Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), Wednesday 20 November 1907, page 12

Amusements. P I V O L I THEATRE. Sole Proprietor and Manager, Mil. IIAHUY IUCKAiiDS. MATIXi:i; TO-DAV (WEDNESDAY), AT 2.30. AHTlIUlt G'KOXTO.V, Comedian, Mimic, and Monologue Kntcrtuiner. Till: 0 WlllTELEYS, In their Ama/sliiK ami Original Wire-walking, Acrobatic, and .Mu-ical i'ot l'ourri. llEXIII ALK.XANDEIt, in Ills Clever and Original Kislcy Act. THE 3 MOLASSOS, SKEI.EY Mil) WEST,itHOniiSIA, Edward Craiistoirnnd Coniireny, Tom Dawson, Djiaj .sylvitier, Kelille anil Davis, l'lorriu Hanger. Stellu Hanger, fcc.1,1 fee. SATUUDA Y, NOVEMBEIt Si. LA' SYLI'lIU, The World's Greatest CU-«iul and Kcrculric Dancer. il Jl Site* 5t 'ft-Si Ji. \u* CS S3 We make thorn to order. ?3 We take the picture.!, anil transfer mem ,| to 11,,. film of whi,-h wr l,.vc nearly a .piar,ig trr of a 1111 1 1 mjii foi't in stocL ~i We hir,. it out, or sell it. $ We veil an ijj CiEiernatog'rapli I Accessories V includini; the machines. I: Wo also irniwrt Illins. and new ones arrive V by almost every mail. W, EHI.-O.V f'IN'lvMATCf.'llAl'll, £32 10s. Vr I.I'UIN I.'INEMATOCJUAI'II, £27 lCs. gj liRBAX CLNEMATOCillAPH, JM3 Ids. OSBORN & JERDAN Ltd. 'MY OPTICIANS,' Opticiann and Electricians, 303 (iEOltai-: STUKKT (KACIXO 11OYAL HOTEL), SYDNEY.

? Theatrical Cards. ? TMEATRIi ROYAL 1 KOC1U1AMITON (-),). _£rf«ee _. ? Mr, G._l I. IUTICH. ? H'AIIHY CLAY'S CITY AND SUBUUBAN VAWDEVILLI-: CO. Alwajw an o|ieiiiii|r for acknowledged artints. Ily leltcr only.' 1!I8 Olebo roud, (Jk-lx! I'olnt. Silence a polite negative. BEUT UACIIK'H OIIOIIKSTHAL ACAiJIiMY, 2U Imperial Arcade. BANDS roil ALL FUNCTIONS. ' Pros., call or vrrite for new turna. bind lyrln. kc J'ACK MoaiAH'I'Y, Second l-'toor ILtiuitaliU Cliamberf W5 l'itt-«t., opp. Criterion Theatre, licat ana Kail Tlckctu Uouelit. Sold. Kickuired. DOST MASON * Tiic 1'opular American naritonc, Slarrinc ? Fuller Circuit, New Zealand. ? DA V Ij '|i'a [- U'l U ClBCqS TENT MAICEll, 71 GEORGE Sl'.t OPPOSITE SA1LO11S' HOME. 'pEMPliRANCE I1ALL, Uobart, Taf Sole Lessee and Proprietor, M. Lucas. , LUCAS'S 'GAIETY, ENTERTAINERS VACANCIES.— First-clais Artists arc Invited to quote- 1X)WEST TEKMS when making application, thus Having uniicucsaary eorresiiundencc. '~A IIT1ST' 'JIHU3N, -c-V UlUil'OSrCKU and ADVEUT1SINO AGENT, ? ? Cuiii.-ingliain-at., Dalby, QuecnBlaiid^_ Ij-MILLEIIS' N.U. VAUDEVILLE CIKCU1T. Al? ways an opening lor acknowledged artlBts.' Sydney Ucp., OL -tGE MA11LOW, OiO George-st. Oeorge-etttet. ? , rnUE DlttUCT CINEMATOCHAPII Sin'PLY CO., X 0 and 7 Young's Chambers, Pitt and Park Btrccta HIKE OliT- COMPLETE or l'AUT OUTFITS, WITH or WITHOUT competent operators. Latest Fimu by every mail. iO.OOO tcct 01 S. 11. Film for Sale. OUTFITS FOR SALE Oil EXCIIANCE. NEW'MILITARY MARCH SONG. 'OUH SOLDIKIl HOY IN BLUE.' This was the big March Song success in America last season. Now ollered to the public in our 'Standard Sixpenny edition. Price, Od. each, or by post 7d. From all stores or direct from W. J. DEANE and SON, ? «)li George St.. SYDNEY. MARTINI'S BUCKJUMPING SHOW After a sensational season of 22 weeks In Sydney, and now touring New South Wales with- over 70 head of Iloiiies, 12 Waggons, and 500ft tiquarc of Canvas, brilliantly illumiuatcd, with scaling for 4000. NOW. AT PARRAMATTA. TO TTIE 'PUBLIC.— 'nOBS,'. the Champion Buck-jumper, is a Bay Cclding, branded ST4 on the oft' shoulder. Beware of Imitations. Private address : 'Aralucn,' 121 Windsor-st., Paddington, Sydney. l SAM WALDEE, SHOW TENT MAKER, , 2»S WTT STHEET, G. H. Jones^ Surprise. Party WANTED, PEUFOIIMEKS, all lines ; must have good wardrobe. Also BANDSMEN— Cornet, Trombooc, Bas». Wire or write; stating lowest terms. Silence a polite negalive. lleply llallina till 20th. rnO TUEATiilCAL MANAGERS— C. T. PHILLIPS X and SON, West Maitland, THEATRICAL AGENTS ANJJ HILL-POSTERS. Dates and all Uusincss in connection with Compaiucs arranged.

X^EATRE ROYAL, BRISBANE 1 TED HOLLAND'S Vaudeville Entertainers. Sydney Agent, Joe , Donnelly,- 5 Hunter-street. WATTS & LUCAS . COMEDY' SKJJTC11 ARTISTES, CON?TOKTIONISTa, :AND DA-NCEKS. -? BUOKEM HILL. ? 'JTASMANIA. THEATRE ROYAL, HOBART. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LAUNCESTON. SOLE LESSEE ..:......... ALLAN HAMILTON. FOR VACANT DATES (Uent or Sharing Terms). Apply, ALLAN HAMILTON, Theatre Royal, I1OISART. Amusements. jV| AT1ONAL AMPHITHEATRE, ?L* Solo Proprietor ? Mr. JAMES BRENNAK. EVERY EVENING AT 7.45. ' MATINEES EVERY SATURDAY AND ? WEDNESDAY. AN ESTABLISHED POPULARITY, THE NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ' ENTERTAINERS. PUBLIC OF SYDNEY ASTOUNDED. Undisputed Success. A Terrific Boom. THE PUBLIC ARE THE JUDGES. Our Theatre Alwaj-s Full. Hundreds Turned Away. OUR ROLL CALL : MOUN1ER and FRANZ FRANK YORKE WILL DYSOX ...'?.. WARD LEAR COLEMAN GIRLS . WHIRLING THE WHIRL 'GOLDEN DUO ADDIE BARTON LA PETITE LAURIE LITTLE JACKSON WILL JAMES PERCY CLARiJJi LULU EUGENE MALVENA MOORE FRANK CROKKLEY F.SSIE JENNINGS TJRIGUTIE SMITH DICK STEAD THE BEST COMBINATION Ever been 'Been in the City for the Money. A GREAT HIT— The New .Moving Pictures uy The Great 1I1OKA.MA. The Great MIORAMA. \ POPULAR PRICES : 1/0, 1/, and Od. Box Ofllcc al -Theatre l'O to 5. .;'.:? , , ' ? :), J. C. BAIN, Business Manager. - ' SYD. BRENNAN, Treasurer. T)A L A C E T H E A T fi'E, EAliRY EVENING.' GR.\ND MATINEE, ' ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. RICHARD LICSLEIGH PRESENTS CARTER, THE GREAT MAGICIAN CARTER, THE GREAT - MAGICIAN iii' conjunction with THE FAMOUS MISS ABIGAIL PRICE . And a Select Company. PRICES— 3/, 2/,' and ]/. Box Plan at Paling's. QTANDARD THEATRE ^ ' ( OASTLERUAGII STREET, Between. Liverpool and Bathurst Streets, EVERY SATURDAY .NIGHT. \ ? CLAy'sj' VAUUEVlLLi^'cO. The following artists will appear : Andr Roberts, Maityn bisters, Lena \01111g Eilcuii Moore. Thelma Wood, The Two Slai*, Will While, Will Jliiicry, May iluiia-i.V^lnie H-iua, Arthui Morley, Walter- W'liyle, Tcd:.Tutly, Joe Cowan, I/on Courtney, Owen Conduit, Frank Smith, llairv Clay. I'lHCL'S': Cd and 1/. ' ? Q R I T E R I O N THEATRE. ^^ Lessee ? Mr. Frank .Musgiovc. faub-Lebsec and Manager,' Mr. WM. ANDEKSON. LAST THREE NIGHTS. . WILLIAM ANDERSON'S FAMOUS DRAMATIC ORGANISATION, ' lli-adi'il l.v ' EUGENIE DUGGAN, in Walter Ilowaiila i.rcu i-,u, ui Russian Life, A LIFE'S REVENGE.. SATURDAY* NEXT, NOVEMBER 23 : THE LAND OF GOLD. Popular Priccn : 3/; 2/, 1/. BoxJMan atJElvy'B, QXFOR-D THEATRE. ^lG«orge-»t., Iwt. Batburet and Liverpool «ts.) Lea-ce and Director. Mr. 'WILLIAM CKAWLEY. Second Week and Sensational Suci-pss, MAOILMION'S GREAT PICTURE 'DRAMA, ROBBERY UNDER ARMS.' ROBBERY UNDER ARMS. - ' Picture1 of the century. .Cost ilOOO.' Han made all Sydney Talk. -Witnessed by 14,000, aud hundied* turned away liightly. Dress Circle, 2/ ; Stalls, 1/ ; Back. 0d. ? HAYMARKET HIPPODROME HAY STREET. THE LAST THREE NIGHTS of . ' BY SHEER PLUCK, By the BOHEMIAN DRAMATIC CO. SATURDAY AI'TEHNOON and EVENING The Sensational Military Drama CRIME, Or the Battle of Fontcnov. PIUCES : Od. 1/, 1/0. Children Half-price

Amusements. XT E R M A J E S T Y ? 3, ?*?-*? Under the direction of J. C. Williamson^ KVE11Y} EVJJNINO A'J' S, WEDNESDAY AFTE1UJOON AT 2, \ ' . ' J. C. Williarnflon's NEW MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY IN THE NEW MUSICAL FLAX entitled THE BLUE MOON. THE ULUE MOON. Box plan at Paling's. Prices as usual. rpHEATRE ROYAL, -*- Direction ? J. C. WILLIAMSON. ^ ' EVERY EVENING AT 8. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT 2, THE DELIGHTFUL COMEDY, / 'BREWSTER'S MILLION'S.' Interrireled by J. C. Williaiason'a ? NEW DRAMAT1O COMPANY. including MR. THOMAS KINGSTON and MRS. ROBERT UROUCII. UoX riar. at Elvy's. Frlcca as i«ual. Melbourne Theatres and Entertainments. TTEU MAJESTY'S THEATRE. *-* L-'iisee and Mjnauer, Mr. J. C. WHJJAMSOU THE ROYAL COMIC OPERA CO. in the . Reigning Tendon Gaiety Success. ZT/je Girls of Gottonberg. Box Plan, Allan's. rn 11 k a t k B n o y a 1* Lessees and Managers MKYNELL arid GUNN, MR. HARCOURT BE.V1TY and MISS MADGE McINTOSH in the Great Romantic Military Drama C/5c Midni-gixt Wedding. Box Plan at Allan's. ? ^ r\ F ERA II O U 3 E. Sole Proprietor and Manager, Jlr. Harry Rickard*. Mr UARRY RICICARDS' SPECIALTY ani VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. , TI1OS. E. FINGLAS. UAYMAN and -FRANKLIN. LA SYLPIIE. PRICE and REVOST. RAY and CALDE.V. Plan at Allan's. Prices : '3/, 2/0, 2/, and 1/j ? FlUilD. AYDON, Bus. Manager. /'- A I B T Y THEATRE. ^JT (Under New Management.) Sole Proprietor ? James Brennan. THE NATIONAL VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINERS The Surprise of Surprises. \s Good as the Best, and Better than tho Rest Full Ballet, Chorus ajid Orchestra. Three hour* of Laughter and Wonderment. Popular Prices. Orchestra Stalls. 1/0 ; Stalls, 1/ ? Gallery and Pit, Cd. Reserved Seats, 2/. Box ollice at theatre. 1 to S. HARRY BRENNAN, Bus. Manager. Telephone, CO,1; City. CONTENTS OF THE CURRENT &JMBER \ OF THE Sunday Times CIHCULATION, 40,000 CERTIFIED. News Section, Tho Limerick boom, like the snowball, tho further it goes tho bigger- it gets. Last week the winners of the first flvo prizes in tho last Limerick got over £30 A fortnight before they only got £1673/11. each ; nearly £250 in prizes . altogether. What will they get . this tlmo ? AND YOU CAN BE IN IT. How Business Firms aro Robbed— Third, instalment of an interesting series. 'Questions of the Hour— Tho coal strike ; Integrity Guarantee ; A Sure Thing. The Great Strike— Details from our Special Correspondent at Newcastle. Terrlblo doublo tragedy. Wireless Telegraphy— Tho cost of linking up. Work at the G. P.O.— Unhealthy conditions criticised.The The LalO3t Cablo News from abroad, and Telegraphic News from all over the Comnionwealth. Important Social announcements. Sport in all its branches dealt with by our experts. Mining and Finance : Commercial, interstate, and British; Property Markets and Sale announcements. Fishing Notes! Week's Miscellany, embodying the most notable doings of the .'world for the past seven days. Theatres— Criticism and Gossip about the Stage. ,» ? Magazine Section. Tho Fist of the Nation— An American vlow o£ Undo Sam's Navy. An Author's lJost-bag and Worries— By tlio author of 'When It was Dark.' At Sydney's Churches— No. 49 : Grahamo Memorial, Waverley. Files and' tho '? spread' of disease. Socialism in practice and theory. 'The Snare'— J. J. Melvillb's fine serial, now running. ' , ... 'Behind the Mask'— Another snlendld serial by Fred M. White. General Information— If you wnnt to know anything undor tho sun, the Editor ot this column will be able to enlighten you. Read the page set apart for our readers. Pars from all parts of the world. Humor and Funny Storyettcs. . A page ot Information for farmers; also tlie'advlco of nn expert as to tho management of the garden. Health,' Science, Religion, Trade, Travel. Tluylatest development in each.Cliess, Draughts, and Cards. Problems, Solution's, and interesting notes. Something to set., you thinking will bo found: under tho: head of Informative and Controversial. nooks— Notes on current literature. Tho Homo Circle, conducted by 'Vlvi-onno,' deals exclusively with matters ot Interest to women, nnd Is full of useful Ideas. Fashions hero and abroad, with Illustrations of the latest creations. Society: news and notes, covering all functions and matters of moment. Also pages full ot newsy, chatty items and articles too numerous to particularise. Latest Mail Nows — Boys Kill a Comrade ; Young Woman , Trapper ; Burglar Al tempts to Murder Family ; Father Finds Long-lost Children ; Airship's Great Triumph ; and many other thrills from' the four corners of tho world. Portraits and Illustrations— Undo Sam's 'Dluo-jaokot' ; Mr. Bert Wilkinson a promising young singer ; A Typical Homo at Neutral Bay; Grahaano Memorial Church, Waverloy ; Lake Wakatlpu, Now Zealand; Tim Woman's College, Sydney ; Mlsa Louisa Maodonnld, M.A., a prominent woman of to-day ; Lily KIbIu, a. charming actress ; Quebec Bridge disaster. Picture Jokes that arc bound to make you laugh. Fashions Illustrated and up to date. Puzzle pictures for young and old, with handsomo prizes hanging thereto. Printed and published by Alfred Herbert Howard ?Aldivortli, of 'Wantage,' Pymble, for t)u 'Sunday Times' Newspaper Co., Limited, ot the oulce of the Company. 130-13S Castlcrcagh. street, Sydney, November 20, 1007. r