Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Thursday 19 January 1865, page 3

Local anb Sturral Kttrn. Writs have been laned by tihe Speaker of the Legisla tire Assembly, for the election of four out of the sin new constituencies created by the Additional Members Abetof last session-namely, Maryborough, Rolehampton, Kennedy, and Clermont. For the first two, the 80Oth instant is the day of nominationi andthe lt of February is polling day ; for tie other two, the date of nomination is Februery 18, and the polling March 18. The nomine. tion for the Kennedy will take place at Bowen, and for the other three electorates at the respective towns named. The immigrants which arrived by the Charlie Palmer last week, excepting eighty who came out to their friends, were brought up in the Settler (s.) yesterday afternoon, direct from the vessel. There were 170 in all, viz., 80 single men, 50 single women, and 40 mar ried persons and children. They are in equal propor-tions of English, Scotch, and Irish. Such employers of labour as were disappointed in obtaining servants by the E. A. Bright will now have an opportunity of sup-plying themselves; and it will be well if an early appli-cation is made at the depot, North Ipswich. It is notified that a branch of the Bank of Queens land will be opened in Toowoombs on or about the 1st of February. Members of the North Australian Jockey Club are requested to bear in mind that the annual meeting of the Club will be held at Tattersall's on Friday, February 3rd, at 4 o'clock. The usual monthly meeting of the No. 3 Ipswich Mutual Benefit Investment and Building Bociety was held on Tuesday evening. £5666 ~s. 7. was paid i on accouannt of senbscriptions, and sir shares were sold at an average of 21½ per cent. interest. A few days ago thirty acres of land at Goodna, which were bought not very long since at the upset price of one pound an acre, were sold by the lucky owner (Jenkins by name) to Messrs. Campbell, f Bed bank, for 2500--another informant soysa 1000. The existence of avery valuable seam of co nesr the sor face of the land is the cause of the high price paid. We should be grateful to any of our readers who would point out to nous afew lots ealculated to yield a similar return in two or three years. In a leading article a few days ago we observed -- " The first start of the locomotive is like the vessel's launch. She is not indeed ready for sea, but she is afloat ; all the slow preliminary proceesses hare been got through, and she is at length a thing of life. " Whereupon Granny of Brisbane, who, one would think, had burnt her fingers enough already, perpetrates the following elegant morceau : -- "The Queensland Times has informed the public at large, that the 'locomotive is afloat ;' and further that 'she is a thing of life;' two statements which must have emanated from somebody that was either 'half seas over,' or as cracked as the 'ancient mariner." -- The poor old girl is evidently breaking up very fast. The following extract from the English telegram of a contemporary is a study: -"HBis Majesty aexpressed his satisfaction at the courage which had been shown by the allied troops and the navies of Austria and Prossia, which had conquered that splendid prize by a wise and just reliance upon their mutual powers to fnlilitate the inal understanding of lata events." Alfter this who will deny that language was given to man to conceal his thoughtaP Aquarterly meeting of the Counoil of the Queens. land Aoelimatisation Society was held on Monday. The principal busines before the Council was throon sideration of a proposition submitted at a former meet ing by Mr. Ellis, that one or two pure-bred asses ahoold be purchased by the society in order to en courage the breeding of mules in .the colony. Mr. Bernays aid he had a communication from a gentle man of eonsiderable experience, in which he spokemost highly of the general utility of mules, ofther .powers ofendurance, and their longevity. He had also pre pared a rouh copy of a proposition to be submitted to the Council in the event of their approving of the pthase oftoses. After a longand desultory disolus sion, in the course of which reference was made to the probable cost which would be inourred by stabling the animalrs imported, and also the amount which should be contributed by the society towards defraying the cost of porhase, the following proposition was agreed to:-The necessary funds shall be raised by ebsorip tion among members of tbe society. In the eventof absoriptions falling ahort oftheeetimated expenses, the society shall subsrtibe all that may be required tocover the deficiency, provided that the society shall in no esebe called upon to previde more than £50. In the event of the ubriptine amounting to more than ?t!?i~ti? ? pof.?g eta111on, the surplus stallion or a well-bred mare as may hereafter be de' termined. The eisthmted expenses are as followsr-Cost of stallien, £140; passage and incidental, £60. The probable'cost of a good she see would not exceed £50. Estimated return to the Society, first year--17 mares covered at £4 each, £68. EIxpenses of keep to be borne proportionably among suebscribers. The mares sent to the stallion shall have been previously pproved on behalf of the society. It is mportant that the stallion shall be as nn.rly as.per~... grest sinend atl ihahisleo~ tLh'dild vepire d cjuie( and staunch both.for saddle and draught. His height should not be less Utha from 15 to 16 hands, well coupled and breoaed across the loins. The following subscriptions have been promised conditionally upon therequired amount being raisod :-The Hon B. G. W. Herbert, £20; the Hon. John Ellis, £20; the Hon. J. P. Bell, £20 ; the Hen. Colonel O'Connell, £20; J.J. Lennon, Ipswilch, £10.-Courier.

On Satumrday afternoon last Mr. Phegan and Mr. 8. B. Reed embarked in a boat belonging to the Castle Eden, and proceeded down the river for the purpose of viaiting that vessel The boat was manned by two sailors, besides the gentlemen above-mentioned. While sailing ,rom the river bar to the shipping, a sudden puff of.wrind oaught the `sails of the boat and capsized her, precipitating everything on board into the water. Fortnnately she wasprovided with sir casings, which prevented all risk of hr sinsing; and her crow were enabled to cling to her. This occurred about 9 p.m., and it was not till about I an.m. on Sunday that they were relieved. It was a bright moonlight night, or otherwise the whole numbr umight have perishbed, as they were only picked up by an oyster man named Wright, who happened accidentally to be sailing in his boat near the spot. He immediately went to their assistance and conveyed them to the Fiery Star, where their wants were most kindly attended to by Mr. Sargeant, the chief officer. Wrightafterwards picked un the boat, from which a quatity of ironwork for the Castle Eden was lost. M. Phegan also lost a pocket book cantaining about £25. Wo have much pleasure in learning that Wright's gallantry did not go altoge ther unrewarded, as essnrs. Phegan and Beed have presented him with a five-pound note.-lbid. The nusual monthly parade of the Volunteers was held on Saturday afternoon. There was~, unfortunately, but a very small muster of the Ribes, and the Artillery

Corpls was not so largely represented an on previous occasions, However, those who were present went through a small portion of the preliiminary drill in a very satiefactory manner, and were then marched out to York's Hollow, taking with them two of the field piees, which, on this occasion, were dragged by horoos. On the arrival of the Volunteers at a hill overlooking the Hollow they were hialteod, and shortly afterwards the Rifles were sent down the hill, end, after firing some few rounds, retreated in akirmishing order under cover of thle guns, the esptains of which were ordered to fire. Fifteen rounds were then fired in quicker time than we remember' hlaving listened to before. The commansding oither (LieutenanttCo]onel O'Connell) expressed his satisfaction at the manner in which each gun was served.-Ibid. Inspector M'Donald, of the Water Police, has made a hanasomo present to Captain Labbatt, of thle steamer Diamond, as a token of lues appreciation of the gallant conduct of the gentleman referred to in rescuing hlimself and his boat's crew from a watery grave. The present consisto of a beautiful gold penild case, on which is to he engraved a brief narrative of the circumstances under which it was presented.-lbid.