Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 2 July 1866, page 2




June 30.

THREE of the convicts who escaped from the French transport have been re-captured. There are now two still at large.

H.M. war steamer Falcon has been despatched to the Middleton Reef, with the view of ascer-taining if there are any survivors from the late wreck of the Mary Lawson.

The Lady Young and the Yarra Yarra have sailed for Brisbane.


June 30.

Monday, being the anniversary of separation of the colony from New South Wales, will be observed as a general holiday.

The new agricultural areas are being rapidly

taken up.

The markets are easier.


June 30.

Trade is very dull.

Flour is quoted at £16 per ton ; wheat at 6s. 3d, per bushel.

AN additional service in connection with the Anglican Church, Wickham Terrace, was held last evening in the hall of the School of Arts. A large and attentive congregation was present. The Rev. Mr. Tanner, who lately arrived from Victoria, officiated. He preached a most elo-quent and impressive sermon, and was listened to with marked attention. We understand that the rev. gentleman has signified his intention of remaining for some time in the colony. He has already endeared himself, as it were, to those who have had an opportunity of listening to his powerful reasoning, his fervent appeals in the cause of that Great Master whose faithful ser-vant he is, and his evident desire to inspire the minds of his congregation with the high prin-ciples it should ever be the duty of a follower of Our Saviour to seek to promulgate. We trust in the interest of a large portion of the public that Mr. Tanner may be induced to remain long amongst us, and that his ministrations will be rewarded by a revival of that interest in the Church of England which has so long been dor-mant amongst its members in this colony.

THIS evening a musical and dramatic enter-tainment will be given by the membors of the Catholic Young Men's Society, in the school-room attached to St. Stephen's Church, in Elizabeth-street. Last year it was very successful — we hope it will be so on this occasion.

THE ordinary monthly meeting of the mem-bers of the City Volunteer Fire Brigade will be held this evening in the Town Hall. A large amount of business has to be transacted ; and we understand that several new members will be proposed.

AN obelisk of white marble was erected last week in the Church of England Cemetery, by Mr. J. Petrie, to the memory of the late Mr. D. Wienholt, of the firm of Wienholt and Co., Ipswich and Brisbane. The obelisk is about fifteen feet high, and is a very handsome speci-men of plain sculpture in solid marble. It is enclosed with an iron rail fixed in a stone coping about twelve feet square. The monument is the work of Edward Pearce, statuary and mason, Euston Road, London. It arrived in the colony in a ship that lately came in, and was sent out in six large blocks, quite ready for Mr. Petrie to put up. An inscription appears on the "Dado" of the tomb to the effect that Mr. D. Wienholt died last year, at Cleveland, and that this monument is erected by his relations, to testify their affection and respect for him.

THE Exhibition was closed on Saturday even-ing. The attendance during the last few days on which it was open was very good indeed, and especially so on Saturday. In the evening the building was literally crowded. The total number of visitors to the Exhibition from the

opening to the closing was as near as possible 1800. To-day, to-morrow, and Wednesday have been set apart for the jurors to examine the various products sent in, and award the prizes that the Commissioners intend to dis-tribute. The collection of goods which the Exhibition contains gives a very fair idea of what the colony is capable of producing. But, large as the display is, it is to some extent to be regretted that the Commissioners were not more liberally supported than they have been. Queensland, however, will occupy a very credit-able position in the Intercolonial Exhibition at Melbourne, and no doubt her department will be as interesting, though perhaps smaller, than the displays of most of the other colonies.

THE members of the Brisbane Football Club had a turn out on Saturday afternoon, and played several games. The place of meeting was the cricket ground. Though the muster was not large, the play was conducted in a spirited manner ; and there were many good struggles before a goal was kicked. The ground was slippery in many places, and, as a matter of course, several "spills" occurred. There will be a practice at the Queen's Park this afternoon, the cricket ground being rather too far from the

centre of the city.

BY reference to our advertising columns, it will be seen that the friends of total abstinence intend to hold a meeting, this vening, at the Baptist Chapel, Gregory Trrace.

THE Treasurer of the Brisbane Hospital de-sires to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of £3 from employees at Messrs. Bennet and Edds ; £5 11s. 6d. from Captain Lake, officers and crew of Lady Bowen's; and £4 11s. 6d. from Captain Howitt and crew of Emu.

In consequence of the verdict given by the jury at the inquiry into the origin of the fire in Kent-street, Fortitude Valley, on the 26th June, that the house was maliciously and designedly set on fire by some person or persons unknown, the Queensland Insurance Company, in whose office the house was insured for £250, have offered a reward of £50 for such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of

the guilty persons.

IT is notified in the Government Gazette, of Saturday last, that Mr. Robert William Robberds, of Sydney, New South Wales, and Mr. John Thomas Griffin, of Clermont, have been appointed Commissioners for taking


THE Melbourne Argus of a recent date states that a new town on the Murray, to be called Gol-Gol, has been proclaimed. It is situated in the county of Wentworth, on the Murray River, at the confluence of the Gol-Gol Creek.

THE Cleveland Bay Herald of June 9 is in-formed that the following stock for boiling has been received at the Boiling Down Establish-ment: — From Mitchell and Stenhouse, Miall Station, 50 head; Cunningham and Palmer, Burdekin Downs, 80 head; Andrew Ball, Up- per Burdekin, 15 head; Armstrong and Wil- mington, Salisbury Plains, 300 head; Hann and Co., Bluff Downs, 100 head. The average yield of tallow from Mitchell and Stenhouse's cattle, was 2391 lbs. per head-from Andrew Ball's 385 lbs. per head.

WE learn from a Tasmanian journal that at Hobart Town the Theatre Royal is now used on Sundays for religious services, by the Rev. John Wilkes Simmons. His style appears to be somewhat eccentric. His last text was "A man's a man for a' that."

THE Hobart Town Mercury of the 19th in-stant records the occurrence of on accident to a well-known sportsman. It says : — " Mr. Samuel Blackwell, of Melton Mowbray, met with a very severe accident on Saturday whilst returning from hunting. The hounds met at Richmond, in the morning, and the field assembled, and having had a very fair day's sport, separated towards evening, Mr. Blackwell taking his way home, but when near the Old Mill, at Brighton, he was thrown from his horse, breaking his leg, and in this painful condition he remained lying by the roadside for upwards of a couple of hours, when, fortunately, he was discovered by some passers-by, and surgical assistance was sent for. Dr. Butler shortly arrived, and set the broken limb, afterwards driving his patient to his residence at Melton Mowbray."

THE Melbourne Argus reports that the Customs authorities have seized another ship-ment of indecencies, in the shape of brooch-pins, scarf-fasteners, &c., fitted with tubes con-taining obscene microscopic pictures; and they will doubtless share the fate of previous parcel, which luckily did not escape the vigilance of the Customs officials. A plan has been lately adopted — but fortunately frustrated this time of sending out the microscopic portion of the affair in a parcel forwarded by post, while the jewellery is transmitted through the Customhouse in the usual way.

A CORRESPONDENT sends us the following rather good story : — The subjoined instance of "cleverness" on the part of an astute shop- keeper is well worth narrating, though for ob-vious reasons the names of persons connected with it, and the town where the events occurred, need scarcely be montioned; enough that what is related happened in a well to-do town in the southern port of Queensland. A minister of a particular religious denomination being on the eve of leaving the scene of his labors, a few of his friends proposed to present him with a sum of money. The storekeeper referred to above interested himself very much in the movement, and surprised a good many people by the zeal he displayed, for previously he had never been remarkable for disinterestedness or liberality. He was made treasurer, and busied himself in collecting funds. Others also collected money, and handed it over to the treasurer. When a fair sum had been raised, a presentation meeting was called, and the treasurer made an appro-priate speech on the occasion — all duly reported in a local paper. He spoke of the reverend gentleman in most kindly and affectionate terms, and alluded to the pleasure it gave him to be the means of handing over the testimonial which had been got up; and a purse was duly presented. Surely the leopard had changed its spots, or the millennium was near at hand ! But the sequel is to come. When the minister opened the purse, instead of finding the sum of money he expected, there was only a coin, about the value of half-a-crown, and a bill (receipted) for some goods he had some time previously ob-tained from the storekeeper, and, from adverse circumstances, had been unable to pay ! Imagine the secret grin of satisfaction that passed over the cunning storekeeper's features as he thought of the success of his original and, to him, gratifying plan of securing the payment of a debt which he had almost given up hopes of seeing discharged. He not only got the credit from the public of doing a kind action, but experienced the greater pleasure of putting some cash in his pocket. It was not a small

sum — over £20.

WE learn from the South Australian Register, of June 18, that "the important experiment of testing the climate and soil of South Australia, as regards their suitability for the China tea plant, is about to be made on a somewhat ex-tensive scale. The Government have agreed to pay Mr. Sterndale, who recently brought a quantity of tea seed to the colony, the sum of £50 for one hundredweight of the seed, and they have instructed Dr. Schomburgk, Superin-tendent of the Botanic Garden, to sow and dis-tribute it, with the view of fairly testing its adaptability to this country. Accordingly, it has been determined by the Governors of the Botanic Garden, that one-half of the quantity shall be sown in the grounds of that establish-ment, and that the other half shall be distri-buted in various parts of the colony."

WE find that in Hobart Town the question has been raised as to the treatment of orphan school apprentices, and the latitude given to their masters. The Mercury of June 18 reports that "The Stipendiary Magistrate on Saturday laid it down as the law that no master could chastise an apprentice from the Queen's Asylum, and a respectable defendant was fined £1 on the statement of a boy that he had been beaten with a strap. The boy said the buckle end of the strap was used, but the master, Mr. Living-stone, positively denied that, asserting that he held the buckle in hand while he administered a temperate chastisement with the leather, for a fault the boy owned he was guilty of. The master was told that if he had any complaint, he should apply to the Bench, but Mr. Living-stone very rationally said if he had to do that he might be troubling the magistrates three or four times a week. The master was not allowed to give evidence, as he desired, of a series of provocations, and of the boy develop-ing thievish propensities. Mr. A. B. Jones said he would make no remarks on the strin-gency of the law, about which he had his own opinion; but most people think the Queen's Asylum Act is very absurd in many particulars, and the sooner it is altered the more advantage-ous to the colony generally."