Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Friday 24 March 1843, page 2


A MEETING of the City Council will be held on Monday next, the 27th March, tit three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Cuuncil Cham-


1. To proceed with the business of which

notice lins already been given, ond standing postponed.

To consider and determine on motions

the following notices of which have tbecn given, viz. ;

By Mr. Alderman Mitchell,

2. ""That tho pipes and gratings offered for

sale by the Government, be accepted, or such portion as may be required : that the pipes recommended by the Water Com-mittee, or'such as can tie procured belaid without delay ; that measures be adopted for procuring pipes to complete the recom-mendation ; and that immediate stops be taken to supply the citizens with water from the pipes already luid."

By Air. Councillor Macdermott,

3. " That the PinanccCominittce berequcstcd

to report upon the means possessed hythe Corporation, of meeting the expense tobo incurred by carrying out the motion, of which Mr. Alderman Mitchell has given


By Mr. Councillor Macdermott,

4. That a paving and cleansing committee

be appointed."

By Mr. Alderman Mitchell,

5.." That the City Surveyor be instructed to

tnko a general survey ol' the City, mid thal the necessary assistants bo granted him for that purpose."

By Mi Councilloi I gan,

ö " lint the G tj Suivcior do furnish tin»

Council with a ictiirn of the duties pci

fuinicdb) lum since lui appointment, and what assistance he requites in Ins depart-

ment "

7 To deleimiue on measures to ho adopted

for re letting the btnlL in Sheds B , C , and D , of the GcoiL,t stuct Market, theicuttis of winch li tie not complied with the con di

lions of letting, and also for io letting such Stalls us inn) dunn,; this piiscntyen be

«rome from (uno to time lae mt, and subject lo bo le let by this Council

8 I o dctcimnic on the appointment of an In-

spector of Nuisances

CHURCH of ENGLAND. -The following ap-pointments hue been sanctioned by the bishop of Australia -The Rev. W. Stone, B. A., late minister of the parishes of Ashfield and Concord, has been appointed to succeed the Rev G Vidal at Sutton Forest ; the Rev G Vid il assumes chaigo of Campbel town, in consequence of the Rev It lore t lulling been appintcd to Camden, wbero the cleg mt ni w Chinch is now electing bv the Missis Mieaitliui i he new Church at Appin it is expected will be consecrated on the ¿olh of April next, that being M Maik s Day. Hie Roi II 1 Stiles has boen ap-pointed surrotate for gi anting episcopal mar rngc licenses loi the district of W indsoi

Mitisinvi s-Hie following is a copy of i list posted on tho wall ol the room whcie the I lind Police Court usuallv sils -"An alphabetical list of the MaLisUates, in the order ni which they will be summoned to attend the Police Oilicc, confoi mably to the established Jloslci -I homa° 11 nkci, I bom is Broughton, John Campbell, Milhun Dawes, John William Gosling, Gcoige Richard Gnl iiths, Ilium i¡ Icely, John Ilullingnoilh, John Limb A\ ilium iltnrv Maekcn/it ] Ijc Manning, 1 nucís Mitchell, Lain euee Mjlcs, Henri Ó hiten, J humas Shidtuitb, Iltur} Smith, Alcvmder Brodie S,ritk, \\ itson Augustus Steile, lohn Stilling, and Junes

Ribert v\il hue

1 i ou ii -i he ] nee of lins ai tiela 1 is been reduced Li \ cr ton, srrrcc ou íopoit of S itnr tliv 1 he prices quoted at hukers Milh, are now a follow, ii/ -rme flour, 13s lo 11s , second ditto, Us to 1.2s , îation ditto, none, bran, Is 1(1 to Is fed , ÎSo, 1 biseuit, ¿0- , No, i biscuit, los

POLICE BÜSINBS» -Tilia Courl was opened J

ycntciduy, at about fifteen minutes to eleven, befoic Mr Stirling, with twenty cuses on the general list, when Catherine Barlow was committed for stealing some money from o man who had been lodging in her house, Richard Worthing, from Pennant Hills, for ftuious driving, pud a fine of £2 with costs, Ann Smith and Ann Sergeant, two girls, the eli'cst of whom did not appear to be more than thirteen years of age, weie cadi convicted of being common prostitutes, and sentenced tobe confined for one month in the bjdncy gaol, while Ann Williams, who had harboured thcni,nnd was known as the kceperofthebrothel thej frequented, was sentenced to be confined for three months m Sydnoj gaol, she having been brought up on the same charge Nearly all the other cises weie lcmanded for the attendance of Mr Brenan, before whom they had been initiated, but who h id not been on the bench either jcsteidiy 01 the day pre-vious Hie Drunkards' List contained seven ciscs, three of which were settled by a sen tence of twelve hours on the mill to each offender Joseph Hyams, alias Hoppymy hearty, was also ordered to pay 11s or grind for twelve bonis William Green paid 21»

rather than grind for twenty-foui hours. Peter Hindle had to make his election as to paying a like sum or of milling for twenty four hours while Patrick Quinn, being an old offender, was oidercd to pay 21s or gund for Ibu ty six hours

ins SrTTLEns SHED-Yesterday morning, about seven o clock, on the opening of this nnrket, the Clerk informed those who were about to enter ii, tint he had institutions from the Citj Council to pi event any one fioni offering pro luce for sale as dculeis, un-less they could give i cnsonable proof that they came under the denomination of scttleis, or gio sers of the nítidos they were about to ex pose foi silo Hie consequence wa», thatonlj two sliill«- weie occupied, one bj a sctllei, and the othei by G Macdon ild, the fruiteicr, for the silo of the giowth of his orcluud at Ivis mg Point

PUK bale at the Stoics of Messrs Row and, M'Nub, and Co, in Hiinngton street, will be continued this dij, bj Ali bamud Ljcuis,

e mmoncing nt deven o clock preciselv I hci e is j ct to be disposed of i great varictj of winter c,iods, ot the choicest description veiy well disciwng the attention of the linde, deulcrs, scttleis, 0nd others -Commit

mt ¡lid

I iib BUMP or IITIOVTION-\esteidny, an eldeily woin in picseulcd herself it the Police Olhr-c, with some complaint aguiist apnty lesulnig at B lrimn Mi Windcyei, nftei pel using the lui j s document, infoinicd her thalit wisappucnt from its contents that «he had gu en heisell a gre it deal ot unncccss iry trouble, as she li id iii cady brought the case under the notice ot the Bei rima Bench, in which district she usuallj resided, and that, lil oidu to M'atlfj her feelings, she had, ne cording to her own stitimcnt, wnlkcd to Sjdticj Ilei case mitjit be a v cry baldone, but he considered the magislmles of Bciiimu, by being on the spot, is fully qualified to in-vestigate tho matter, and ho li id no doubt thej h id don» so 1 lie worthy magistrate also intimated, tint it w 13 useless foi paitics to trivel fiom bench to benth with their complaints, as if the first bench applied lo did not enlcituin the milter, it was not probable tbatunj othei would

Housi ¡STLALir.0-Yostcrd íy, Mr David Austin ippcaicd at the Police Court as prosecutor against one of his hired servants forhoise stealing so fal as the cuse w-is gone into it ippcared that the prisoner bad taken the llorac from iheprosccutoi s premises and icturncd with only the saddle and budle , and on being asked for the horse, asserted that ho was not a servant but a partner in the concern with the prosecutor Hie ense was adjourned

for finthei evidence on both sides