is diflicult, owing to the existence of numerous mui| flats, the position of which is at present altogethei unknown Fresh water can be obtained on Phillip Island, near the best anchorage, which is ofi Sandy Point Mr Anderson, a settler, lives on the east side of the Port at a station abaut four miles up a small creek, bjt his residence is only ucccssablcin small vcfselsand boats

There is other matter in the Port Phillip jpapcrs, but not such as to admit of immeidiatc and hasty selection We shall look through the papers again, and glean what >v e have left behind
