Sydney Stock and Station Journal (NSW : 1896 - 1924), Friday 12 April 1907, page 3



(By 'Gossip.')

The R.P.A. books are doing a great work in the world, and making up true religion. When a man holds a creed that he fails to understand it is only a crude superstition to him. A dead dogma is of no value as a motive force. Unless a man knows

what lie neueves. ne oeneves in vain. The R.P.A. books set a man to think ing, and if he has the soul of a man he finds the truth. The last two books to hand are 'Re-ligious Persuction.' by E. S. , P. Waynes. This is riot a screaming diatribe against persecutions, but simply 'A study in political psycho logy.' It- isn't a silly book or': an exciting one. It is a discussion on intolerance and persecution.. The price of it is 9d post free. Then there is 'Three Essays on Religion.' by John Stuart Mill. This also is a solid book, and reasonable. Mill's essay on 'Liberty' is one of the world's classics, and we have that in the R.P.A. series, as well. These essays on religion are about as fine as anything ever written, and should be read by all thinking men. Wo hive the 9d edition, and also one in cloth boards at- Is 3d post free.