Maitland Weekly Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1931), Saturday 25 November 1911, page 4



About 9 o'clock on Wednesday night a,)M11. liar .shcoling sensation occurred nt Kisbv^ i,v,i' HoW, SompilUtPcot, n& the is,,lt of'4ic ?-well-known resident of tno locality J[r -«-.,' ? McDonald, now lies in the Maitiand Hospit f S°rB XV effccts of a bllUet raK The circumstances of tho shooting are mn-t

I'-1-'1'' i '''i men- uuo nub nppcnr to ho mv motive lor the action. It is s.iid that tlio' a--'-sailanl. who had some drink at the hotel lvr under tho influence of liquor, but beyond thai there , is nothing to account for the man' btrange behaviour. There was no quarrel of any kind, and tho shooting, therefore, created intense surprise. From what can bo gathered tho assailant and a man named Sinytho were in the yard of tho hotel, when a shot was fired and tlio bullet whizzed past Smythe's head On hearing the shot McDonald went out into tho yard, and spoke to the man, who held a revolver, stating he would take him home Without any warning the assailant, who was a few yards away, fired a second time, and i)L

bullet entered McDonald's right side, below thr- breast. McDonald, realising that he had boon -wounded, walked from the hotel yard to his home adjoining, and was placed in bed whore ho was attended lo by his wife and others pending the arrival of Dr. Herring, who made an examination and ordered the injured man's removal to tho hospital, in order thattho X-rays might be used in locating; the position of tho bullet. After shooting McDonald, tho assailant made J7.ood his escape. The matter was 'immediately reported to the police and they lost no time in getting to work. Every likely spot was investigated, and the assailant's home was visited, butk had . not returned home even sit a late hour. On Thursday at daylight, however, he was discovered in bed by Senior-constable Coates

unit a ,!U»iui uiyiiii.uj vjj. iim luiue Him W3S i taken in charge.' Ho stated that he remem- \ bered nothing of the affair. He recollected ' I hsiving had a drink at the Falls Hotel, but j

IJU.VWllU LJUll.. OCIJLM i»U HUM 11U I CUUlltJUltOIl 01, ' tiny of the events of the evening. j Under the name of Andrew James Monn ! he was chnraed :'t the West Maitland Police ' Cr-url on Thursday with shooting at Mar- j tin M'Donald with intent to murder him, i and on the application oC Sub-Inspector | Somerville was remanded for seven days, i Tho. -revolver,, which accused is alleeeil | to have usnd, was . found 'in the yard of the] hotel oiv Thursday,, and taken possession of i by the police. The weapon, which is ursc- ? ticnllv new, contained two empty shells, 1 and three undischarged cartridges. j McDonald's ease is considered a serious ! one. \