Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Advocate (NSW : 1898 - 1928), Saturday 7 October 1911, page 2


Hospital Saturday ! Slight frost on Thursday morning. A local publioan says he ia doing a good trade in ' Mary Atinoa.'

'Fish liars' aro more numorous than over in Gundngai this season. Ninoteen applicants for tho post of assistant rabbit inspector. Tho Maurice Gerald Dramatic Company aro at present playing iu Wollongong. AnnUcatirma wanted for tho nosi

tion of maiutenanco man to Guudagai Municipal Council. Tho Murrumbidgoe has boon dirty for several days, nnd fishing operations are temporarily suspended. It is said that a Gundagai man mistook tho legislative Assombly tho othor night for the wool salos. Few patients in the Hospital. Mr M. Richardson is still there, and thoro in no improvement in hi9 condition. Three good men,, (Sibthorpo, Hazlett and Dodd) running for the vacant Shiro soat. ' Sibby,' it is thought, will win. The 41 tons of stone from Long Tunnel Mino, crushed at Kimo battery this week, gave a yiold of'3oz 3dwt to tho ton. Kirby and Sanderson this week put through, at Bark Hut battery, three tons of stone from their mine near the Mt. Pottor, for a yield-of 5ozs. At the annual meeting of the Rivorina Rifle Association, at Cootamundra, Mr. J. Worldon, jun., waa elootod to a seat on the Council. Flotcher, seleoted as Labor candidate for the Maitlaud vacancy, has withdrawn, owing to the bitter hostility shown to his candidature. Af a mnafinn nf {-J-valinnrnafrinTTi TTr»o_

pital Crusado committee this woek, tho sum of £20 was voted to Gundagai Hospital, and £12 to Tumut Hospital. The best at your own doorJ Madame Dolores at Gundagai next Monday. She ia as great as Melba — and no journey of 300 miles has to be made to hear her. Labor swept the polls at the Weat Australian elections. Three Ministers were defeated, and Labor will have a majority of 12 or more in the now House. The ballot for tho 20-aore homestead block of land at Ooolao, held by Gun dagni Land Board on Tuesday, resulted in John Holboru, railway fetler, drawing the winning marble. At the local lands office on Wednesday Mr. D. C. Bruce effected the sale of portion 59, la. 2p., county Harden, parish Jugiong, Mr J. Quinn boing the purchaser at the upset price of £2 per acre.

air w. j. tmrne anu party, at xatnra, one day last week, made a big capture of fish. Their catoh totalled 100 perch and nannygai, and ' Dad' landed a lovely sohnappor. Twontyfivo young sharks wore hooked. R. Morton was fined £1 at the polioe court on Monday for drunkenness. On JLhuraday Peter Kelly w»9 fined 2s 6d for drunkenness, and for a similar offonco R. Paiuo was ordered to pay 5s. Speoial leases granted: — O. Roe, 100 acres, parish Adolong, annual rent £3 6s 8d ; A. T. Farrell, 30 acres, parish Adelong, annual rdnt £3 ; Joseph Oupitt, 18a. lr. 10p., parish Gadars, annual rent £1 7s 6d. Eighteon girls were drowned in tho River Aluta in Transylvania, while bathing at midnight, in accordance with an old-time belief that they would get husbands before tho en3 o£ the year. Tho current was too rapid for bathing. Two girls only were saved. The Graham.itown Combined Unions celebrate 8-Hour Day on November 1st. A big programme of sports will bo run off, and there will bo the usual sooial at night. Twenty per cent, of the procoeds will bo given to the Tumut and Gundagai Hospitals. Three horses attached to a van ownod by Mr. Quarmly, of Bailow, bocamo startled at a motor bicycle and bolted down the main street at Adolong, finally being brought up by a fenoe. One horse broke a hind leg, and the vohiole, a brand now one, was badly damaged. No wonder firewood ia growing soarce in the Adelong district. It is computed that about 300 tons are used weekly for mining purposes. Gundagai carters aver that wood hole will bo a dear commodity a few years hence, as they will have to go a long wayto get it.

The monthly meeting of the committee o(. the Qundagai Benevolent Society was held on Wednesday. Prefijint : — Masdames Hogan (chair), Hay, Moilit, Loary, nnd Miss Roates. During the past month assistants was granted to two iravoUers, Acoounts totalling £1 19s 6d wero passed for payment. Visi ing ooinmitteo for Ootobor — Moadames Loary, Moffltt sud Miiia Rootes. A couple of years ago two residonts from thoso parts purchased a block of land each aomo distance from Manly. The land wan ' nothing but scrub.' Since then settlement has gone on rapidly at Manly, tramways extended, and land greatly onhancsd in valuo. The land purohased by the men from hero has trebled itself in valuo. The death took place at Adolong last week of Mr. Samuel Phillips. The deceased waa a very old resident and very widely known and respected. He was a native of Devonshire, nnd came to tho colony as far back as 1858, 39 years ago. Ho was 71 yearB of ago and roared a family of 10 children, all of whom aro well-to-do and respected residents. ' ' Miss Marie Narollo has atlaiuod a unique honor in America. The authorities who control (ho Robert Emmet Hall in New York havo commissioned an American' sculptor to model a statute of Robert Enimot, and another of tho Australian singer in thoposoof O'Donnell Abno, to adorn the now building. Mias Narelle was the chiof singer at the rocont ooncort given to celebrato tho opening of this hall. Tho Cootamundra senior oadota, under tho oomtnand of Lieutenant Rodfern, held a full day parade on Saturday. Out of a total strength of 120 lads 112 attonuVd, and march.Ml -o the riflo range, whom they weruiuitructed by Liontenant Bakor, ar«a oflloer, in skirmishing, and by Staff8ergoant Major Owena in company drill and rille exercises. This being tho first parado at whiuh tho new oadet riflns woro used, iho boys appeared to tuko a groat in the work.