Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), Tuesday 9 April 1912, page 2

WO-^IECSKE-CTj 'y No..iiskCo. :; ? ..Feet. Production. PICTOKIA, ? THURSDAY : DAN MORGAN, the Greatest Bushranging Film ever Pictured— 3500 Feet. ?

D.'roction ? \\r. «fc K. VlUUAl'.i. Every WED. and SAT. Only. Entire Change Each Evening.

To-morrow (Wednesday), April 10... VOtt ONK NKjHT ONLY — ISTTCEORGE AND. THE. IRACON, Miluno Films M:ibti-rpietc. Tho gods will tlmt th 3 faiivH yoinif girl ho Kiiotiliiti'l to mm dovourod by tliu iierco Dragon — Isinut.


WEST'S New Program To-Mglit— Best of All, WEST'S. TO|: EOrQU FT a THRILLING FLOOD STORY, which must InE, riilLOlllLl remind Maitland people or '93. tsiip nQ?fCQynr TIIB BEST IM(rm8KS SEKX* 1 O el B 1 0 IL O I! 1! i_ 1 TIIF* OHMl/IOT' A Genuine Masterpiece of the famous Nordisk ? '*- uUrmUl. Company.— 3000 feet of a Real Thrilling- Film. JH£ CONVICT. A OUOWDKD HOUSE LAST NIGHT VOTED THIS PROGRAM SUl'ERl! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, pATUBDAY. APRIL 17, 18. 19, & 20 APRIL Grand Spsctaciilar Display oCHo.'ses and Cattle, also Fine Fields of Jumpers and TrottBrs.— Record Show of Poultry, Pigeons, etc. Good Displays of wlachnery, Fine Arts, etc , etc. OPENING DAY-WEDNESDAY, April 17. OFFICIAL OPENING- THURSDAY, April 18, by His Exc3lle:icy Lo.'d Chelmsford, at 3 o'clock p.m. Admission— Ik. .K. h. FOUNTAIN, 2322, . Secretary.

Grand United Order of Oddfellows. f|1 IIE PRESIDENT I-OIXJK No. J 0 5 « X will colcbi'ntc their 08th Anniversary with (i GRAND ANNUAL BALL rtnd SUPPER in the TOWN HALL, WEST MAITLAND, on APRIL 10th. 'First-class Orchestra ongnged. Dancing frdhi'8 p.. in. to 2. a.m. Supper 10.30 p.m. TICKETS: Ladies. 2/li: , Uents, 3/6. J. S. IIEWETT, Secretary, 200.7 ' ? ? ?- C. EDWARDS, Treasurer. FOR SALE. ? PIANO, by Hoffman, Tron Frame, post £00, had vory little uso, nlinost now ; sell for'£30 A bargain. Johnston, Glebo Buildings, 601: High-bt root, West Mnitlnnd. KPARATORS^-50 'gnllons, £12;' 27' gnl' Ions, £7. Tho makers in Sweden write us: 'Thill tho low price mny prejudice the sales/ but wo gunrnnioo Iho inn tori al and work. ,Givo a month's freo trial. Wo guarantee tho durability.' Buy tho ronl value only. not tho patents. Head's Stores, W. Maitland. '.., FOR SALE. PUB13-BRED PEDIGREED MUSKY ? HULLS and HEIFERS. PP y , E 31. RANCLAUD. Eskdalo, 1075? ' Scnlinm. : ' ' TENDERS. ? A'LVFOR TENDERS :— (1). To split, point '«nd deliver, or to split, point and leave nt stump in heaps not lets than four hundred:

lUiOUU.'.BOIlu jroiionric uinpp viii»-oyuiira, u a ' il' inches, and 6ft. long. 2,500'Solid Ironbark Grape Vino Stakes, 8i n ' v -ttlinehos, mid 6ft. long. N.B.-7-Dond timber not accepted. .(2) To-. split and deliver' ov, to split nmi leovo at stump in heapB not less than 200: 1 800 Troh'bnrk Wiro Fencing Posts 7in. x 3in., Oft'.' long. N,B. — Dead timber accepted if sound. .Tenders, to e.los-i APRIL JJUh, 10J2. and lowest 'lender 'not noccbsnrily accepted.

? v..,, LINDEMAN, LTD., . ? ? 'Ben- Enn,' 2181 , ' ? ? Pokolbin. rriENDERS' aro'invitcifTii'r EXTENSIVE A . - 'BRICK ADDITIONS to the KUKRI KURR1 HOTEL. - Plans mid specifications may 'bo scon at my oflico, whero londors must bo lodged 'with the undersigned hy noon of WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17th, 1912. Tho ' lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. WARREN SCOBIK, ' Architect, West Maitland. Thou oj.JMiiitlmid'lCB, Stockton 1. 10D0 mENDERS aro invitod~for tho. ERECTION A of GRETA MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS. Plans' and specification muy bo soon at my office, , whoro tondors must bo lodged with tho undei signed by noon of WEDNESDAY, 17th, 1012. 1 Tho lowest or nny tontlor not Mooessni'ily accoptcd. J. WARRJ'JN SOOBTE, „ Architect, West Maitland. Thpno: Mnitland 168, Stockton _L _ _ 2000 The Newcastle Coalmining Com pan}', Limited, . |, mENDERS nro invited for tho ERECTION J X 'of l-'OUR WEATIIKRHOAUD COT- j TAGES nt. GRETA1. Plans and snuiMflnntimw t

may bo scon at the CnlMorv Oflico, Alorowother, or Grotn.-or. nt tho, Head Oflico of tho Compunv,, ^Newcastle, whom tenders must bo lodgod by- noon on MONDAY, ICtli APRJL, 1912. Tho lowest or any fonder not nooo&sarlly accepted i',\ -' ? . JAS. CLAYTON, , Manager. Newcastle, -4th April, 1912. ? 2253 Notice to Log Haulers. _. ''t: . ' TENDERS WANTED TjlQR, FIFTY THOUSAND VKHT of MILL -I- , LOGS, delivered. Must bo sound, and scoured at onds. No,' Shatters., Cracks, Humps, or Limbs inlcoiw,, ? Sncpinl lengths cut when ordered, No Logs' taken under Gft. girth. An'nngoihonU made at Mill for dolivery. lioivoiit Tender not noeowiirily accepted,* TENDERS CLOSE APRIL 80, 1012. C.(. E. HOPSON. .' . , Sftwrnillo, 'JflSfl - ? ; ? Allyii Rivor. ._ ______ SINGLE COPIES of tho 'Miiitland Morriiry' (Dnily and Wooltly iofnios) onn bn ohtnlnod after this ilnt.o from PMROY STANTON. Tohaeeonisl'. i«te,, Dungog.

?j ? NOTICES. ? H.R.A. and' 'Association^ WEST MAITLAND. SPECIAL XOTJCK TO EXHIHITORS OJ«' I'MXE ARTS AND NEEDLEWORK. ALL I5XHIHJTS oi KINK ARTS and NEEDLEWORK muht lip on tho ground before 0 o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, APHTI 13th NEXT, in order that thoy may be properly clftAsiiied. nnd nil 'Otlioi1 i-.\liibil.s liy 0 i) clock. a.tiK on onch day. I''.' H. KOi;NTAlN\

-'iM ? Socre.tary. ? .BUSINESS.NQTiOES; ? COUBT KOUSE^HOTEL, PATERSON, MR. I. E. UPTON, (Lnto of tho Percy Hoto], Singleton), WrlSHES to inform tho Public of Patorson 1 ,,T',V,U?lstnot tIint 'l0 llus '-i'AKEN OVER nm.?-?S1NE?S of tlle COURT HOUSE HOIJiL, and trusts by strict , attention to Mnsinofis to rjcn*. a continuance of tho patronage accorded this well-known Hotel. Beat llmnClS Of WllllW nnrl Sr-ii.if« ««-» !„ -I..-1.

fc.xcelloi-.t CiUBino and Good Accommodation, inunr pntirol.v nnir mnnngetnent. 520 £$ ROViJ, CYCLES WMl) 'lie Proof of tho Pudding TUST ASK A RIDEH of n ROYAL or n O. BRADJJURY MOTOR. Result prove their ounlitios. 1 ROYAliS, from CC/10/. BBADHURY MOTORS, £67/10/. Repairs, Plating. Enaineliii|r. - j Motor n ml Cycle Sundries, lyres, guaranteed six months, 9/G each. | FIRTH AND v I

\prvVJrrAN2 A1SP NKW0ASTU5. Abl'^Mb for New Home Sowing Mucliiitos. ? 2043