Creswick Advertiser (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Friday 3 December 1915, page 2


Thiiisduy, December

Present-Cr J. T. Yates (president), LC'ishman, Nasc,. Anderson, Taylor, Parkin, Stewart, Clarke

and Carter.


The following accountn wore pasnod for payment: - Government auditor, .LIS lis; salaries, £3!) -Is 7d; I'. Corcoran. £31 17s; U\ Riekard, £21 )7s; Thos. Ivelly, £3S 7s; Win. Johnston. £1C; "Civ'swick Advertiser,'' ,£9 -s 9d; Aniall iind Jacksou, £1 ISs lid; ,J. T. Yates, £l&gt; 10s; S. Preston. £2 10s; Insurance Commissioner, £1 Is {>d; W. Ritchie. '12s; A. E. Kay, 10s fid; I'". McCarthy. £1 10s; J. Svatmxio. £15; W. H* Gore, It's; J. A. Urinsdcn, £.1 Os (id; S. Brinsden and Son, £1- (is $</; .Tohannsen and Son, £3 13s 7d; paysheets, £31 Ins 3d; Country Roads Hoard account. £2. Tolal, £2oo Ss



From Public Health department, forwarding copy of leaflet on cercbro-spinal meningitis, issued on the recommendation of lie partment Committee, wilh it>M<i-in

(ions for councils.

The letter was referred p, (hi.

health olliccr.

From Public Health (lc]iarlmcnt. notifying that Messrs Herbert Arthur. Austin (Buninyon^ Shire) and Wm. I'nu! Crocket) (Mildurn Shiro) had been nominated as the representative for (lie Western

shires group.

From Shire of Mildura. asking the council's support for (lie nouii

tion of Cr. Crockett.

It was decided to vote for Cr

Austin, on the motion of Cr.s Nase I and Irishman. |

liolii Public Works department. > statin" that Mr C, Pitman had b'en

appointed, vice Mr T. Martin (re

siVued i. t.*» audit the accounts of the municipality at the fee of £11

I'rom Public Health department (analytical laboratory), st.itin^ thai tic samples of boor, finger ah', sin^r :i nil butter complied with the


From Country Road- I!oird. intimating Ilia t 'after revisinir the amounts allocated for the maintenance of main roads for the current linancial year, eliding 3Uth .lime, the hoard had decided to authorise til - expcll'lif (ice of (he foll'JU'illi amounts for inaint :nance of roads, as follows; - (.'astli'inaiiie-l'.aH'arat road I A. and J!.). £MI0: Davl'stord-Ballarat load. £1U0.

From Deputy Federal Commissioner of Taxation, reijnesting returns ot salaries, wa^'s and allowances paid hi ..employees for the year ended 30th June. H>lf>.

The secretary said lie had

attended to the matter.

From State Accident Insurance oflice, stating that the excess premill in of £1 -Js 8d was now due- for payment.

}n reply to i|Ue.-tions. it was Stated that tile cost to tile council for the year Was £7 13s 7d.

From State Parliament-,, rv lie ? Tiiitinjr Committic. askiajr for sii^i_restions or new ideas in order to malic the next campaign. which will bigin towards the end of January, an effective one.

Cr. Parkin moved that the inatt' r be left in the hand;- of the president to arrange for recruiting


Seconded by Cr. Nasi'. - C irrieil.

From Vitii>>l Shire of M-tcalfe. asking the council to u-e its in lluenee to have the embargo on the export nf meat removed.

Cr. N"as-' moved that the codicil

h artilv co-operate, and notify the j arliam niar.v rep e -entaCve-i to' ilia I effect, lie agreed wilh all that had h en stated in the circular. He did not see why Victoria should be re

stride,I in exporting and other

Stale.- not.

Tin motion w;i.- seconded bv Cr. I.i-hiuaii and carried.

From (b>\eminent J,ab..r IJuje'iii, itilermiin; that boy- tiom sole-.- ol

the c<.Ilexes and grammar schools w.mld b. availatde lor employment in conieetion with harvest inv; \vo-1; on tlo' line- rxplaim-d m t|,e


Th secretary .-(id lie had senL out < > 111 1 tanner- the .ti) cireulars received dealing with the matter.

I'roin s erelary Soldiers' I'mpl<\vm nt Bureau. request ini; to be advisid what action has been taken bv I he c.niucil witJi vesjard to emploviiient for returned soldier.-.

Cr. .Xas" said it was a problem that would li.iv- to be taken in liand by sotn to l.y. They should do anything they could to jielp.

Cr. Parkin said some scheme was

required. They should impr-ss on people the necessity of employing

returned soldiers.

On tie- motion of Cr.-. Xase and Parkin, the matter \va- left in the hands of the president.

I'roin Sir Alexander Peacock, forwarding h tler (nun Department of Public Works. staliiiL' that the rei|iic.-t of the council for grants of £3(1(1 towards erection of bridge over the creek at Koorojcheaii;,' ami maintainine: road hadim; to ..Allendale railway station had been scheduled for consideration al the allocation of th1' roads and bridges' vote for the current linancial vcar in the event of tin* necessary funds l.'-iiijf provided by Parliament,

From Commonwealth Mutton

Fninl, re sale of buttons on Allies'


From Melhuurue Cigarette and Tobacco Fund, forwardinir coll'vliiiL' sin el.

Sour1 (ouncillors thought that cigarettes would prove injurious to I the soldiers, but on the motion of

.s. Parkin and Clarke, it was de. J eidcil I hat the pic-ideal open a

subscription list, to which conneitloi's present aiibsri ibed, and further donations will be welcomed.

I'roin Mr I). Swamon, Campbelltown. .statin-.' that as In: is leaving I the district for a time and rent

inir his farm to Mr I'Mmuml Culviiior. he desired all wire net (ins; not id s to le. sell I lo (lie la 11 t.

From Mrs l'al;<T ;,nd Mrs Richard, ivlurnin.e lhanlts fur ? ex

. prissions of sympathy in their

I r'eciit bereavements,

Fr»m Dr. Wjl.-on. repnrl ini: chronic ea.-e of advanced miuees' ili.-i'a :??? a I Spi iim G oily.

From Mr II. Collins. Allendale, applying for permission to lap the main opposite Air P. Carohin's bla<d;sinilh's shoji. ami slatiui; that lie would carry the pipe under till culvert without dist uriiitiu the

[ road.

The request was granted, unilci' i lit'- oiigiueer's HiiiiervivioUj vu the

motion of Crs. Parkin and Taylor.

From A. J. Stod.u-I, tendering resignation as treasurer owing to liis removal from the town.

Cr. Parkin moved that the resignation be acc&ptod, artd that ilr Arthur Hamilton. D:whurst bo ap

pointed treasurer.' '

Seconded by Cr. Lcishman and


From .Mr Isaac Robinson. Allen

dab', applying for permission to grub a dangerous dead (re..- on the roadside near Scott's old farm in The East riding,

No objection to be offered, and the tree to be taken out under the engineer's supervision, on the motion of Crs. Carter and Stewart


Mr A. J. Stodart reported having received £1302 13a for the month. Tho credit balanco wan £8G9 IGh.


The health officer (Dr W. P. II. Parkor) reported that during tho past month one enso of pulmonary tuborculosis had been brought undor his notice. Tho health of tho district in general had been very satisfactory,


MrT. Riddiford roported that 11 horses had been impounded for tho month of

N oveinber.


Mr .1. A,. Brinsdon reported:-1 have collected for tho month general ratos to tho amount of £1115 3s, also dog fees to tho amount of £2 10b, which have been handed to tho treasurer. I am submitting a list of sanitary rate arrearswhich I would recomniond bo written off owing to no servico having been rendered. I also mako application for authorisation to take legal proceedings for tho recovery of unpaid rates. Some minor nuis

ances have been abated.

_ The sanitary rato arrears totalling £7 12s wero orderod to be written off, on thu motion of Crs Taylor and Nasc.

Tho collector was authorised to take steps to recover unpaid rates, on ' the motion of Crs Leishnian and Parkin.


Mr \V. 11. Gore reported:-1. Tho following contracts have been completed, viz., Slaughteryards road, Boundary road near Jas. Griove's, and Clunes to Mt. Prospect road near Kennedy's. 2. Murphy's road has been constructed by day labor at a cost of £12 l(5s. 3. All tho other works let, with tho exception of four, are in progress. I. The following is the quantity of spalls, blue metal, quartz and gravel I recommend be supplied this season:-Iioads taken over by Country Roads Board : CastlcmaineBallarat road.-Campbelltown to Standard, 100 cubic yards gravel; Stoney Rises to Smcaton, 350 cubic yards spalls; Smeaton to Kingston, -150 cubic yards spalls; Sracaton to Kingston, 75 cubic yards quartz; Kingston to borough boundary, 150 cubic yards spalls; borough boundary to Sulky, 100 cubic yards gravel. Totals: Spalls, 950 cubic yards; gravel, 200 cubic yards; quartz, 75'cubic yards. Daylesford - Ballarat road.Blampied to Builarook township, 300 cubic yards spalls; Xewlyn hotel to Railway line, 120 cubic yards spalls; Jas. Allan's to Scrub Hill corner, 100 cubic yarda spalls; near Presbyterian church, 150 cubic yards spalls; near Tippett's swamp, 120 cubic yards spalls; near Comet corner, 110 cubic yards spalls. Total, 800 cubic yards spalls. Other main roads: Dean to Bunn's corner, 400 cubic yards spalls. Clunes and Mt. Prospect road.-Lord Clyde to Barlow's corner, 250 cubic yards spalls; Fletcher's corner to Blampied, 75 cubic yards gravel. C'lunes road.-North Cr'eswick to Patersou's, 75 cubic yards quartz; near i Maryfield, 50 cubic yards blue metal.

Ballarat to Daylesford road.-Wattle Flat end, 150 cubic yards spalls; Rocky 1 Lead bridge to Forrester's, 120 cubic

yards spalls. Clunes and Castlemaine I road.-100 cubic yards gravel. Sundry ! places.-50 cubic yards blue metal, by. ! roads: North riding.-A. Archibald's

road, 150 cubic yards spalls; Clover Hill road, 50 cubic yards quartz; Estate lane, 50 cubic yurds quartz; old Castlemaine road, 50 cubic yards gravel; Kaweett'a bridge, 50 cubic yards gravel. North and east ridings.-Boundary road, south end, 150 cubic yards spalls; boutuiarv j road, north end, 50 cubic yards blue

metal. East riding. - Molloiigghip road. 75 cubic yarda blue metal; reservoir road. Dean, 10 cubic yards blue metal; Hit-key's and I'lozza's roads, 50 cubic yards blue metal; Uickev's road, 50 cubic yards spalls; Rocky Lead road. Hell's to reservoir, 125 cubic yards spalls; Koekv Lead, in township, 50 cubic yards spalls; \V. Anderson's road, M cubic yards blue metal. South riding. --Kingston station road, near J. Preston's. 100 cubic yards spalls; - Long Swamp and Newlyn station road-, 150 cubic yards spalls: Newlyn school corner to Newlyn station, 50 cubic yards spalls; Kingston to Newlyn, 'near McKay's, 120 cubic yards spalls; Pickens corner to Allendale, 120 cubic yards spalls; S iw Mil! road, 50 cubic yards gravel; Allendale streets, towards station, 50 cubic yards quartz; Preston's road, -10 cubic y.irds blue metal; Broomtield road, J00 cubic yards quartz; Allendale-King.lon road, 40 cubic vards quartz. Totals: -Country Iioads Board roads : ltt.iO cubic yards bpalls; 20(1 cubic yards bluo metal: 75 cubic yards gravel. Main roads : 920 cubic yards spalls; 100 cubic yards blue metal; 175 cubic yards gravel; 75 cubic yards quartz. By-roads: North riding, 225 cubic yards spalls, 25 cujic yards blue metal; 100 cubic yurds gravel, 100 cubic yards quartz: easi riding. 250 cubic yards spalls, 220 cubic yards blue metal, o0 cubic yards gravel: south riding, 510 cubic yards spalls, 40 cubic vards blue metal, 50 cubic yards gravel, 190 cubic yards quartz. Totals-3785 cubic vards spalls, 385 cubic yards bluo metal", 575 cubic yards gravel, 110 cubic yards quartz. 5. Re proposed work at Campbelltown, to connect the Clunes and Castlemaine road with tho Castlemaine - Ballarat road near Smith's, and put in a concrete culvert, six chains of filling and gravel would be required, and I estimate the cost with tho culvert at £-. To join tho two roads with forming and gravelling and put in a pitched crossing would cost about £-, In the street by the post oflicu three chains of forming and gravelling are required. Tho pitched crossing over tho gutter at this place is very deep and short. This could bo taken up and replaced by a concrete box and the pitchers used in the piece bv Smith's. The three chuins and tho culvert I estimate to cost X-. (i. Kc drainage from the rear of Redman's butcher's shop, Smeaton, lliis druinti^e muny years ago was directed to go west under the roadway culvort and then to come south through the pipe in front of the bank and discharge into the pipe which crosses the road from the front of Redman's shop, and empties into tho deep drain on the' Cumberland road. This lias never acted satisfactorily on account of the bends and insutlicieut fall in the drain in front o! tho bunk. The natural fall is westerly, but there Is now no outlet from tho west side of the road. A better fall for this drainage could be obtained by either taking it direct to tho pipe in front of Redman's shop, or diagonally across the road to the open drain on the Cumberland road. The former would take- ION feet of pipes, and the latter 132 feet, and estimating (lie pipes (J inches diameter would, with eonerete inlet, grating, etc, cost say, £9 for the former and about' i12 for the latter method. This would discharge <be drainage moro directly into the dram on the Cumberland mad, and unless an impervious bottom were pat in it for at least 150 feet trouble would arise where it enters tile carthern channel. A concrete lining to this drain lor the length speeitied would eosl an additional >'s, Unions liie draiaar-i i-s sent out j-i . ''Minor .-uah* or »a so -t,. wuy treated a:i.i !. \.t{>

Home oflfcnioivo .!,.% ,,f dlschurico to eurtli drain thy' "drv I wo-ilher, 7. 1 inspected tne water can

offcrod by Messrs Heinz Bros. Jt in too hoavy for this shire's requirements. 8. Tho spouting on tho poundkoopor's residence is in a very bad fltato. Tho front portion requires renowing and tho south sido repairing. I ootimnto the cost at £2 12s. 9. The lease of the shiro park oxpirea on tho 14th January, 1916. 10. Rainfall for November, 84 points; total slnco 1st January, 2G79pointa. 11. The reservoir io full, and pipoo have been scoured.

Cr Loishman inquired as to tho complaint mado regarding the Allendalo water supply.

The engineer said tho pipes had been scoured and an improvement made, with tho exception of on tho high ground There might bo a block in the pipes

somowliere. Further attention would be | givon to remedying any shortage in tho 1


Tho engineer's recommendations regarding tho metal, gravel, otc., to be supplied were adopted.

Regarding the works at Campbelltown, it was decided to leave the matter in tho hands of the north riding members and tho engineer.

Tho decision regarding tho drain at Smeaton was also referred to tho north riding members and tho engineer.

On tho motion of Crs Nase and Irishman. it was decided that tendors bo callI ed for the lease of the shiro park,

i It was decidcd that tho engineer have

repairs effected at the poundkoopor's renidenco, on tho motion of Crs Parkin and Irishman.


At tho previous meeting the Lands department inquired if there were any objections to tho abolition of portion of the Daylcsford-Hepburn common, and

tho mattor was held over a month.

It was decided on the motion of Crs

Carter and Stewart to offer no objection to the abolition. x

On the motion of Crs Leishmun and Anderson, it was decided that the engineer allow grass to be cut in planta


Cr Parkin asked how many men were employed on contracts in the shire.

The engineer went through the list and stated there wore 11 men employed.

Cr Parkin said they should not let any ! other works, for they had agreed not to I do so during harvest time.

1 It was stated that the contracts would | very shortly he finished.

Cr Leishman said two men were employed by the council, and they might bo released if required for harvest work, but other councillor thought

I some men would bo needed to look after

I shire works.

I Cr Nase moved that the engineer have I a culvert near Mulquiny'a, at lTllina, | repaired.

i Seconded by Cr Anderson and carried.

I The next meeting falling in the first : week of the new year, it was decided to : meet on Monday, 10th January,