Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Monday 12 March 1866, page 3



AN adjourned meeting of members of the Church of England residing in the neighborhood of Kedron Brook was held on Saturday last, at 6 o'clock, at Mr. Colton's, opposite the church reserve, Bowen Bridge Road. The meeting was well attended ; his Honor Mr. Justice Lutwyche took the chair. The hon, secretary (Mr. Barlee) then produced a plan for the proposed church,

presented by the Colonial Architect, and stated that Mr. Tiffin had been kind enough to proffer his further professional assistance in carrying out the work. The plan, which appeared to meet with general approval, was that of a very neat and simple structure, not unlike the building lately erected as a national school on the Bowen Bridge Road, to be constructed of hardwood, and affording accommodation for 130 persons.

Mr. STANLEY suggested that as a large num-ber of brickmakers had lately settled in the neigh-borhood, it might be desirable to construct the church of brick instead of timber. He believed

that most of the brickmakers would be willing to contribute their share of the material, rather than a donation in money. For his part, he would be happy to give three thousand bricks for the purpose.

Some conversation ensued in reference to this suggestion, and Mr. Stanley having undertaken to ascertain the opinions of the other brick-makers in the neighborhood, and the quantity of material likely to be contributed, it was decided to postpone the decision of the question until the next meeting.

The Rev. J. MATHEWS stated that he had been promised a donation of £10 from the bon. George Harris.

Further donations, amounting to £15, were reported by the hon. secretary, and an additional sum of £10 15s. was promised by members present, making the total already promised £115.

It was moved by the Rev. J. MATHEWS, se-conded by Mr. VAUGHAN, and resolved :-That Mr. John Leaver and Mr. Edwin Stanley be members of the committee, and be authorised to collect subscriptions.

It was then resolved that a fortnight be al-lowed for a vigorous canvass of the district, and that the meeting do adjourn until Saturday, the 24th instant, at 5 o'clock, the meeting to be held on the Church Reserve. A list of the sub-scribers and the amount of their donations will be published in our report of the next meeting.