Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Advocate (NSW : 1898 - 1928), Wednesday 29 August 1906, page 2


On Saturday night Bostock and Wombwell's novelty circus and comploto menagerie will appear in Gundagui for one niyht only whon the capacious tents will bo erected on tho usual circus sito near Leary's bridge The circu3 is spoken of in the followiug terms bv tho 'Australian Star'- —

' The programme provided was a very full and vastly entertaining ono, as tho following reference to somo of tho 'turns' will show. Tho Brothers Pastor gavo a vory clover performance, boing a combination of music and acrobatics ; Miss Mona Claro dancoJ gracofully whothor as a British sailor, in his nativo hornpipe, or a French uiadomoisello in tho latest stylo of Parisian skirt dancing— developing a first-class ' baek kick ' as ono of her accomplishments. Signor Bortani proved himsolf wonderfully clover in his oquilibristic feats on unsupported ladders, and did things which we would almost havo thought to bo impossible. Happy Jacklos showed himself (all tho ovening through) to bo a truly ontorlaining clown, and gavo a special and vory clover oxhibition with

his dogs 'Puzzle and 'Spot, whoso intelligence is eortainly phonomontil. Gungi and Dolwi, a pair of Danish musical clowns, gavo about as funny an oxhibition of tho kind as wo huvo had in Sydney ; whilo tho display of thoir groat musical talent was undoubted, instruments of all kinds producing tho most melodious music ; and Jarvis and Conipuoll, scientific and comic jugglors, from tho London Hip. podrotno, woroclovor and refined. As for tho ' Human Ostrich,' Mons Monior, ono hardly knows what to say about him, but his liko has not boon aeon in this city. Ho eats raw coal and candlos, and swallows much oil ; then pipes or jets are laid on to his mouth, and aro lighted in tho ordinary way, for ho is full of gas by this time, and it simply flows out of him liko oil from a petroleum well.'