Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 13 August 1866, page 2




August 11.

THE nomination of candidatos for the repre-sentation in the Legislative Assembly of the Electorate of Western Downs took place to-day. Vory littlo iutorost in tho ovont was manifested, thero hoing only about fifty persons present, many of whom were not olootors.

Mr. Kent, of Jondaryan, proposed, in a vory brief mannor, tho Hon. John Watta as a fit and

propor person.

Mr. James Taylor, M.L.A., Boeondod tho nomination, and in doing so said that ho en-tirely approvod of tho new coalition. Ho be-lieved that tho Government as now constituted would ho found unitod for ono common purposo» namoly-tho relief of tho colony from its prosont financial ombarrassmont. Ho doniod that tho land question was tho ono of tho day, inasmuch as fiuanco affected evoi-y person. It uflcctod him most sovoroly, for, although people said ho was wealthy, ho had laid out his mouoy in buildings and in making improvements. Ho supported Mr. Watts bocauso ho was not a snarling, creoping abaonteo, Uko many others who ran about the country saying thoy were big Darling Downs squatters. If thoy wore, how was it that thoy did not livo thoro and spend their monoy in onootu-aging tho trade of tho colony. Ho did not beliovo in any of thom, but Mr. Watts lived among his constituents and devoted himself to the best interests of tho colony at largo.

No othor candidato boing proposed, tho Hon. J. Watts was declared to bo dtdy olootod.

Mr. Watts, in addrossing thoBO prosont, ox. plained tho circumstancos which had induced him to accopt ofllco. Ho referred to tho offorta which had been made to obtain monoy, and stated that tho present Glovernmont had suecooded in paying to tho Govornmont contractors tho sums proposed by tho late Govornmont, ex-cept as regarded thoso on tho "Warwick line. Tho Engineer had promised to hand over tho Uno to Toowoomba, compleco, within six months from tho present timo. Ho bcliovod it would bo advisablo to suBpond certain works on tho branch railways, in order to carry out tho main lino effectually to Toowoomba. Mr. Pring's dofeat had proved that tho Government of which that gontloniau was a member could not carry on tho business of tho country. Undor thoso cireumstancos a coalition was decided on, and it was agreed to Bink all minor questions and to make every exertion to roh'ove tho financial embarrassment. Although tho land Bill might not bo a question of tho day, ho might stato that ho was disposed to act liberally to the agriculturists-more so, perhaps, than was expected of him. He wished only to restoro prosperity to the colony, and whon that was dono ho should rotiro, as his ago, health and tho cares of a family would not pormit him to dovotc tho requisito amount of attention to tho duties of a public office.

A fow questions woro put to Mr. Watts, after which the proceedings terminated with a voto of thanks to tho Returning Ollicer, and cheers for Mr. Watts and for Mr. Macalistox*.

At Ten o'clock last ovoning wo rcceivod a messago fiom tho Tclcgraph-offlco to tho effect that the lino had broken down on the Now South Wales sido of Tenterfield.

WE havo been requested to call attention to a meeting, to ho held this afternoon, at tho Servants' Homo, Ann-streot, which has been convened for the purposo of making arrange-ments for a Bazaar, to bo held in October, in aid of tho funds of that Institution, and also of (ho Lying-in Hospital. Wo hopo thero wiU bo a good attendance, as both tho Home and tho Hospital havo a great claim upon tho assistance

of tho public.

IT is satisfactory to bo ablo to stato that on ' Saturday last tho Government paid a largo num-ber of accounts duo to various contractors, and also tho salarios of a largo proportion of the

ofllcors in tho Civil Service.

THE re-election of Mr. Lilloy, tho AttornoyGonoral, as nicnibor for Fortitude Valloy, took place on Saturday, and was a moro formal affair. Tho proceedings lasted about ten minutes. As usual, boforo tho nomination there wero various rumors eurrout as to whether Mr. Lilley would bo opposed or not ; indeed, some said that MrK. K. Mackenzie intended to offer himsolf as an opponent-a very unlikely thing indeed,

afterwords proved to bo tho coso. Tho Attornoy-Goneral's speech was short. Ho slated that the now Ministry was but a temporary ono, and promised an early dissolution of Parliament, on the Bamo doy Mr. Watts, tho Minister for Works, was returned without opposition for the

Western Downs.

THE potition to Her Majesty praying for the recall of His Excellency Sir G. E. Bowen, is being signed by numerous citizens ; tho precise number of signatures, howovor, up to dato has not yet been ascertained.

THE Metropolitan District Court will sit in its Criminal Jurisdiction this day, tho 13th instant, tho case3 for trial aro as follow :-Beg. v. Attwood, uttoring a fictitious chequo ; Beg. v. Mulroony, stealing in a dwelling liouso (threo charges) ; Beg. v. Ferguson, cattlo stealing (two charges) ; Beg. v. Chapman, Btoaling from tho


ON the football ground, on Saturday after-noon, there was no match; but two sides were chosen, and a very lively game was played. The weather was somewhat warm for playing, and there was a strong breeze blowing in the early part of the afternoon. Sides were chosen by Messrs. Highfield and Bourne. Five goals were kicked, three of them going to the credit of the former gentleman. The football season will end in a few weeks, and the committee of the club contemplate getting up some athletic sports as an appropriate finale. The idea is good, and we hope it may be carried out successfully.

WE perçoive by a notico in the Government Gazette, that in reference to the salo of lands in tho Clifton Agricultural Rosorvo, Monday September 3 is substituted for Monday Soptomber 5.

THE Government Gazette of Saturday, con-tains a description of the lands set apart for the Brisbane Waterworks Reserve at Enoggera.

THE following is a classification of tho porsons dotainod m Her Majesty's gaol, at Brisbane, for tho week ending 11th August, 18G6 :-Eor trinl at Brisbane, 4 males, 1 fomalo ; for trial at Maryborough, 6 males ; for trial at Rockhamp-ton, 1 male j imprisonment, 17 malos, 13 females ¡ hard labor on tho roads, 34 malos ; hard labor in the gaol, 71 maleB 7 females ; debtors, 1 malo ; non-payment of finos, 1 malo ; in default of bail, 3 males ; lunatics, 2 males : making a total of 140 malos

21 females.

A MEMORANDUM and statement of tho Board of Education respecting tho recent competitivo examination of candidates for employment in tho Civil Service of Queensland wero published 'n Saturday's Gazette. The examination was conducted by Messrs. E. Macdonnoll, J. 0. Anderson, and J. 0. Heusslor, tho latter gentloman being the examiner in German. Tho preparation of tho questions aud revision of tho answers occupied one fortnight. Tho questions wero drawn up on tho model of a similar exami-na tion in Victoria, in 1865. "Wo havo not space to publish tho wholo of the memorandum at prosont. Wo quoto the lost paragraph as follows :-"Perhnpsitmay not bo amiss, in view of futuro examinations, to comment on tho vory remarkable instances of bad spelling which wero furnished by Bomo tí?the answers to tho papor on 'English.' In ono paper of manuscript thero wero no loss than twenty-two orrors of orlhography. Tho mistakes in geography, also, wore numerous) and sometimes not a littlo ridiculous. Indeod, if this memo, wero intended to afford amuBomont, it might bo swolled with oxamplos of blunders in both subjocts. "

TIIE D. D. Gazette of Saturday, June 11,

records tho following fatal accident -.-A fatal j accident occurred yostorday afternoon, by which a young man named Jamos Downs was killed. It appears that do ceased, who waa in the em-ploy of Mr. Joseph Kiley, of tho Shamrock and Thistlo Hotel, in Kuthvon-streot, went into tho stablo for tho purpose of putting the harness on a horso. A short timo aftorwnrds, a little boy BOU of tho landlord, opened tho atablo door, and saw deceased lying on the ground at the back of tho horso j ho articulated a few words, and tho boy called for assistance. Deceased was carried into tho house, when it was found ho had received a violont kick on tho tomplo. Drs. Burko and Stacey woro quickly in attendance, but thoir services woro of no avail, as shortly aftorwards the unfortuntto man breathed his last. No person being in tho stablo with doceascd, of course it is impossible to say what led to his being killed, as deceased was well accustomed to bo amongBt horses, and tho horso was not known to bo in any way vicious.