Southern Argus (Port Elliot, SA : 1866 - 1954), Friday 14 March 1873, page 3

Country Intelligence.


Special Notice. — Country Correspondents will oblige by sending in their Letters on Wednesdays, and by reminding us in sufficient time when tliey reqirire a further supply of stamped envelopes and paper.

NOARLUNGA, MARCH 10. On Thursday last the anniversary tea of the Church Sunday School was held in the District Schoolroom. About 80 children were repaled with tea and other good things, after which parents and friends to the number of about CO sat down to tea, wlrlst the children enjoyed them selves at various games out of doors. The Bishop was to have delivered a lecture ia the evening-, but was unable to attend, so some of the elder scholars, with, their teachers, spent the evening together at various games indoors.

Meadows, Feb. 25. The weather l?as beea most extraordinary for the time of year. On Sunday last it rained almost incessantly until past noon; aud the ground has received a thorough soaking. I think in most instances it has been considered very acceptable, as tanks and croeks were at a very low ebb It has also caused the feed to spring up as if by magic, and gardeners at least will njoice in the prospect of early vegetable crops without the fatigue of irrigat ing by arufiuial means. Most of the farmers arou:id here had their corn safely housed or delivered — not to the Meadows

mill, as the worthy proprietor of that same decided not to work it this year, and as a natural conse quence Messrs J. Dunn & Co.'s agent (Mr P. Murrie) has obtained nearly all the wheat, which he forwards to Cox's Creek, the drays ^bringing what flour is needed in return loads, so that no one is incommoded after all to any extent, and the carters are materially benefited. The wheat and other grain crops have turned~out well this season, averaging nearly 20 bushels to the acre for the district. . - Peas have not turned out so well on account of the havoc made by the grubs. Potatoes are yielding an ordinary crop, but rather small. There has been a great amount of illness in and around the Meadows during the last month. No doubt the peculiar weather we have had lately is the cause of it, as the Meadows generally speaking is considered a very healthy spot, invalids often coming here to recruit health and strength. Lieutenant Commander Jennings is to preach here on Friday for the Wesleyans. On Sunday and Monday next the Primitives will hold their anni

versary services. Families still continue to leave the Meadows, and many houses are unoccupied. Maech5, The Primitive Methodists here held their Chapel Anniversary Services on Sunday and Monday last, and introduced a most novel feature in anniversaries and one that might be carried out with advantage by other demonstrations — the omission of a tea meeting — and delivery of a lecture in the evening instead of tbe ordinary cut sind-dried speeebes with their stereotyped phrases and too frequently stale jokes quite irrelevant to the object of the meeting. The lecture was delivered by the llev. J. (jr. Wright ; subject — ' The Bible, the Book of God, for man/' and it was very interesting and instructive; he also spoke of the attempt made to abolish the Word of God from our Government schools, and hoped the day was far distant wken the people of Australia would sanction f ucb a measure. It has been very hot the last few days, and as a consequence vegetation has grown prodigiously. The bridge over Bull's Creek on the McHarg's Creek road is expected to be open for traffic next week. Some parties are out prospecting for gold about the Meadows flats. May success atlend their efforts.

Cooke's Plains, Mahch 3. Since my last the weather has been raiher change able — from thunderstorms and d)izz!ing rains to hot days. For several days the locusts have been coming from a south-easterly direction. To-day they began to eat tiie slieaoak leaf, the trees being almost covered by them. In some ptaccs on tbe Plains they have been Lusy depositing thtiir eggs. It is to be hoped that something may destroy them before next spring. Harvest operations are nearly finished in this locality. The statistics are about to be collected, so we shall soon know the average yield. I think it will be about 11 bushels per acre. Whooping cough ia leaving this locality. Port Elliot, March 3. During the last few days a number of mats, such &s sugar is imported in, has been wasiud ashore between tbis place and Victor Harbor; some are winJe, while others are torn to pieces. The appear ances would indicate that some sugar has been thrown overboard, or that a ship so laden has been lost. The beach is also strewed with myriads of locusts, having been blown into the sea and washed back on to the sand.

Great inconvenience has been felt since the depar ture of ouc late Telegraph-master, Mr. Dyke, in consequence of not having the time signalized, which was the case formerly by a flag being hoisted at a few minutes before 1 o'clock, and on receipt of the time from Adelaide at 1 it was lowered, thus enabling the settlers for a lonsr way round to obtain the true time. A elic quercd flag was also hoisted on receipt of the news that the English Mail was sighted, aud which was arx:.ously 1 oked for. To supply the requirement a subscription was set on foot by the Rev. Mr. Howell for the purchase of material for two new fligs. Some lady visitors Staying in the neighborhood very kindly volunteered to make them, so that we hope soon to have the above wants supplied. A large quantity of wheat is passing through for shipment to England. Our old and much respected neighbor, Johu Hart, of the Railway Hotel, has left, and taken the Crown Inn, at Port Victor. Mr. Hart was held in the highest estimation by the residents of Port Elliot and its visitors, frr tie courteous aud obliging disposition shown to all parties, his leaving is universally regretted, and it will be long before we ' look upon his like again.' The weather continues very pheasant, being neither too hot nor too cold. An accident happened a few days hack to Mr. Walters, who was working at Muldlpton Mill, ard whilst assisting to back a dray with wheat, his hand came iu contact witli the rail, aud was splin.ter.ed severely, lacerating his fingers.

March 12. Yesterday as some children were playing on the old jetty at tbis place a little boy, son of Mr. R. Jeruison, aged about four years, fell through a hole into the water, his sister Alice was with him and with praise-worthy courage ran down the steps and plunged into a depth of some three or four feet, and thus was the means of saving the life of her little brother, and who was then under the surface; the child was t.iken to the nearest house and the u*ual restoratives were applied with good effect, the little fellow being now none the worse. On Sunday last the anniversary of the Congre gational chapel was held, when the Rev Mr. Henderson of Strathalbyn preached two sermons to large audiences. On the following Tuesday a tea and public meeting was held in 'the chapel, -when an excellent lecture was delivered by Mr Henderson on ei God's two books.'

Currency Creek, March 6. A public meeting of the ratepayers of this Ward was held last Saturday, in the District Schoolroom, to consider the question of erecting a teacher's residence. Sir. Councillor Nosworthy was voted to the chair. The Chairman stated that it was roughly esti mnted that the contemplated building- would cost £2i'O, towards wlii h there was £64 available fiwa the Board of Education, and Mr. Mitchell (the teacher) bad canvassed the neighborhood, and had promises to the amount of £20, which left a balance of £136. The Council had expressed their willingness for the balance to come out of the proceeds of the Ward if the ratepayers consented. Mr. Cox said aVesidence for the teacher was very much needed, and he would do his best to get oue, but he objected to the balnnce of some £136 coming out of the rates of this Ward, as it would absorb the whole of the rate3 for two years. He thought the fairest way would be for the Council to equally divide the amount among the five Wards.

The Chairman, in answer to a question, said he understood that the Hindmarsh Valley teacher's residence was erected on the principle suggested by Mr. Cox. Mr. Hooper quite agreed with all Mr. Cox said as to the necessity of a teacher's residence, and objected to providing the balance out of the proceeds of this Ward. He hoped the Council would see the fairness of taking it out of the Council as a whole as heretofore. Mr. Roberts said there could be no two opinions as to the absolute necessity for a residence for the teacher. The present place used as a residence was put up some 12 years ago by the inhabitants. It was constructed of what was known as ' wattle and dab,' and it was now ready to tumble down 5 the three rooms were miserably small, and as to repairing them was out of all c msider.ition. He quite agreed with the remarks of previous

speakers as to the unadvisability of using up all the rates of this Ward for anew building, thereby leaving the whole Ward destitute, but thought the Council ought to provide the necessary balance out ot the general revenue of the District. Messrs. Uurgor, Ship way, and others quite concurred with what was said. The Chairman, in reply to Mr. Roberts, said he could offer no opinion as to the determinate action of the Council in the matter, but would do his best to have the wishes of the ratepayers carried out. A proposition was then put to the meeting and carried : — ' That the District Council be most re spectfully solicited to provide the balance of funds necessarv for the erection of a teacher's residence

at Currency Creek, and the same to come out of the general reveaue of the District ; and that Messrs R. C. Suntnan and E. Shipway be a de putation to wait uoon the Council in the matter.' March 12. A pigeon match among a few cracks came off last Thursday at Myrtle Grove. There was a good supply of birds, but the wind being rather strong, the birds, when once on the wing, flew like a flash of lightning through a gooseberry bush. The honors were taken by J. Wakefield, R. Ness, and W. Adams, Harry Shipway taking the prize of the boys' match. The scouts had some excellent fun, and grassed nearly all the escaped. FIRST MATCH OF FIVE BIRDS EACH. Thos. Davies ? 00000—0 Edward Pearce ? 00000— O John Wakefield ? 11011—4 W.Adams ? 0100 L— 2 R. Ness ? 01001—2 H. Shipway . . . . . 10000— I TIES FOR SECOND PRIZE. W.Adams ? 110—2 R.Ness ? 111—3 SECOND MATCH OF FIVE BIRDS EACH.

John Wakefield ? 01101—3 \V. Adams ? 01010—2 R. Ness ? I0H1— 4 H. Shipway ? 01000—1 THIRD MATCH OF TWO BIRDS EACH. W. Adams ? 11 — 2 J. Wakefield ? 00—0 R. Ness ? 00— 0 BOYS' MATCH OF THREE BIRDS EACH. John Yarcoe.. .. .. .. 100 — 1 H. Shipway ? HO— 2 O.Pitt ., ? 010—1 J. Pearee ... - ? 010—1

Milang, March 5. Myriads of locusts have made their appearance here, descending upon and devouring all patches of green grass caused by our late unseasonable rains. Ploughing has now commenced, but is not yet general. Mr. Potts, of Langhorne's Creek has launched his new yacht. He built the fastest boat hereto fore on the Lake — Pasquin, the property of Mr. A. McFarlane, of Wellington. Conscious that he could excel his former achievements, the in-genious builder has brought out the Beltana. She has already proved herself to possess extra ordinary speed. Interest will centre rouud her at the next Regatta. It was stated in your last that Mr. Gunn had purchased the steamer Wentworth. Messrs. Geyer & Creek are the buyers, and not Mr. Gunn. The steamer is destined to carry light cargo and passengers between here and Blanchetown. Such communication has long been required. Inman Valley, March 5. Sunday afternoon, March 2, about 3 o'clock, a hay-stack on the prem!*es of William Kitson, Bald Hills, was on fiire. One of the children had obtained lucifers, unknown to the parents, and were striking them near the stack, and firing small tufts of straw ; the flames caught the end of the stack and raged with great fury. The timely assistance of chapel-going folks, pre

vented the total destruction of the stack, stables, and store barn 5 all of which must have been consumed but for the united exertions of ladies and others at the water tanks. Great praise was due to the exertions of Mr. W. Marshall who succeeded in driving a hay knife down the stack, while othei-3 forked the burning part away ; about 2 1/2 tons were destroyed. Bletchley, March 4. The Bletcliley Mutual Improvement Society gave an entertainment, according to announce ment, on the 26th ultimo, in the Primitive Methodist Chapel, on behalf of the Chapel funds. The Rev. J. G. Wright, who presided, spoke of the benefits tbnt must result from Mutual Im provement Societies— especially ia country places — when properly conducted, as few advantages for mental cul ure presented themselves in thinly

populated localities. The townships enjoyed a monopoly in this respect, consequently it became necessary for young men living in the country to take advantage of every opportunity, and try to improve the abilities wnidi God had given them. Those who at present composed the community of young men, as well as thos^ who were spring ing into manhood, would soon have to take the place of those who had for years taken the lead in all important institutions, and the vast concerns of a rapidly growing nation would soon be placed in their hands ; therefore he (the Chairman) urged on all young m^n to band together for im provement, instead of lounging about the high ways, to their own disgrace, and to the annoy ance of decent folk passing thereon. He hoped to hear of more Societies being established of a similar character ; and, above all, he would again earnestly unre upon the attention of all present the desirability of becoming pious and members of a Christian community. He then called on the various paTliea whose names were on the pro gramme, who each in turn responded to the call, all doing their best to please. The musical por tion ?was sustained by Mi*, and Miss Stanton ; the recitations by the membars of the Mutual. The attendance was small, The good intentions^ of the Mutual Improvement Society in endeavoring

to help the Trustees of tha Chapel property evi dently were not valued as they should be. A really good aad intellectual entertainment ap pears to be too high for ordinary minds. Any thing of the ' ' monkey and fiddle' type will take better. More the pity, say I. At the clore of the entertainment votes of thanks to the Chair man, &c, were given as usual. The Chairman, in response, said that he should be leaving the Circuit shortly, hut, nevertheless, should be always happv' to hear from the many warm hearted friends which he believed he should leave behind. He desired every success to the improve ment Society. Finniss 'Valr, 10. The harvest is pveity nearly cleared up in ifcis district, tbe fine weather having permitted opera tions to be carried on almost uninterruptedly. The yield is plentiful according to all accounts, and the quality very fine. The wharf at the beach is nearly blocked up with grain. On Saturday last the steamer Pioneer sailed for Port Adelaide with a consignment of 360 bags wheat, shipped by Mr. W. Deubam, and is expected back on Tuesday to ship anotaer cargo ior the same destination from the same gentleman. A large quantity ot bark is also waitiny: for shipment. Wheat continues to come in daily, and it is desirable that more ships should make their ap pearauce, as this locality (for the time b-ins, at least) seems to be the emporium of the trade of the district. The schooner Dashing Ware left Rapid Bay last week with a consignment o£ 360 bags wheat from the Mcssra. Leonard.