Maitland Weekly Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1931), Saturday 4 September 1915, page 10


, On Saluiday afternoon last in tho presence of a. small though ropiesentativc number 'of lesidentg, tho remains oi' tlio late Trooper David Mathews 'npre laid at lest in the Cliuich of England cemetery, at Paterson. Tho service at the chuich and gravesido, which was most impiotsivo, was taken.- by the

iiov. canon mrsc. wurmg tlio servico jn tho church the choir rendered the- hymn 'Nearer my^God to Thee/' and at 'th© conclusion Mrs. W. Tucker, who' piesidcd at the organ, played tho Dead March in, 'Saul.'1 Owing to the rather sudden ending of tho deceased's young lifo, comparatively few were acquainted of his death, or thoro undoubtedly would have been largor numbois ac'tho funeral topay their last respects to one who never lived to strike a blow for liis King and country, yot who nevertheless died, a hero. Tho coffin was coveied with tho Union Jack. Tho Martin's Creek Australia. Day fund amounts to .£21/11/3}, and tho . following is tho list of tho subscribers: — G P.* Fitzgibbon .£1/1/, Mrs. W. Robinson '£l/l/4 L. Robinson £1/1/, J. W. Robinson £1/1/. A. Smith 2/6, M. G. Andrews 1/, B. Arnold 1/, J. W. Easy 1/, Jtfrs. JO. Doyle '2/6. E Priestly £1/1/. E. .Burt £l/l/4 j. Robinson £1/11/, M. Glisspy 2/, J. .Merchant V. G Soper 2',, H. Osborno 1/. T. H. Everett 5/. J. Hitehins 5}, Mrs. J. Martin 2/, G. 'Gardner 2iG, J. Kerwin l/, John Hinning 1/.- S. Broomfiold 6d, H. Swadling 1/, J. H. .Smith

z'o, .ur. layior uu, « . j/eaisp J./U),. A. jtuwsu 6d, J. Richardson 6d, , n. Dougles Od/.P. Lajiev 2/, W. Tyrrell 1/. W. Donlau 1/,. J. Humbles 5/, Mis. Pontelow 1/6, VP,. Carroll 31, T5. Wilkinson 2/, Mrs. P. Lanoy-,2/. H\ Topham 2/,'J. Cook 5/, O.'J. Mai tin' 21, F. Easteott 2/6., J. E. Smith 3/, ' ^Way and Shone 2/. Mis. J. Maitin~3,', R. Lubty'l/, J. Wallaco 1/. Nurso.Brodiick 5/, W. Burt 5/, P. Kepnio 10/, AV. Seumonicht o/. TJ Martin £1/1/, *G. Piiestly £2'2/: P. Cunninptham 21.

Miss Lonsdnlo 5/, A. Robinson 10/,, Miss M. Copper 2/6. F. O'Connor £1/1/, Mrs. O Robinson .Cl/1/, P. Butler 5/, F.- Martin £1/17, E. J. C'anii .£1/1/ Tlio presence of dea.tli has been with us rather frequently of lato. and the last to be taken away from our midst was Mary Adnmson, wifo of Mr. Robert Adamson.of this town; Tb? dencesed nasso'l nonoefully away nt. hor resirlenco on Wednesday last, and her. rfvmnins wero lnid to rest in the Church of Knglaiul cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Canon Hirst officiatpd at the church and graveside. At tho conclusion of tho Anglican service. the Ensign from Maitlnnd nnd Captain Hayes rend the burial servico of the Salvation Army, of which the deceased was a member. Thn services were very impressive Tho deceased lived an exemplary lifo of Christian fnrtitndp. '-.MiiPh. sympntbv is expressed by all for tlio sorrowing .husband and relatives. .. ? , ?? ? ' AVo are given to understand thnt two more of our you he met! lmvo enlisted for tho front. and havo na^spcl all tlio ne^'essni-y oxaniina- -tions. v'\7... Messis.. Davkl Ktehers, mor0 commoiily kn°wn ns Sidney Webster, and Gcorco Martin. These two young mori are very fine snooimejifs of manliootl. and with th^so already onlistod. co to show that the typo o^ mn.nhood ilinr Patoi'son is so'flinrr to represent her i« of the he^t. lhnrnn-rlily in j lrnoninn iviil) fill +lir-co 1vl)o nvo v-1lintoorinr' '? *~~™ Mhnr rvirts of Oio Rtnfe. Mr. Go^rrro Priestly, sou., loccived ward recently that j

his son- Georgo had been slightly wounded at the front. This came as rather a surprise as many were under tho impression, that thoy could hardly havo arrived at their destination. Mr. Frank Butler, the eldest; son of llr.- Thomas Butler of this town, who has been iu training at the Liverpool tcamii ' for the past three or .four months,' came, up en Tuesday' last to say 'farewell to his numerous friends prior to leaving' for' the -front, and ieft . again bv the Tarep mail that mornmg-v ? -. '; ? ;?? .:? :' ... ? .'??':