Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), Sunday 13 March 1910, page 1

Public Notice* GREEN COUPONS GIVEN. THE BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF McDowell & hughes grand autumn display 13 ACKNOWLEDGED BY EVERY LADY. WHO HAS SEEN IT. i Nothing has been left undone to make tills tile most magnificent display we have ever held. You are invited to call and tee It. The Millinery i» superb. The Dreia Material* Warm and Fashionablc Costumes ready to wear are in a great variety. In fact, all the Latest Styles are present in great profusion. Come and spend a short visit while perming our Ucuuliful Aulonui Display. It will he time well npent on your part. SEE TO-MORROW MOKMNG'S I'APEUS FOii FUUTHEU PARTICULARS. GREEN COUPONS GIVEN. McDowell & hughes 'SYDNEY'S ECONOMIC DRAPERS,' 382-384 GEORGE STREET (Near Q.P.O.) D. A. HUTCHISON THE NOTED CHEAP SHOPS, GEORGE and BATHURST STREETS and 78 OXFORD STREET, SYDNEiT. DIRECT IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF IRONMONGERY, CROCKERY, GLASSWAltE, CUTLERY, AND FANCY GOODS. A SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, RESTAURANTS, AND BOARDINGHOUSE KEEPERS. We arc making Special Prices tor THE EASTER TEADE in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, and CUTLERY. Wo may not be the Largest Shop in Sydney, but we are ABSOLUTELY THE CHEAPEST. THE CHILD STUDY ASSOCIATION. DR. ALAN CARROLL will receive Patients a* usual this week; Monday and Wednesday Exccptcd. Subscriptions are urgently needed. Appointments must be made with D. 1ZETT, lion. Sec, 2SU l'ltt-strect, near Park-street. rpO' 'COUNTRY' VISITORS; — To Visit GAR+ DINER'S BUSY BOOT STORE, 278 KINO ST. (AEWTOWN: ONLY), will repay you. Your lare will' lie paid; . We are selling 16 per cent, below cast price.'- 5000 to be eluugutured. Come early. .-Gents— Shoo? «nd\'ioots a sutVJalty. All the latent' slyies. . UiKcircu's wuite Shoes /reduced, from 2/U,,to.-l/. ; \..} ,?'?' , Hotels. IT TALKS! ? ' It's' the whisky of the Nation. The joy of every home ; For it- meets with commendation Wherever it may roam. It travels through the Continent . By steamship, rail, and dray. And where it goes it brings content, . And always comes to stay. THAT'S WHAT ROBERTS' WHISKY DOES. WHERE IT GOES IT STAYS, BECAUSE IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WHISKY IN TUB COMMONWEALTH. THE PEOPLE'S WHISKY. ROBERTS' SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH; Imp. Qto., 6/, Bottles 3/0, Imp. Pints 2/0, Lust Flasks 2/, Small Flasks 1/. Sold only at ROBERTS' WINE AND SPIRIT STORES. MARKET STREET, NEXT GEORGE STREET. ROBERTS' PRICE LIST. CELEBRATED WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS, 2/4 and 4/6. BROWN'S FAMOUS 4-CUOWN WHISKY, il. DICKERS' WHISKY, 4/0. -TEACHERS' IHUULAND CREAM WHISKY, 4/3. PELLISSON'S 10-year-old BRANDY, a/0. EDUARD REMY URANDY, 4/G. DRY MONOPOLE CHAMPAGNE, 6/0, 11/. MOET AND CHANDON'b' CHAMPAGNE, 5/6. 11/ L'OilMEUV UUAMPAUNE, 5/«l, 11/. ' BINET'S CHAMPAGNE (dry, elite, 1000), 678, 11/ CHARLES HliJDSElCK CHAMPAGNE, 6/0, 11/.. DKLBKCK'S HELIOS CHAMl'AGNE, 6/0. TOOUEY'S STANDARD PALE ALE, /a. TOOUEY'S NOURISHING STOUT, /C. ROBERTS' VERY FINEST OLD SCOTCH, 8/ ROBERTS' EXTRA SPECIAL WHISKY, 6/. ROBERTS' THREE-STAR WHISKY, 4/6. ROUHRTS' FINE OLD GLENL1VET, «/. ROUERTS' S1'KCL\L OLD SCOTCH, 4/0. . ' SHAMROCK WHISKY, Imp. -ita., 4/8. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN PORT, 2/0. HUNTEU. RIVER PORT, 2/0. PALE JAMAICA RUM, 3/, 4/, 6/. ROBERTS' THREE-STAR W.I. RUM, 2/0, 47. 67 AUSTRALIAN PORT.'1/O. ?/'-/? o/. S.S.W. CLARET, 1/ ; Small Bottles, /6. II FINE OLD PALE BRANDY, 4/. \ FOOSiGN PORTS AND SHERRIES, 2/6, 3/8. ROBERTS' HOTEL, TARIFF FOR ROOMS ONLY : Single Bedroom, 2/0 per day, or 17/0 per week. Double Bedrooms, 5/ per day, or 33/ per week. ALL MEALS FROM ONE SHILLING:. CORNER GEORGE AND MARKET STREETS. Clifton Gardens flotel-MOSMAR BEAUVITOLLY SITUATED DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE SOUTH HEAD LIUUTUOUSE, SYDNEY HAltliOO. ACCESSIBLE BY FEKR.Y STEAMERS AT FBIJ. OUKNT INTERVALS FROM No. 1 JiOTY, UliiGULAU QUAi'. AND BY KOSHAi. TRAJdS. VJiilXOKS CAN NOW MUlX)li OK DlUVK TO UOTKL DOOIi CUIHINE AND ACCOMMODATION, UNSURPASSED. TERMS ACCORDING TO REQUIREMENTS, ' HKNUX. ADAMS, Loom. Telephone, 81 Monnaa. / . . . CRONULLA J3EACH HOTEL SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION. -.' 1 FlSIIlNa, BOATING, aiid SURF BATHINO. fu Joachcs Daily from Sutherland. TERMS : From £2/?/ a Week. * Further P«'eularsjonDaPpl,cation.rietori Cronulla Beach Hotel. THE STRAND CAFE and Tea Rooms Is now own under new management. Everything of the b«»t dia ami at moderate price*.

Shipping. F. H. S. FEDERAL-UOULDER-SnrRK. FOR DURBAN-, CAPETOWN, LIVERPOOL, LONDON, mid HULL. S.S. CARPUNTakIA, 8300 Tons, Captain DAVIES, to leave SYDNEY about MARCH 10. Has accommodation for limited number of Third-clats Passengers. FARES : Durban and Capetown, £11/11 to £16/16/. London, £13/13/ to £17/17/. Taking Wool, Frozen, and General Cargo at LoweBt Current Ratal. For full particulars, illustrated pamphlets, &c., apply to BIRT and COMPANY, Limited, Agents. r*. i-. ju. '? Regular Fast Mail 'Service Every * Week* To NAPLES, GENOA, ALQ1ERS, SOimiAMPTON, ANTWERP and BREMEN, via Colombo and Suex Canal. Specially reduced through -are« to Hew Tork In conjunction with tho N.D.L. rejular Atlantic tervice from Naples and Genoa, ot Bremen, Southampton and Cherbourg. Befular 4-weekly Uall Service »7 twin-icrew ? (teamen To MANILA, CHINA, and JAPAN, via Briibaoe and New Guinea, passing some of the most beautiful und picturux)uo inland* in tho Pacific. NORD-nKnTSCHER LLOYD, Lohmann and Co., General Agents, 7 and 0 Bridge-ttreet. Sydney. SWIMMING, Cricket, School, any Badges, Eigua Worked by Hand or machine. Webb, 411 Pitt-st. Tel., 1418 CityExcursions. MANLY MANLY MANLY. NEXT SATURDAY AFTERNOON THE MANLY SURF CLUB'S GREAT ANNUAL CARNIVAL, WILL BE HELD. MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME OF AMUSEMENTS, which will make the CABNIVAL THE GREATEST EVER TTF.r.n oil EVER SEEN. Steamers will be leaving No. 3 JETTY, CIRCULAR QUAY, EVERY 15 MINUTES. FARES : Adults, 4d; Children, 2d. DON'T . FORGET NEXT SATURDAY. . ?V- ;??-? ?CjiClNfARF''VO-OAYi^'.-''*^''^ FAEE : ONLY 4d EACH WAY. : . A HOST OF ATTRACTIONS. CLASSICAL VOCAL CONCERT IN THE PICTURESQUE MAORI VILLAGE AT 3.30 P.M. CLONTABF, as a popular picnicking resort, is' well known ; its Bandy bcachui, grassy lawns, merry-go-rounds, &c, being the delight of the children. The summer-houses, scenic surroundings, with HOI' and COLD WATER FREE, make it on ideal place to spend the day. A Classical Concert will bo given in the old Maori Village, and the Quaint residences of the Maoris will aisu be on view. STEAMERS from FORT MACQDARIE from 0 s,m. to 8 p.m. POPULAR HARBOR SUNDAY CONCERTS on the 2.30, 3, and 8 p.m. trips. NO EXTRA CHARGE WHATEVER-ONLY 4d EACH WAY. MANLY VISITORS Should STAY at Kilmlnsters Clarendon Hotel (Facing Ocean). Firtt-elaa Dinners, Lunch, lie:, daily and Sunday*. Telephone. S MANLY. Public Notices. , FOR— ~ Printing, Litho, and L' Press. Our reputation is first-class work, personal attention, best value and reliability, reasonable prices. Stationery. We hold a large and varied stock . for commercial and private use, at prices which will compare with any firm of Stationers in New South Wales. Account Books. We specially manufacture in all sizes, Rulings and Bindings, and guarantee entire satisfaction. Every description' in stock. KCUNNINGHAME & CO., STATIONERS AND FANOY GOODS IMPORTERS, PRINTERS' ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, J46 Pitt Street (One Door from King Street), SYDNEY Tel. 1360. Eitab. 1818. MARINE CAFE CIRCULAR QUAY OPEN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS THE MOST COMFORTABLE OAFS ID AUSTRALIA. SOUP, MEAT, SWEETS, anq ROT OF TEA FOR ONE SHILLING, , AFTERNOON. TEA8. ? . ;? * PUUJP HABT. Proprietor. PURE WH0LESOMB BREAD AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE I Get one oi DllUUVS OAltt'S TO CALL ON YOU. .|\ JOHN DRURY PALMER AND LIVERPOOL STREETS, -. DARLINaUUUST. Telephone, 658 WilUtuu-strce*

Shipping. P. AND O. COMPANY. For MARSKILLKS, PLYMOUTH, and LOHDO*, ITRST and SECOND SALOON only, R.M.S MONGOLIA, ' 10,000 Tons, C. F. PRESTON, It.N.lf., Comtnandrr, lenvi-B Hyilney MARCH 24, at 10 a.m. Rates cf Pawajc Moimi/ lo Ixmdon :— sOngtt, £41 10s to £82 10s. Return, ££0 0s to £lt3 rt. Return Tickets available for U months. E. TRELAWNY, Superintendent in Australia. A. GORDON WESCHE, Assistant Superintendent, 113 PITT BTRECT. ? - ? WHITE STAR LINE. DURBAN, CAP1TOWN, PLYMOUTH; ' and LONDON. :' Twin^icrcw Steamers. -PERSIC, 12,000 Toiu, to sail about MADOH IS. RUMO, MEDIC, AFR1C, and SUEV1O to foUow. ONLY ONE CLASS OF ACCOMMODATION. FARES : CAPETOWN or DURBAN, . £3£ 35/ to £24 3/ ; LONDON, £10 to £30 ? MELBOURNE, £1 10/. New York, Beaton, Quebec, Montreal, etc, from £24 lu/. ' Pamphlets and all other information, on appliCitiou. :*.'LUGGAGE LUGGAGE received only on day of sailing. DALGETY und_CO., Limited, Agents in Australia, CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL LINE. THE ALL-HED ROUTE. ' MARAMA SAILS 1 P.M. TO-MOUROW (MONDAY), .March 11, K -and A. Wharf,' Circular ?iiia.r, fur Vancouver, viu Brisbane, Suva, and Honolulu. tU'iiClAL NOTICE TO PASSENGERS : All ifuivv HnK^JSu iinut be alougsidc the SlcMiicr Uci.irc li' TO-.MORUOW (Monday). UNION b.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD,, -^2m;'i';L-;'';;-\iili._r!i! ^'?'''TSe-strcet, Sydney. TXUODART PAHKtR LINE, i NEW ZI'\I aid') VICTORJA, Wed., March 18. % p,«.;ir . V VlilMKRA, Wed., Mar. 30. -^r, POLKs. I ULlMAilOA, Sat., April 0. : ^ -1(\)iUi'i } W::STRALlA, Tuea., Mar. 22#:: ? 1 Strainer, Tues., March 22. :'-UHLBOUllKK, y I'.ai^o only.) . -) U1VEIIINA, Sat., April 0. For psrticulars apply — tlUDDAIVl', I'.U'.KliU aod CO., Propty.. Ltd., Exchiucc Corner. 61 Pitt-«trect. 'pHE ADELAIDE STEAMSHIP ?*- COMPANY, LIMITED. : i EXPRESS LINE OF PASSENGER STEAMERS.' MELBOURNE , KVA ^ ^ ^ ADELAIDE ! :^cl- W- a' '' '°™. ', without ? transhipment,: ALBANY I raroing ljrt, 2nd, and', ': 3rd t'lasa PaseengcrB. FREMANTLE J ' ' ' . - -V- . ! ' BKISBANB . :'-:$y '?'-:? MARYUOKOUGII ? ' .*' ,\ BUNDABKliO ' ' YONGALA, March 19. ?; GLADSTONK NAi.'-;: ?. :':V::.HOeiiHAMPTON. , :; i ?:''?? /Sv.' TOWNSTILLE ? ?*'.-? COOMA, March/. 28.; :'--'Ur-.i JIAOKAt' ' '-. '??.?:? '??':;-# .cairns1 ... ..j... ??,?'.:?-;.. /to;.; i'. . .... ^?.IiOfi'E3T?-.SAHESJ'AND 'llEiqffl^/.' ^':i.*' ?. SALOON'^^SSAGE TICKETS are interchange-; ribfeaitor the ''flint port'- of call with other interState Companies on all services, subject to conditions which may be ascertained on application to the Company's Olllce. G. S. YU1LL and CO., Ltd:, .Accnta. 0 Bridge-st HOWARD SMITH LINE OF FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS. FROM KING STREET WHARVES. (Circumstances Permitting.) For ., BURWAII (cargo only), MELBOURNE I Tuns. Mar 15, 6 p.m. 'OKELONC. Ktc j COOMA, from Adel. Co.'s S.A. and W.A. J Whar/, Sat., Mar 19. BRISBANE 'I ffladitoS? T'^-' «'? a°. 5 P-'-ROCiUIAMPTON J Tp0^' Sat- ^ 19-' CAIRNS, and River Ports. J ' Passenger Tickets interchangeable with other Inter-State S S Companies. Full particulars on «.p'caSon. BOOKING OFFICES ^EQUITABLE BUILDING, 850 GEORGE : STREET. WHARVES : Foot of KINO ST. (Electric Tram). Telephone Nos.. 1706, 1707. andl 1703. ? ? I*OR LUNCH, AFTE-UNOON TEA, or DINNER^ ! go to the STRAND CAFE, Strand Arcade. Everything new and good, at moderate prices. Amusement*. r-i LAClArtiUM, . ; Direction of T. J. WEST. 'ALL THE TIME.' WEST'S PICTURES and : DE OROEN'S VICE-REGAL ORCHESTRA. ? / _; ? ? BE SURE AND SEE THE ,PARIS FLOODS. AN ENTERTAINMENT' COMBINATION. THE GUNBOAT ', PAltRAMATTA ' Od to 2/. . Prices as UsuaL Cd to 2/. . MISS ETHEL CLIFFORD, ' One of Sydney's Leading Teachers, 18 yearn stage with ' leadiug munu^crs ot Australasia 03 DANSEUSE aud BALLET MISTRESS. Teaches Stage, Toe, Fancy, and National Dancing, ' Song and. Dance (actions), CLOG of every description, Waltz, Schuttischc, Lancashire, Top Boot, Jockey, Hornpipe, Statue, Irish Jig and Reel. ?.-??. THEATRICAL CLASSES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ' AFTERNOONS, 2.3J, ou MODEL of LUiSUON SCHOOLS. ' 'NOTE.— The oniy CLA55 where Pupils are THOROUGHLY TRAINED arid turned out in ALL the rudiments of Dauciug. which in mont essential to make the profeaaional performer. Ada Barber, Mutol Vutes, Daisy Uai-r.v, Madge Ucfleruan (Aladdin), Buby Davis '(AlooreRobum Co.), Vcra lluggett (Palacu Theatre), Clilf Qrte (National), A. 'Nellis, Louie Crawslmw, Tit-PlU, -i& in liallct (A. Cioldic Co.). Pupils joiniM/ this claF.s prepared for UALLETS, etc. NOTHING TO UNLEARN. Private Lesaon any. hour, LO.O.F. Temple, Elizabeth-street. CITY. ZEHDA'S FAMOUS FANSY COSTUMES ZEMSA'S FAMOUS r'AiiGV GOSiUatS ZEUUA'S tAtiOUS fA«Gx CUSi'UU&i ON HUiE. ON UHIE, 870 GEORGE ST. (Next Q.P.Q.). f-HUE DIRECT CMEaiATOaKAPJl SUPPLY CO., X 0 and 7 Young's Chambers, Pitt aud Park : ?treets, H11LE OUT COMPLETE or' PART- OUT- ' UTS, WITH OR WITHOUT competent opuiuturu. Litest Films every mail. 10,000ft. b.U. FILM lor SALE. OUXF1K1S i-OR UllUi or KXCUA.NUE. GE1KA and Glass Ucpm'ed.CHual to new j Gold and Silver Kngnvcrs. .Near vGouluurn-gl., Webb, 411 Pitt-st. ' ?.'?'?'? .',-''?. ' ? , ; ?:' ?;.'.; ?' por. Sale.,, .;...:. ..' :. ''??'?. FOR 'SALE,1 400-gal. Siiuare'Iron Water ; Tanks, : with laps, ou/,' delivered rail ? or wharf. . J.i Crittlo, 234 Sussux-pt. ? .? ? ... WANTED TO SELL,. a 'Genuine Mixed Business, Bituuled ? &s Stanley-street, Hydn Park. Stand any investigation,* Runt, 0/, ..remainder sublet. ..????'. ? - . ? .-'. ?'..,. ?;?.'-.--.',-?.'.?. PAY A VISIT TO THE STRAND CAFE iiiiil:'TK\ ROOMS, in the Strand Arcade. Uigb-clasg cuiilnn.; ulce tablu aunoiutuicnt* .

Amusements. SER MAJESTY'S Lessee and Manager, J. C. WILLIAMSON. KVF.RY EVENING AT 7.40. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BURST IN ALL ITS BEAUTY on THE ENRAPTURED VISION OF ONE AND ALL ^fHE MOST STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION EVER ' OFFERED IN AUSTRALIA, ALADDIN, Received with FRENZIED FITS of APPLAUSE. Comedians, Singers, Dancers, Pontomimists, Specialty Artists hitherto unrivalled. A Succession of Wonderful Effects ranging from the Weird to the Beautiful. NEVER WAS TIU511E SDCn A NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT. Box Plan -at Paling's. THE ONLY THEATRICAL COSTUMIERE. SUPPLIES EVERY REQUISITE FOR STAGE OR BALL. . A SINGLE COSTUME. A COMPLETE OPERA. MISSHARRIE BATHAM, One Address : 77 MAULIiOKOUUII STREET, LEICUUARDT. 'PhonS 214 Petersham. Write for Catalogue. AJK H E A T R E ROYAL, ?*? Lessee and Manager, J. C. WUiLYMSON. ?-'?.??. PRELIMINARY' NOTIFICATION, . J. C. WILLIAMSON announces - . '?'? ? . ' - ' A SEASON OF ? GRAND OPERA IN ENGLISH, ' (to be inaugurated at the THEATRE ROYAL on ' ' . EASTER SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 20. Initial production, Puccini's Japanese Lyrical Trsgcdy, MADAM BUTTERFLY, ; ? For the First Timo in Australia, .For Full Particulars sec Daily Papers. IT HE AT R:E .; /R^O'ViA L. _, - Lessee and Manager, j. 'OL'..WTIiTiiAMBOS. ???'- TO-MORROW at a- :. ? ? . ,_„..,. TUESDAY ; at:8.- ' ; ir..prvvp f^A* . AVEDNESDAY '.at 2.- MAXTNEE WEDNESDAY at 8.' ..- LAST FOUR; PERFORMANCES ?'.'?.' '?..' '; ?:'': .'.'?'' -*'?'?' ?':'?' '?, ??'??? ': ;? The; Alluring arid Musically Haunting ;;-;^ ;'. .'? , a waltz dream. All Sydney is responding to the call of its melody. -.?? FIRST IN PUBLIC FAVOR. C&if Plan at PALING'S. Prices as UsuaL ||HAKRY— CLAY'S— HARRY ~~ CITY and SUBURBAN VAUDJEVILLE '-fi:- ? COMPANY. '£& PETERSHAM, MONDAY. '/;:'.' PARRAMATTA, TUESDAY.. ';J?iv yNEWTOWN, WEDNESDAY. Jpv 'ASHFIELb, TUUHSDAY. ?g^. NORTH SYDNEY, FRIDAY. '. . BTANJJABD, _THEATRi:, gATUEDAY NiqHTS, ; ^ -'-;!?f **'-1^'JJ ALti'iiOLibAYS: ':'-'.':'.' ',' -i:' ' '?.'.,: . ArtiBts now appcarins : KITTY. BAINER GIFFOIU) SISTERS FRANK UERBLRTU DOJtlS ilNuALdj CllAS. BOVIS CUAS. ZOL1 WILL RAYTCER ANDY ROBERTS LYLA THOMPSOK OWEN CONDUIT DENIS CARNEY OLOA PEN.NiNUTOH CLARE LLOYD HARRY CLAY The ROGERS ({UAR- CISSIE WH1TEFOHD TETTE AND OTHERS. WA11WICK LU3ILEY J Standard Theatre To Let, Man., Tnea, WED., TUURS., FRI. Also Day Rehearsals. ADMISSION : 3J0. 1/.' 6d. ?VTATIONAL AKIPHITHEATRE ?^ ' Sole Proprietor, Mr. James Brcnnan. Every Evening at 7.45. Matinees Every Saturday, Wednesday, and Holidays. THE NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINERS. STILL THEY. CO1IE IN BATTALIONS. A BUNCH OF, NEW FACES. 5 HEADS, MYSTO, SANDHARTE, VEREY and GINGER, HARRY HART, LITTLE ELSIE, CUAS. HOWARD, MABELLE, HARRY .HOCKS, 2.CUNEENS, GmSON1. SISTERS. Verne Bros.,- Linda Dang, Art. Slavin, Blanche Timmins, Pearl Livingstone, Will Wynarid, Lulu Eugene, McKisson and Touchert, BANCO (the Marvel ol the Universe). -SEASON ?will CONCLUDE ON TUESDAY , NIGHT, , . ? ? MARCH' 15. PRICES : 2/, 1/0, 1/, and Od. Plan at Theatre. ..: . J. C..BAIN, Genci*al Monaccr. m H E L Y C E U M. Sole Director, O. Spencer. - Every Evening at 8. Matinee, AVednesdays and Saturdays, at 2.30. SPENCER'S THEATRESCOPE CO. BETTER THAN THE BEST. Our Own. Production. ? LIFE AND; ADVENTURE OF JOHN VANE. ? AUSTRALIAN BUSHRANGER. The First Natural. Colored Picture in Australia, , . THE GORGES OF' THE AUDE. ' ;. ' ' ' ;n'ib Great Biblical . Story, ??-.'.' THE LIFE OF MOSES. -, '-.?:? &c., &c, &c. ? ,. PLAN AND PRICKS AS USUAL. ? :?'_?? ' 7EW SUBJECTS EVERY WEEK. ; MR. HARRY LEST ON; , '. :.'?': ;,' ACTOR ELOCUTIONIST., PupiU Prepared for Stage, Pulpit, Drawing- . Room, &c. . Appointments by letter to 6 Hunter-street MISS MARIE JONES™ TEACHER OF PIANO. Also STEP, STAOE, and FANCY DANCING. . 0 PITT- STREET, REDFEUN. : State Elections. .'. . ? ELECTO1UL DISTRICT OF DARLINO 1LMIB0R bTATE DYE-ELECTION. I HEREBY KOTIRY thut 1 uin this day in receipt of n Writ from the Honorable the Speaker ot the Legislative Assembly .of the State, of New South Wales,' directing tho holding uf an Election for the return, of u- Mciuboiv la' scr'vu in the IjOffislntivo Assembly of New Stuth Wales for lh-: EU'ctorul'District of Diuliug llurbor, and that the DAY OF/ . NOMINATION tor such' Hye-Elcetio:i shaH'hi! tho 28rd (lay of llurch next, jit noon. ' '? In ' the went of such on Klcction' being contested, a POLL will tnko place on WEDNESDAY,1 thu'lKtli day of . April, liutween the hours of S a.jn. itiHltO The said Writ is ? rvtur'nablc on' Ihu 3rd Jlaj',' lOip. ? v . ; ' ' ? ? NOMINATIONS in-'tho prescribed form,' which must l»f-jtifK-iucl by, tjic Cuudidutu iind not less Uiuh..pi.Vv:(liily/..qunlincU Kisctom, will be' received by im-'/oriiiiy, substitute nt-iny olllco at 48 Mar-', guitt-stroct^duily from 10 to 4 p.m., imd up to nooiVoil Wodiuaday, 2!lrd day of March*, illlO. ' Npinlniitton^Forms and other information on tipplication.',... ?'?- ? ,:? ?.. ;. - ? ?,. ;??.?.-.? -?,. ? . .?..?;??'??' -,.,,' ; Wit. BE^TriE, ? ; ?, ?' ? ' '?? .?'???.'.'? .?;-.?' ltctuniing OOiccr. - Hintoivball,' 48 Margaret-street, ': \ ;, K-;dHi)j',;,,,MarcU'0..1010. S ?..:.' ~.:y,-,.'-~ ' ' TI1K Sl'RANDr'oAFl? and Tea Rooms is now 'open under new management. Every tiling of tho. best clau and »t modcrute prkca,

Amusements. /?CRITERION THEATRE ^ Lessee ? Frank Musgrove. RUPERT CLARKE and CLYDE MEYNELL SEASON. ' LAST 10 NIGHTS OF OSCAR ASCHE and LILY BRAYTON IN THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. A TRULY GLORIOUS PERFORMANCE. WEDNESDAY NEXT. LAST MATINEE BUT ,0NE. Plan Elvy's. Prices as UsuaL P A L A C E THEATRE. ?*- Lessee ? . . . . ALLAN HAMILTON Direction of Alan Hamilton and Max MaxwclL GRAND EASTER ATTRACTION. SATURDAY, MARCH 26. And Ever)* Evening until Further Notice. ALLAN HAMILTON and ? ' MAX MAXWELL'S \ DRAMATIC COMPANY. Grand production of the Famous Drama writen by Arthur Shirley aud Ben Landeck, entitled, WOMAN AND WINE. (By arrangement with Bland Holt, Esq.) Full particulars later. Business Manager, GEORGE BULLER. p | V I L I THEATRE. Sole Proprietor and Manager, Mr. Harry RickanU MATINEES WED and SAT., at 2.20. A Mammoth Bill of Brilliant Novelties. ? A perfect aud beautiful new first part, entitled, HAPPY HOLLAND. THE WILLE BROS. The positive limit of acrobatic .science. . The' audience- spellbound by these wondera, .'.V VASCO— THE MAD MUSICIAN. . ', The Maestro of Musical Instruments. ? ? - \ ALEXANDRA mid BEllTIU. .In tt'ir artifitic specialty. After the BaU. Miss LIL'U'12 LANGTRY. Mr. BERT TERnELL. Mta Dorothy Forbes, Kelly and Pcarcc, The fwo Vivians, Mr? 'Font Mason, Misa Olga Grey, Dolly Dormer, Tom Duvson, Irving Saylea, Gco. SorUe, Doris Boyal.-Wii! Dyson, Us, Warton, &c. . , . BOX PLAN 'at PAUNG'S. Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency Lord' Dudley, Govcnior-G.-neraV of Australia : His Excellency Lord Chc!m,-ford, Governor of N.S.W. ; the Right Honorable Allen Taylor, Lord Mayor of Sydney ; and GcnetJl Gordou, Commander Military Forces. / SYDNEY TOWN- HALL,- ?, : -, . SATURDAY NEXT, . MARCH 19. , Entertainment in aid of the sufferers by thV DISASTROUS PARIS FLOODS. \ Magniflcelit display of Moving Pictures, illufc-' tratine the unparalleled floods that have devastated many quarters of the BeautUul Capital of France. ptK^% UNDER WATER. Wonderful Scenes by MM. PATHE. FREUES, arriving by mail. - ' , „ Various other, films, depicting . French Scenes, Customt, and Places. ''??'. - Also Beautiful Art Films, in- Natural Colon, kindly- lent;for tthis- unique occasion^. '? ?- . IV»'-''in-^^Bxi^;-'PATi^?E1?^-'-;'v:.^.-.''.'S-'.; PMtiE?::'3/r'2//aud:l/.',-,';-':;ti.;:S- ? ?^?^^..??^ ? . PLAN and TICKETC at, W. H. PALING and COU, Cmtsi-a^eci^-'-y ? ' '?'.'?' ? ?'...; H. JENSEN, Pianist, available for Socials, &c ' Also string band. Address, 23 Bowe-strect, City. ' : ? '''?? THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. GRAND AUTUMN SHOW. TOWN HALL, SYDNEYi WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH, 1910. ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY, MARCH 14, at NOON. Hon. Secretary, 60 ' Margaret-street, Sydney. ? ' THE JOLLY ROVERS. GRAND MOON-LIGHT EXCURSION, THURSDAY, MAJICH 17. S.S. Lady Northcote leaves Fort Macquarie at 8 p m., landing at Avenue for Dancing. Full string band. Good Concert on Steamer. Tickets, 1/. T. JONES, Treasurer. F. W. BRAY, Sec. rpOWN HALL. TOWN H^LL. X ORGAN RECITAL. The usual Matinee Organ Recital will be held in the Town Hall, Sydney, THIS (SUNDAY) AFTERNOON, March 13 instant, at 3.15 o'clock p.m., when the City Organist, Mr. i ERNEST TRUMAN, A.R.C.O., Leipsic, R.C.M., will preside at the organ. '?'. ADMISSION FREE. , Children in Anns Not Admitted. W. G. LVYTON,. Acting- Towa Cleric Town Hall, Sydney, March 11, 1910. PHONOGRAPH AND GRAMOPHONE RECORDS EXCHANGED. WE EXCHANGE ALL MAKES. BEST AND LATEST ARTISTS IN S'iOCK. OVER 4000 FRESH TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM. THOSE YOU ARE TIRED OF, BREJQ THEM TO US. PHONOGRAPH & GRAMOPHONE EXCHANGE, 121 BATHURST ST. (over E.S. & A. Bank).. THE STRAND CAFE and Tea Rooms is now open under new management. Everything of the best class and at moderate sriccs. I J IJOU ..-THIS (SUNDAY) EVENING, A'SPECIAL SACRED PICTOEIAL ENTERTAINMENT. , ' by the ? BEAUTIFUL BIJOU PICTURES, A SPECIAL NEW PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT. ADAM VEAUX, 10D William-st., late Royal Arcade, may be consulted 10 a.m. till U p.m. Federal Elections. FEDERAL ELECTIONS* THE SENATE. JOHN NORTON, M.L.A. WHl Address Public Meetings in .support of his Candidature for the Senate as under:— MONDAY, MARCH 14— AGRICULTURAL, SO. CIETY'S HALL, WALLSEND. / TUESDAY, -MARCH 10.— PEEL'S HALL, M1NMI. WEDNESOAY, MARCilio.— KING'S 11ALL, NEWCASTLE. ? . ' ?: !-THURSDAY; MARCH' 17.-CENTENN1AL HALL, ' liiiLENSBUKG. ?- -FRIDAY, ilAROU 18.— ODDFELLOWS' HALL, BULL1. ?..'.. SATUliDAY, MARCH 10.— WOLLONGONQ. MONDAY, MARCH 21.— SCHOOL OF ARTS, .NOWRA. Tho Mayor 'will: preside. ... Mr. 'NORTON ' defends Sta to -nights;', recognises Federal Rights, opposes Unlilcaciou, favors Full Home Rule, advocated Iniiiuiivo uud RefcrcnUuui as Check upon High Court and Substitute tor Minority . Ui'picsentaljon in Senuic, uud .is h'ufu-' guard ugiunst Deadluoka'bctwccu the Two Houses. ??'. - : waverleV' electorate.mb. : w. ii. kelly, selected liberal CANDIDATE,' will' open the campaign in tho ?Wuvcrley Hull, Wuvcrley,. on MONDAY EVEMNU NEXT, ut,8 The Mayor of Wuvcrley,'. Aid.. It. G. Wutklus,5 will preside Subsequently .incutings will bo hol4 in the ditTcront ceiures of tho electorate as 'udvortiscd. FllANK WALSUE, Uon. See,1: , ??:??;? ; ;_:. A.; ;,'. :..-i^i._-:..'_ ? :— - ',«v^J-FoiTliUNCJHr'AFTBKNOON TE.V, or : DINNER, go to tho STUAND CAFi:. Strand Arcade. Evvrythiuff uew and good, ut uiodcnito price*.

Public Notices. THE FRANKFURT SAUSAGE CO. 27, 29, 31 PITT ST. (Near Circular Quay) FAMOUS FOR HIGHEST QUALITY. PURVEYORS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL, AND HIS EXCELLENCY LORD CUELMSFORD. FRANKFORT HAMS AND BACONS. . ' , CAMBRIDGE PORK SAUSAGES. i IMPORTED LENTEN DIET. ? REAL GERMAN GOODS. '? BRANCH : 100 MARKET STREET. Tel. 4131. ' ' WELDING RINGS. DIAMOND' ENGAGEMENT RDKJS, The Best Value in Sydney, at W. BURNETT'S, 51 OXFORfc-ST. A few Second-hand Diamond Rings and Diamond Broodies at about half wliai they cost when new. . Addrcsa for the past 20 years : W. BURNETT. Dl OXFORD STREET. Watches Cleaned & Begnlate4,2/ BEST ENGLISH MAINSPRING 21, JEWKLS U, CYUNDEKS 3/, STAFFS S/fl. JEWELIiEBY xlEPAIRS EQUALLY REDnCEO, ALL WORK GUARANTEED 12 MONTHS. Watches forwarded by Volt receive Special AN tention. CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR WATCHU AND JEWELLERY. NOLAN, TIME & C®. 762 QEORQE STREET, HAYMAitiiET. SfDMET. ~ EBWAJhl© LUE & CO., PRINTERS, STATIONERS, ? 216 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. BOOKMAKERS' FIELDING BOOKS, BAKERS' ul MILK VENDORS' LEDGERS, CARTEES' BOOKS. &c Get OUR PRICE for COMMERCIAL 8TATIONBRT before Placing Orders. PAY A VISIT TO^HE~¥rRA.Nb CAFE and TEA ROOMS, in the Strand Arcade. High-cbua cuiainc ; nice table appointments. SWIMMING TA.UGKH1T' -AT BOSE BAT T.A-nrigy ^j^jq GENT.'S BATHS, By GEO. FAKMEE v WILSON FEXTCH, \J^EAC3HEE OF SELF-REALISATIOH . . \ Will Speak on !*H0W WE KNOW QOD,' ?J(J. \ Diaeouise foW) 1 vastly helpfol to ThoofhUnJ ' '^People. , ' '. CONCOBDIA HAMfr-i&giA Wja^-flBBBBL- ??-*??' ^; ^^Ne^^^'^e?^5?^^ SONDAMfUARCH 13/ ?1 PJB. , ' MB, BRffCE CAKTER, CELLIBX., ? Doors open at 0JO r™i TvANaNa^Miss M. RUSH, 47 Begent-Bt, Pid- ^ aldington,. Will RE-OPEN ra.-^ at Padduurtoa lovio. Hall.^Pril 4. 'Phbne, 109 Pad. ? E. /MUKRAY & CO. I Cr. UVEKPOOL and CASTLEREAGH BTBL 1 ..' (TeL, 1052 City), Opp. Fo^a. [ WAItpROBKS. Bevel Gloss, from 62/0. 69/8 UB«' wards. SIDEBOARDS, from £3/3/ to £S/1S/. | TCTOUK-POST BEDSTEADS Cut Down, Painted, .-!? and re-Lacquered, Suites Re-upholstered, Bedding Re-nude.E. E. MURRAY, Cr. Liverpool and fhrfi«-r^.ch rt»^ THE STRAND CAFE and Tea Rooms is now opeu under new management. Everything at the best class and at moderate prices. T ADIES' Dresses beautifully Braided or EraXJ bossed, from 6/. Names on HnnriV»r^»-tp. Webb. 411 Pitt-st. TeL. 1418 City. ? T OST, wire-haired FOX TERRrER, one ?*-* year old, black marking on head, and black spot on back. Answers to vhe name of Tip. £\ reward. T. IIALSTEAD, 10 Barcom Avenue, DorUnghurat. ; j Furniture. ' FOR SAFE OVEftStA AND INTERSTATE TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE. The Latest American Device of Furattnn Transport Vans adopted by C. B. VINTINER & CO. is the most effective, and at the same time tha cheapest. King up 'Phone 2070 Central, and they vfli send unc of their staff of estimators, and fux» nish prices and particulars free of charge. At their mammoth Pantechnicon Stores, Furniture is stored in separate steel, dust and ver- -luiu-proof and fire-resistant rooms, at ixou 1/ per week. CITY OFFICE— 108 PITT STEKEX. STOKES — 120 to 130 GEORGE STREET, CAM.VERDOWN. ' , Agenti at Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantia, A-bury and Brisbane. Dancing. FLOOD'S HALL, 67 ttoorehead-ct., Bcdfam.-»- \ Open for Engagements. Wedding!. Paxtiev Clubo. Terms moaej-ati. ? P' AY~A~visiT TO THE STRAND CAPE and XBAL ROOMS, in the Strand Arcade. FllnliMiW cuisine ; nice table appointments. T ANCING.— Mrs. E. M. DREW, 23 OraoadAfc, Paddingtou, Tuesday and Friday Evening;. Classes re-open Paddington Town Hall March. UK 'Phone, ^0 Paddingtou. ? ^_ D' 'ANCINa'-^'REILLY'S Select Dancing Claaaei every evening, 04 Filzroy-st., Surry HlUa. X'rivate Lessons- daily ; reversing a specialty. DancIngT^record reign hall, st. JOHN'S-ROAD, GLEBE, every FRIDAY Night. Mr. J. O'REILLY'S Select Dancing Class, 8 till 11. Tuitiou 7 till 8. Full Strinir Band. Gent'e 1/8, Ladies' 1/ each, or by ticket. Property Auctions. j BELLEVUE HILL. An opportunity to secure the Finest Site on BELLEVUE HILL for your home will be afforded you on MARCH 30, when ILVRDIE and UOBiUtt will tmbtnit at their Rooms, Pitt-street, FOR SALE BY AUCTION, under instruction from the owner, Mr. GEORGE WYN'NE, a block fronting Victoria-road, nieasvffing 160ft by 300ft, in one or more lots. The land is 230ft above sea level, and affords extensive ; HARBOR AND OCEAN VIEWS . . , '.'.. WHCU CANNOT BE BUILT OUT. , . _ ', Tho Site is CLOSE TO THE TRAM, .and OVE»-- \ -'? LOOKS TU£ GOLF LINKS. . .? ? \.,(\ \\-. ' MARCH SO IS TUB DAT. . . »..':.' ,' , ',. , Auctioned.. nABDIE and COBMAK ' \ ^ V^dort1' Bodlitonu I-WBENOB. and ' LAIK BENCK. . \ ' .