Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), Wednesday 22 May 1912, page 16

'Phone, Cable Address, GLEBE 832. MACFILM. I ?' '.. Univefsal m^ 822 George St ^» ' Sydney.: V r CAPITAL : £65,000.: iSgsiSlsi&Jj J. S. MoCULLAQH. -flSffilMltifk : Manaolnu Dlreotor. fiiii^^l We have taken over the AMERICANTMmmm Australasian film service, XillillF Ltd.; and the AUSTRALIAN LIFE , ^3*^ BIOQRAPH COMPANY. 'Ltd. , The investing of large capital in UNIVEKSAL FILMS, LTD., is ti proof of our unbounded faith in the lututc of Motion Pictures. .-?';? ''? ' Our own Australian Productions will be the right arm. and the Choicest European and Anuirican features will be the left arm of our Company's Film Department. OUR FULL LIST .WILL BE. MAILED TO ALL ??;;-? EXHIBITORS. 'Tale of Australian Bush,' Drama.. .. 3000 'Ono Hundred Years Ago,' Drama . . 2000 'Tiokol In Tatls,' Drama ? ..... 1500 'Colleen Bawh,'. Drama,. ..'...... 4000 'Ticket cf Loave Man,' Drama .. .... 4100 'Girl from Outbaok,' Drama .... . . 3000 'Hands Aoross the Sea,' Drama . . .. 2000 'Tho Shnuohraun,' Drama .. . . . . . .? 3000 'Daughter of Australia : or Romance of Australian Goldfields,' Drama .. .. 3000 1 'In the Days of the Six Nations,' Drama 2000 ' 'The Prldo of Lexington,' Hist. Drama. 2000 'From the Bottom of - the Sea,' Edu. Drama.. ....?..-....-. ....... 2000 'Amerioan Revolution,' Hist. Drama . . 2000 1 'Romeo and ,'ullot,'i. Drama ? 2000 : 'Daniel Boone,' Wes. Drama ..'....'. 2000 ' 'East Lynne,' Drama ? 2000 'Mlgnon,' Drama .. .-. ... .'-a'.' '.'.'.. 1100 ' 'Parson and the Bully,' Drama . . . . 1000 | 'Rose and the Dagger,' Drama '.'. . . 1000 ^ 'She,' Drama ..'.:.'.?...... ..2000 'The Lost Daughter,' Drama ......; 3500 'Napoleon's Great Marshall' (Twixt Love and Duty), Hist. Drama .. .. 1500 ; 'The Scientist's Seoret,' Drama .. .. 2250 Mad'zelle Nlkoquohei. Cornedy-Drama .. 3000 : THE LAItGEST SHIPMENT . OP NEW FILMS that ever came to Australia in. ONE^SUipnicnt is well on the' way to Sjdncj, including ^OMjCfe, itRAMis, SCENICS, and GREAT STAR FEATURES. ' Write far our coining list of Australian Stars and Feature Importations. The -BEST is none too good for Australia- to bo represented at Honioand-Abroad. .We therefore offer Thiree Priizes for Motion Picture Scenarios illustrative of Australian life. Those subjects (bat will boost Australia Abroad will have special consideration shown in our -'selection. SPECIAL AWARDS will ih. made il equal to requirements. First Prize, - £5 Second Prize, - £3 Third Prize, - £2 MANUSCRIPTS .MUST BE SEliT. IN -BEFORE JULY IS NiAT, y.hen Awards will be fixed, and published not later than Jul- 1. , THE UNIVERSAL FILMS* to tune LICLUStVE BIGHTS to all -the Scenarios awarded a Prize, also to all otlicr SccnanoB sent in, on payment of ti to the Authors. -Unsuccessful Manuscripts lull be returned on personal application of the Authors. Address all Communications on this matter to — , -.'J.'S. JrcQULLAGH, Managing Director, Universal Films. Ltd , 822 GEORGB STRhfcT, SYDNEY. And 'mark on the comer of the em elope, I ' ' ' 'MANP&ORIPTS TOR COMrETITION.'

Spencer's Best! , ' m Written and produced by . 'jraifiliia Australians for Australians ^^^Q^^ ? Ifae tide or Death r^ l ' 1- « «lT1fi TT6 11 ?? 99 'The Tide of Death' Is Spenoer't 9 hTOSarl YArriSir I HTSf* rxUlBprin latcsl all-Australian produotlon, and H [\ wiadu a fiiic jj-uii-cuaa lt )s now bC|no f,|Oked ol th6 g _ Lyeeum, The, scenes ore |coal and m ' CO,J » easily reoognlsable, and the plot la ra SOtjlU spread over a good deal of ground. Eg - Inoludlng a good Ploturo of ths \m , departure 'of an Orient boat from the Jw i miiiiHIIiiii Quay. The chief parts aro taken by a flgHWHiMj''*. Augustus Neville, as Phillip Mm- I ' - iMHBBSr ' w0'' B y°t'iO oontraotor, and Lottie ' , MW 'w - - ' Lye|l (the loading lady In Spencer's ?. ^^ ' j other local play, 'Margaret Caloh'- ' pole'), who makes' a big' ouooess at L; - ! . , , Sylvia Grey. THE ACTINti AND 't ,','?* , MOUNTINO SHOW AN IMPROVE' _ ' ' f- v V MENT QN THE PREVIOUS PIO I Qfht\(\ f fi»*»f I AIKT N ' TURES. PLAINUY, THE SPENCER J OUUv 1-SCL XuUIli:* . CO. MEANS TO HOLD ITS OWN -~ ** WITH YANKEE AND EUROPEAN ? —^ ~ fLf - , Cp.'S. The riding scenes In the ; I latoC 54**P- Iw^kiAT ' busn Bro certainly Improvements on , LSOllCO ClaC 11VW most Imported films. , whore the . ft „ _ aators soom to bo totally aoouitnmed '? U-««i»#w A eeiffnaH to norse»- MIos.Lyell In particular f Uemfif /^SSIgneCI* -? a gladsome oontaur--i-'Bulletln.' \ CT ** - April 18. 1S12. ;'| Call and see our Film Manager about the Spoolally purohased by Mr. C. Spenosr during his tour of tho United States, t 'u ? ? .....' C ? / Speascers 'Pktares, Ltd.^, next toISCTtt street.


Sbowmeji are loud in t.hrir PRAISE of tlic Films and the nisiness attention .which the firm of MASON. LTD., levoto to them. v:ho'-fcnov c\c-\ Picture Showmen's nisiness (in fact, existence) depends upon tic class of llmo that he screens. To1 put' on old and scratchy Junk 5 ; courting Derision A the hands of your public. We have an enormous utoct Of ip-to-d«te Films, and without doubt the Largest and ?'incst Library '.of; STAB Film) in thr-Stato, or, in fact, he OoimnbirAcaltfa. To screen these means bulging nines to Suburban Showmen Don't be misled bv the second hand JunV merchants -nlio lave to wait uirttl ' the Jlcitrbp'olitan sliows Mrerp they ?an hire to you. You con get the STARS, THE- TRUST, PHE PATENTS, in fact. Every pake of Film !rom us. We are first and foremost, and we ha\c never Cornered i fllm; for our own usfc— first, for tlio simple . reason we iavc no uhows of our own, eo get on the t&il of the Film Fiends, and they will serve youjight. Our EicIlsuc Lu-t is still sncliug Lattct arrivals are : TRILBY TRILBY TRILBY TRILBY ' ME DAN1TES THE TORMENT (Sello). (Eolalr). I WHITE DOMINO THE VAMPIRE DANCER (Duloh Vltcscope). Nordlsk). i AVIATOR INVENTOR THE LIVING VAULT , (Nordisk). (Gaumont). BANISHED AMD RESCUED (Dutoh Vitasoope). THE CO., LIMITED, 117 CASTLEREAGH STREET; SYDNEY ?PHONE, 897 CITY.

FULLER'S PICTURES. SHOWMEN, AWAKE ! Film Uiro Service, the Cheapest, the Best, and ths most reliable service in nustralis. Wo Stock all the Best Makers in tlie World 'and guarantee no Ilubbisb. Call on us. We will supply you at half what th« other fclllow charges you. New Specials Weekly TWO MILLION tfKET Ol1 HLM FOH SALl} Oil lUHE. SYDNEy OFFICE : JOHN KLLLtK AND SONS. No. 8 Linden Court, cor. Castlercagh and Market Sts. SYDNtV. KENSINGTON NEXT ~ FIBST RACE RACES. ? SATURDAY, 1.30 PH. JUST FANCY! Three months' reading for one shilling and o penny ! That's what 'Tho GloBe' costs frpm any newsagent for the period mentioned. It you prefer 'The Globe' to bo posted direct from tho office, 13b Caatlo' re-agh-street, Sydney, a postal note for the Llding sum of fivo shillings will bring it legularlyjo your door for q whole year '

THE; GpiffliT CO. -Vl'.v#vdk AUSTRALIA, LTD. , CHRONO HOUSE, -33 MARKET ST., SYDNEY. 420 LITTLE COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE. Tlie GAUMONT CHRONOS are still 7 ahead of all other BIOSCOPES. SIMPLE; — EFFICIENT — RELIABLE. REMEMBER. GAUMONT STANDS ALONE FOR TUB 'VERY LATEST IN PHOTO-PLAYS. ?VV'F. STOCK AtL THE LKAIHNC 'MMiES— K B 's. VITAGRAPHS, UEPWORTHS, NKSTORS, CLARENDONS, AMBROSIAS, V1TASCOPES, SELIQS, KALKMS, and others PROailAMJfES .ARRAXOKD AN'D KOUWARDED TO ALL PARTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. SOLE AGENTS FOB THE AUSTRALIAN PHOTO FLAX LTD.. EVER-POPULAR PKODUCTIONS. FEATURE SUBJECTS ARRIVING WEEKLV YOU'RE ALL RIGHT If you Hire from Gaumont'n, Our Scr.icc is alwayt Up-to-Datc. ? . ? ? If you wish to make good you must have STAR FILMS. WE CAN OFFER YOU THE PENALTY HE AND SHE THE PRISON ON THE CLIFF. THE CHEAT (By the Australian Photo. -Play Co.) ATTACKED BY A LION NOW SHOWING.' ???--WOftQNTHE POST. Absolutely the most exciting Photo. -Play yet produced bv the Australian Photo.-I'lay Co., depicting Ecene« at Handwirli, in and around Sydney, and the true AustssWITH DR. MAWSON IN THE SOUTH. ? TO BE RELEASED SATURDAY NEXT, MAY 25» ACROSS AUSTRALIA. SHOWING FRANCIS BIRTLES, THE OVF.R LANDER, LEAVING ' SYDNEY for his Tour through Australia. The Great Ncrlli-West Country, Aboriginal Corroborccs, and variouu other scenes of coi,. sidcrablc interest tn the true Australian TRULY A GRKAT FILM. DATES' CAN NOW BE ARRANGED. MAKE A SPECIAL NOTE OF THK FOLLOWING, ALL PROVED WINNERS : THE MIDNIGHT WEDDING .. .. ....' 2020 feet WRITTEN IN BLOOD ? 2030 feet CAPTAIN SCOTT'S SOUTH POLE EXREDI1ION. (SERIES 1) .. .... . . 2500 feet LOVE, THE TYRANT ? 1800 feet COO'EE AND THE ECHO .. '. ? 3000 feet THE CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL .... 3000 feofc THE TRUST ? 2000 feet DO MEN LOVE WOMEN ..... .. .. ...3000 feel THE MARGRAVE'S DAUGHTER '.-.? ....,.' 1220 ftet THE STORY OF CHOPIN .... ..'...'. 1200 fe.t AND OTHERS. J.Tjl'OVtt GOODS ARE SPECIALLY SELECTED ' BY. A ? SKILLED LONDON EXPERT. !{.. not convenient to call, our representative will wait on you at your own 'time and arrange dates.* . GAUMONT ?PHONE. CITY 6015. j Anyone 'Requiring Cinematographic Pictures Taken for any purpose whatever, can locate A. J. Moalton, The 'Most Reliable Expert in Australia, at No. 0 Linden Court, Tel., 604, City. . 107 Castlcrcash-st., Sydney. Or. at;Factory : Hunni-strcct, Newtown, Sydney, Australia. All Belli Feature Snhjects supplied by International Pictures

Selig ^S*m^ TANDS *m*^ JPREME ^W^ No piogramme is complete without these remaAable films Send us a post card, end get oq our mailing list FREE STICKERS TO ALL. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 12 QERRARD-STREET, LONDON, W. (Eng.). Cables : 'Polyscope, London.' A.B.C. Code, 5th Edition. All Selig Feature Subjects supplied tiy International Pictures. The SILENT EMPIRE -'*:-?'? -v.-'l B1OGRAPH EEZESS^ [ It is a perfect Biogriph. Is world famous [§ ' for its cxccllcnte a ; A fiw prominent' and eaential fciturcs are :— H | \]\ 6ttcl bprotkets. g i Var able geanng— either Cham, Belt or Carda'i H -5 Ehaft. g L liigid Iron Stand. W 5 Lx^ia large Asbc-t03 lined Lamp House. H ;! Automatic slide feed. S ?? Maltcic Cress, fitted , in Oil Bath. m i Perfect I Urn gate. * M J Improicd rilm-bot, cn-ure5 absolute ease in |j f threading Film. E ' Automatic Cut-eft. , | t '| WE SUPPLY ALL CUSSES Or I I i I CINB^UTOGRAPH ACCj:SSORIES. | t REPAHts, rimNG up, etc , ; § . DONE BY COMPETENT WORK- ! Fi I HEN FOR LOWEST RATES. j H 7 ii-F.i»iiiiiii» Leading Cinematograph I J JERDAN'S Speolallsts, I] i 393 GEORGE ST (faplng Royal Hotel), Sydney. | i 0^_^^-oI^—i-oi.— ........... , ., .......?,?.».,., ? ^ For SOMETHING TO READ there is nothing at a PENNY to equ^l ' THE GLOBE.' In- j vestigation cordially invited

All ESSANAY FEATURE SUBJECTS SUPPLIED BY INTERNATIONAL PICTURES. ^ n fj THE AMERICAN 'INDIA* HEAD' TRADE 1TAEK Is a GUARANTEE- of worth- ^rtrXJSh, - vwhlle entertainment in I'HOTO-l'LAYS. ' y^fe_'^*Bj i If you want to see the moat ENTERTAINING PHOTO-PLATS xyhjcli are pub- /^fSSslSl ? ' ashed each week, ask the manager of jour nearest Photo-Play Theatro to show Ef£$8ttgSSj« ' ALL L'ssanay Productions. %1S&H\§S! ' ; ': '? A- SPOOR, Solo. Agent, Essnnay Film Mfg. Co. (of Chicago). . 1^^®^? , ' «r WARpDUR STREET, ^ONDQN W. (ENQ.). ^§§$2 y\J U Cfll-'« Address: ''Cssanny-Londoq.' Codes 6th Edn.*A. B. C. and Weitcrn Union ALL ESSANAY FEATURE SUBJECTS SUPPLIED BY INTERNATIONAL PICTURES. Printed1 and Published by Alfred Herbert iKoward 'Aldworth, ol 'Wantage,'1 Pymblc.'for tho 'Sunday Times' w^'Sapcr Co., limited, at Uie OlUco ol ,U)n Cemjian}, 180-15fi Uastlereaeh strtct, Sydney. WcdacEutfi