Mirror (Sydney, NSW : 1917 - 1919), Saturday 24 November 1917, page 12


«I»-I»-1m-|iw, h m ut lit* flu4 Huwf'JwOoMi „»

The riu.vhoufo, Sidney. Kovcinbcr 14, 1917. Mr. 0. W. Hoan, Chemist ' ' Dm Sir.— I am plc.spd to bP able to U-11 vou that I regard HKAK'S T0N1O NKitVE NU1U mid iklCNW) ai as ideal medicinal combination for anyone taking up tho sUge m a profession. I can Imagine not hint; better than the Tonic Nerve NuU for counteract iuc an/ threatened nervotw breakdown through close application to study or the tension that ii inevitable during public performances.. ??..-'. The merits of IIKEKZO for keeping the voice in goal tone and for chocking colds arc proverbial. I cannot speak too highly of thin admirable preparation which can always be relied upon to afford immediate relict when one feels a cough or hunklneu coming on. You arc to be complimented upon having two such valuablt remedies available to the public. Youre faithfully. TIEN IIOCSUB. The ffoo6 opinion which'1 Miss Iloguc expresses ot HEAN'S TONIO N12KVK NUTS, the reliable home remedy for HEADACHES, BACKACHE, INSOMNIA. DUAINFAQ, LASSITUDE, NEURALGIA, BBEAKDOWN and other neurasthenic conditions, and of HkENZO (registered name for Hean'B Essence), the frrcat money-saving remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, and THUOAT TROUUMW. is echoed from thousands of Homes throughout Australia. The wide repute which these two preparations havs won is attributable ,to their high standard of merit. Each of them is backed by the knowledge of a qualified chemist with 25 years' experience as dispenser for leading physicians. There arc not cure-alls; but each is recommended for a specific purpose— the one for nervous ailment! the other for coughs' and colds and kindred affections. HEAN'S TONIO NERVE NUTS, by purifying and enriching the ' blood, impart to the whole system Um elcmento ot healthy nerve tissue which is essential to the enjoyment of mental and physical rigor and freedom from those neurasthenic pains which are responsible for ,go much human suffering. Besides being of high therapeutic value, HEAN'S TONIO NEUVK NUTS ara alBO economical. Boxes containing 12 days' supply coat only 8/ each, or b!x boxes, cost 17/3.» BEENZO (registered name for Hean's Essence) is, as most people know, a highly concentrated compound of herbal extracts which enables, anyone, by it* simple dilution with warm water and sweetening, as per easy directions printed on the label, to prepare a pint of superior quality family .mixture for cqughs, colds, whooping cough,1 croup, catarrh, and ? other chest and throat troubles. A pint of . ordinary ready-made mixtures would cost at least 12/, HEENZO coBts only 2/ (by po3t 2/8). ? ' ? - ? ' : ? '? ' ' As there ar0 many people who lflte a .lbzehgo that may bo conveniently carried in, vest pocket or handbag, their requirements are catered for by HEENZO COUGH DIAMONDS, price 1/ per tm. They are medicated witu HEENZO. and are line for the throat, bronchial tuliL-s, voice and breath. . . ?? ». . . „„.„« If your chemist or Rtorekeeper cannot supply '*?;'''; TONIO NEKVli NUTS, HEENZO,. or . HEENZO C'OUOU DIAMONDS, do not accept any inferior'- substitutes, but send price to me, and your. order Will bo. ullod per return mail. ? ,:. : 0. W. HEAN. Manufacturing Chemist, 178 Custlereagltstreet, Sydney. , . ' ,