Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Saturday 29 May 1897, page 5

Brisbane News. [Fneon On areTnoroLrran FPnes.] Thursday, May 27. At a meeting of the Blind and Deaf and Dumb Institnution, yesterdlay, it was stated that tile indebtedness of sthe institution was about £800, and an appeal was made to the public for assistance. It was reported that the deaf chiliren were being taught to articulate, with a view to the use of speech as a means of communication. _____________________________ A meeting of the congregation of the Wickham terrace Presbyterian Church was held, last evening, to consider the call of the Rev. G. D. Buchanan to the Ctalmer's Church, Sydney. The meeting, which was small, was presided over by the Rev. Dr. Frackelton, who stated that its object was to take into consideration whether or not they were ready to consent to the transfer of their minister to thie Chalmer's Church, Sydney, in case hie decided to accept the call. Mr. F. Ranson said he did not think it necessary to make a speech, as tile con gregation within the last three or four weeks had expressed its opinion. He moved, " That thle mind of tihe congregation with regard to tile retention of the ministrations of their pastor having so recently been ob tained, and declared to the Presbytery by their commissioners, this meeting is of opinion that it is unnecessary to again appoint commissioners in reference to the call to Mr. Buchanan from the Chal mer's Church, Sydney. If, however, Mr. Buchanan should desire to accept the call given to him, the congregation, whilst sin cerely regretting his decision, would feel bound to acquiesce in it." Mr. W. Hamil ton seconded the motion, which, being unanimously agreed to, the chairman said he would transmit it to the Presbytery. This concluded the meeting. _________________________________ Friday, May 28. A painful accident happened to Miss Page, from the Upper North Pine, yesterday morning, the young lady in question break. ing her leg between the knee and ankle. Miss Page was riding a horse to the North Pine to catch the morning's train, but when within 200 yards of the station the horse shied and fell over a culvert, with the re sult stated. Fortunately the accident hap pened close to a residence, and assistance soon arrived. The sufferer was at once taken to the hospital. ________________________________ Latest accounts front Friday Island re garding the Duke of Devonshire state that the divers' accounts of thie damage done are conflicting, but it is not considered so serious as was first anticipated. It is ex. pected that the passengers by the Duke of Devenshire and the Nuddea (the relieving steamer) will arrive in Brisbane on Monday or Tuesday next. ________________________________ Another old Queensland identity has passed away in the person of Mr. F. D. G. Stanley, brother to Mr. H. C. Stanley, Chief Engineer of Railways, who died at his residence, Ardencraig, Toowong, early yesterday morning. Mr. Stanley, who was a son of the late Montague Talbot Stanley, R.S.A., of Edinburgh, Scotland, came to Queensland in the early sixties. Shortly after his arrival he joined the Works Department as draftsman under the late Mr. Tiffin, then Colonial Architect. Upon the latter gentle man’s death Mr. Stanley was appointed Superintendent of Buildings, and was sub sequently, in 1878, appointed to the position of Colonial Architect. This position he held up to the time when somne ten years ago he severed his connection with the civil service and started business as ian architect on his own account. The first important work which Mr. Stanley undertook was the Queensland National Bank Building, Queen street, and since that time he has super intended the construction of many of tie finest buildings in the city. In August of last year, however, he again joined tihe Government service, this time as temporary Inspector of Works. Some three weeks back Mr. Stanley caught a chill, paralysis resulted, and when hle passed away this morning the lower portion of his body was completely paralysed. Mr. Stanley leaves a widow and large famnily. _____________________________________ Mr. L. Flegeltaub, who has been so long known in connection with the Goldsmiths' Hall and in busineess circles generally, died shortly alter mcidnight, after a painful ill ness extending over soute months. Mr. Flegeltaub first camne to Brisbane about seventeen years back, and decided to per manently settle here fifteen years ago. He then opened what has since developed into a large business-the Goldsmiths' Hall Company in Queen street. He was a prominent Mason, in which craft hIe held very hligh positions; and for several years was president of tie Hebrew congregation here, and in Ballarat before lhis arrival in Queenslandl . Mr. Flegeltaub made many friends, all of whom will regret his decise and sympatleise with his widow and fantly, all of whom were present wnltn hIe died. Ue leaves three sons and four daughiters, one of the latter of whom is married to Mr. Victor Rosentlhal, of this city.