Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918), Saturday 9 May 1914, page 8


ffrbtn Our Own Correspondent.)

I HYADUK. Wednesday.

Following the pioneers gathering on the Monday afternoon canto the star attraction on Tuesday night, when n bunriuot was held in the mechanics' institute, followed by n concert. The tallies had been tastefully decorated, and a most appetising menu provided, sotnewhero about two hundred being served by a smart stall of waitresses, who volunteered their services for the occasion. Amongst the attendance were many of thi old pioneers, who have since mierat?d to other parts, notably, Mr. Thomas Harper, of Warrnftml ool, Mr. Samuel Clark, of WurrackunUeal, Mr. Jolvn Poynton, ^f IJmminyong ; nor . must I forget Mr. James Harman, still, of this township, who claims, and justly so, to le the father of the movement, in

our midst.

Durins the course of the banqiiot the Vtev. W. H. Guard proposed the health of tlic president., the RevJohn Thomas, .which was drunk with enthusiasm, and responded to lv that gentleman in his customary hanpy manner. A piano solo by Mrs. Haigh, of Hamilton, was followed ly a solo from Miss Hancock, " The Spanish Gipsy," nfter which Mifs F.ileen Vlau, of Dryadale, recited, " Ttic Mill will ever Grind,

a fine piece well done. A trio l.v Messrs. Eldridgc and Berry, and Miss Frame, entitled " Ye J5?" herds tell mc," w«s encored, the last verse being ropeated. The Rev. Courtney Thomas, of Hamilton, delivered ail address at this stpgc, <ind Mis. H. Jeitz, ft popular favovritc with Byaduk audiences, ren

lercd " In the Cathedral," and Ye f3anks and lr«cs," as an. encore. Mr %F L.. Hume, assistant to. tno Rev. R. Horston, apologised for th2 lattcr's absence, and delivered a most amusing speech, prefacing his remarts with the statement that the probabil'ty was that he would be unable to stand on U10 '01,"1: !.K he was " Fou-the-noa. He ™ ho-.-ti.or, and acquitted himself «s becomes an official of tho church lie represented. Mrs. Haigli agnin fav cured this time with a splendid rendering of God Watches near

Mr. James Harman then gave his address dealing principal y jf"1" 'imB"cuc'S 0{ the old days, and his experiences as a local preacher. Miss Hancock s next item was^ very

a°weu'deserved encore "followed,•'to

ed lvs U-tth birthday, and continued cm similar lines to Mr. Harman. A diitft " Come, sing to me, by Mi.s

Frame and Mr. D.

corcd, also was a recitation, That obsructivo Hat,' by Misb Lileen

V Mr!' T-honvis 'Harper, who arrived here in 1875, spoVe very well in•leud, regretting, the al sunce of the old fire cf other days, and exh°rting the rising generation to fall in to line and carry on the work with vigor. A solo by Mr. Berry was well received, and Mrs. Jeitz 8 next item, "Souls Blossom," was

encored'" Loch Lomond, being given? Mr. Don. F.ldridgc was m fine form, his rendering of,

being splendid, " Thora P™vcl .i most acceptable encore, and termed a fitting conclusion to a very fino PThcanBcv! W. H. Guard congratuufil the secretaries, Messrs. jj. Brand and A. Harper, on

suece's of this unmuc event, and also thanked the pul-lic and visitors

from Mucarthur, WfU'icedale Mount

Secies and other places for tlieir magnificent support. . ,„r„

The services on Sundaylast^ conducted by the P.ev. W'

nF Wurrnambool, those in the ft

f'n . of Knebsworth, again pre

sided at anthem'"1" Jerusalem. Af

ter' the oflertory Mrs. Drew and Miss Hancock gave -He ^Liah, the Hock," from The i t and rormer taking the lateontraHo solo, and tic ®

the BOprano solo, mn ^ ter xne r»nn«3t . vocal item

throughout the ^f^'in The

« 8^rto^oss

again very lorgI • tho choir,

bass solo being ^ x my cross Holcombe and Berlin renhave ta^en, Miss may a ^ fluet tiering tbc solo &&& Q , The

''My God, my *0Bt

omseer.non on th, event, le^

in* up" to and surrounding the crua

fixi< n.

The celebrations were terminated on Tuesday evening by a public social in the hall. All sorts of frames were indulge! in, and young and old seemed to thoroughly en?oy themselves. ' The followinp musical itni elocuticmry it?ma -were su mitt d, and enthu.-:i<ist>callv received:— Solo, "When its Mconli'ht on t'e Silvery Hi i Grande," loiccr"., "

your hair growB whiter,"), lc' "W, H. Guard ; recitation, "The Housj that Jack Built," M'sa B. Vian (encored) ; solo, "Mother Machree," Mr. P. Retalla e'e (rncorcd)*; c'uilouue, "The Backward Child," Misaes B. Vinn and M. Merlin; sone, "Breakfast in Beil," Mr." J. Addinsall (cncorcd) ; recitat'on, "Ho Didn't," Uev. W. H. Guard (encorcd) ; songs, "Jean M'Nei'l," "I love a Lassie," End "Stop your ticklin' Joc't," Air. J. AddinBall, A comprehensive vet? of thanVs by Ihe chairman, and the sinking by the company of " Auld Latii- Syne" brought the jubilee celebrations to a close.