Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Tuesday 1 June 1880, page 2

IMPORTANT = ANNOUNCEMENT I GOOD NEWS FOR IIOUSEIIOLDERS! JOHN DONALDSON, CABOASS and FAMILY BUTCHER, &e., EAST5 N?ltrcats, An BRISDANE STBRETS, IPSWICH, HAS Great Pleasure in ANNOUNCING to the IJ?aabiantas of Ipsaich, and the West Moreloat District that be is NOW SELLING BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, VEAL, LAMB, and n SMALL GOODS at Every Dssrilption, and ol the Most Superior Q~litys$t such Prices as will DEFY COMPETITION I J. D.'s long experience in the Trade enables him to conSdently appeal to Householders, Iead of Familie. At., for support. They will fled it to their interesot to ise oim a call, as he Guairontees that all Goods Pur?i', rooia either of his Eetublislhm.nts will be found TH''"1" E PRIMtST QUALITY. ;i2 TPt n m rra Paovr Two FACT ! S FROM TOWN OR COUNTRY ...PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO! S o ~SO FornGET ht ADDnoss: fE4T, 7fICOq4S , alsv BRISBANE STREETB. Fures Undulterated, and Digestible Broad. o : . ,,,, FRED. WIIITEHOUSE, T 'KtE :BAER,'CONFECTIONER, PASTRY- a SCOOK, &c., N!': .YCHOMs-ETaHET, IPSWICH, E . ..a '? i '7"EDDING an CHRISTENING V CAKES made to order. ,": -N OT'ROLLS from 8 to 8 o'clock e'"?,ry karotg. 'The Trade Supplied. 16 PUBLIC NOTICE. tj t nBRU0CKNER. EwoNnan Onate of the . aC lla Works, Nor.th Ipswict), begs to anacPPy toh'e Inhabitants of Ipsaiclh and Surroundi•g s?trict that he hee ,:~, )MMIJ~NOCED BUSINESS., in those Premises in Brisbane-street, opposite Mr. _:.B~I?y . 's residenea,'as IBON..a?ND BRASS FOUNDER, ENGINEER, 1n !..:.o?. DIE-CUITTER, &c. ,GUNS and SEWING-MACHINES Repaired on thbe~abortest aotice t and BTEAM-BOILERS, ENGlEES, and other Machinery Fitted Up sud BeH. B, hbs had Large Experience, not only in this Gldfy,;brit ib otherlparts of the world ; and be hopes, by --btt4ttention:to Business, to meet a share of Publio itkbsage.: . 461 BIl?HINGI. PAPERHANGING! ! GLAZING !!! ."JOMN F O.X . Sccecssor to .Mr. A. Knight) BEG8 to oannounce to his Friends and the Publir S that, hIaving PURCOHIASED the Entire Stock oirPAINING;,PAPERHANGING, and GLAZING MATERIALS now in that Well-known NstabJishbsnat st tfrst-oeet, hei is now PREPARED to UWDERTAKR COONTP 4OTS for the carrying outlof any work, in the above Lmes, at the most Moderatr Bates. He would respetlfully request a call, when he will be bapp to chow a most Replete Stock of Paperhanginor tirely new patterns (just imported Irom Engltsn <sts, Oils, Glass, and every other rqui the trade, and all of the Most Superior Quality. Bign.writiP and every description of Painting and Glsring Workioe in a workmanlike banner, and at the Most Beasonable Rates. A Trial wiliProve the Fact. rDo not Forget the Address: The Old-eihta~lished Painting and Glass Warehouse -C IrITelEZRT, IPBWInr. 124

RlP ISATRIMONYi ITF i-dla8 Meet the Eye of any Young Persons Sontemplating the above, they will do well, before purchasing o Anepeet 0t)e VARIED 5TOCK of FURNITUR ' at t"he' IPIWICH FOURNITURE i.:,".' Note the Address: OnoeTooT*oo COiaoREGATIONAon Carsn, .: :.BRISBANEBsTREET. ". JDOBR ,HUOKER, PuomRIEroa. 34 P::PE:TER B ROWN, BELL.STERET IPSWICH, ""?S i'ionh pleasure in intimating to his Friends I and the General Public that the Business in which he .has hitherto been a Partner having been Disdblved by Mutual Consent, hIe is NOW PRELPARED 'to UNDERTAKE CONTRACTS FOR BUILDINGS on his own uesount. Having secured Commodious Premises in Bellstreet,' all Orderd for 'ENIL RAIL JOBBING and EEPA4lS' 'ill be promptly attended to, and all Work wHillbs eeoutem under Personal Supervision. fo'emhdbi'l7,i'879. . ' 11 . NOTICE. Tls'. ' gnrderoigced has much phlaeure in informine his numerous Friends and the P'blieo generally thatie e STILL CARIEES ON the BUSINESS at THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT BREMER.-STREET, IPSWICH, and, by giving hIts undivided attention to tleo Buainese, he hopes to receive a fair shalre of I'otronoge. DOORS and WINDOWS of all kinds and si8es at BaaBonNE PRICis, carriage added. RoconAnearo STOoE LME, ClEMot, Ac., Ac., always on hand. Also, a Large Assalcment of SECOND-IHAND BU.LDING MATERIALS for Sal., Very Cheuap. ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, BUILDER AND CONTRACT'OR, BRneMERSTREEuTo , IPSW1CH. 378 GBATEFU.L-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. " By a thorough uowl)edge of tie natural laos which govern the operations of digestion and nulril tion, and by a carelul applircdion of the line prcperties of wellselectelrd Caco, S1r. JlEppe s cprovided our breakfaet.tables wilth a dheautely flavoared beverage wihirh msay save us muny heavyor doctor's bills. It is by tic judieious use of such alticleas of diet ticut a eontcilu.ion may be pradually burle up until btrung enough to resist every Itenderncy to disacuro. Ilundreds ,f subtle maladies are floating around us ready to acacko wlheroevr their is a weak poin- \Ve may escape many a fatal bhaft by keling ocureclr-Ia ell faouried with pare blood od a properly.cmouriro ed lframe."--See article in the Civil Soerice Gaztlle. MADE ~SoIPLur WIo BOILINa WATER On-MILe. Sold only in Packets or Tins, Labelled :JA D E IE 'PPS & Co., JOMELPATIIC CIEMISTS, Lozaoe. d43

NOTICE TO PUBLICANS. The Treasury, Queensland, Brisbhone, 28th May, 1880. PUBLICANS are reminded that unless the OER. T1FICATES grarited at the Annual Licensing Meeting of Magistrates, together with the FEE required to be paid it, each ease, are lodged in this Oflice on or before the 30thl June, such CERTIFI. CATES will become void. C. HARDIE BUZACOTT, 499 Acting-Colonial Treasurer. MONA COLLEGE, Fon YOUNG LADIst. Conducted by Mrs. MORRISON and Miss MONK. TACANCIES FOR BOARDERS V 29 [A CAnn.J MR. SCHOFIELD, OnOaNIST Or ST. PauL'sB, G '"S r s EsSONS on the PIANO, HARA MONIL?I, or OR.GAN. Terms on application. Ipswich, 12th April, 1880. 196 REMOVAL NOTICE. W. BEIRDOE, UCTIO'EER, A CCOUNTANT, INSURANtE AND COMMIBSION AGENT. Temporary Ofice : Pa?n VIzm, Limestone Hill. "VICTORIA" INSURANCE CO.--LowsT Ra·hB 865 REMOVAL. D . II. MARTIN. Machinist and Gunsmith, has SREMOVED to MORE COMMODIOUS PREMISES, on the opposite aide of Brisbaone-atreet, next door to Mr. WnIGoaT's, Butcher. Parties lea?vint orders ean rely on having them done in a Firostclos Maner. 251 FIREWOOD! FIREWOOD!i W ANTED TO BE KNOWN ¥¥ THAT H. J. GRENIER can now Supply the Inhlsbitants of Ipswich with the Best of FIREWOOD, SAWN and BILLETED to any Dimensions, at 7s. Per LOAD. "NIL DIESPERANDUM"' SAW.MILLS, BEn-LBTREET, IPBWIOm. : 52 FIRE! FIRE!l FIRE!!! BTANDARD FIRE OFFICE, (LIooTnD,) OF LONDON. Head Oflie : Ib~arzn BucItrots , MAssoON-HoUsEm, LONDON . Capital ... ... ... £.1,000,000. N SUR A NCES EFFEOTED on BUILDINGS MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNI. TORE, &e., at LownsT RAnTES. POLICIES ISSUED AND CLAIMB SETTLED PROMPTLY. G. H. WILSON & Co., 503 Agents for Ipswich. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERBSHIP heretofore subsistine between JOHN MALBON THOMPSON and WILLIAM 'NIBB HAVARD, as Solicitors, carrying on business.in Ipa. sich under the irm ofTno'easoNe & HovanR, has Been DISSOLVED by MUTUAL CONSENT. And piso, that tihe Prnartnerehipheretofore snobsisting be. tween the said JOHN MALBON THOMPSON, the said WILLIAM KNIBB HAVARD, and JUSTIN FOX GREENLAW FOXTON, carrying on businesa in Brisbane under the firm of THonrsoBon, HAVA, & FoXTON, has also been DISSOLVED, in cons.e quence of the retirement from both Firms of the said Jont MaorN TaonrPsoN. Notice is also giten that the said Businesi will in future be CARRIED ON by the said WILLIAM KNIBBHAVARD and JUSTIN FOXGREENLAW FOXTON, in Partnership, both in Brisbane and Ipswich, under the firm of HAVABD & FOXTON, who will receive all ACCOUNTS DUE TO, and PAY ALL DEBTS incurred by, the said late Firms of TnoarsoN & HAVAaD and THonrPSoN, HAVABD, &Foxnow. Dated the thirty-first day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty. J. MALBON THOMPSON, WM. HAVARD, J. F. G. FOXTON. THIRTY SHILLINGS REWARD. T OST, from North Ipswich, a BLACK HORSE, L short tail, hip down, branded 70 over MH1 on near shoulder; also, a GREY FILLY, branded YYS near shoulder. Fifteen Shillings each will be paid on delivery to JOHN MURRAY, 501 North Ipswich. £1 REWARD. LOST, from near the Cemetery, a BAY DBRAUGHT MARE, with black points, branded 6DW on off shoulder. Tihe above Itward will be paid on delivery to J. D. WOOD, Briekmaker, Warwieck. street. 610 £1 REWARD. LOST, from Normanby Reserve, a GREY HORSE, bratded A JC near shoulder, COM near rump, like A oa shoulder. The above reward will be paid on delisery to HENRY GOEBEL, Normanby Reserve. 502I I AVE in my possession one ROAN MARE branded Y2B on the near shoulder. The Owner can have ier by paying the advertising of her. GEORGE BAULCH, 459 Laidley Creek. CASTLEMAINE BREWERY AND MILTON DISTILLERY. S EPIARATE TENDERS are invited for SUPPLY of COAL and CORD WOOD, for above Estab. ments, for a period of twelve months. Approximate quantitioen required, 450 Cords Wood and 200 I'ons Coals. Full particulars on application to the undersigned. FI'IZGERALD, QUINLAN, & Co., 495 Castlemaine Brewery, Brisbane. TO CONTRACTORS. tENDERS are invited, up toll o'clock noon on FR1DAY, the 11h? June, for ALTERATIONS and BUILDING ADDITIONS to the QUEENSLAN)D IHOTEL, NorIth Ipsoich, for Mr.P. DoNiaoN. Planse, Specifications, and all psrtienlars may be obtained from the undereigned. The Lowest or any l'cTuder notnecessarily accepted. S. SHENTON, Architect. Brisbane-street, May 28,1880. 490 WALLOON DIVISIONAL BOARD. A PPIICATIONS will be received by the Walloon Board, up to 1 p.m. on the Oth June, fromn 'e.rsont Comupletel to 'Performn the Dulties of CLERK, FOREMAN of WORlKS, COLLECTOR of RATES, the. Salary: £120 per annuan, with Residence at Mar. burg reerof rent. A Fidelity Bond will be required from the successful applicant. Al,'hliclloe, nit, Telsimonials, to be addreesad to the Chairman, MSurlurg, Rosewood. PETER THOMSON, I 482 Chairman.

BLONDIN TO-NIGHTI QREAT SUOCEBS of ALEXANDER and SHARRIS, the Greatest Wonders of thebo 19th Century. GREATEST OPEN-AIR 8HOW ever witnessed in Australia. FREE SHOW, with BAND and COLOURED FIrES, Collection on the Ground. 512 .". CALEDONIAN LODGE, * u No. 466 S.C. AN EMERGENOY-MJIETING ofthe Members . of the above Lodge will be held at the MasoNIc HALL on FRIDAY EVENING neqt, Jau'ne 4; at half-past 7 o'clook. 605 -· By order of the R.W.M. LADIES' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. IN consequence of not being able to obtain room in the Exhibitioo Building, Sandy Gallop, the above Society will hold their half-yearly SALE OF FANCY GOODS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &a., in the CrnonC oF ENOLbND SC-oonHrnoo (by kind permisl sion) on THURSDAY and FRIDAY next, June Srd and 4tb, to commence at 3 o'clock. As this Sale is to supply Funds for the Society, the Committee invite the Public to attend and help them by their purehases.? . . ADMHBION: FnEE. 489 MRS. IINE .Hib. }ec. QUEENSLAND PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL 800IETY'S SHOW, 1880, W ILL be held on the'ow. GoOUNDs, Ipswich, on THURSDAY And S~kDAY, the 8d and 4th of June neat, when LIBERAL PBIZES will be given in the VARIOUS CLABSSES of PNatoral, Agrioultural, Horticultural, Dairy, Garden Produce, Fowls, Dogs, &e., &c. also, for Machinery, Implements, Carriages, Saddlery, Furniture, Clothing, and other dseful articles, including the Fine Arts. All Entries must be lodged at the Sepretaryl's OfBice. on or before TUESDAY, the 15th instant Membership, One Guinea; 2s. 6d. must accompany each entry from Non.Membhi i , Prize schedules con'he obtained of SAMUEL MACGREGOR, 146 Secretary. SCHOOL OF' AMTS, IPSWfICH, . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 4 AND 45. MONSTER BURLESQUE TROUPE, 0E1000 nB- -M ISS LYDIA HOWARDE and MISS MAGGIE OLIVER, TOGETHELB WIT TEN OTHEB WELL-KNOWN AsTISTa, -LOOK O.UT FOR "FRA DIAVOLO" 2ND AFAYRE BOSA- . MONDE. , For Particulars in future Advertisements, W'91 BANK NOTICE. TiE Various BANS in Town will be CLOSED ,at 12,noon on THURSDAY and.FRIDAY, 8rd and 4th instant-SHOW'DAYS-and on BSATUBR. DAY, 5th instant, will be Opened at 9 a.m. and Olosed at 10 30 a.m., for the LACES. , 507 NORTH AUSTRALIAN JOOCKEY CLUB ANNUAL MEETING, 5TH JUNE. N'OT I C E. A" EMBERS of the above Club are particularly V.L requested to FORWARD THEIR SUB. BCRIPTIONS previous to Day of Boscing, to prevent Stoppage at Gates. D. T. KEOGIf, 611 . Secretary. SNORTH LAUSTRALIAN JOOCKEY bLUB ANNUAL MEETING, JUNE 5, 1880. N #OTIOE TO 2RAINERS.-The COURSE will N be available for TRAINING PURPOSES from MONDAY, May 24. D D. T.'KEOGH , NORTH AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB MEETING. SATURIDAY, JUNE 5, 1880. TmiE WIND-UP HNDICAP p140 Soye-one Smile-to be run for on the above date. Nomination, 1 Soy., aceptance, 1 Soy., can be made up to 4 o'clock p.m. on SATURDAY, the 5th Jone; entrance for same being now open. DENIS Ti0OS. KEOGH, 4851 Secretary. TRIAL OF JUMPING HORSES, TIHOSE interested in JUMPING HORSES may JOIN IN a TRIAL to take place in the Snow. oanouns on THURSDAY, 8rd June, at 8 o'clock, for a Sweepsttakds of £1e-eaeh-; if-five or more hornes en tered, the second horse to receive £2; balance to Ithe winner. Six leaps, about 3ft. Sin. 425 S. WATSON BROTHERS & M'LEOD, F AMILY AND CARCASS BUTCHERS, BEIoBANE AND NICHOLAS SToEETo, IPSWICH ; AND TEBRACE.STRErT, NORTH IPSWIOn. 82 THE undersigned is NOW READY to RECKEIVE ORDERS and SUPPL SAWN TIMBER of all descriptions. R. SEYMOUR, 25 North Ipewich. TO I'AIRENTS AND GUARDIA?N6 . DR. II. L M.IARINS, dlquly-qualified DuI:nTr I. S.aUoR in Full Praectice, has an Opening lfor a Well-educotd Youth as an ARTICLED PUPIL Full opportunilies will be utforded in the tlheoy ,nd practice of Coocrvruliee l)Iental Surg.er and in 1he practical study fth ilo hrte of the higher brhe of Prosthebtic Dentistry, iocluditg the proc.so known as " l'be Contioutus Gum." l'rt.ium' requtired. Applitotions to be made by lettcr or p:rsouully. Queencstreet, Ilrisbe, 3J1 ay 29, 1880. 498 UMlQ UAT S, ORIANtllt, IE RONS, StO?IILASt , nA d IENGAL CITRONS for SALE at Oangefield. J. A. JACKES, Boundartstreet. 115WTANI'ITD WTANI'ITD KNOWN. Ihot tlh undersigned is a BUI'EIr of lOUCSLLOIl,) FI'IRNIITURE and EFFICI'S, eitherr in Lurge or Small Lots. J. HUCKEII, Furniture urt, IBrisbaie-street (opposite the Conglegational Chlurchl). 84 WANTEi) TO BUY, a SCRUU FARM--nhbour One Ilundred to One Hundred and FtlyI Acres-Partly Improved, for Cush. Apply by letter. Address, R. tG., Marburg. 480 W ANTED, APIPRENTIUEIS and It'PROV Eir to tie I)RESS-.MAKING. Apply to Miss O'SULL1VAN?, Briabuna-street. 01 W ANTED, a MANr-one who.is accustomed to work on a Scrub Farm preferred. Apply to H. BEAD, Ipswich. 513 .ollomoay'a Pilla.-Epidemic Diseases.-The alarming increrse of deall from cholera and diarrhts should be a warning to eseryone to subdue at once any irregularily tending towards disease. Holloway'e Pills should now be in every hlousehold to rectify all impure states ol tlhe blood, to remedy weakness, and to overcome impaired general health. Notthio can be eimpler than the instructionus for taking thos corrective mediS cile, nothing more elicient tihtan its cleansing powers, nothing mnto Iharmless tltan its vregetable ingredieots. HIollowaey's is the best II) sir during the eummer season, when deriying fruits and unwholesome vegetables are frequently deranging the bo vels, sand daily exposing thousands, thropgh their negligence in permitting disordered oction,to the tlanger oldirrirho, lytyPentery, and cholere.-[Adnv.'

IJlNDINO that a report has been indueX triously ciroelated to the effect that my FEES for VISITS, CONSULTATIONS, &o,, are Higher than those charged by other Medical Men in the District, I am Reluctantly Obliged thus PUBLIOLY to CONTRADIOT the same. W. A. CONOANON. 492 MOUNT ESK DISTRICT. M R. J. M. OCHAILLE has been appoianted . AGENT for the Queenuland mer in the above District, and is authorised to Receive:AD. VERTISEMENTS and SUBsORIPT[ONS, &c., on our behalf., ePArEINBON & Co. May 14, 1880.