Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 13 April 1906, page 8

Good appetite, good digestion,

refreshing sleep

thesa are essential to good health, and the following testimonial shows how they were obtained by using '?



"Six years ago I had an attack of indi

gestion and liver complaint that lasted for weeks I was unable to do any hard

work, had no appetite, food distressed me, and I suffered much from headache My skin was sallow, and sleep did not refresh me I tried several remedies without obtaining any relief Finally, one of my customers recommended Ayer's Sarsapa-rilla It helped mo from the first - in fact, after taking six bottles I was com-pletely cured and could eat anything and .leep like a child "

There are many imitation


Be sure you get "AYER'S."

Preparedb) Or J C AyertCo .Uwell.Mtss ,U S A

AYBB-S Plus tua bolt family laxative

Experience teacKes



is a

complete and easily digested

diet for Infants &



V-c-Tcrni >


A box of BEECHAM'S PILLS is a handy thing to have in the house, and If a dose is taken at the moment of need much Illness -will be saved.

Any trouble arising from dérange-ment ol the digestive organs li aulcklv set right by

This unrivalled medicine will do more to build up robust health and maintain it than any other remedy





| BEECHAM'S PILLS are unequalled

Sold everywhere Boxes Is ljd and 2s 9d

A Pretty Womam

Fades earl\ unless she gives careful atten lion to Hie preservation of her complexion Eve y sit,u of wrinkle or sallowness or blemish should be arrested with the least possible delay A few applications of Dr Ljkuski s e.reat discovery-VALAZB-re moves all imperfections and brings the lilies and roses of \outh to the oldest lace Is the most exqu site piepaiauou for re moving all wrinkles freckles tan and all other facial disfiguremei ts It is delight fully pleasant and makes the skij bea iti fully solt white and smooth A scientifie product ol blended fragment herb essences and lienhuf, balsam lo promote the beauty ol the skin Specially useful in allaying the dr> and parchment like skin caused by

Auitnliau hot winds

Comtesbe Potocka s Voskpasta to be used with Vaia« Herbal Soap 3/ far a delight lui preparation Cream Promenade lor outdoor entertainments 3/6 jar a won derlul beautifier Spec al Preparation for Black) eads and Open Pores 2 6 jar Valaze Massage Rollers for use in your home Ask jour Chemist or write to Wie H Rubinstein & Co 274 Collins St Melb ne Mentiot this paper Gutde te Beauty Free


lfliillowedoticverTOTCleVougktotai loaf

Money lo full refundan without que» tlon If not periectly aaütfwtory HJ<h*f

? rade croie* warrnnted six years. ATEbl - --

tlon If not perfectly uütífcotory

cyotea warrnnted alx yean.


Departure Coaiter Hubs. Dunlop or Clincher A Won Tjrtt XnrertM. Lerer Eira Brake« Two Speed Otu* eta Packed & DotIv*r*ti From

part In tue world- We gumrute«



£1 to £2.IO Gnat factory ciear&neo aale at hal/factory pricti. .fan II A ftVPI C taklnr arden from aample machine, EBriN Q Uli!Lil Active Agents «anted In caca Bitrlct Larjf pollutaallyinadc V mt at once for fire« a&taJotface and our turcitl Jftr nain? auffiele« poBtaft-a,

Sjrei Bonirlt» BeiriruJ Machlaea. Pnom» te Itatfprice». MEAD, GYGLE 00., Dept. B51 UnEKPOOIb IiOHDON, an« CWCAQO,


^ Oft ^ Be rosy and strong by enriching your blood and filling out your form with the aid of Scott's Emulsion. You cannot go on being anaemic, languid, apa-thetic or downhearted at the same time as you are taking Scott's which is bound to delight you with the feelings of vigour. *£ buoyancy and pulsing fife it always brings.

Í04 Morehead Street, Redfern, Sydney, N.S.W., Sept í, J905. "For a long; «me my daughter Ruby, aged twelve years, had been very delicate ano anaemic. At last 1 decided to give Scott's Emulsion a trial. My daughter was able to take it readily, it agreed Well with her, and so thoroughly built up her system that she is not like the. same child, being now a fine healthy and sprightly girl." (Mrs.) Jessie Foss.tXiJt^ Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda is the most nourishing of all food-medicines; it is made by the celebrated original Scott process and is pure and wholesome, jtjljtjtjtjtjtjt É& Scott's cannot offend

.7 your taste, cannot upset jil your stomach. »J'Aie¿t

IV It will cost you nothing V to begin toda/1 \Crite

for a free sample bottle a (enclosing 4d.for postage 5s and mentioning this pa-

per). Scott & Bowne, .hw. «t tu. Emm. Ltd., 483 Kent StreeL «on nilli tilla mark-tn« Sydney, N.S.W\ lAftj*

Hallinan- inn mark of

the "Bcott" procréai



CAPITAL, £15,000; in 15,000 £1 Shares.

Payable: s. d. On Allotment ... 2 6

One Month after Allotment ... 2 6

Two Months after Allotment ... 2 6 Three Months after Allotment ... 2 6

Four Months after Allotment ... 2 6

Five Months after Allotment .,. 5 0

- £0 17 6

Balance Uncalled ... 0 2 6

Equal per Share £1 0 0

Paid Up Capital . ¿13,125 (



BANKERS - The Commercial Bank of Tasmania Limited, Hobart, BROKERS - Messrs. Bayley and Walch, Hobart.

SECRETARY - Arnold Wertheimer, Hobart.

TEMPORARY OFFICES - Eldon Chambers, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.


(a) To acquire and take over the rights to construct and work an Aerial Railway from the Springs to the Pinnacle

of Mount Wellington, and all other rights conferred by Act of Parliament 15 Ed., 7th Private). (b) To contract, equip, maintain, and work the said Railway. -

(e) To erect, equip, and maintain all stations, houses, and other buildings in connection with the said Railway, and

also accommodation for persons travelling by the said Railway, as well as the general public.

(d) To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire all lands, hereditaments, easements, and rights that may be necessary

for the purpose of the said Railway or its adjuncts.

(e) To sell, assign, lease, or otherwise dispose of the said Railway, buildings, land, hereditaments, and easements,

rights, and premises.

(f) To undertake and execute all or any works, mattere, or things incidental to the proper working of an Aerial

Railway Company and its adjuncts hereinbefore enumerated or otherwise, to be agreed upon by a majority of Shareholders of the Company when formed, pïesentand voting at any Special Meeting.



The great increase which has taken place in the TOURIST TRAFFIC to Tasmania, and the importance of this traffic to the State as an asset, demands that every facility to visit the various beauty spots should be placed at the disposal of


It is no exaggeration to say that every year the number of Tourists visiting Tasmania is increasing. The follow-ing statistics bear directly on this fact:-During the six months from lst September, 1894, to 31st March, 1895, returns show the number of passengers landed in Tasmania was 13,487, whilst in '1904-5, returns show, for the same period, the

total was 19,109.

The number of ships that called at Hobart in 1894 and 1905 amounted respectively to 245, with a tonnage of 298,666, and 345, with a tonnage of 720,844.

Nobody visiting Hobart can deny that one of its chief attractions is Mount Wellington. The beauty of the pano-ramic view obtainable from its summit is universally admitted to be unsurpassed in any part of the world. The comple-tion of Pillinger's Drive enabled Tourists to reach tho Springs by means of vehicles. The charge per passenger was pro-hibitively high, until the brake service now in existence was re-organised by the TASMANIAN TOURIST ASSOCIA-TION. During the season, December to March, of the year when the said brake service was inaugurated, tho total number of passengers conveyed by the brakes amounted to about 2,406. Last year (during the season of four months) the final returns show that 10,320 people visited the SPRINGS. These figures demonstrate that the Railway to bo constructed is not dependent on a route yet to be formed, but will have to deal with an established passenger traffic The difficul-ties now existing to reach the summit ot Mount Wellington from the Springs are too well known to need special com-ment. Not only is the climb, particularly at the end ot the existing rough track, extremely arduous and beyond the strength of all, excepting those who enjoy robust health, but the time at present required to accomplish the journey de-bars many thousand passengers, who pass through Hobart on steamers in transit to New Zealand and other parts, from visiting Mount Wellington. In addition to this, there are many thousand residents in Hobart who have never been to the summit of the mountain, who will, it is safe to surmise, gladly avail themselves of the easy and rapid conveyance afforded by the railway. The facilities offered by the railway, will, of course, be largely advertised. The following figures (for 1905) will give some idea of the importance to the railway of the passengers in transit traffic: -

* P. and O. Boats called in 1905 with ... 811 Passengers in transit.

Orient Boats called in 1905 with ... 1300 Passengers in transit. White Star Line Boats (from Melbourne) called in 1905

with ... 1550 Passengers in transit. White Star, Shaw Savill, and N. Z. S. Co. direct

combined, called in 1905 with ... 6011 Passengers in transit.

Union S.S. Co. and Huddart, Parker Co. ... 8887 Passengers in transit.

Giving a grand total of ... 18,559

It cannot be considered too optimistic to reckon that out of this total number 25 per cent, will avail themselves of the facilities the railway offers to reach the summit of Mount Wellington. These facilities will include brake or motor car communication from the City of Hobart to the Springs, and thence by rail to the Pinnacle. Of course, basing the possible traffic on existing statistics, it would be unfair to reckon that the entire 10,000 passengers who visit tho Springs during the season would travel on the railway. However, it is quite fair to presume that, drawing from local residents and from passengers in transit and tourists in Tasmania, tho number would increase by fully 5,000, i.e. as regards visitors to the Springs and that, out of this estimated number (15,000) 10,000 passengers would travel by the railway. This would mean only 84 per day, but the railway will be capable of carrying 600 per diem, working 6 hours. The ease with which the railway can be started is such that during any part of the year, in fine weather, trips can be arranged on arrival of boats, or when special demand exists. Numerous articles have been written dealing with the importance of the Swiss Tourist Traffic. It is estimated that about £10,000,000 is thus expended annually in Switzerland. This large revenue is greatly due to the conveniences offered to visit its scenic attractions. The Mountain Railways, similar to tho proposed Mount Wellington Aerial Railway, being important factors.

It is a well-known fact that there thousands of tourists ascend the mountains to see the sun rise. Special railroads are in existence for this class of traffic. The fare charged on some of these railways in Switzerland is - Mount Pilatus, 3 miles long, return faie 10f, equal to 1/8 per mile; Mount Rigi, 4 1/2 miles long, return fare 8f9, equal to 1f per mile; Mount La Glion, 750yds, long, return faro 1/3, equal to 1/4 per mile. Mt. Wellington Aerial Railway, approx. 1 1/4 mile in length, return faro 2 1/2 miles, 3/6, not quite 1/5 per mile.

It will be observed how very favourably the prices lo be charged for use of the MOUNT WELLINGTON AERIAL RAILWAY (see attached estimate) compare with these figures. There can be little doubt that a large number of tour-ists would gladly avail themselves of the special trips that could be arranged for them to see the sun rise from the sum-mit of Mount Wellington. None of these extra means of obtaining revenue have been taken into consideration in the subjoined calculations of income and expenditure. Referring again to the Mount Wellington Aerial Railway, this should be looked upon as a national enterprise; quite aside from proving a profitable investment, it is well worthy of every citi-zen's support, as it will place Tasmania in the unique position of being the only State in the Commonwealth possessing an Aerial Railway, and catering in the most up-to-date manner for its tourists arid inhabitants.

Tho remarks of the Tasmanian Engineer-in-Chief, Mr. Fincham, before the Select Parliamentary Committee, deal-ing with the granting of the MOUNT WELLINGTON AERIAL RAILWAY BILL, are specially worthy of quotation.

The Chairman of the' Committee asked: "From an engineering point of view, then, you regard it as a safe and reasonable project?" and Mr. Fincham replied, "I do."

In reply to the following further question of the Chairman: "Then I can summarise in this way: As the engineer-

ing representative of the State (for it is in that official capacity that we have called you), do you know of any objection toallowing the construction of this railway?" Mr. Fincham said, "None whatever. On the contrary, I think so well of the scheme that, if I were a rich man, I should be glad to take the whole scheme myself, and work and keep it all myself."

Contracts entered into by Provisional Board of Directors, to be taken over by the Company now, proposed to be

formed:- ,

1. With the Concessionaire, Arnold Wertheimer, to transfer all Rights in connection with the Bill authorising con-struction of Aerial Railway from the Springs to Mount Wellington.

2. With Messrs. H. K. Fysh and Co., as Agents for Australian Bullivant Company, for supply of all necessary,

material for said railway at market rates.



Cost Plant C.l.F. and E., Hobart, including Duty and Estimate of Construction .£10,874 8 6 Promotion Money ... 1,100 0 0 Uncalled Capital, Contingencies, and Reserve ... 3,025 11 6

£15,000 0 0

*The Promotion Money will be payable in Fully Paid-up Shares, with the exception of £100 in Cash towards actual out-of-pocket expenses.


84 passengers per diem (taking the season, 4 months, working) - 119 days at 3/6 (three shil-

lings and sixpence) per passenger ... £1,750 0 0 During 8 months of year (outside of season mentioned above) taking the Railway as

working only two months-60 days and carrying during that period, say, 84 passen-

gers per diem at 2,6 (under the heading of EXCURSION FARES). 625 0 0

£2,375 0 0

Less estimated expenses for entire year and depreciation. 1,207 4 6

Equal about 9 per cent, on £13,125 paid-up capital.


For Salo Every«here. DRAKE AN/D CO,, .Agents, Hobart,