Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 14 August 1935, page 15

Gay Patterns for Spring Frocks

Flowered Silks Will Be Popular

IEVERS your we are threatened with the loss of the patterned silks that have come to he favourite materials for spring and summer frocks I salon writers tell us that patterns have been overdone that their must be a reaction that the eye lists with letter and appreciation on the li vv plain coloured girl sues to be seen in any Important gathering And every year we own that the description of the new spring much i bars with expectation of an entirely new fashion But all that happens Is it (change of design the patterned stuffs come back year after the now with conventional designs now with flowered patterns now with a white or light coloured pattern on a dark ground now with a pink pattern on a light bound There are of course always some new plain colours and usually some new pin In stuffs This year for instance, we have the new amber colour and a dark wine red called Dubonnet And there are new ciinUy a 11 p« saw till bigger rougher con i relations and many new cloque patterns In plain colours But everywhere there are the patterned stuffs with (lower patterns this year very gay and vivid and cheerful

With an accompanying coat the flow tied silk makes a delightful outfit for any daytime occasion however, simple however, elaborate The best combination is a coil of plain this week stuff dark for preference with one or two or three flocks that can be worn with It One of

these blocks should be of plain stuff either matching 01 happily conti listing with the

coat The others may be patterned, one with a light ground, one with a dark With changes of hat, and different posters to the woman on the rout, such a group of frocks and coat would see one through the summer very comfortably The coat should match the ground colour of the darkestIcrncd flock, or one of the principal colour notes In the pattern, and If the light ground material has the same colour more or less prominent so much the better This year however there is a tendency to make both coat and dress in an ensemble of the same flowered silk So If economy is not a prime consideration, in addition to the long, dark coat to be worn with either of the patterned frocks

each flock might also have its own hiplength coat to match These short coats may be made to hang loosely, If liked, but the newest idea is to have them fitted so that the coat and dress look like a scml-tallorcd suit And the effect is improved if a sort ruffle is attached to the coat at each side of the front from the neck to near the waist These articles which may be of the silk itself or of ivory organiser ninon meet down the front presenting the appearance of a softly ruffled blouse If however, a loose coal Is preferred it may sometimes be worn with the plain dress provided of course that the patterned material has been chosen with judgment so that it will start this purpose. The wearing of patterned coats with plain frocks has been one of fashions little vagaries this year in England.

Photograph by it'Orii. Paris i

Our of the new flowered satins, with a leaf design in faint parchment tones on a black ground, was used by) Maggy Roufj for this lovely afternoon frock. Like most of the spring dresses, it has unusual sleeves and the draped collar, widening to points that extend to the upper arm, pines a delightfully.) soft neck line. The soft sash is lined with black. The widebrimmed hat is made of shirred nines, and is bound and tied with black

velvet ribbon.