Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Saturday 21 July 1866, page 4




July 20.

THE Presbyterian congregation hero havo an-nounced their intention of soparating from the


Tho causo of this movement ia that tho Synod refused to allow the Bov. Colin M'Culloch to be


Mr. M'Culloch will preach in tho Court Ilouse on Sunday,and will bo woll supported.

Tho weather is Ano.

Trado is unusually quiet.


Juno 20.

Great excitement prevails here in respect to

tho Financial Crisis.

In accordance with a gonoral request, His Worship tho Mayor has coiwonod a public mooting to bo held on Monday evening, the ohjoot of which it is stated is to support Mr.

Macalister aud Mr. Bell.

Tho weather is uno, but cold. Trado is steady.

Pat cattle aro in groat domand.




Bomoo . .... 1

Daddy . 2


Bon Bolt. 1 Yono foil, and her ridor was BO much injured as to bo rendered perfectly lamo.


Promier. ... 1

Tal Tal . 2

This was pronounced by all to bo a capital



Forrostor. ... ]

Quadrant. 2 '


Irish Kate . 1 Grlauous. ... 2

Tho abovo woro tho races on Thursday. To-day thoro was a splendid race, and in point of fact it was the best meeting. Premier carno ia first, and Tal Tal second.


July 20.

A cargo of Chilian breadstuff's arrived to-day. Tho Government havo despatched a steamer to oxamino tho northorn coast, os a roport hasboon recoived that two large vo3sols havo beon wrecked north of Port Stephens.

Trade is dull ; tallow and hides aro easier,

but there ia not much domand.


July 20.

A now wool company has boon projected, and so far as appoarancos go it promises to bo sue


Messrs. Watcrhouso, Forstor, and Ayers havo been appointed Colonial Commissioners for the

Paris Exhibition.

BrcadstufTs are quiet.

Whoat is dull, oats aro firmer, sugars remain at last quotations. T

Wheat is firmer.

AMONO tho passengors who arrived yesterday by the steamor Tolograph was Mr. T. Higinbotham, tho Engineer-in-Chiof of tho Victorian Bailway Department. Tho object of this gen-tleman's visit is, wo believe, to act as sole ar-bitrator in tho disputo betwoen tho Government and Mr. Willcox, tho resident representative of Messrs. Peto, Brassey, and Betts. It is feared that some delay may occur in consequence of tho late Ministerial changes. Tho Attorney Goneral in esse has received a good brief and fin» instructions from Mr. Wüloox, whilst tho exAttorney-General has been fully instructed as to the points to be raised on. behalf of the Go-

vernment. In fact each learned counsel is per-

fectly acquainted with all tho points in his opponent's case, and equally in ignorance o those of his own. The best plan for the Governor would bo to allow Mr. Pring to re-tain his lucrativo brief, and to feo Mr. louey to an equal extent to protect tho interests of the


WE understand that as much of tho mails for this colony by tho ill-fated vessel Cawarra as havo beon recovered, wore delivered at the General Post Office boro, together with the Telegraph's mails, yesterday afternoon. Bevon

the loosening of tho adhesive matter of tn^ envelopes, through exposure to the water, ar^ tho consequent partial obliteration of the a -dresses, it is believed the contents received o°

furthor injury.

THE äemonsfcation mado yesterday by the

citizens «f Brisbme, whatever may bo said of ita. questionable toïninotion, was rendered Bignl-f tout in the lighest degree by tho fact that nearly every rapeotablo placo of businoss yás closed for 'the.occasion. Tho Exchango Hall was crammed almost to suffocation by pcojilo packed closeiytogethor in a standing position, so that there buld not havo teen loss that 800

prosent, anpyilbmost as many had to go away without be/i/able to obtain admittance./How-ever one n/uat foel,inolhiod to disapprove of the idea of mwftíng, or attempting to ni?« a public inna in lie publio stroots, there inn bo no question /s to the political signi'Jmnco of the meeting if yesterday. Wliat hofficned afterirards, jJjpeotable citizons mightÄell disclaim ; of the 'feting itself every resent has a right

to bo p'fcud.

A KB&BACEEUL scene tooïfplaco yesterday afternoon aftor the moetijfe in the Town Hall, à large crowd collectcrVunder tho archway anil in front of the Parlipnentary Buildings j tho ostensible object of /he gathering was, as

many present took care/to explain, to " pay popular respoet to Mo/sra. Herbert and BafT." ^ho former gontlemanfliaving made his appear-

ance, in leaving the /Parliamentary Buildings, ho was immed'atejy saluted with outcrios of "Bring Bair,''iii«sos, and groans. Thinking, probably, theM was dangor ahead, the ox and prospectivo ,' ./Premier retreated through tho archwaJ; but shortly aftor re-ap-peared in coppany with tho Hon. B. I. C. Browne Bmh gentlemen turned down Queenstreet, follow/d hy an immoneo crowd, hooting, veiling, and going on in a very excited manner. This conduct was continued all thó way down Queen-street to near Petrie's Bight, tho crowd growing in numbers and fierceness as it proceeded. Near tho bight, stones and other missiles were being freely thrown, while tho efforts of the few policomen who had followed the crowd were completely set at nought. Things began to look sorious, as voices wcro heard calling out to " Throw him into the river!" when a cab was fortu-nately secured, into which Mr. Herbert got as quickQy as possiblo, just as dangerous-looking missiles (wcro ¡lying thickly about his head. Two or tSireo men mado a rush to stop tho cab, but other*, probably thinking enough had been done, proposed " Letting him off," and during the time a) parley was taking placo,-tho cabman whipped ¿rp his horses and drovo away, amidst yclis, grcuans, and hisses. At this juncture several prolicomon made their appearance, but wo saw ijio arrests made, although several voices amoug tljie crowd were proclaiming their determiuatioi i to go aftor Mr. Bah", and " Sorve him m tho sa'r'ne way."

A COM MITTKB meeting of tho Land Loaguo waa helfld yesterday evening in tho Town Hall, when a/' sub-committoo was appointod to wait upon Mr. Bait', with tho requisition signed by tho co/mmitteo of tho Land League, desiring him to reaiign his Beat in the Legislativo Assembly> in accordance with the résolution passed at tho pub/lie meeting held on Monday ovoning last.

IpHEBE was to have been a meeting of the Towung Men's Christian Association yesterday jrirning ; but, in consequence of tho paucity of nUflndance, it was postponod to next Friday.

M'HIS evening Miss Edith Palmerston, of wlijim so many favorabln noticoo lmvn appeared

.10 leading journals in tho neighboring colowill make her début before what wo hopo JJC a largo Brisbano audience It is so long sineT thero has been auy opportunity afforded to thehlublieof witnessing any attractive ontortainmciM» that wo aro sure that thero will bo a good

hou^l at tho Victoria Theatro this evening.

MissT'almcrston's " Household Sketches " have won! jor her golden opinionB olsewhero, and frouv.lur knowledge of tho peoplo of Brisbano wc ^fuovo 9üe w'" become a great favorito in this try.

T^Vntertainmont last night at Grcenberg's

CircuBd'as for tho benefit of the widows and

orphanjlof tho officers and crow of tho ill-fated steampiJCawarra. Thero wore upwards of three liundrelo persons present. The programme gone tU^ugh was, if possible, of a moro excel, lent doi Aption than thoso of previous nights ; or ratbl »to speak perhaps moro correctly, the perform«? appeared to bo endeavoring to excel themselvoj, in consequence of the charitable object of Jio entertainment. Tho company un-doubtedly Jcontains many first-class acrobats ¡ and wefbtovo that the feats of Mons. Klaer and hisj i|n; and the Wieland Brothers will

comparofabrably with the performances of all who hai| lisited the colony at any previous date. Toeliwo former, in our opinion, appear to most jdiWago, and evidence the most skill and cournjk in their seemingly hazardous doings oi tie double trapeze. Wo cannot also refrain fraiir^forring to tho exquisitely perfect performata of the well-known equestrienne Madamo jltriquos ; tho easo and agility and tho evidoat blight with which sho goes through her part,, Iro' very attractive, and have rendered irj a great favorite with all

those vho, have visited the circus. Messrs. Jone and Henley ably contribute to each ovenlhg' entertainment, the former per-haps morM jrticulnrly by his equestrianism, and tho lafcr by his acrobatio feats ; Mr. , Jones, howov, is inferior to very few in the

pieces which-equiro eithor strength, agility, or suppleness. Vith regard to tho jesters, they are everylhin.that could bo desired, and koop the audience i a chronic Btatc of risibility. In conclusion, TV may ¡¡tato* that we think Mr. Greenber deurving of encouragement, not only becai^oi the intrinsic merit of tho enter-tainment gillie nightly provides, hut because he so kindtolunteered to give the services of

his convpanjbr the furtherance of a charitable object. Mrjj-reenberg intends, also, to give a benefit to tl|jndB of tho Masonic Hall now being erecta on Monday evening, when the Wicland Bflers will perform a feat on the

trapeze whic|m8 never before been attempted in the colon^Wo shoidd recommend all who

havo not y&isited this Circus lo tako tho

earliest oppo^ùty of doing 6o.

THE ordiiy fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Cudi will be held on Monday. Beports will \ brought up from the Finance , ana Improve4t Committees. Tenders will bo

received for t^onstrUCtion of culverts and for cutting waterblos. The following notice of motion will \ considered :-By Alderman Domvan,-" \ notice of arrears of rates upon unoccupied laj within tho Municipality bo given and Wished in the Government Gazette. \

WEhavebefcequested'bythe Secretary of tho Brisbane Upital to acknowledge, with thanks, the receW a large number of monthly magazines from.. Slater, Bookseller, Queen


As stated in yesterday's Courier, a match will be played in the Queen's Park this afternoon between two sides chosen from among the mem-bers of the Football Club, namely, Civil Service v. All Comers. The list of players shows that twenty-two have been chosen on each side. The kick off will take place at 3 o'clock, and the conditions of the match are, that the side which obtains two out of three goals, shall be declared the winner. The match has caused some interest, and most of those who are to take part in it have been assiduously practising during the week. The names of the players are :Civil Service : Messrs. Boyce, French, J. Bourne, Scarr, Perse, Hill, T. B. Watterston, Mills, Coley, Stewart, Bunton, Gill, Burrowes, Ryder, King, Pugh, Darvall, Costello, Pounden, Somerset, Bourne, Kellett, and Miles. All Comers: Messrs. Munce, Cowlishaw, Garbut, Horsley, Sheridan, Board, Faunce, Highfield, Watterston, Sheehan, Hart, Tregurtha, Zillman, G. Smith, E. Webb, H. Webb, Fowles, Kelly, Macquarie, Cotham, Millar, Miskin, and


WE havo received, in tho form of a noat pamphlet, a copy of the rules of tho newlyinstituted Highland Socioty ot Queensland. The objects of the socioty aro, tlie encourage-ment of Highland music, gatherings, games, corrospondoneo, mutual assistance, &c, and, abovo all, a thorough Highland spirit among mombors. Wo wish evory succoss to tho now society, and hopo that thoir oxortions may bo rewarded with the results thoy anticipate.

CONnnitATOBY of the death of tho loador of

the unfortunate Leichhardt Search Expedition, tho Port Denison Times, of Juno 30, says ¡" Wo havo received the following information, dated Mnrathon, Juno 16, relativo to tho death of Mr. M'Intyro, the explorer :-' On Monday, Juno 4, at two minutes to 6 o'clock, Mr. M'Intyrc, tho leader of tho Leichhardt Search Expedition, broathod his last at G-illiofc Crook, near tho Btation of his brothor, and ho is buried on tho oast bank of a largo lagoon in that locality. Ho suttored from fuvor, which ho is supposed to havo caught in Burke Town.' "