Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Friday 1 December 1865, page 3




Tuesday, November 28



The first news to tell, and the worst, is that the steamer Victoria has returned from tho Auckland Islands without having discovered any shipwrecked porsons there. This is all ive know at present, and tho barren intelligence is com-municated by telegram to both daily papers. On such a subject I am unable to mako any note or coinmont, excepting that it is vory sad, ana, I will confess, a disappointment. Need I

say how much and deeply I sympathise with

those who will feel it most keenly. All seems to havo beon dono that was possible. Tho fol-lowing is tho Empire's telegram :

". Dunedin, ria Melbourne-September l8. Arrived-Victoria, steamer, and Southland, steamer, from Auckland Island. They report having landed the animals in good condition. They searched tho island foi' threo weeks, but found it uninhabited."

It may yet bo that Captain Norman will con-çoive it his duty to proceed to Bounty Island, but of this wo can know nothing until further intelligence arrives.

The supplementary mail for England, des-patched from Sydney by the steamer You Yangs, reached Melbourne at about 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, and was shipped on board tho Bombay, which vessel took her departure for Galle at about 6 o'clock the samo after-


I do not know that thoro is anything in political matters that havo turned up hero sinco Saturday, whon tho Cawarra sailed (and by which vessel by the way I coidd not write), which would bo likely to interest your readers. The budget has not yot been produced, but there is a strong impression that it will be received with disfavor whon brought forward. You will probably bo made acquainted, by means of tho telegraph, with the nature of tho proposed financial policy before this roaches you. I havo hoard that largo purchases of tea havo been made, on tho supposition that tho duties on that article aro likely to bo increased. Wo aro approaching tho Christmas season, and no ways and means aro yet provided; and there's every probability that a most determined opposition will meet every mensuro brought

forward that is not calculated to meet tho views of thoso who sit on tho loft. Tho Government appears to bo miserably weak without tho aid of the Opposition, who, in fact, boast that thoy aro managing the public business. If Mr. Cowper

knew what was host for his own interest and power, ho would court soino marked defeat, and then claim a dissolution of the Assembly, which the Governor could hardly refuse undor the circunistnncos. This may seem rather too much of general oloctions, but thore can bo no ques-tion whatever that the present Assembly was elected under false pretences, and by moans of a cry which, howovcr sound in itsolf, there appears to havo been very little need for.

A steamer last night brought us nows from Hokitika to tho 18th November. Tho reports are certainly favorable, so far as thoy go. Tho latest account from tho Grey Bivcr says :" There is a largo extent of auriferous ground in this district, but on accouut of tho fineness of the gold obtained it is very requisite lo have tho proper appliances which, so far as I can at present ascertain, consist of a largo-sued cradle furnished with a copper plate, kept perfectly clean with nitric acid, and coated with mercury which catchos all the gold. Mercury is fotching at present 18s. per lb. ; and copper plates are not obtainable However, a short timo will no doubt remedy that difficulty, and we shall get in a supply. This gold-field is situated on and near tho old Canterbury track, which runs near the sea beach up to tho Greenstone, and which I understand was always thought to bo aurifer-ous. If such is the caso, the soouor wo get a network of roads mado to the interior the bet-ter, as an extent of auriferous country would be thoreby opened up capable of supporting not thousands but hundreds of thousands."

A Nowcnstlo paper gives the following as the experiences of some returned diggers from

Hokitika :

"Tho barquo Eucalyptus, which left Hoki-tika on tho 12th instant, nrrivod in Nowcnstlo yesterday morning, bringing with hor a number of return diggors from tho West Coast gold-fields. Thero aro about thirty of those men, most of thom from Syduoy and its vicinity, who havo boon on these gold-fiolds for periods vary-ing from ton to sixty days. So far, howevor, as could bo ascertained, but very fow of thom had been nt all fortunato, whilst many of thom liad been unablo to obtain tho sign of gold. Out of the number of thoso returned by tho Eucalyptus are two or three belonging to Wallsend, the re-mainder having left per steamer on Friday morning for Sydney. Notwithstanding the roturn of so largo a number of unsuccessful dig-gers from theso gold-Holds, the generality of them concur in the opinion that an extensivo auriferous area exists, from which a largo aggregato quantity of gold is being obtained, but undor circumstances so disheortcnüig as to - deter any but the most violent and energetic . from risking tho many hardships to bo encoun-

tered hi tho pursuit of it. Tney describo the country along tho West Coast as all but impene-trable, from the dense underwood which abounds in the forests on the tablo land, and the vnst expenso to bo incurred in clearing, beforo prospecting can bo undertaken with any chance of success. All the cleared and avail-able land appears to bo pro-occupied by tho immense numbers who have been allured to the spot, which renders it difficult, if not impossible, for many, with their limited means, to Biibsist at the present rate of provisions by tho timo they roach the digger in his remoto haunts. Nevertheless, provisions aro said to bo super-abundant in Hokitika, and that by wholesale articles may be purchased at rates as low as in houses in Melbourne and Sydney ; but tho retail price to tho consumer on the various outlying diggings becomes so enhanced by the cost of transit as to preclude the generality from ob-taining them. The losses sustained from the state of the roads and tho incessant rnins all help to raiso the cost of subsistence to the digger, and to these circumstances, much moro than any other cause, may be ascribed the return of many who otherwise would havo remained. From ono of the mon returned by the Eucalyp-tus, belonging to Wallsend, we learn that Mr. Collet, tho well-known and enterprising adven-turer at tho Denison and other diggings in this colony, is working tho sand on the sea coast in the neighborhood of the mouth of tho Grey Biver, with an ' amalgamation ' of peculiar con-struction, by which means, it is stated, he has been very successful. On the whole it appears quite evident that from the inclemency of the climate, and the inaccessibility of tho country through which it is alleged the deposits of gold are distributed, that without a large capital, and an amount of almost superhuman endurance, no person can expect to make it an available and profitable speculation, although the dopositB, "when got at, ure near the surface, and in payable quantities."

By the way, how aro the York's Hollow dig-gings getting on ? Excubo my incredulity, but I remember Swift'B diggingB at tho South Bris-bane bend, opposite the present "Vice-Regal Palace," where I saw an enthusiastic miner pro-specting with a cullender ; also the celebrated quartz diggings in the neighborhood of the old reservoir, and many other "claims" which turned out " duffers," when we were all digging mad. There used, however, to be some firstrate clay at York's Hollow, but I suppose that

won't do.

From the east coast of New Zealand, the news by last night's steamer is somewhat threatening. I give you some particulars :

" AtWaiapu, Captain Fairchild seems to have had some difficulty in waking up the garrison, and was obliged ultimately to come away without letters or despatches. An officer, however, who boarded the vessel on her first arrival-3 a.m. on Wednesday-reported that nothing further had been done, and that no chango had taken place. From Poverty Bay the nowa is of a very different kind. There matters would appear to be in a critical state. An in-fluential party of natives were known to advocate war to the knife ; and the storm which has beon brewing for some time may, from what .we hear, burst out at any moment. Some cattle

nnd Bhcep bolonging to the Europeans had been killed j fences and other property had boen doslroyod ; and hostilo pas wero rearing their heads in all directions. All tho outlying settlors and it was tho universal opinion that a crisis had all but arrived. Wo refer our readers for further particulars to the letter of our corres-pondent in another column. Wo hope soon to loam that reinforcements aro ou thou- way to this district ; and tho public, wo aro sure, would be glad wero it possible for Mr. Biggs to tnko part in tho war which is evidently impending. It is by means of men of ' dash,' that such potty insurrections aro most promptly and most economically trampled out ; and Mr. Biggs, wo think, has fairly earned that character

as an officer. Wo learn that llenara

Potao has reinforced tho Europeans and friondly natives at Turanga Nui with a band of seventy fighting men. Tho news from Opotiki is vory borren. Major Stapp is now tho otliccr in command, and was about to presido over a court martial for tho trial of Te Hura

and tho other prisoners who had boon brought from Matata and olscwherc, charged with par-ticipation, in a greater or less degree, in tho inurdoi'3 of tho Bov. Mr. Volkncr and Mr. Eulloou, tho lntter- moro particularly. A largo body of ovidencc against tho bulk of tho prisoners had been collected j boneo it was believod that a conviction would follow in many cases, and sontenco of death be passed. Unfortunately all sentences of death havo to bo approved by his Excollcncy, and wo confess to a fear that illtuned morey may undo tho great good which has sprung out of the judicious Boverity of late proceedings. Tho fighting at Opotiki was sup-posed to bo nearly over. Only one section of tho natives hold out against tho Government whon tho Sturt loft. Their numbers were

small, but their pa was in a placo very difficult to get at. Patara was believed to be with this party."

Tho following is later :

" It íb reported that soveral inlluentinl chiefs had shown a disposition to surrender, and had inquired what tho price of their submission would bo. Thoy appeared to imagine that tho payment of so many head of cattle would bo required to ensuro pence. No absoluto oiler of surrender had boen made, howover, and pre-parations wero boing mado at tho time the Tnwcra left for a renewal of hostilities. Tho

Uawke's Hay Times, of the 6th instant, gives the following later intelligence from Poverty Boy. It is from a correspondent of that jour-

nal :

" Turanga, Novcmbor 2.

" Nativo affairs havo at length almost reached a climax in Poverty Bay ; tho undetermined aspect hitherto maintained by tho majority of tho natives is giving plaeo to a decidod DTauhau attitude. Aggressions upon tho property, stock, and sheep of tho Bettlers, aro of frequent oc-currence ; hostilo pas aro being built and versation nnd demeanour of tho natives as a body show that fighting is close nt hand. At a great meeting of tho Hauhau party on Tuesday last tho animus of tho rebel was distinctly enough exhibited. A largo party had arrived on tho previous ovening from Hnwai with tho expressed intention of provoking or commencing hostilities, and tho influonco of theso men on tho niinds of our wavering allies was too plainly to bo seen at the meeting. It was unanimously resolved to commence hostilities at once. Tho

families of tho settlers aro mostly in and con-gregated for safety at Turanganui, whoro they will reinnin until the storm has passed over.

" 5 p.m.

" As the Sturt is just leaving I add a line to tho above to say that it is reported that tho taua is close at hand, in fact almost within sight, and wo aro expecting a turn with them porhaps oro night close. Wo shall aim at making the struggle short, sharp, aud decisivo.

"November 3.

" By the Towera I send you another lino to say our expectations wero fully realised-tho taua is upon us. They aro burning and de-stroying houses and property all round ; havo turned out, nnd, it íb said, taken prisoners thoso of tho peoplo who did not tako warning and como in, and burnt their property in their presence ; but os yet wo hear of no murders."

You may remembcr that about two months ago some sensation was caused here by the news that a Mr. Kinder, teller at the City Bank, had committed suicide at the North Shore, by shoot-ing himself. Tho ovidencc at the inquest went to show that Mr. Kinder, while laboring under temporary insanity, caused by drink, and stimu-lated by jealousy, had shot himself in tho head with a pistol that was loaded with powder only, but which novertholess inflicted a mortal injury. Kinder lingered for some days and then died, and a verdict of temporary insanity was roturned by tho coroner's jury. One of the principal witnesses was a Mr. Henry L. Bertrand, a noighbor, very intimate with tho family, and who subsequently brought a prosecution suc-cessfully against another neighbor, for having endeavored to oxtort money from him by a threat of revealing something which he knew respecting Bortrand and Mrs. Kinder. During tho last two or threo days some rumours havo been afloat, to tho effoct that the police had received further information, in consequence of which Mr. Bertrand had undergone a privato examination on suspicion of murder, but no particulars eould bo ascertained, though I havo hoard many things mentioned which it would bo hardly safe, and certainly not fair, to commit to your columns in the present state of the ease. Tho cause of tho secrecy of tho police is, how-ever, revealed this morning, by a telegram from Bathurst, to which place Mrs. Kindor had romoved, and where her father íesidos. Tho telegram informs us that Mrs. Kindor had been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in tho murder of her husband, and had been remanded to Sydney to bo dealt with. A question is to bo asked of tho Government, in tho Assembly, this afternoon, respecting the caso. I may not havo an opportunity of communicating the result in this letter, but it is quito certain that tho chargo has been preferred, and that the defendants aro in custody. Tho rumor is that the pistol was not discharged by tho deceased, but by another party, and that poison aUo had been rcBortcd to. Ab the case íb sure to occupy a great deal of attention, and has already excited much interest, I may hero append, from tho Empire, of the 9th of October last, a condensed report of tho inquest. Mrs. Kinder is Baid to be a lady of considerable personal attractions, and most roBpectably connected in the district of Bathurst. Tho following is the report of tho inquest referred to :

" On Saturday the City Coroner held nn in-quest at Dind'B Hotel, North Shore, on the body of Mr. Henry Kinder, late chief teller in tho City Bank, Sydney. Prom tho evidenco of Mrs. Kindor, it appears that bIis has two chil-dren ; was married about five years to deceased, who was a native of London ; lie had been about two years in New South Wales, was formerly in Now Zealand ¡ he was a very jealous man, in fact ho was a monomaniac in this respect. From the evidenco of Henry L. Bertrand, dentist, Mr. Cooper, and Dr. Eichler, the following aro the summarised particulars :-Deceased was a clever mon, a good man at business, eccentric, nnd drank much colonial beer, which appeared to be his favorite drink. He was a great smoker, very irritable with his wife at times, and easily excited. On the 23rd September he obtained a fortnight's leave of absence, as his health was impaired. To practise shooting at a bottle, ho borrowed a pistol from Mr. Bertrand. He afterwardB threatened to shoot himself. Ho had threatened so often that his wife took no notice of his threats. On Monday {this day week), Mrs. Kinder and Mr. and Mrs. Ber-trand were with him in the room, 6 p.m., when two letters wore given to him. One was from Giles and Co., and Chisholm and Co., enclosing a bill, the total amount of which was £19. The other letter was from tho manager of the Bank of New Zealand, enclosing a demand for deceased to pay at once the sum of £140. On reading this letter, he said to Bertrand and his wife, 'That wretch, Moncton, has done this.' After reading thiB letter, he went with Bertrand to Dind's public-houBe, where they had drinks, deceased takingpiis glass of ' colonial.' After returning to the room, and while the ladieB were engaged sewing, and Bertrand perusing the New Zealand letter, deceased suddenly elevated the pistol in his left hand, pointing the


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bef ho the lea &e. cit( hin Te fiV( flic wit

muzzlo to the right sido of tho nock, a loud roport was hoard, tho ladies scroamed and Hod from tho room. Bertrand rushed to deceased, who was loaning towards his right sido in a chair, tho blood flowing freely from his neck. Efforts to check tho bleeding were made, and after a timo Ber-trand loft Mrs. Kinder to attend on deeoasod, whilo ho went for a doctor. At 11 o'clock Dr. Eichler attonded ; found doeeasod had shot himself with a pistol loaded with powder and wadding. Tho pistol appoars to have gono off at half-cock. Tho temporal artory was tom, tho wound boing about four inchos long, torn and jagged, sufficiently serious to causo doath. Ho was attonded upon, and tho utmost caro was exercised to savo lifo, but ho died on Fri-day. From tho evidonco givon by Mr. Ber-trand and Mrs. Kinder, Dr. Eichler was of opinion that deceased was an imbocilo somctiino beforo tho ocourronco. In his capacity as toller ho was estconiod a clover and correct man, though peculiar in his habits. When obtaining loavo of absonco ho handod ovor his accounts, &e, perfectly correct. Pecuniary matters oxcited him, yot ho was in a position to rctriovo himself by timo, his salary being JE350 a year. Verdict-Deceased, Henry Kinder, aged thirtyfivo years, died from tho effects of a wound in-flicted by himsolf, by discharging a pistol loadod with powder, whilst laboring under temporary insanity on tho 2nd instnnt."

At a little pnst 12 o'clock to-day, a telegram was received from South Head, stating that tho brig William Hill, bound from Geelong to New-castle, had put into this port last night for sheltor, tho wind blowing vory hard from tho south-east. In trying to work out this morning, tho brig got nshoro, just iusido tho North Head, whero sbo now lies, a total wreck. Tho captain, his wifo, and all hands woro saved. No further particulars havo yet reached Sydney. Tho winds and tho weather hava> beon vaviablo enough to suit tho most changoablo disposition during tho last few days. All Saturday night tho-rain poural down in a deluge. Sunday was Uno and warm. Yesterday also was vory warm in the nftornoon, until tho southerly wind sot in, soou followed by Binart rain showers, and wo had regular groat-coat weather in the ovoning, until nearly midnight, whon tho clouds partly cleared oil'. This day wo lind mostly fino weather, but plenty of rain is hanging ovorhcad, and wo aro siiro to havo moro of it. So much tho bettor. It is visiting us at tho right time. Tho agricultural reports aro highly favorable, not only from this colony but from othors. Tho Portland Guardian says ¡ - " Mr. Wilson, farmer, Bridgowator, roports tho crops thoro in a most healthy condition, tho wheat moro par-ticularly, which will bo in all parts of tho dis-trict considerably ovor tho average. Ho states that tho hay crop will bo shorter than usual, but tho quality is excellent."

Tho Border Walch of November 11 contains tho following very cheering information :." Never did our fields wavo with moro promis-ing crops than thoy do now. Thoy put our farmers in mind of tho season of 1861, whon forty bushels to tho aero was tho rule and not the exception. And although it is too soon to congratúlalo ourselves on our good fortune, or count the probable returns of tho harvest, still wo havo every reason to bo thankful that wo havo escaped tho calamity that has dcslroyod tho prospects of other districts. Our season has

so far boon all that could bo desired. Wo havo

had plenty of moisture, and tho crops aro well grown. Should thoy escapo tho frost and tho rust, thoy aro now but littlo likely to suffer from lack of rain. Wo trust thoy may. Another good season will bring compotenco to somo, and prosperity to many a dosorving family hero."

Whilo on this subject, and bearing in mind tho happy relief which wo have had from tho drought, I may place on record boro, for tho in-formation of some of y our newly-arrived roadors, a passago from Mr. Bennett's lnst instalment of his History of Australian Colonisation, giving

the dato of ono of tho most rcmarkablo floodB

recorded in Australian annals :-" In August, 1809, a fow months provious to Macquarie's ar-rival, occurred tho highest Hood which had over taken placo since tho settlement of tho colony. It is stated to havo beon sis or eight feet higher than tho great flood of March, 180G ; and tho Hawkesbury is roporlod to havo rison eighty

six foot abovo tho usual lovel of tho stream. This seems almost incredible, for such a riso must havo covered tho wholo of tho country for milos around Windsor to tho depth of scvoral feet. Thcro doos not appoar to havo boon any recognised standard or gauge in thoso days by which tho relative heights of the diirbrcnt Hoods, or the actual height of any particular inunda-tion could havo hoon satisfactorily ascortaincd ; and undor such circumstances traditionary necouuts aro almost suro to bo exaggerations. It seems to bo generally allowed, lion ever, that tho flood of 1809 was tho highest ever known at tho Hawkesbury. The destruction of lifoand property was larger than on any provious occasion ; and tho distress occasioned appears to havo been of a very sovoro character. When Macquurio ar-rived, and up to tho middle of 1810, many months afterwards, bread was still at famine price, and almost all kinds of provisions ex-ceedingly scarce"

Tho civic elections aro causing a tea-cup storm amongBt thoso who take an intorost in thom, and numbers of mouldy-looking men who had long boon living in retirement, goodness knows where, aro turning out, or rather havo turned out, as most patriotic and enthusiastic election-eering agents-tho Fathors of tho City. Of course, their enthusiasm is entirely disinterested. One of tho weat questions at present agitating their patriotic bosoms rofors to a lamp which somebody got removed from somobody olso's door to somo other placo-a removal for which the mover claims a oivio crown, and for my part I wish ho may get it.

The Melbourne papers state that Mr. O'shan-assy is soriously ill, and unablo to attond to


Tho following is also from a Mclbourna paper :-" There is too much reason to fear that a melancholy and fatal accident has occurred in Hobson's Bay. A boat called tho Chanco of St. Kilda was picked up yesterday at tho battery, Williamstown. It appears that two men loft St. Kilda in her on Monday morning last, to go to Mr. Wilson's Btation, at tho Worribco. A mcsBongor was despatched to the station, to ascertain whether tho men arrived there, or whether they had been and left again. It was found that they had been to tho station, and departed at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon ; and there is but little doubt that by some means the boat upset, and tho unfortunate men have been drowned. Their namcB aro Henry Wilson and Tilomas Beale. Wilson was a plumber, and both were well known members of the St.

Kilda Volunteer Artillery."

Chili, we all know, is very hot, and it seems

that tho Chilians arc also combustible* Thcro

is to bo a row in that quarter. I hopo it won't affect tho Hour trade The following is from tho Auckland papers received here last night :

" By the arrival last evening of tho barque Orita, Captain Schroeder, from Valparaiso, wo have intelligence of a painful nature, portending the outbreak of a fierce rebellion in Chili, owing to a difference between tho Spanish and Chilian Governments. The day before the sailing of the Orita, one of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's steamers, the Inca, arrived at San Jago, from Callao, bringing intelligence of tho recall of tbo Spanish ambassador and the des-patch of six or Bovcn iron-clad vessels to Chili. The Inca has been specially chartered by the

Cliilian ambassador in Peru in order to antici-

pate tho usual mail service by two days. The

cause of this sudden renewal of hostilities is at-

tributed to the 'recent unsatisfactory relations between the two Governments, and tho desire of the Spanish Government to create rebellion. The feeling in Chili was very strongly expressed against the Spanish residents there, which aroBo from the fact that they had signed and despatched a pro-test to Madrid against the action of their minister, who had sought to reconcile tho two Governments in a manner which thoy considered a disgrace to the Spanish Government.

" One of the Spanish frigates had arrived at Callairo, to the north of Valparaiso, and was coaling when the steamer put in there. It was expected that the ports would bo blockaded, ng and coasting vcbsdIs had received orders to lay ly up or trade only in unfrequented waters. One he of the Chilian steamers which had been adver

tised to moko a trip to Fcrnandoz was stopped, in consequence of tho receipt of tho nows, and groat anxiety was folt for tho safoty of thovessol, and fears of a disturbance woro gravely ontortaiuod. Chilian mon-of-war wero preparing for any cmorgoncy, and tho troops woro boing sont to various ports for botter protection iu tliocaso of any attack. Tho popular opinion was that if tho Chilian Govornmont sottlcd tho disturbance in compliauco with tho wish of tho Spanish Go-vernment, a revolution would ensue."

I take the following report from a Deniliquin paper, as it relates to a subject in which not only the faculty but all heads of families must feel an interest. Medical science has not yet reached perfection, great as its triumphs are :

" On Tuesday last the Police Magistrate at-tended at Hill Plains to hold an inquiry re-specting the death of a lad aged thirteen years, named Thomas Fullerton, who had been found lying dead in his bed on the previous day by Mr. Clancy, sheep overseer to Mr. Hogg, of Mathoura station. The first witness examined was Bridget Fenelon, a married woman and sister of deceased, who deposed that on Sunday evening last she was milking a goat, and her brother held the animal by its horns ; the goat giving a plunge forward struck deceased either in the breast or stomach, from which he appeared to suffer somewhat ; he ran a few yards after the goat, and then laid down and complained of sickness, and remained drowsy the whole of the evening after-wards. On Monday, she finding him no better started for Deniliquin, and, on her return in the afternoon, found he was dead. John Clancy, the overseer deposed that being in the neighbor-hood on Monday, and requiring the assistance of deceased, he went to the hut believing de-ceased to be asleep, and found him on the bed dead and his body cold. A. W. F. Noyes, Sur-geon, of Deniliquin, who attended the inquiry for the purpose of making the post mortem, de posed that he had done so, and found that the cause of death was hydatids in the heart, and that no marks of violence likely to arise from the butting of a goat were noticeable on the body. This is the second death which has been

attributed here within a twelvemonth or so to

that very obscure form of disease-hydatids. The former was a girl of about sixteen years, who died in the hospital, and the organ in which the hydatids were found was the brain, some four or five hundred being dis-covered in one side of that organ. The pro-fessional gentlemen engaged considered the features presented by that case exceedingly sin-gular, and those of the present are viewed as being still more extraordinary and unusual. Some of the hydatids were attached to the heart, and one, which was taken out, was found floating in the blood contained in the left ven-tricle. The lad appears to have occasionally been subject to fainting fits, and those are sup-posed to have been produced by the interference of this organic growth with the action of the valves of the heart. The subject as affecting the human frame is exceedingly obscure, but the infrequency of its known occurrence com-mends itself to the notice of the professional


Thursday is to ho a holiday, and tho Balmain regatta will ho ono of tho principal attractions. The flag-ship is to bo in Watorviow Bay on this occasion, instead of Johnson's Buy, and this lins causod somo dissatisfaction to tho Pyrmontors, but I don't think it will load to a rovolution.

P.S.-Tho captain of tho William Hill has arrived in town. He reports that tho brig was a collier, in ballast. Ho and (ho crow got upon tho rocks when tho brig struck, and wero sub-sequently rescued by tho pilot boats.

In the Assomhly, this afternoon, Mr. Bnchaii

nau asked whether tho Govornmont woro in

possession of any furthor information bíuco tho inquest on tho Into Mr. Kinder, roforrod to in a former part of my lettor. Mr. Cowpor wished to bo oxcuBcd from replying, but stated that tho caso was a vory serious ono ; that it was engaging tho attention of tho proper authorities, mid that it would not bo neglected by the Government. I hoar that Mrs. Kinder has arrived in Sydnoy, in custody.