Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Wednesday 18 May 1864, page 4



As the Telegraph is detained for the English mail, and you will thus have abuudnuco of news to occe.-py your spneo, as much brevity hero tis is consistent willi lucidity is, I presume, desir-able. The most noteworthy event, apart from the news by the English mail, is the disaster that has befallen our troops in Now Zealand, for which calamity we have only scanty consola-tion in tho defeat which the Maoris havo sus-tained at Taranaki, and in tho slaughter of fifty or sixty others by friendly natives near Tauranga. The papers aro so full of those ovents that I shall best perform my part by endeavouring to condense, for your convenience and

that of your renders. ' First, then, ns to the

disastcr'ut the Gate Pnh. You ure awaro that the Maoris, uftor abandoning Muungntnuturi, were known to have mudo their way in large numbers to Tauranga, whither Sir Duncan Cameron immediately followed them, willi a largo force. Ho found them in strong position at " tho Galo Pub," so culled by the soldiers because it was situated whero the Maoris had

formerly set up their gate for the collection of tolls. The position was enormously strong, and every preparation was mado for its bom-bardment. I regret the necessity of condensing greatly, as tho later report pf the special cor-respondent ol' the Auckland paper who accom-panied tho expedition, anti which report caine to hand by a later arrival from Auckland yes-terday, are' exceedingly graphic and interesting. Your readers will find thal thoy occupy a large portion of space in the Sydnoy papers, mid Unit the news is tho most exciting yet received from Miiorilnud during tho present war.

AVo havo no political news or course. The New Zealand business and tho arrival ol' the mail causo this dearth of polities to bo very little regarded. There is, however, a matter not altogether unpolitical, which at present occupies somo little attention. You havo hoard ol' tho lioonitin brotherhood-why so named I confess I don't know; but tho idea of the thing is this, that mi nrmy recruited from Ireland for the service of the United States in tho present war, is employed on tho understanding that it shall hereafter bo em-ployed by America, or at least allowed, to at-tempt tho conquest and "libération" of Ireland. I um not going to trouble you with my opinions, or whnt will become of this miserable absurdity. Jjel it sufilco that there aro plenty of fools who believe in it, und'that co-opor.ilive associations aro being established in all parts, somo agitators even trying lo gol up similar societies in Sydney. Last Friday's Ereeman's Journal expresses the utmost delight ni Iho fact that one of theso clubs, or branch nssoeintions, lins al-ready been formed. Fancy a lot of dundcr-headed donkics sufi'eri.ig themselves to bo led into a serupo like this, in a country whero till men aro pretty equal, and one man is not only us good us another, but sometimes belter, ns a " Fecnian " would say. Common rumor has it that Mr. C. Gavnu Duffy-, who, ns ono of " her Majesty's Jlinislcrs " ni. Jtolbourne, managed to secure himself a handsome pension, is "moving" in this matter. If so, I should

like lo seo him and his " Foemans " assembled in a solid mass in one of the public btreets, on ono of tho cold nights now coming . on, nncl thouwhat; do- you think its grape shot and dhrngoons Unit I mano? Not a bit of it ; but its tho fire ing'tnes I'd like to seo playing on them. In nil soberness, is not this loo bad? AVhat, in the name of wonder, has any nation-ality or creed lo complain of in this country. -

Mr. Mart lu is travelling in the west countrcc, and getting up his popularity, which I have no doubt ho may inanago to do, as h's manners havo a liiituriil nil* ol' frankness that is taking. His colleagues, however, are humbugs lo a mun.

It is very generally believed here that there' must bo a dissolution almost immediately aller Iho ro-ussoiubling or parliament.

Tho . Northern Expedition, under Colonel Finnis, sailed from Adelaide on the 30th April, in tho Henry JSUis. Another vessel was to follow immediately. Tho Adelaido papers are full of interesting news on this subject, but I niust.rcscrvc further reference to this until you have more space. A telegram from Adelaide in to-day's paper says :-" It is behoved that all Hie northern land to bo sold in London is dis-

posed of, as tho agent promised to telegraph if it was not so. No such telegram lins been re


Auother mutter in which you aro interested is tho following :-" The* Pastoral Association rjeently adopted a memorial to tho Executive Hint application should be mado lo tho Home Government for nu extension of Iho new terri-tory about three degrees east of tho present boundary line, so ns to tako in country reported by Mr. M'Kiulny ns suitable for a cattle route to the Gulf of Carpentaria. As, however, it has transpired that parties from Quecusloiul have started to occupy the country in question, as it has been annexed to Queensland, tho Pastoral Association consider it is no't now expedient to press the matter referred to in their luoniorial. Tho laws of Queensland are, however, in the de-sire lo eradicate ploiiro-pnoiimonia, likely to in-

terfere with tho transit of stock from South

Australia ; and it is intended by the Pastoral Association lo apply to the government of that colony for permission to form through their territory an overland route to tho northern


By the bye, a late Adelaide paper says :-"At the meeting of tho City Council on' Monday, Air. Clark suggested thal* the Gardener should be required lo report as to the* feasibility of planting Moreton Bay figs ulong the side* of Wukcflcld-strect. If it was practicable to curryout this iden the council, ho snid, would secure it very handsome pkiiitutioii. A discussion fol-lowed, in e-ourso ol' which his worship expressed his opinion that it was limo somo other kind of tree was substituted for those heretofore planted in tho city. It wus ulso suggested Unit tlio trees should be* enclosed by a fence on each side instead ol' employing tree-guards, which Jfr. Carlin remarked ' wero of no benefit, but only injured the tree*. The suggestion wns uunnimously agreed to."

A now gold-field bus been found nt Marl-borough, Now Zealand. These ure nil t he* parlicuhirs Unit you will huvo room for now:" We subjoin (ho latest intelligence concerning the newly-discovered gold-field in the Marl-borough province: - 'The superintendent of Marlborough bud returned to Picton from AYakiimnrhui, bringing with lum li lbs. weight of gold, obtained by \ViUon's part v. The fieltl is ni present limited, and wns already in the occupation of 700 diggers. Several other par-ties lind been cqunlly ns successful us that of AVilion's. A half-ciistc policeman, with a party of ten Jftioris, obtained ¿3 ozs. in one day."

Tho Nelson Colonist of the 22nd instant says: -" 'The general intelligence from the new gold-field continues to be* satisfactory, and various accounts of good gains are received. Of course, in numerous eases they arc greatly exaggerated, nnd the word of mouth reports require to be received with considerable caution. For in-stance, the othor day a report wa» spread that a party ol' four Nelson diggers had got S lbs. weight of gold : this quantity speedily beenmo Hi lbs. in the current gossip, while tho actual returns-und very good they ure-amount to 21 ozs., or G ozs. to each member of the parly, willi which all arc, no doubt, well contented. On Monday last tho Superintendent of Marl-borough proceeded up the river to tho diggings, and n meeting of the diggers was held, when the extent of claims was fixed at 30 feet by 20 feet for each mun cither way, mid various disputes us to claims were settled. Gold has been dis-covered in Uni JCuitunii River, which runs into the Pelorus, mid pnsscs by (he town-hip of Havelock. All thal is known is (hut a good prospect is reported to huvo been obtained, bul to itltt.l extent the ground is auriferous remains to he proved."

One of the lutot Melbourne papers lins the following :-" We icgivl to learn Unit Air. líenles is progrcssmg bul very slowly towards a recovery. His medical attendants havo orclerod

' I1-!"**!80 n a" nnd 1U"° »OCOllHn^KkTTTT

go to Sundluust loi two or threo Za Ï to hoped that ho will bo able to nmk0 U, 'I, It,s in Hu com so of a fiv, days In tho L. ' T,10-' Assembly laslovcnmg Ino Chief Secra an ^^ notice that on the following day h*» ST, moto that lento of "bsonee bo granted t^Tr1,1 HiulesfortlioninainderofUieSio,? *" **

Iho sound dous caso ot leny «. Tw

Alineotf uftci diiigrm" ltä 'J' ¿eni and

.Ince days in the Dttoiee <&Ä.tote a close on S-i uulay I" addltl011 ^^ .« gust,,, del« Is of niteinporanco and piu 1£F% deposed o in the cou. so of the onde co it * clear that petjn, y bas been added to thn T '* JI. Mit-cott Ihoeoiespondont was pul "7 witness boy. and not on y denied that 1.» i '?

an} impropo, inteieouiso with Mrs 1¿°y \t

gavo a flat couti ndiction to the ttl?y Ut svvointob} Teny the petihmior ° A" was also examined but nothing of iml.f * was Ceiled except he, staWentsTi quanti with hoi hu,band pii0i to he, L

the house at Erne, ,ld ü/nnd he, alv "X í<Ktmce ll,tuck hotel lho «A3 tata Hy t Sus l° fe ,bCT Y*^ htfoic thal Hie so i dlêT^ltnl^vvho no lou'! who puscntul at t0,t,t me n rc ?? postois A i ile Nel on pu,)Ci s tvs It, " Stulesmau which loutitt I ^ Ni soiùor V '°

visions and ivulci on he, ho mt, Z

lo Uitkland win i"o ol Mi Jink,,,* «ViT lion lot of Afions tht c1, if , "di,,, r

roman to ethii with then ih.ld" hoQio^ godson Anio, AJbcil Point,,,, -"ho ,t ",nT i o iioiubei ed w as boi n m LiHund I ,n , <seceded norn Al, Joulni, S ,,,, T sent bael to New ¿elland b\ tlioH«, govern' mont wink olhtis as vvt fonncly slitcHol,! the Auslralun, tiotipt of Al ,ot ,/"nd W" do ng an exielltu sttoko of busmtss lean," Mi Jenkins with bul tht """,, 0, his, , " pnknig "p u piitnious subs'.sltnci ", tho N oi Uni u mid Ali Um 1 Distrnts of 1 »"\Z\

Vsto light nutters tin new St diñt Prnth

27U?A°lty t0 1UllU ltS "I'P"'«»" hërè on Un

i. Miss Cleveland at tin Yntona Iheahe is winning toncinl appiobnhon hy l,cl w foi manns vi huh nppiobntion beug gcneiai

I luke on not hut "mm self «con W at

lililí 0M **'", JhLl,tU ,h0 ^'«~

Nights Di earn has bicnplvud and Idd*a a chanto ol scung n little of llmt-my visits°to I sue, pltn-es being ian ll,e pietalent re

liechon on my mind was whit the astonish met of Shnkspcio would hive been if lo coud seo such a lepicseiitUion ", such ti Pint ol tho iiotld, Unco hundred veiu-s "ftei his de.tth Al, Dillon "s Jottom.muidcied the p-ut It sll0ultl have been given to Kogcrs who with a Alis Sims a new uchess who played Puck wero tho best pinjéis in (ho piece But befoio qmttm«r these minteis lot mo mention thut Ali mid Alis" Kout mo coining back, to play a imevvtll engagement ol twelve nights lliey commouco on the 27th


The following may be of use to your Jackeroo friends if they don't know it already - "We have received intimation to-day from Messrs Clark, Hoffman and Co of the Australian Chemical Works that they have after many experiments discovered a solvent for the burr in wool-the object of desire to the Messrs. Winter and so many other squatters but as it will take some time to make the needful inquiries we can say nothing more on the subject at present."

iho le»hug ol AIt»si» Hollinan and Co s dis cot oi t vv ill bo w titelnd w tlh gteut aniieh and it us iilkgid those gintkniui slull hive sue iccdtd ni piouding a ptoce»sbv which the bun can bo ¡,ot ud ot without dttuiutnt to the quality of the staple they will have confined a beucht vilmh will bt subst mtinlly leeogmsed

Thonoivs of tin assis niationof Mi Owens has caused ii feeling of lion oi and it is well that lusheo seims likely lo be piomptly vimh entcd That kind of »poi t-shooting passen geis bom behind hedges-is new at Aforeton Day und I duio venture to avei will novel

flouusli theie

Am I destined lo seo tho visions of all or us mndnicn ittiully fulfilled» It seems so Bu» bnuo n eil v tw o Bishops and a Al ty or holdm» ecclc instituí snny theie a Governoi mid Pm° hument a liulw ty bikini mid lo noun nil a budgt nt lost about to iimti the Gmlplis mid Glubilliues on the oppo mg suits or Hut shearn Hu, nu wontlcis nulei 1-onlt io be surpi sid by the sell sittheieiit »tv urgerof somo of oin old liunds us thev loll np to Sydney from the ste une. s vthnil heie legnul

mg the minni nig loaf is who look on at tho evidences of Queensland piospcnty afloided by the thiel and fist annal mid depntuie of the Brisbuno stenmeis legnidiug (hen, I say with nu nu of pioudnudhiu0hlv condescension ns ¡I destiny m ti pitionisiiig w iv to «nv m tho lnngungo or pun lolom dp itiioti I iioxf it

at nil ' So thev didn t '

A Au Samuel Jo eph Stuckev a io peetnblo 'cltlci in South Vustiiln Ins been th irgul at tlio Adelaido Police Com l vv ith vvdlul murder, for shooting an aboi iginid u idv e u mied Pom))ev

lue hine! follow wns i notorious scoundtel mid hndptst is itdltdandiobbil a woman on tho station iho police depo ed that Pompey was cluuged with niuuv cuinos nun der umongt tho ret and it xv as pi ovod that Air Stuckey lia! e illtd upon him to suueiidii befoio he lired

Gicatmttu tis fi It hero um md actionNa h v Bmk of New South Wales-now pi o çee bug m the biipicmo Court Tho bank hiving refused lo piy Air AV Na lithe sum , ol 12100 the amount of the famous alleged , foi^t 1 cheque paid by them \ush lins brou.lit

tin» utioii Lending bun teis mo eng tulon both sides and the comt is eiowded daily Hu hill is expected to conclude on Afoudav

In tho meantime it is ndmittul Hint mnuy | »e non» an I iu,eiiio is foi gi tics have been com I mittet uni the ni m t ilk d Jones who is

chu., I with having ben lontirmd in the loi gin on Nish vvn amstel by the pohco on I bur I iv m_,ht V file nil of mine has told me of a loi"t Ubique the «¡tippo ed minufietutoof some of tbi t dcxtciou» ra enls A gentleman badi ned a tiuque notw! to abank He was ub epuntly dehuudidbv buying n peifcd/ic « nile p is c with the exception Hint the cross mg vv is omitted It Hie fi mil is ellected by n clieinu ti piocc s-mid I inn told flint the imita lion is piiltchon itself-it is «omenhat siupris ni.» how this last named foigeiv wns committed Hut I tippo e in Uns ngo ol intellectual march in, we hall all be fumihiu with this os well us othei biitm lu of the lim nits bofoit long

1 i I ni0hl theChulottt Indi tw s arrived fiom Cnhtoimi and Iheu appeals to havo been such excitement uiiioii"»t mu cant ile spe culutors and othei with itleieuee to the Horn trade-tho ve el b tug loaded with Hint ucee san com nioditv- Hut one pntv cluntcrula steamet and proceeded out ide tho heads to meet tho Char lode Vndiew» securing it is saul all the news pupils continuing Hie latest market news Theie is a despeinte oflort hero to keep up tho pi ice ol the lo if but keeu ob eircr pi edict that it vv ill soon come down So be it

Inr announcement oftho snlo oftho late Mi Thaekeiav s hou«e and its contents by auctioti brought a lnrgo gatheiug of the uobUity lito ltuy linn aid Is nnd others who wero tho pcisounl fuouds of the grent novelist Tieo greite t attention nppoared to bo paid in Uto in t mstnnco lo tholibiiiiy «nul particularly to tho o books vvhiih Alt Thackuay had mado the chief object of his study Among thesn wert tho old Lugli li lioveh ts and povts wit ti (¿uri pules Sophotks Ilomei Horace Yirgfc' md olhti élu suai vvntti The pictures were not numcrou bat Uley had ev dently been selected with eaie and pullulent Amongst the articles sold wcu bcniitilul old Itnhnn Ticndi and Lnghsh dctorudio finnituic nnd ornamental obieet with some valuable specimens of poieilun The appointments or tho houso ¡,inutilli vine much admired Iho van oils in deles sie tired good priie» Tho suit lu tel tinto tiny s The 'enso of tho rann sion hell din el fiom the crown foi about 80 vims ut a giound unt is understood to havo le n ollbt pin ile onh let for £10 000

Pimted and Pubh lied by luouu Bl icieST

SriniExs at ths Conner Oulso, Gtorgt

eh «at, BnsbiHU