Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), Friday 30 April 1909, page 2

Local and General News.

The London Bank. — Tho report of /. :: ?! tho London Bank of Australia, Limited, \ for tho half-year anded December 31 shows j a profit of £102, SoG. A dividond of ojt per / cent, lias been declared on the preference i~ shares, and of 4 per cent, on ordinary ?vV shares, while £50,000 lias been added VV: ... «.»,« ,....-1 XM»1 KIW

forward. Transferable deposits now amount to £835,523, other deposits to £3,372,485, cash investments to £1,380,891, and bills -v payable to £3,838,130. 1 The North Coast Railway. — Tho Taree Times says that there arrived on tho - Manning last week 120 horses and drays in charge of 110 men. The horses aro a really magnificent lot, the teams of Suffolk Punches being particularly noticeable. Another featufu is the strength and quality of the vohiclus and harness, everything being of the best. Considerable interest is being manifested in a aewt. plough for making tho cuttings, which is in operation t near the camp at Wingham. It takes from 12 to 20 horses to work it. Rough !— The Tonterfield Star says 41 The orgnnisors of tho Clarence River District exhibit at thu Royal Show complain that other district exhibitors did a lot of copying whilst the trophies were being arranged. It is suggested that in future plans or designs be sent to the Show secretary beforehand and that these be adhered to. One of our exhibitors at last Royal Show alleged that their rivals used to come .. peeping round and taking notes, and if they found they had overlooked anything they would go off and purchase the de-ficiency !' Advertisers Note. — Make your adver-tising read as elegantly as you wish, and use well-ordered English, all the way through it, but don't forget that horse sense is vitally necessary. If you run across an ad. sometimes, the style of which strikes your fancy and which you wish to have em-bodied in your ads., paste it on your lay-out sheet and mark on it 'follow this style.' Don't expect big results from the first ad. The first appearance of your ad. may scarcely be noticed. 'Rome wasn't built in a day,' and it takes time for your argu-ments to percolate through the brains of the people .who are occupied with their own affairs. Pulled His Leg. — The shipping re-porter was furiously angry. A wag of a purser had sent along his manifest, and some such absurdity as this appeared in next day's paper : — 'Two dozen bees' knees, 8 cases post-holes, 10 bags treacle, 50 reams oysters.' The reporter was carpeted, and under a hail of banter from his chums his humiliation was complete. ' Once bitten twice shy,' he vowed, was his motto henceforth. But that rascal of a purser once more raised a howler — this time in the pas-enger list. It ran thus Weir, Pullen, Ure, Legge (2), Day.''