Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Monday 9 January 1837, page 4


IN consequence of the large number of copies of the Sydney Herald printed every publication to meet the demand of its circulation, it is necessary to " send the Form to Press" much earlier than heretofore, to ensure the delivery early in the morning; therefore, Notice is hereby given to all Parties who may be desirous of their Adver-tisements appearing in the fol-lowing Number of the Herald, to forward them to the Office, Lower George-street, at an early hour on Wednesdays and Satur-days, otherwise they will have to stand over till the next publi-


Herald Office,

December 19th, 1836._


that Mr. Frederick Michael Stokes, of Puen Buen, Dart Brook, is duly empowered to transact all my business, to whom, in future,

reference is to be made.

(signed) JOHN BINGLE. Puen Buen, Dart Brook,

December 23, 1836._


THE Business heretofore carried on

under the firm of Castle and Dawson,

having devolved on Richard Dawson, he begs to offer his thanks to the Public for past support, and to intimate that no attention or care on his

part shall be wanting to deserve its continuance. RICHARD DAWSON


THE Undersigned cautions the Public from employing William Pitman, brick-maker, free by servitude, he having absconded from my service and is under a written agree-ment to make me a certain quantity of Bricks, which he has commenced and left unfinished, and is considerably in debt; any Parson harbouring or employing him after this date will be prose-cuted according to law.

Description—Name, William Pitman; native place, Gloucester; trade or calling, brickmaker; year of birth, 1806; age, thirty years; height, about six feet; complexion, sallow; hair, dark brown; eyes, grey; several marks on his person.


Invermein, December 28, 1836._


ALL Persons are hereby requested not

to give Trust or Credit to any one on my account, unless a written authority, hearing my signature, be produced, as I will not be respon-sible for any Debt or Debts that may ho con-tracted, without the authority afoiesaid, after

this notice.


Sydney, January 4, 1837.


To Constables and Others.

A WARRANT having been issued for

the apprehension of Andrew Thomson, a native of Scotland, charged with embezzlement: a Reward of Two Pounds will be given by the undersigned to any Person apprehending him.

DESCRIPTION—About twenty-five years of age; complexion, light; eyes, blue; hair, light; height, five feet eleven inches; and rather slender.


Sydney, George-street,

December 29, 1836._


THE Undersigned will buy WOOLS

this Season, or make advances on Shipments of Wool to Messrs. A. A. Gower, Nephews and

Co , London.


Charlotte place, December 1, 1836._


MY Wife, Sarah Clarke, having absconded

from her home without any just cause or provocation, I hereby caution the Public from allowing her to contract any Debts or re-ceive Monies on my account, as I will not be answerable for the same; and I furthor make known my determination to prosecute any per-son who shall he found harbouring the said Sarah Clarke from this date.



Witness—J. E. DAVIES.

Falbrook, December 27, 1836._


THE interest and responsibility of the

late Mr. Edward Jones ceased in our Estab-lishment on the 31st December, 1835; and that Stuart Alexander Donaldson, and John Stephen Ferriter, will become Partners in the House on the 1st proximo. The business will be conducted

as heretofore under the firm of


Sydney, December 28, 1836._


THE Undersigned have Removed

from Lower George-street to the Premises recently erected by Messrs Kenworthy and Lord, in Harrington-street.


Harrington-street, December 31, 1836._


ALL Persons having claims upon the

Estate of the late Thomas Haggitt, Esq., Solicitor, are requested to furnish particulars of the same forthwith, to the undersigned; and those who stand indebted to the said Estate will have the goodness to settle their respective accounts with as little delay as possible.

(Signed) J. E. MANNING,

Registrar of the Supreme Court, Registrar's Office, Sydney, 29th December, 1836._


A SERVA NT, formerly at the Gazette

Office, named John Warner, and since employed and lately discharged by me, having been during the last faw days to various persons with Forged Orders for the delivery of goods, purporting to be signed by Mrs. Lee (and having succeeded in three cases); and a Warrant having been issued for his apprehension, all Persons are strictly cautioned to deliver nothing or pay any monies on my account but by a written order and then only on being certain as to the genuineness of the signature of Mrs. Lee or myself.


Bligh-street, January 4, 1837._

Strayed from Mr. George Barber's

Station near Yass,

A ROAN coloured Poney MARE, with

switch tail, and short bagged mane, branded under the saddle off side S ; she strayed away in company with a Mare belonging to Mr. Bland, of Sydney. Any person delivering her to Peter Moody, Esq , Yass; John Hume, Esq., Collingwood; or Mr. Richards, Argyle Inn,

Boxtoy, will receive Five Pounds._



TWO hundred and fifty Head of Horned

CATTLE, of excellent Breed, and in prime condition, consisting of aged Bullocks, Milch Cows, Heifers, and Steers, and which are depasturing near to Ballallubby, adjoining the Station of James Browne, Esquire. Also, Four hundred acres of fine arable Land, at the same place, a Grant from the Crown, and watered by the Oroomea Creek, near its junction with the Shoalhaven River, which secures for the said Cattle, a run of unlimited extent. Also, Four good Stock Horses, with saddles, bridles. &c., a Dray and Harness, together with utensils for forming a Dairy. Also, the right to an immense number of Cattle, running wild, in the vicinity of the said Station, but which, at a trifling ex-pense, might be collected, and would amply

repay the Purchaser.

For further particulars, apply to


Ashfield, Parramatta Road. Sydney, December 30, 1836._





THIS DAY, the 9th instant, at eleven

o'clock precisely, at the King's Wharf,


Terms made known at time of Sale._




At the King's Wharf, THIS DAY, the 9th

instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely,

TWENTY tierces Prime Colonial Beef

Nine hogsheads ditto, in excellent Con-


Terms made known at time of Sale._



TOMORROW, the 10th instant, at eleven

o'clock precisely, at his Rooms, Lower George-

street, without reserve,

FIFTY DEALS, 15 to 20 feet,

Two cases London Hats One case ditto, superior

Seven casks Ironmongery

Three bales conrse Cluth Two bales Sugatheas

Six casks Wine Corks, very superior

Sixteen barrels Rosin

Eight quarter casks Vinegar Ten hogsheads ditto

Twelve pieces Beavcrteetr

One Medicine Chest (London fitted up) Five bags Pimento

Nine Catties Souchong Tea

Ten Tea Caddies

Two Writing Desks

Whited Brown Paper Cayenne Pepper

Invoice of fancy Glassware

Glass Beads of colours, for the Island trade Child's Carriage

Various articles of Furniture

Portable Scales and Weights.

After which, if landed time, One case JEWELLERY.

Terms made known at time of sale. _




At the Royal Hotel, on the 28th instant, to

follow the Salcoftho New-town Allotments,

EIGHT Allotments, in the rapidly

increasing shipping town of Clarence, on the Williams' ; two of which have frontage to the o:- -'streoi and River-lane. These Allot-ments are close to Messrs. Marshall and Lowe's, the enterprising shipbuilders, and are daily and hourly increasing in value in a County of such rising importance as this is in its maritime speculations. Plans and Specifications to be seen at the Offices of the Auctioneer, 5, Terry's

buildings, Pitt-street.

Title—A Grant from the Crown.

TERMS—Ten per cent. on the fall of the hammer; and the residue by approved Bills at

three and six months._



IS instructed by the . Proprietor to offer

to Public Competition, on FRIDAY, the 20th of January instant, at twelve o'clock, at the Royal Hotel, Twelve Allotments of LAND in the above flourishing Village, now one of the principal suburbs of Sydney. This Property is of itself of such value, that comment would be superfluous; suffice it to say, that it is on the high Road to Cook's River, within half a mile of the present boundary of the Metropolis, in the furthest part of which the Government minimum price is £1,000 per acre, but more commonly selling at £2,000; but how long will New Town remain outside the boundary? It is contended that in less than three years, Sydney must extend even further than New Town, especially when the new Military Barracks (of which the first stone is to be laid in a few days in the immediate neigh-bourhood) shall be finished. And moreover, these Allotments are surrounded by the properties and seats of David Chambers, Esq., Captain Brown, — Wilson, Esq., Robert Campbell, Esq., M.C., Mr. Iredale, and others. And the Cook's River road to Tempe, the beautiful seat of A. B. Spark, Esq., has already become one of the most favorite drives out of the metropolis, and on the instant the contemplated improvements shall take place, land on that line of road will, as a matter of course, rise enormously in value. Those who now lose sight of this sale will then have real cause to regret it. A large Brickmaking Estab-lishment is on the adjoining property, and as the land is entirely cleared and stumped, and has been in high cultivation, it is ready for building on. A Public House is particularly required on this immediate spot, and with care and economy would realise a speedy independence to the Pro-


Terms—Ten per Cent. on the fall of the ham-mer, and approved Bills for the residue at three

and six months.

Title—A Grant from the Crown.

Plans anti specifications to be seen at the offices of the Auctioneer, No. 5, Terry's Buildings,


To Capitalists, Mechanics, Tradesmen

and others.

Eligible investment of a small capital in

Freehold Property, situated in the

thriving and thickly populated town

of Singleton, at Patrick's Plains.


At the Royal Hotel, George-street, Sydney,

TO-MORROW, 10th day of January, 1837, at eleven o'clock precisely, without the least


TEN Half Acre Building Allotments,

at Singleton, at Patrick's Plains, subject to the usual conditions of Town Allotments sold by


Full particulars may be ascertained, and a plan of the town seen upon application to the Auc-


Terms—Twenty per cent. deposit; the residue by a Bill at three months.

Purchasers to pay their own conveyance._



In Sussex & King-streets, Sydney.

Farms at Campbelltown, Curryjong, the

Hawkesbury River, &c., being a

portion of the property of the

Estate of the late George

Howe, Esq., deceased.


BEGS to notify that he has received instructions from ihe Legatees of the above-named Estate, Thomas Wills, Esq., J. P , Edward Lee, Esq , Horatio Wills, Esq., and others, to sell without reserve, in the ensuing month of January, sundry Farms situate in the above-mentioned Districts ; also, a most in-valuable plot of Land, situate nt the corner of King and Sussex streets, to both of which it has a considerable frontage, being immediately opposite Fotheringham's Patent Slip, Aspinall's Soap Manufactory, the Commercial Wharf, Darling Harbour, &c. As the same is extensive it will be divided into allotments, particulars of which will be notified in a future advertisement, as soon as the Surveyor's plans now in preparation are completed.

N.B.—Terms highly liberal._


To Storekeepers, Small Farmers, Settlers,

and Others.



At the Royal Hotel, on TUESDAY, the 17th

dav of January, 1837, without the least reserve, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon,

A FIFTY ACRE FARM, situate at

Mangrove Creek, in the County of North-umberlnnd, about one mile distant from the place well-known as Breakfast Creek.

The soil is most excellent, and tho situation is capitally adapted for a Store, owing to the im-mense population and innumerable Farming Stations all around the spot, and the great bene-fits to be derived from a Waterside Frontage, securing a Water Carriage to and from Sydney, as boats are continually passing and re-passing every hour in the day-the distance from Sydney to this excellent Estate is thirty miles, and by water about four hours journey,-lhere is a quantity of excellent Wood on the Ground, about ten acres are cleared, and about five more in cultivation.

Title—A Grant from theCrown.

TERMS—Twenty per cent. on the fall of the hammer, the residue by approved bills at three

and four months._



One thousand seven hundred and suventy-three

acres of choice Land at Cabramatta, in the

County of Cumberland.

MESSRS. S. & M. have been honored

with instructions from the Proprietor, to submit to Public Competition, at the Royal Hotel, Sydney, on SATUR DAY. the 14th day of January, 1837, in two Lots, all that rich tract of Land, situated at Cabramatta, divided into two Farms, containing respectively eight hundred and sixty-three and nine hundred and ton acres of rich Pasture and Agricultural Land, (being abun-dantly supplied with Water,) that was judiciously selected prior to the year 1803. the whole now surrounded with a good substantial four-rail fence,

and is well known as the best in one of the best

grazing firms in the County of Cumberland. There is a Shepherd's residence on the Land, and a number of acres cleared and have been in cultivation.

The locality of this Land recommends it to the particular notice of Graziers in Argyle and the New Country, being so contiguous to the main road, and distant from Sydney, twenty-five miles; Parramatta, ten miles; Liverpool, six miles; and the quality of the soil, abundance of Grass and good Water point its eligibility for a Dairy or large Agricultural Establisliment în a good and respectable neighbourhood; adjoining the large Estates of Sir John Wylde. Rev- S, and Dairy Establishments.

Title—A Grant from tho Crown, at a

Peppercorn Rent.

Terms of Sale—Ten per cent, deposit on the fall of the hammer ; the residue by approved bills at three and six months; or, if required, fifty per cent, of the purchase money may be ex-tended to twelve months, with interest on mort-gage, or other approved security.

Plan shewing the Water-courses, &c , at the Auction Mart, King street, Sydney._

A small Allotment of Building Ground,

situated hi Kent-street North, com-

manding a delightful view of

Darling Harbour, the Par-

ramatta River, North

Shore, &c. &c.


At the Rovnl Hotel, without reserve, on TUES-

DAY, 17th January, 1837.


GROUND, situate in Kent-street North, adjoining the Premises of Stephen Moore Bur rows, Esq. The snot commands a delightful and extensive view of Darling Harbour, the North Shore, Parramatta River, the Cove, Shipping, &c. &c. There is most excellent stone on the ground, being of the same description as at the Government Quarries, which will be found very beneficial to the purchaser. The allotment con-tains thirty-five feet frontage, with the right of building over a seven feet gateway reserved, and a depth of one hundred and twenty-live feet.

Messrs. S & M. feel a pleasure in submitting this allotment to the attention of speculators in building, and those who are desirous of becoming proprietors of land in the most pleasant and thriving part of the town.

Title—A Grant from the Crown. "'

Terms of Sale—Ten per cent. deposit on the fall of the hammer, and the residue by approved

Bills at three months._

Four Hundred and Forty Fine Woolled

Fives, heavy in Lamb.



At the Auction Mart, on THURSDAY. 12th

January, 1837, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given, °

A BEAUTIFUL Flock of Fine

_/^. Woolled EWES, heavy in lamb, now

depasturing at Bathurst Plains, to lamb in January, from the well known Stock of John Piper, Esq.

Terms declared at time of Sale.

N. B.-Should any Gentleman require n Flock of Sheep of the above description, there will be no difficulty in making a Private Sale, as they can be delivered immediately, and the terms are






At the Auction Mart, Sydney, on WEDNES-

DAY, the I8th January, at eleven o'clock,

ALL those capital Ten Acres of im-

portant Building Ground, in the heart of Maitland, immediately facing Mr. Cohen's Rose Inn, and running down to the Race Course, di-vided into Allotments for the convenience of the constantly increasing population of this rising town. Title, a Grant from the Crown.

Terms very liberal.

Plan at the Auction Mart._


1000 ACRE FARM, the Sale of

which was Postponed last week at the request of several Gentlemen, will now be positively brought to. the hammer THIS DAY, 9th January,


At the Auction Mart, at half.past 1] o'clock.

This is a capital well watered Farm, ad-joining Messrs Harper, Bunker, Antill, Black-well, Crawford, Panton, &e., and the Plan at the Auction Mart will shew its admirable posi-tion as the key to the Southern Districts of the Colony.


1&2 ACB.E3 AT Cfl.SXLDIl,HJiGn.


THIS DAY, January 0, 1837,

AGRAPÎT from the Crown to the

. ,, late Mr. Lees,

'''lan and particulars may be seen at the Auc-

tion Mart.

After which,

A capital Building Allotment on Bunker's Hill,

with thirty-eight feet frontage lo New George street, by a depth of seventy-two feet, being a part of the Land formerly sold by Mr. Richard Lang, and overlooking the Harbour and Ship-ping._



Valuable Properties, with Extensive River

Fi-ontages, immediately abone Pulpit

Point, on the Parramatta River.



On THURSDAY, 2fith January, the Fiftieth

Anniversary of the Foundation of the Colony, at the Auction Mart, precisely at Eleven


60 VILLA Allotments, of One and

Two Acres each, just across the Ferry, only seven miles from town by land, and half an hour by the Steamer, immediately fronting the

Five Docks:

These Allotments, which the Surveyor is now engaged upon, are some of the most striking and beautiful situations on the River, while the Soil is rich and capable of producing almost anything being of the same fertile quality as the land about Kissing Point and generally on the north side of

the Parramatta River.

Parties intending to purchase those Villa Plots will find a great advantage and saving in buying land of good quality, where they may provide their own Vegetables and grow Barley without trouble or expense; for nothing can be more miserable than being surrounded with an hungry, iron stone scrub that would starve a bandicoot.

The Plan of these sixty small Farms may be seen any day after Monday next at the Auction Mart, and the Terms are most liberal, viz.: Five per cent. Cash deposit, and an approved indorsed Bill at Three Years date for the residue, bearing Bank Interest.

Any Family or Gentleman in town, whether Merchants or Military or Civil Officers, wishing to escape from the dust and mosquitoes of Sydney, from civic revelry to rural pleasures and occupa-tions, and enjoy a Ferme Ornée on the north bunk of the River, within a twenty minutes sail by Steam, will find this a desirable opportunity of obtaining a cheerful residence and a few acres of excellent Land, upon very easy terms.

Also, at the same Time and Place,

600 Acres on the Parramatta Road, immediately

facing the Allotments lately sold by Doctor Harris, and marked out and divided into small


A Credit of Ten Years will be given to the Purchaser of this Property, paying only eight per cent. Interest, willi a deposit of merely fi»'e

per cent.

This Land is well known to he of the finest

quality, and will repay the buyer by its produce in the first year or two. There is n large frontage to the Parramatta Road, and it will be positively sold to the highest bidder on the day stated. '

.arm, immediately A/terwaras,

300 Acres on the Parramatta RK-er, at the head

of the deep water, divided into suitable Allot - ments for Villas, opposite Concord.

Terms-Five per cent deposit, and Ten Years credit at eight per cent, for the balance.

These three Properties, on the Parramatta Road and River, to be sold by James and Co.

on the Anniversary of the Colony, the 26th of January, al the Auction Mart, and »vhich James and Co.'s Surveyor is busily engaged upon to have the Plans ready in time for the day of Sale, (when they »vill be lithographed for general inspection), are all of first-rale character as to soil and situation ; mid will be sold remarkably cheap, asd upon the very extended credit of Three and Seven Y'ears, paying only eight per cent.

Intending Purchasers are requested to ride out and look ai the quality of the soil before they buy; and to bear in mind, that in purchasing un-improved land and »vhich cannot be made im-mediately productive, it is of great consequence to the buyer to have a long credit._

Mr. Potter Macqueen's Twenty Allotments

in West Maitland.



At the Auction Mart, Sydney, on THURSDAY,

the 2nd February, the day following the Sale of Mr. Eales' Sheep, without any reserve,

Oí) SPACIOUS Building Plots, in ^" ihe heart of West Maitland, according

to a Pian now exhibiting at the Auction Mart, by order and for account of the Proprietor, Thomas Potter Macqueen, Esq.

For Terms and Dimensions.of each Lot apply

to James and Co._



On THURSDAY, the 2nd of February.

70 BALES WOOL from esteemed Flocks, at Argyle and the Upper


TERMS—Approved Bills at 3 months._ KING-STREET.


On SATURDAY, 4th February next, on the


ALL that first-rate Mercantile Resi-

dence in King-street, Sydney, lately occu-pied by Mr. James Simmons, Merchant, and now rented for a short term to Messrs, Simmons and Marks, Auctioneers. The .situation i.s considered one of the best stands in Town for business, and the stores are capable of containing two or three ships'cargoes. The frontage to King-street is about seventy feet, which, according to some late Sales at £52 per foot, is £3G4t) for the ground, and the Building, »vhich is entirely of cut ashler, three stories high, and one of the most striking elev.uions in Town, could not be valued al less than £2300 in its present state, though it cost up»vards of £2500, at a time when materials »vere much cheaper than they are now.

The premises are so »veil known, that it is un-necessary to describe them more particularly Permission will be given by the tenants to any respectable parties desirous of going over the ex-tensive Warehouses with a view to purchase, as it is intended to proceed to sale on the day fixed ; and the upset price, notwithstanding the afore-said reduction, will be £2700.

The Terms of Sale will be 20 per cent. Cash deposit, on the fall ot the hammer; and the residue by approved Bills at 3, 6, and 9 months date, from the clay of Sale, bearing Bank In-terest, with security on the Property.

Title—3. Crown Grant.

To Capitalists and Gentlemen disposed to invest part of the proceeds of their Wool, this is a fine opportunity for securing a handsome Rental or a first, class Town Property._


Eight Email Farms at Cook's Uiver,

Throe Miles frcm Sydney.


At the Auction Mart, on WEDNESDAY, 18th

instant, without íeserve.

ONE capital little Farm of 12^ acres,

rich land

One " I2i « One » 12+ " One " 12* "

One 'Í 12j " One " 12£ '. One V " 12J " One " 12Í "

situate on the right hand side of the old road leading to Botany, and extonding down to the waters of Cook's River, a very little way beyond the Waterloo Mills. It is rich swampy soil in most parts, and always well watered; It is an easv distance from Town, and to Market Garden-ers or growers of green forage, &c, n sure fortune. It resembles the productive Garden Grounds in the neighbourhood of London, about Isleworlh and Bicntford. where land not a whit better than this, lets for £30 an acre of annual rent, morely to supply Covcnt Garden Market.

All cultivators of Garden ground know, that in this climate nothing can be done well without water. Even about London, where the climate is moist and foggy, willi more rainy days iu the year than fine ones; the Market Gardeners are up late and early at the well, and the bucket is never idle 'Tis the water which pays the rent, mid in a country so scarce of water as New South Wales generally, and Sydney in particular, these swampy spots, close to a flourishing Sea Port, are not sufficiently appreciated. The question asked by all purchasers now is, what is the land fit for, and %vhat will it produce to pay me for my outlay.

These eight little Farms, down in the hollow beyond the Surry Hills, for Sale, Wednesday, 18th, nnd within twenty minutes drive from Town, will prove to the purchaser, what can be done by an industrious man when he has got a good soil to work upon, and plenty of water.

TERMS-Twenty per cent, deposit, and ap-proved endorsed Bills at 3 months for the residue.

The Plan will be ready in n few days._



On WEDNESDAY, 1st February, 1837,at the

Auction Mart, (immediately after the sale of Mr. Eales' Sheep)

£>(& PURE BRED SAXON RAMS, *&*' the descendants of the well known and

distinguished Flocks imported into this Colony by Mrs. Templeton, of Concoid. A guarantee will he given if required.

253 Beautiful Estate Bred Rams, nearly pure

blood, from the celebrated Sheep-walks of Lockyersleigh, on the Wollondilly

These Rams will be divided into lots as per printed desariptive Caids, to be had al the Auc-tion Mart, und may be inspected after the 21st instant, at Ermington, near Pairamatta.

James & Co. consider this a capital opportunity for Sheep Buyers to secure a selection of fine Rams, the owner only parting willi them because he is desirous of changing the blood by purchas-ing some of the Spartan's Rams just arrived

from Lord Western's Flocks in Essex.




At the Commissariat Stores, Si/dney, on

FRIDAY, the lßth instant, at Ten o'clock, on account of the Accountant Gâterai of His Majesty's Navy,

Til H E following Articles landed from JL Prison Ships, viz.

Peas, Raisins. Suet, Chocolate, Vinegar,

LimeJuicc,Wine, Biscuit DUM, damaged fmnfcT'of Heading, Iron Hoops, Hides, Bedding, Clothing, Hospital Furniture,

and other Articles.

On account of the Commissariat. 100 Bags of Maize

600 Casks in Shooks

Staves, Heading, Iro?i Hoops, old

Iron, Tools, Implements, Harness,

and other Articles.

On account of the Ordinance.

A quantity of damaged Clothing, and other


Commissariat Office,

Sudncy, 27th December, 1836.


A ST RON G substantially built fat

floored Vessel, coppered and copper fastened, of about Thirty Tons measure-ment ; drawing, when laden, not more than seven feet water, lo be found with Spars, Sails, Anchors, Cables, standing Rigging, and every requisite for sea. /"Provision exceptedj A specification of the principal articles may he seen, and further information obtained at the Office of the Master Attendant. Also, a small four oared whale Boat. Parties ivilling to build a Vessel of the above description, to state the pt ice per tun register} as also the period required for the purpose.

Tenders for supplying the same, will be received at this Office until Thursday, the ' 12th January 7iext, at Noon.


Commissariat Office, Sydney,

1st January, 1837.

"VJ OTICE is hereby given, that Tenders J3l will be received at this Office until Wednesday, the 15th day of February, at Noon, for furnishing: for the Military and Convict Service, in the several Districts, the Supplies undermentioned, in such quantities as may be required, during Twelve Calendar ¡Months, commencing the 1st April next, under the conditions hereafter specified, viz.


1. Tho Military Ration beitig

1 lb. Fresh Meat

' 1 lb. Wheaten Bread

1-7 of an Imperial Quart of Rum 2. The Ration for Male Convicts being

12 ozs. Wheaten Bread

14 ozs Maize or Barley Bread

(the Contractor having the option of giving

20 ozs. Wheaten Bread for the whole.)

8 ozs. Maize Meal 1 ¡b. Fresh Beef

1 oz. Brown Sugar I oz. Salt

J oz. Yellow Soap

3. The Ration for Female Convicts in the

First and Second Classes. 10 ozs. Wheaten Bread

10 ozs. Maize or Barley Bread

(the Contractor having the option of giving

16 ozs. Wheaten Bread for the whole.)

6 ozs. .Maize Meal 12 ozs. Fresh Beef 8 ozs. Vegetables

i oz. Salt

li oz. Brown Sugar

1 oz. Tea

I oz. Yellow Soap

4. Fetiuilo Convicts in the Third Class.

12 ozs. Wheaten Bread 12 ozs. Maize Meal 4 ois. Fresh Beef 8 ozs. Vegetables i oz. Salt

- oz. Yellow Soap

5. For Children of 2 Years and upwards.

8 ozs. Wheaten Bread, best quality

4 ozs. Fresh Beef 4 ozs. ¡Maize Meal 1 Pint Milk

1 oz. Yellow Soap

G. For Children under 2 years.

5 ozs. Wheaten Bread, best quality.

4 ozs. Fresh Beef 1 Pint Milk

1 oz. Yellow Soap

7. For Children under 9 months.

6 ozs. Wheaten Bread, best quality i Pint Muk

i oz. Yellow Soap


Tiio Ration of Forage bein«:

5 lbs. of Maize or Barley

4 lbs. Bran

12 lbs. of Oaten or Cultivated Grass


4 lbs. Wheaten Straw

9. FUEL AND LIGHT. Firewood, per 100 lbs.

Sperm Oil, 1 ~ " T . .

Common Oil, \ Per GalloD> lmP8r,al

Mould Candles, )

Dip Candles, > per lb. Cotton Wick, )

10. FOR HOSPITALS, &c. Fresh Beef ")

Fresh Mutton Maize Meal

The best Wheaten Bread-Bread

of the 2nd and 3rd quality j. per lb.

Arrowroot, Saço, Rice Tea, Smrar, Oatmeal

Salt, Yellow Soap, Pearl Barley

Tobacco, Vegetables J Milk, per Quart

Port Wine, per dozen

Vinegar, per Imperial Gallon Roach Lime, per Bushel

Straw for Bedding-, per 100 lbs.



(To be included in the Sydney District.) Wheaten Meal, 20 per cent. ") Wheaten Mea', 10 per cent.

Maize Mea', ditto |

¡?.nize., I per 100 lbs.

Biscuit i '

Sugar, Tea I Rice, Soap I Colonial Leaf Tobacco J Rum, per Imperial Gallon

To be packed and shipped at the expense

of the Contractor. DISTRICTS.

I. District of Sydney.-The Town of i Sydney and along the Parramatta Road lo

the 8lh mile stone at Burwood ; the Road from Iron Cove Bridge to the Ferry op-posite Bed'am Point; the South Head Road, and all Roads leading to Botany Bay east of the turn-off to Liverpool from

the Parramatta Road.

2 District of Parramatta.-The Town ' of Parramatla and along the Road to Syd-

ney as far as the 8th mile stone al Burwood ; the Road from Parramatta to Liverpool to where it joins the main Road from T.iver . ,,...., i. o, tmey ; me itoacl to the Male i Orphan School ; the Western Road to

Emu Ford ; to Blacktown on the. Rich-mond Road ; the North Road through Mulgoa towards the Cowpastures,' to ils junction with the Liverpool Road at Mr. Blaxland's farm ; the Windsor Road as far as Rouse Hill ; the cross Road In* tim Seven Hills to Tongabbee ; the Nor!li Road to Dural from Parramatta by Castle Hill ; the North Road from Bed'ain Point Ferry to Dural, and all Roads within these already mentioned.

3. District of Liverpool.-The Towns of Liverpool and Campbelltown ; the Road from Liverpool to its junction with the Parramatta Road at Petersham ; all Roads between that Road and Botany Bay and George's River; also from Liverpool to the Cowpasture Bridge ; the cross Road from Carne's farm leading to the North Road ; the North Road from Kirkham to Mr. Blaxland's farm ; the Road leading west from the Male Orphan School to the . Cowpasture Road at Carne's farm ; the'

Road from Liverpool to CampBel town, and from thence to Menangle Ford, and such cross Roads as may be within those


4. Myrtle Creek District.-From the Nepean to the Winge Carrabee River, and including the Township of Berrima.

5. St. Vincent District.-The Country Southward of the Winge Carrabee River and Berrima, including; Lumley, Goulburn,

and Yalbret.

6. Illawarra District.

7. Blue Mountain District.-The Ba-thurst Road from Emu Ford to one mile east of Mount Vittoria, and all Roads be-tween it and the Upper Branch of the Hawkesbury.

8. Bathurst District.-The Town of Bathurst and ten miles round, also, the old and new lines of Road to within one mile of Mount Vittoria.

9. Windsor District.-The Town of Windsor ; the Road as far as Rouse Hill, and all others on that side of the Hawkes-bury above Cattai Creek.

10. Lower Hawkesbury District. -From Wiseman's Ferry, northward lo Baker's Farm ; southward to Great Ma-roota Forest, and westward to Cattai


II. Lower District of Hunter's River. -Newcastle, Maitland, Palerson's Plains, Dungog, both sides of Hunter's River to Black Creek and Glendon ; the Road from Black Creek to Baker's Farm, and all between that and the Coast.

12. Upper District of the Hunter Patrick's Plains, Jerry's Plains, and both sides of Hunter's River upwards from

Black Creek and Glendon.

13. District of Port Stephens.

14. District of Port Macquarie.

15. The Station at Dabee and Mudgee. 16. 7V¡<Í Station at Yass Plains.



1. All the articles required by this no-tice are to be of the best quality of their

several kinds.

2. The Bread for all the purposes above stated must be the produce of clean, souud Colonial Wheat, Barley, and Maize, from which, on the Military Ration 20 per cent.,

and on the Convict Ration 10 per crnl. has been extracted in bran and waste. The Wheaten Bread to be made in loaves of 3 lbs., and the Mixed Bread in loaves of 3| lbs. each, and baked twenty-four hours before being issued.

3. The Fresh Meat for the Military \ Ration to be in the proportion of 5 Ihg. of j beef and 2 ¡bs. of mutton weekly ; oV I liverable alternately in foie and hind ] quarters, when the, quantity admits of it ;

for the Conv'cl Rations the beef is required j in the same manner ; Salted Beef bein" '

issued only in stimuler to Road Parties, Í

and when authoiised.

4. The Maize Meal to he similar in T quality to Wheaten Meal, and to be twice )


5. The Vegetables for the Hospitals and

other Establishments entitled thereto to bo ] supplied in reasonable proportions of Po- P tatoes, Greens, Pumpl.ins, Onions, &c. <

The Rum to be West India, five per j cent, under proof. i


6. No part whatever of the\ Supplies above specified are to be received in charge of the Commissariat, but all to be delivered by the Contractor direct to (lie Parties or Establishments entitled thereto, upon tho written order of the Commissariat Officer in charco of the District, or of the Person authorised for that purpose.

7. The Rations for the Troops, the Con-vict Establishments, and Road and other

parties are to be dcliveted by the Cou- . tractor at the Barracks, Establishments, or Huts where the Parlies to be supplied may bo stationed ; being previously to removal from the Contractor's premises approved by a Person authorised for the purpose.

8. The Forage to be delivered by tl.o Contractor at the Establishments where the Horses or Cattle are stationed, and in case the whole Ration of Forage be not required or delivered, each of the species to be reckoned as the proportion of tha Ration undermentioned, viz : -

The Maize or Barley. .4-12ths. The Hay.5-12ths. The Bran.2-12lhs. The Straw .l-12th. GENERAL CONDITIONS.

9. The whole of the supplies of every desciiption in each District are intended to be included in one Contract ; and, therefore no Tenders can be received unless for supplying the whole without ex-ception that may be required in the entire of a District, and to each District there must be a separate Tender.

10. Provisions and Forage being re-quired by Rations according to scales under these respective heads, the Tenders are required to express the price of per Ration only, and not of the several ar-ticles, excepting thal of Rum, the price of which requires to be separately stated.

11. Fuel and Light, as we.l as the sup-plies for Hospitals'and Penal Settlements, being required by Weight and Measure, must he priced accordingly, as shewn under these heads respectively.

12. Contractors supplying Road Parties on the Bathurst or other Roads similarly situated, are required to have at «II times on the spot a supply for fourteen dajs ia reseñe, in the care of a competent Agent to whom'reference may be had in the

Contractor'*, absence.

13. In the cent of a difference of opinion between the Contractor and the Parly receiving the supply as to its quality, the same is to be decided in the following manner-The party objecting will name one person as Arbitrator, the Contractor or his Agent anothor, these two will (pre-viously to any other proceeding on tneir part) concur in naming a third as Umpire, who in the event of the Arbitrators not agreeing in opinion, will be called upon for his decision, which shall be final. And should it be decided that the Article is not of proper quality, it must bo imme-diately replaced by the Contractor, failing which it will bo procured and the expenso

charged to his account.

14. It will be in the power of either party to limit the duration of the Contract by giving in writing a notice of three full Calendar Months to the opposite party, and to end the Contract at tho expiration

of that period.

15. The Contractor will b» required to prepare his own account monthly, according to the prescribed form ; aud ou the pro-duction thereof, with the requisite Vouchers in a complete stat», will receive payment either in British Si ver Coin, or by a Bill on His Majesty's Treasury at Par, at tho option of the Senior Commissariat Officer.

16. The value of all packages ia to be included in the prices demanded.

17. Persons wishing to Tender are re-quested to apply either at this Office, or, to the Commissariat Officers in charge at tim several Stations, who will furnish them w tli printed Forms for the"purpose, and com-municate further particulars ; and as ade-quate security will be required for the duo fulfilment of the Contracts, eaih Tender must be accompanied by a letter from the Parties proposed as such, stating that they are willing to become bound as securities for the Contractor accordingly ; and no payment will be made upou any Contracts until the bonds have been executed ; the expense of which, if any, is to ho paid by

the Contractor.

18. The Amounts of tho Bonds required in the several Districts are as follows, viz. Sydney, £3,000; Parramatta, £1,500; Liverpool, £1,000 ; Myrtle Creek, £500 ; St. Vincent, £500; Illawarra, £500; Blue Mountain, £1,000; Bathurst, £1,000; Windsor, 1,000 ; Lower Hawkesbury, £200; Lower Hunter, ±1,000; Upper Hunter, £300; Port Macquarie, £1,000.

19. All Tenders are to be enclosed in a

separate envelope, addressed to the under-signed and marked "Supplies (or 1837."

20. Fiour in place of Bread to bo given for the Military Kation, when leqHtred, in the propoitiou of 142-7th ozs. of the former

for 16 ozs. of the latter.

21. 'Hie Contractor for tho District of

Sydney will also be required to furnish tho Government VeshC.s, or casual pur-poses, any of the supplies under the head

of Hospitals.

22. The Rations and Articles particu-larised under the head of Prorisions No. 1 to 11, may be-required not only for the purposes specified, but also for any other purpose of the Military and Convict ser-

vices» should there be occanou for it.


Asst. Com. Gen.

Edited, Printed, fr Published l-y WARU SruriiENS,

(Sole Proprietor,)Louer George-ttrttt, Sydmy,

Ntw boutA Wales.