Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918), Thursday 29 November 1917, page 3

Free Headache and Neuralgia Remedy

"NICHOLAS ASPRO" (the refriRtfcred trade-iiame of Nicholas Aspirin!) is really wonderful In its good effects in such cases as Headaches, Neuraliria and other head pains. You can tnko it with perfect safety whenever. you feel the pains coming on. All you have to do to obtain the free samples is to cut out this notice, stn;n your name and address at ?.ho bottom, enclose two penny stamps to cover postage, and address your_ 1'tter to Geo. R; Nicholas and Co., 325 Flinders Lane. If you require "NICHOLAS ASPRO" for headpains immediately, you can obtain it in bottles of 10 tablets for 1/3,; 25 for 2/0 ; 100 for V/E, from all chem



Mv Chemist is

I saw this notice in tha Hamilton ''Spectator,"' ,


On Face, Scratched and Grew to Eruptions. Formed Scales. Could

lNoI Sleep, Cuticura Healed,

"Small pimples crime on my face and were itchy and lined to burn terribly, I

scratched them fcr they were very irritating and they grew into eruptions

samples. I bought some more and in a fortnight my face was healed." (Signed) Jack Kennedy, Upper Queen Street, Onelninga, N. Sept. 22, 1916.

Improve your complexion by. using Cuticura for every-day toilet purposes.

Samples Frco by Post. (Soap to cleanse, Ointment tolieal.) Address: R. Towns & Co., Sydney, N. S. W Sold throughout the world. '

which were red and inflamed; and formed scales. I could not sleep for they used to get so sore.

' 'A friend told me to give Cuticura Soap and Ointment a trial so I sent for

Caledonian Hotel, Hamilton

MRS. E. O. SCULLION. Proprlntrem

Flrflt-clas» Accommodation. Renoenabl" chnr.ir^. lic^t liquora ntock*d. Oommodintm staKllnfc. Tahar» CoaCh learea daily. Balmoral Con.fb eaves Ttieadnys. Thursday*. and Sac-dRTB. nml l*lefcrams ot» tended to* Telephono (4.


Once baby forme tbe habit of being/ healthy, it's not hard for him to stay healthy. The habit of regular bowel movements is especially important. The use of physics and harsh purges should lie. avoided. NU.TOL is a far safer and more effective rcracay^ NUJOL is manufactured by the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey}, U.S.A. It 19 a lubricant. not a medicine or a- druc, and is not absorbed by the system. Tt <1 oca not irripe or interfere with digestion. Pleasant to take. For sale by.'.T Tr T>o'witrf». ^heaiist.

ajgS' , .

.Delay is dsDirorona.

, WV more serious .,

tronblea when yon can be < r quickly cured by a few doatta

of BonninirtOD's Irish MOM -thfifarailycoygh medicine. " 'Rofoaa imitations. Insist ' on the genuine.


ANYON'B removing Wood fron

"Coolabah" after this daw

(Thursday, October 4) will be prose



"CooliVbah," PenaUurat.


: Ladies'

Were 21/-, 17/6,15/-, and 12/11 each

h Now All One Price 6/XX

Positively guaranteed Real Leather, feather lined and Real Nickle frame. Come and see for yourself^ Don',t purchase if not genuine, Cwing to increase in cost of raw material our offer can piever be repeated.

/ . . ' ? ?*

Presents for Gentlemen-Gents9 Wallets 6/11 each "

^ Sale Held and Showing in Window and Shop

The White Mouse, Gray-street, Hamilton


% We want you to purchase your Christmas Presents NOW

Orders by post please add 8d for postage and packing Hamilton's proportion of Bags for sale 6 gross

Note : Our only agent In Hamilton-THE M8TE HOUSE, Gray-street


The Farmers' Brokers AMPLE STORAGE ROOM.

1 H. A. Anderson AVool & Produce f E. J. de Honzell octora 1 J, R. Hurst dopartmeut ( L, N. Hurst

All departments under personal supervision of Partners

Highiand Powder Dip

ALFRED TATLOCK, Distrclt Representative.

Send Your Wool for


YsongSiusbaud, B©w & Go


Brokers for tho Sale of


Ubei'ai Advances on all Coiisigrjmenis