Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Tuesday 25 December 1866, page 2




Decembor 24.

THE Hero was off this port at 11.40 last night, and arrived at 7.30 l!¡¡3 morning. Sho

sailed at 0.40.


December 24.

The Crocodile diggings are quiet, and rain has prevented many from working. It is probable that the flat will be worked by companies, who will take up the ground on lease. Some diggers are leaving for Morinish, where good finds are reported.


Decembor 24.

The ship John Duthie has been raised from tho place where she sank after boing souttlod. Tho cargo is all badly damaged.

The Opera Company will givo two oratorios to-night.

Tho English mail steamer Goolong took 62,000 sovereigns and 5800 ounces of gold.

Arrived : Tho Yarra Yarra, from Brisbano.

CnaisraiAS "EVE in Brisbano was not cha-racterised by any extraordinary -animation amongsttho citizens. Tho exteriors of some shops in Queen-street wore decorated with evergreens ; and in the earlier part of the evening this load-ing thoroughfare was pretty well filled with people, who were apparently intent on market-ing and making good provision for the morrow.

AN ordinary committco meeting of-tho Vic-toria Cricket Club was held last night, at Lenneborg's Cato do PariB. Mr. T. Costin was in tho chair. Several now niombors wero olectcd. A letter was read from the secretary of the Athenian Club, at Ipswich, accepting a challenge for sixtoon of the membors of that club to play elovon of tho Victorians on Now Year's Day, at Ipswich. Mossrs. Watterston, Eowlos, and Maonish wore appointed a sub-committee to moko tho necessary arrangements ?with respect to tho match. A match will bo played on Saturday noxt, .botwoen tho eleven ohoson to play against tho Athenians on New Year's Day and sixteen of tho remaining mem-bors of the club, who will be allowed a bowler from tho first elovon. It was considered ad-visable to airango, if possible, a serios of second

eleven matches.

A MEETING- of the City Voluuteor Fire Brigade, was hold last ovening in tho Town Hall. It was intended to have had n practice, but tho small muster-only twelvo-provonted this. Some arrangements as to tho annual festival, to bo hold on Now Yoar' s Day, were mado, but no othor business of iuiportanco was transacted. Tho superintendent stated to those present that ho had received £5 03. from

Messrs. W. and B. Broolsos towards tho ex-

penses of thoir fostival, and promises of further contributions from othor gentlemen. Ho also

announced that tho Queensland Insurance Co. had mado a donation of £25 to tho Hose and Eeol Fund, which, with the proccodB of the bonoflt given by Miss Kate Wardo, had been devoted to the purohaso of 140 foot of hose. This is only about ono-third of tho quantity required, and it would bo well if tho othor In-surance Companios would come forward and supply the doßoienoy.

A OENEKAII mooting of the National Club was held last ovoniug, at the Cafó do Paris, Mr. Oldham in tho chair. Sovoral now mombors woro elected. Tho uniform rcoommondod by tho committee was adopted. A ohallonge was recoived from the Albort Club to jjlnytbo second eleven on the 5th January, and was accoptod. Mr. Bunton resigned his ofllco as hon. seo., and Mi-. Stewart was oloctod as his successor. The ohallonge sont to tho Victoria Cricket Club, second cloven, was doolined.

TitE cricketing members of tho O.Y.F.B. are requested to moot on the Ground at tho Green Hills, this morning, at 10 o'clook, for practice The oloven to play against tho Bulimba "Club will bo solooted from the following, who are re-quested to meet at Lonneberg's Cafó, on Wed-nesday morning, at 0 o'clock :-Mossrs. Harley, Oldham, M'Grath, Heard, M'Olounan, Bruce, Laooy, Martin, Cox, Robortson, Stowart, Lord, and Campbell.

THE programmo of Saturday night was re-peated at the Alexandra Theatre last evening, to a very fair house. On Boxing night a very attractive "bill" is to be produced. The first part of the performance is to bo a Christmas piece, entitled the " Mistletoe Bough," founded on tho old ballad of tho same name. In it there is a dance called the mistletoe dance, illustrative of the good old English custom of kissing under tho mistletoe. Following this there will bo a pantomime, the first ever put on the stage in Brisbane, and called Harlequin Bombastes Furioso. It will, of course, con tain tho usual "local hits." The principal characters aro cast thus : Clown, Mr. T. N. Ford; pantaloon, Mr. Sam. Poole ; Harle-quin, Mr. J. H. Ramsay ; and Columbine, Miss

Julia Hudson.

A DOT, who was Ashing in the river yestor day evening, near Mr. D. F. Roberts', noticed tho body of a boy floating on the water. He brought it to town, audit was identified by Mr. Mack as being the body of his son, who was drowned on Saturday at Petrio's Bight. Ho

romoved it to his awn houso.

A MAGISTEEIAI, inquiry was held yesterday at the Polico Court, before tho Police Magis-trate, respoctiug tho death of a man named Matiorson, a soaninn on board tho schooner Anne, trading betwocn Brisbano and Ipswich. Evidence was givonthat the deceased had fallon overboard from tho schooner Anne, on Fridoy, last, near Moggil, and that he had sank beforo any assistanco could be rendered him. The body that was picked up on Saturday by the stoamer Nowra, was identified as boing that of

William Mattorson.

Two little boys named Mechin, about eight and nine years of age, wero brought to the Police Station last ovoning by Sergeant Blake. Thoy said that thoir father was a farmer in the Little Bocket, near Ipswich, and that a few days ago ho had gono to Brisbano to see their mother. Yesterday morning a man, who stated that he had boon sont for thom by thoir father, took thom to Ipswioh, and paid thoir passages by Bteamor to Brisbane, but did not give thom any directions as to where thoy would find }hcir father or mother. Thoy had boon wan-dering about tho town for a considerable tim0 when Sergeant Blako found them and took thom to tho station, where they Btoyed all night. Inquiries will bo made (by the police to-day, and no doubt the poor children will be restored to their parents.

WE aro requested to mention that tickets of admission lo the forthcoming performance of the Amateur Dramatio Club, on the 28th in stant, eau bo obtained from Messrs. Flavelle Brothers. A quarterly subscription of five shillings to the club will entitle tho subBoriber to four tickets. The price of two tickets is three shillings j and of a single ticket two shillings.

KING BILLY, the blackfellow who was killed on Saturday by some of his companions, was buried yesterday. The mounted police have scoured the country in the neighborhood of Brisbane in search of the murderers, but have not yet succeeded in arresting them.

A MELBOURNE telegram states that thirty thousand pounds have been forwarded from there to Adolaide on English account for wheat, as orders could not be executed here.

A MEKBOT/ENE telegram states that the newly-appointed Roman Catholic Bishop of Goulburn is Dr. Croker, an English Benedic-tine. Tho coadjutor of Archbishop Polding ?wîll be Yioar-Genoral Sheehy.

CAPE papors report tho death of Lady Wode-


A PBiMAnr difficulty in butter-making in this country, says The Queenslander of Satur-day, is that of securing an equable temperature. In America, whore the 'summer season is fully as hot as in Queensland, by making caves in the sides of hills, not only a much cooler, but a moro uniform temperature is seeurod. Those caves aro found especially beneficial where ice cannot bo got conveniently. Wo find the following rules laid down by a butter-maker who appreci-ates the benefits of caves : The coldor the cream the bettor the butter; cream should be of a uni-form temperature j although butter is made quickest with warm cream, experience BIIOWS that by lowering the temperature quality and quantity aro improved.