Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 23 November 1844, page 2


(/"Vom yaladay i Goiunnunt Gaicttc ) \

Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 20th November, 1844. - His Excellency the Gover-nor has been pleased to direct the publication of the following letter from the Crown Com-missioner of the Murrumbidgeedistrict, report- mg the praiseworthy conduct of the Aboriginal Natives, in the neighbourhood of the Tumut, during the inundation of that and the surround-ing districts.

Hoad Quarters, Tumut River,

lth November, 1811

Sn,-I do myself the honour to inform y ou, for the luioiuiation of His Lxccllencv the Go-

vernor, that having been culled to Gund igu, on the 2ith of 1 ist month, to hold an lnquirv, (with much legrct,) on the both of an Abon giml Natue, named Gotheng, drowned in a .reek, near the Muinmbidgce River that I would not be doin¿ justice to the abonDiml natives of this pait if I did not st ite, tint dining the seveic and continual floods caused bj the errer l)vvina ot the wateis of the Aim iumbidnce mil lumiit nveis that in the horn of pell, ni ii m, and d m0er the bl ici s wei

most active m Ultim., c moe-, mci icscum_, the men, wo non and childi en from their huts fi t hihi],, with w it«, nul s iv ed ni mi ot them from a w itcij grave in I let then conduct was noble mid pruscw ntliv mil should his 1 xcelk ni > the Governor be pleased to s motion mv sm ill lcqnisition in then lu oin I consilii it would do much f,o jd md tint thev (1 lie's)

ment some rew ird lioidei to stimulate them to such actions and conduct i» wc know not

now when they in ly be ag un called upon, mi der binnlar tiv nig moment« for exeition

I have, &c,


The Honorable the Colonial Secretary.