Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 9 October 1933, page 9




Fourteen Complaints Preferred

Fourteen Charges have been made by umpires against eight players as the result

of incidents in the Association grand final football match at Olympic Park on Satur'div between Northcote and Coburg

throughout the game there were incidents that reflected discredit on a number of players, but the climax came in the last quarter Many players seemed to lose could completely, and blow h lease struck with little attempt at concealment. The um pue (Mckinnon] had kept the game well in control, ant had given a fairly good exhibition,

but he was powerless to check the display of ill feeling in the last quarter!

Sov or at times he stopped pin to allow the play ers to cool down but immediately play was resumed the rough tactics continued Much of the trouble was due to the crowded nature of the phy and the evidence) of to many, players to attempt to tear through with the ball Northcote, the leader in the crisis, won the premiership by 15


At the end of the game the following charges were made -

G Rudolph (Coburg;) was charged! by a pint spirit (MrDoncll) with having kicked F. Bil"


It and charged with having; struck Rudolph in the event quarter

! Uri) (Northcote was reported liv a (tea! and pin (carpenter) on a charge of having struck G Stockdale (Coburg), and was also charged with his mp true Kuioljh in the last quarter

SUekelalo was charged with having struck


Mckinnon, the field umpire! has reported -

1 17in (Northcote) and A Duncan (Coburg on charges. of having struck each other in the last quarter news (Sortlicetc) and Stockdale (Coat is

a Charges of having ve-TOstl'-d all calibre! on h li T s IJCCJ with the backs of the richest in the in- quarter, II d Hudoli his chance of his hygiene

K Gould R (S rl score;) In the! last quart T

VI burn n I e. all on read Inr Cvortl i ted

Hiililph (f mx~> and I t mines (Northerns you

I am s of his new e, at V i li stiff In the list a trier mi V tons 11 O reflected in a shower

of 1 living truck. V Lane. It jury) in the third


The InleppTideivt tribunal will hear the charge =. on Wednesday evening

A Report of the match appears on page 12.