Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 13 December 1911, page 3






PASTORAL and I III I HOLD PROPERTIES The undcrsihucil luve now


Solicitors Nunn Smith nt.I leirreivan Northern A-or ince Huihllnhs 4IH Collins streit Melbourne

( IBB", BRIGHT, lind Co , ManngillL. Agent», 34 0 iccn-ot



PONllit Ilorsf^, mut any ntti-.c work tat!« ,_fictorj trialf \ehlrlea Il&rne^s 1S7 Quien st, Melbourne, UJO Chun.1, st , b Hichmond

OX Hill* MAItJvFl Mcr> >\cdnesday-Cattle,

Horses, I'lj,! Poultry, Vehicle« Sundries T It Morton, auctlonxu, bO bwaiiaton at, ant! iiox mu ______ ClIIlCKrNS 1 owls Turkeys oil classes

; \\ \NTfcI), highest prk« paid, crates lent, no cartapo or commission li) land and Son, gfnnitt i building Queen s bridgc^MeHiourne_ C\0\\ suptrior, I erny newlj calvi I, rich, fault

less pa, l8 quarts week's trial irte Held, Crosu. park _______

1 710It SUJ*. handsome >oung Hay MARI, abolit

. r> bands, suitable bach, turn-?-», can be In

Fpect«! after noon Hi ch mund park _

HOltsl- pair «CoM, rising M mid 64 \cry quiet,

mliidi own breeding will «parute. Groom, W tli*rmJ»lc*road, Glenferrie


AIR Grey PONILS, staunch, «ound quitt jvole, . lurnea» btlgg) optional reasonable Rev II

I c.blnw>n,_'_Mure!d»,'Mlrovvii st ,_llc[delberg_ TÎOSI Turnout for SAU., Pott), 14 hand», J sound, Btjllsh, 5 yea«, reliable, Jinker, ). shaft-«, rubber lyre», brake, patent axle«. Sanen «lire!' set of flr-it clan« liamena. Ibis turnout ¡, worth lusrcction, togeilur or scparatel) (Ima ?»,jAlbert-»L' ' Melbourm_ ÍI0S1 stylish «ming, quiet, linker, roomy,

light, smart Hornes», turnout., will ncparatc is- Queen st. Tel lix» ___ _

rsl modil, lady drives without blemish ul«<

cold linkir and perfect Hirne**, fir SAfL, flJ]l , parnle ffl Punt road Alimisor_ ~CÄlftx«-ÄGES. VEHICLES, «tee.

"7 CLLARANCK. - "ncllablo ' ABBOTT and A Urmirs BUGGIIS, Jinkers, Sulkies Dos »art« I haetons, Waggons Stevens, 127 A letona rinde, Collingwood Tel , J17J III repairs _

t A A A A A -Bl RTOS nm! KNOS Carriage ¿\* Iruilders L19 to 101 Burwood rd , Hawthorn, l;,¡air« Renovations, greatly reduced prices. Tel

,1« Haw _ _ _ _ _ AT Ewing Bros.. I ranklln-at, Clearing Salo of

CAHIUAOia, Buggie», IVairgonitic», Ac te» and secondJ_a__d,_own_btii_d_ AT Dan Whites, SO OS Sturt st, all kinds of

AKIHCLES, new and secondhand, in «took ,nd bulldlm, .motor __ady_cxpcrti__ Bl (.(,1, to tie «old at« sacrifice, «t« Uah turn

mt comprising (tood hooded AblKitt buggy, lill lo or 1er reccntl) also, high!) bred Atari, cr at I rtzi-takcr and set of Rubber and Onl.l Har m sell « paritcly 'JA Union »trcct. Al indsor, near st Kilda road_

LGG1 ruhlur tjrc», light olmo«t new, »li

largain 478 l.llzabcth st , clt)_ 7sv.lRf-S WAGGONS (20), Butchers', luker»', lil Milk lngll«li and American forecarriage». Tu »Irar ! arm dray Hav Dravs, neirlv new, nine . linkers Phaeton» Pony Cart». Grocer s

¡vlitcrv <-«« Creamery Dray, Milk Cart», Sp Uri t I mit W aggonn Double-scaled Bugglca, Ac , u rnc »ingle double, Saddle», Bridle« rosh or l,,ii« II Stewart »L, eit)_(off (ranklIntA.)_. IOI KH-S 'or SAW- ( Goerncmann, 44 Latrobe

j »trcct


tr.,1 Ihwthorn __. "

S PI ! DISO ni GGIES, «122/10/ "King Karrier«.

i.11 I'/. King linker» A15/I0/, S|iocding c K c x1' unapproachable value Waring ll-o» 100 I lizabcth-»t._

.f I C T O R I A, \ A HtSDSOAlE AFjnCLB,

Built by Ewing Bro«

Almost mw Cost s.l'a)

I ibbcr tv re». Splendidly upholstered

Bargain, £25

ippl Coachman ' Southdean," Irving road, luolak nrar tram terminus.


rill Post You Free m AppllcaUo






li rite for*«) our copy to-day.

TI E and CO. PROP. LTD .


ICO to 1CS Bourko-atrcet, Melbourne;

«5 (o 107 Her Majesty-« Place,


WTiat You Get Count», Not 11 hat lou Pa).

11 hen 1 uti Buy One of Our Pinreles,

fiJlt In lustraba b« Australians, tor Australians,

The) lilli buUafy You

Jfls.ll. RED HIRD, IMPERIAL, and RUBY It Lit

I It 1« LE» Will Hold Their 0»n with Any Hinilr in the World.

fall io! lnapcct These Machine» Before Purchas-

ing Elsewhere


HAU UlClCla». from £3/10/ Upwards.

Hue lou beru Our .1/1) Coter«. They »re Heal


la'l M«k of Acce»«oriiik In Fact An)thing In

ihr C-trtc Trade Ile lla»c II.

1! lea «ant to Buy a Christmas Present, and Get

a btaaightforwaid Dral go to


lal i.hcahetti street, Melbourne.

lvi«ta nHi al Plt.llllt.lN and UltU.N3.VICK.




lal Elizabeth »trret

(Next Door to Colonial Bank)

We Are Offering

H M ll.s »ml Bil ULES at ItF.DUCFD PRICES.

I I I «li! MODFIaS, from aCtl/Ua/ U. AID 10/

tiCUMlii.NI> II1C1CTE.S, J-l £4, Ai, U

1/itig Ternut C1« en

Ríetele» Taken *» Part PayincnL

Call and Inspect

Not* .liWrrn-IlltlOlDh C1 C1 J» CO,

121 hUlabcth-ttrcct.

Op«n Vriday» TI« JO pm_ A -lor Hill!, TOUltlNOf OAJJS (first-aiaaia», »J., lM>rxlcd) by hour or week Atwa)a open, 1.1 C shield» Garage. 0 ! Under» «L

IT Ta«i and Tourilie lo, Î0 A'Beclett.«*.. .i TIM» Touring Ou-rk lor Hill! day or a. t 11 ne, wm, (.cutral



New Address,


HI, ht Opposite Craig, 11 ilUanttnn a.

Kirn' -it Assortmiut New Machine», atg/10/ ta

k1 10/ Any machine taken part payment.

tatt«, »und Machines, almost carry maker, ladle»"

lad kima.', £S 4.1, Í5, j.0. Long terms.

Latest bundrim at Cost Prict

Ti IA hi BROS, 17 Elimbah »trect, Melbourne. r»! i 11 ptisite Craig. _W HUamsou a._

Bl O V O L P &


Again to the Front,

T Urgr/I nhuw ol llii)rlt-s in Australia, laibliic» lor Quality Carl lora for Speed,

larbti e» (or DurabiUty

Smrr land Machiues Takui in I art Payment.

I I 1 Ti ItMS 1 1S1 TUC1IS.

suiJnti »ni llrjiaira at Hall I rice».


liar» Bourka «trs-rt Melbourne

nil l 1INS.-New llnw MOTOH IlUOClKt, II

I I inSM iikrr latest Improved moilil just »a el a.s' eouiplelel) tipilpprd (lauitln, 10X1 I I r l II na. st _ _ Hill UN» Vr»"nrrere MOTOR nilOOIKS 14

r- lajuriikeri, latrwt Improvement» silent, ht rrlatlr »liai consulrte Gaudin'» Oarage, lu I ni Uillu«??( __ TIT DION CUIS, ima model». Price» and pary ii liai» nnw aiallablr A 0. Hamplon, II« n» rk, win agent lictorla and Taatnianla

1,11 III M NO 4, Inglrali Utting» Major Taylor " illira Hniolta chain, Oceauie tyre«, «alue |¡-«15llil iriiT til'lft/_ Jill III b 1 riCLls -llenalm done, «unJrie«, open *?> lill Hi | in ITIdaya. Call or write Warden'«. l*i Ssiitatnii at_ lililí! K 1 it in la for miallo, material, «nd~eood aj » rkmansblp In UlCYlLEb, you tannot nave «lathing lirtltT_ Vi II! li 1 SI'lriAla^NOTTn S A , Dunlop tyre». J» Itnks ttaddh, lieat rnainrl trad nickel, »Ith Mdt (nr nhrel, jrict, AIS/10/_ Vi II! K1 NO ; II S.A. Major Tirvlor han Ile», JJ Henni I» chain llronk» raddle, Dunlop lyre«, Kit enamel £10/10/ _

Vi HI K1 No t HirTlsh* fitting» Major""Tnvlor II LuiliT Rrnolds rhaln free «heel, Dunlop I'M III oki mil l|r 4.-/10/ _

VOll IIIR!, TAXI-Tins, Touring Oars day, * ault weaning«, bail«. Cent (SCO and ««¡I Iwt TiiT-rah Compati), Inhibition»!

V°lt N\| p ni, N SU MOTOR TRIflCIl,

* I«1»! condltlou, elegant 1 Messner 3il

Umbra hue

1HII s niCUT,!, laullr fm ««In-rl prrfect 4 ord r bargain, lloiuikillh. Mrryl il, Mai



sllrnt Knight 1 nglne "Mi p , Four eylin h r, Tii-pelo "«I»

lludk 111 luv rib llhsl»

Event! Il g ( mplila

Qiiantlu S| mi.

*'» Inisrd lura srt if li tnadnl durr«

Original ( o«t a. 10 a)

Hint to 1 fir I 1 ra ti 11 sill Aue|l tliO

r"i-1 I i|i rl Rumination an I Sul mlt it 11 An)

1 st

It Is Prartl illv N w

Uhr« Ililli I H In, « Oin r

M«1011 t 111 l»l II to » lk|i singlr anil multi

,, ilnlrrs J 11' Abti gilon (King Dick), J* Jabir and P. 11 II s,nd (or calalogur». ''di nai gi»! !. M llrowii, «17 US »»aiattoti J Mi Hourn«

AI «I "III 1RS I AINTI 1) iimci ibrainr «ndlari1 i M el i bauer than ti til »ty Mnlhouri>i.¡ * »ruin, n tiirrulltv Marvin, Rich norn) tram V»1 u TU Ila* M

lliniill I iril'S. INDI1NS, «llnitlula« mi i1 I nib I em t ne« rUlahilltv m x1» binde I

'"'lal insi rulan Inilttd .« limpie court,



Arg n nlllit

MOTORS for Ililli comfortable now tourin«

tar» iel Central 6180. Wiseman aud Barrell 10(1 A Bed ett st

Cox 430 Huurke-at


I lugi ltusl mon iïcad Lnmps äenerntor» fíorns, «te Dunem 140 Quccn-st _ fllW I NT1 II P torpedo bod) grey 4 setter, -*- Gabriel Horn speedometer »creen new -hood »piree, tools perfect lundltlon trial 03 1 tint rd , 1 nihrin_ _ _^^ TALBOT CAR 12 ti p large 5 seated body

complete lamps horn und hood, £200 any

trial Duncan 140 Queen »t_ V\nil N you have beard all the iromisc« of what V » other Cars arc hoing to do Just write for facts of what DF DIOSS havodone_

WE hnve 00 OARS In stock from £25 lo £o00

each all makes and II P coll and Inspect (cdcral Motor Oarage Ila Q leen » bridge «t



- for A crondall and Win low» arc remark -ablv low in price at AC-hMAN S

- llltlTf or PHOSI, CINTRAI, 530 --for ESTIMATES and (llEI SAMI LES of






Arc Specialist» in


Of All sort»

Lstloialcs anl Samples LIAI s ON APPLICATION

Special I rices to the Trade

A Gran I liitictv of Furnishings Sow Opened


Tileihones 1"8 and 50. Windsor

RlngJLs Up for Information

Billi Dl'ltS - Al e are specialising Australian

l'âne) TIAiniRS-Illackvvood llgurcd Hard wood Silkv Oak Ac bone dr) See our abov, »nd compare prices. Cox a 305 LoMdalc-»L_

111 of M ( L B O U R N K


TENDERS will be received until 11 n m on lied tiewla) the "0th inst for the


SIvAIlGHT fiurtcm Market

Spec ideation miy I c seen at the ellice of the City

Architect Town hill Melb »time

tOHS C1 Al POS mwn Clerk

Town Clerk « ornee Town hall Melbourne nth Denmber Uli _ _ _ QOMMONIK ALTI1 0( AlSTRALIA

Department of Home Affairs,

Melbourne "th December 1011

Of FIRS will tie received up lo "0th Deccm! er lull for the RI MOI AL ol DEAD llinifclt from

lillie Hangi at Kincton A ictorla for a period of six (0) month» from ti e 1st January 191 .

fenders tie highest or any of which will not neco-warily be accepted shout 1 lie so endorved at d addresae I to the secretary Department of Home

Affairs Mc'bournc


Minister u! Mali for Home Affair»

("1ATIIOLIO CHURCH (Wooden) at Sunshine VV for Rev M Mtirph) (coKcra) I Ians, Ac at St Monica a I rrsb) ter« ( ootscra)_ __

COl'prR and Hit ASS HORK every description

Roblnon Bros, md Co Proprietary limited larra bank. South Melbourne. Tit No_J, Central

GHAISCFR and IITTI ( Architect» and Civil

Enhinecr» lau Queen street (tel S03T) imite TTNDHtS until -I«t December lor I RICHON of BRICK A I LUV ItEMDUScr in Glenroy road. Glen ferrie_ GIIMSGFR anl IITTK Arctltect« and Civil

( ngineer« 150 Queen street (tel TOM) Invite 1CNDFR.S until l«h Decemlicr for ALTI11A TIOSS to HITISIS anl SAN1TAR1 HORK to STOCK (ACIIASGI C1 UB Ctolllai-atreet, Mel bourne _ _



l*rcll s I ttildinc», Collins street,

InvitcT! SIKHS to- the



At Berrigan Sew South li ales,

I or the

Union Bank ol Australia IJmited

Returual 'e 12 o clock Thumb« 21st December _De|«»it__



(rum li A

I« Now Discharging at


SOO 000 su|OT (iet

1ARK AH All Size»

MU LARS KARRI and IARRAH CO (1002) ID_Q icen « bridge South Melbourne_


I.L.ARS KARRI and J ARR AH CO (1902) ID,

Seasoned (loorinff Wran.lah Pmta

Builder» « antling«

((coringaid lining


_ L_Boor« and Door Stock __ MANTEI.Pil.CES Ga« fitting« l«tcn design«;

injrpcct before lu)ing elfowhrro Douglu, S71 Bourxe-vrt., lint ticor, throughjiino a.


11 SDI'RS are invited until 12 o .lock noon on Mondai, lath January lill" for the




Quantitlra by Mr Arthur Anderson

i 1 and 11 J CLARK Architect», National Mu tual Building» tOS Colllna-strcet_ OAKDEN and RAI LANTxNL,


41(1 Collins street.



lo th


Town It» 11

_Cltv of_Malvim_



410 Collins »treet Melbourne,

Invite TI S DLRS

Intll noon on Wedneeda« JOth intL, for


To the l"rcnitM-a ot the

Londou Bank of Australia Limited,


Snecifcatlon can also be seen at the office of the Bank Ma nicer at Ballarat_ Oltlt.lSAl (HUMIS Friese» Bracket», leran

?lah I CHU Turnrnr all drauription« It Brown Commercial rd Prahran llinlsnr 22S__ IJLANb airciûtly'1'rcpitrcd Queen Amie Villa»,

any modem design builder« contractor», and ctliers abw bpeciOcalloua, Irotu £1/1/ Wilson, 43 I Ilobctls-vU_

Tlic TDK for receiving TIVDFRS has lasen l\ ThNDID to noon on Crida) 15ih IKcen ber lull

I Installation and wirini, ol ilcctlie motors.

" Itemoval ol nuchlnrry anvl addition» to


SpcciUcaltou» at alice of the Initiiute St Kilda J TirURSTON HOCARTH, SupL and Secretar)

M A 1.1 I It V GUTHRIDGE, . Ard Heit,

Imite» TfSDlJlN


stu llrv park roo I lviw

I lan« at M underlich 1 td tollintsitrecU DopenH. K~~ MALIERS ti U T II It I D U fc

. Architect,

Imite» TI SDIRS-for


At Kew

Plans, Ax. at Al underlich Ltd Collin« «t Deposit. REDLCl li OUR BUn.DING COST

-by buying )our Mantelpiece» direct Irou us. -Largo variety, moderate price«. - A vex» ---artistic Ionic/ Mantelpiece-tlnlahrcl wal

mit bevelled mirror 50/




Separóte TI SDI'RS arc Invited up lo 4 o'clock I

on Thursday, 14th December, 11)11 tor the follow nerCon»trueUon of Nclstrert Ivanhoe

2 Stipplv of 11 4J0 Hieben for Hildelbcrs


8, Itrmoral of Oarlngi Fnlnlol I Riding

4 Malt tinonee Mt lol Contract« -,",_, I

(a) 10 01 ) ib of Machlne-brnhi II (Bluestone)

Metal or Siall», HI Uni.

(b) 770 t yds llluiatutio spall», Heidelberg

Township. " ., " , (c) f50 i yd» Bluestone Spall» Roaanno and

Gns mboroiigh Road» V

(d) SOO e yd» Rluestom Maintenance Metal

Or« n«lorougli to Morai g road«.

(e) 10a I >d« Hlueatoni Maintenance Metal

Urccn«borougli to Diainon I I rs>k roa «.

(f) 235 i id» Greitistono MalntenancD Metal

Diamond Cre. k roads

(g) _t? c yd» sandstone Maintcnanco Metal

lan lion read«.

Plana tut! »pcclflration« nuy be seen ot shlro Olilci Hellell»re on! for Grecnshor»igh Riding metal tontracUln a Idltlon at Mr Rees» store, Diamond Creek an I 1 o«t ofll Or s nsborourli

uiamonti (. ¡ |,u,fu shire Secretary.

Rltlre OHlec Hridilbcrg NoviTiibtj 10 loll_


TfSDIRS are lnvlt«rfor the syppll of

criTHtl.S u! MINING ltlQUl«in«S for the U mont!« emlliih list Man I ¡W3 _

s< I rdiilrn obi ilmil le ui u| | II ilion at the com tit v «otiles VII irne Idelal ii Sidney Bruknt

I n lera will le' r relied at I miltalie Iulhllng

t lill trccl Al llwurne ip to noon ti Siturdi) I Uli lam irv HU ,.

Ile I ntl or anv tender not neiennrllv oc

nilli Doini of Manahcmenl of tie Al (oran Deaf I ai 1 Dnnl Instit tv 1 ii will n s Iv li Sill IIS util ii i M tdiv i «I ti Mb In»!

f r ti still) il l'on to ti instit itlon for ti«

r 1 >1 , "

Ile lowist r anv ten 1er n t iisi«sarllv a

] di parti -til ir« t tay 1 o cutaiiii d nt 0 o SiartlUi

ti i st lill h mil

I011S ADCOCK ft iperinten lent mid Seen tar)

nil Sill lis f r I linn mt ,1011) HOOD s< HOOL J Will r («invent list I nong r. « I

I IDHI at I iimvn 111 DM vvlth


M Jllteel»

Oxford t hambeni, llourke-stns t_ riKSTll RS Al AN TED for SI tlTRAGH «nil lion -a X Co neitloiu Prwloii 1 artit-ular», )aU»n, 23/

Collin« «t

Separate TCOíRS aie ii vite 1 (or the nder mention I « ork« Ir Tei len accompaiiel b) t! e nice sar) j reliminary uiposlt an i en ior ei!

fender (or - tai t! e ate n u) I c) II uat bt dc|0»itcd In tie Ten 1er Box at tie olllces ol Ho Hoard HO S| oncer btrett M Ilma rnc s 01 betört 11 o clo k a i 01 ti e dales as spécifie«

JUDNFSDM 11th DI I! MHllt 1SU - Man facture a | plj an I delivery ot I ive (5) 321

Sliicc Inlve-a nnl Ten (10) Tlonge aid l'a cet 1 ipes I retimll ar) deposit ' per cent ttnal de

posit 5 ter cent

UhDNrbDM IStl DI CFMil!It, lOU -Con F(ruction of 1 00 lineal (ect of Ope i C1 a n 1 in Ccn cnt Mortar 1 ining at 1 « orks ii co II ection therewith fir 1 rt 1 Section 1 of ti e O bh n -lasuy Walcr Su| pi Sel erne alt ule between ti o Don Ilivir nnl tie Deo Hitor sip!ona Prcluoin-iry ?500 nnal leposit | er ce U

TthSDM 10th DPI!-Mill-Ii 1011-Sewerage Holuai C nocttui s at preiniaea (6. tinements) in li e M ii icipalitica of Brig! ton l!r insivit-k Cam I erwell («ullleld Col urg K««cn Ion lTtzroy Iootscroj Hnwtiom Malvirn Mooralbin North tote 1 rest n and 11 lilian «town described in se! e ! le it Contractors Itoom I rcllminar) ai d final deposit» at per coi dition-t o( ten bring

1 nil pnrtltulars at ti I» oltlcc TI e lowest or any tender not t ccessarii) accepted

li S. Ulai INSON

_Acting Secretary

Ten 1er» are Ii vite i b) the Pral ran and Mai «em Tramia)» ."rust (or (lo MANU!AOTUIl!


Contract No 10-ii let 1 Halla, Jastening» and


Copies of sp« Mentions, conditions of tendering conditions of coi tr it ten irr fonn and dra rings tor ti abo c tontract cal be obtained on ap plication to H e secretary of the Tn «t 411 Collins street Melbo nie o i or after the 13th dav of Dctemlcr 1011

A (te oí £°/ / per cop) will lie charged but (11» an o mt « ill 1 c returned on receipt of a bona fide tender mil tie return of s|educations and

ot) cr lut iments

Tendera «ill he rec ivetl up lo noon on the "Hi du> of I rbru ir) LU" ad Ircstcd to the Chair

man of H c Tnisl

TI e Trust doe« not bind itself to accept the lowest oe any tender

AIM CAMFnON Chairman

11 I) STR INCH MID Stcretary

41T Collli a street Melbourne December 1 1011




Warracknalcal Implement Maker

TrNHHtS for the STOCK IN TRAD! PI ANT and lHFhllOID I ROI I ItTl «ill be recelicd at our ofllccs tp to toon oi llcdncida» 20th Dacem 1er lou i tie undennentioned lots «viicli must be ten icrc 1 for sc| araiel« -

Lot 1

btock consisting of J tons of Iron

la plougl s an 1 r lltivatora Ki 1 arro s h i rk) spring cart vag k na («nrlous parts) Ironmon ker) Rambler (about 1° lup )

motor car 4.13S1 5 0

Lot .>

I lib!HOI D I ROI !RT1 -law I

at llarracknaleal abott Stla ot an acre on ««hieli fo in lry and I tai t arc crerted

In tie e«ent of lot 2 not bring sold a lease nn favourable lenna tan be arranged Tor the foun


Slock si eels tender forms and full particular» can bn o! tained at our otflce or on H e ttremlsc»

at Warnuklabeal

O r i «ua! 10 i cr em! deposit con lltlon«.

C1 IDF II NORTON and ONL1DF, accountant«, SI Q ccn street Melbourne 1 __^__


the 1 URCH1SF of a


for tie «car 1012, a«silab]e for rrmoval In any part of the I leeming District or Lonsdale (Miza irtl street t bpenccr street the larra Rhcr to

Bo ina itrect)

I omi« or ten 1er and fnrtucr Information may be

obtained at our offtrts

O r ii» al co M1 lions of tender will be observed DA1!1 I) 11 DING anl Ai pibllc accountants South Brltisl B iHdlngs, 19_Quecn street Melbourne W 1 H I) and I 1 It I I T O N

1 » Irchltecl»

.til Oollllnntreit (Te! "»IP)

Imite TEND! lib (or 1DDITIONAI STORY In Rrick

to 101 II SHOPS

_Ça it rb irv roa I lantrrbir)_


m Aim of i>rsir\ minmi m mciTMC

MCHtl-Vf am] MX>NOU\

TI rw are lion lalitO* wl ich recommfn Ï \\ » Irrlirh Metal anil ni Ich nil oui 1 indure \oi to ha\c ti in r-pt-oiflod in ti r ron tract ('auloime an I all nartic liar« from

WI M)H»H 1! ITH - S4T 00! I INS ST \\r\TifcKI ICH 111) - MUnOlIHM







NFTHFIIPA1TK « VU) Of» roper f-et Oregon

ADMIRAI "DMCOO raper (ret Orrmn.

HOIJI1SITN JOOOO nipir Iret ltrdwoo.1 SONNI U Elit) fkiO Standard« Hwrlnga

TO A11R11 !

S1G1 IfaJOStanainlsIloorln-s lining»

uni 11 taU -rboards, b! lit

I rand

DIRT III t» Man larda Flooring« Linings,

anl lleathcrlioards

III! I It C11 DI " 000 000 «up -r (ect Oregon

G~AlTÄTlbHTHlON_Spoiling Ridging Lead

Ilatla, Tank» Boan! of lirait! lenlllalora s an] bitting* Sr«rrsge lier) ilsitca Currie »ni Hlchardi 4 3 Hlrabrth st_ _ _

ig nidging Dallis, - mut*, -.,11*», ...«u , «... i-J Water I ¡lies, (Jai ITIting» ITIls "10 Hinder» lane_ M OUI DINGS Doom, Frame» Timber ol all

kind« Joinery a apecialllv John Stone, timber incrcliant Napier si, Htzroy_


MU LS -FLOOIHNa lining W rat! rrboards Mo ldngs Melbourne I rices save Irelglt liant fortlJJros_ «TTTniTL ANT RESISTAO TIMBFK




Tlelr Lilrnabe Rawnillla



To Architects Uulldera, Contractor«, anti the

1 ubllc

In ve tr new contracta specif) anl ace that yo 1 rrt TI r Orlrntat Tin bcr Comnai v a Uni Deal Tolst« Siiantling» Sill» tramos, Saales, Doors, Mm Hint»», skirtings. Linltgs, nooringa anl Weall rl oird», is ti la li nbrr I as been proved to bellum INT HPSISTAI inlictoria

Ask )our laical Timber limitant for O T On, I Red Timber aid If )ou carnot gel It teni order

direct to




(Advertls-ments under H le) heading nut exceeding |

luurteen words are Inserted lor Sliptace ]

A -lilburn-TI nnthnlei «tyllsli ItEMDlNC!» af\ IO 0 roo n« all | erf 11 or 1er ii in «Hall octupalioi A.8 " 0 1" ik Mort ii Aul urn _

1 dt!» a gocai 4 roon», ganlrn 0 mile» Mel .»V bourne 15/ »i k1) b bivaiulon >l Ml laiume ____Ê _ AHM ID II I fljanfordil 5 Minute» Ststlon

-Ne» I rick n large roon«, «uptrlor localll) llgh le titi) tul Unison ¡.J! Lowdale st

Iloiic2i-(l_, 1 UM ID II I «min »tatlon -Vuv I rltk 1 ILUl a;x lunlsomr tit li uga, ii rooms electric llklt lull heater 7/il_ In old_l!«_Q i -en.»!_ AbCOTlAI!, ~( lot« biatlon.-Wrathcrboar I

HI I A nwns eirn com en In ti JO 11 bl « A« i « opposite station lacou air

ArriNUON is directe«! to our December-! IT

lib! luit prli te I large collection lit» 11 ItTII.s aiallable Ham 81 Collins-it _ AlllURN 6 Minutes Wallon lllrl IDalüñn -

bat| rior I rick HU..! 10 roon« it-stlbtile »tabllnk 4.90 J holton liew «latlou 101 li leen

Ul)_ AL

15 r illlns ¡at_ Bl ICKllOCK - Jurnial ni 1 II I A 4 large tted

rooim dil Ingrooni | Inuy In Is hathtnk box . h i« ro de available Xmas MlM M (Irait ixl

I llnibclh st


1 A C O N 8 ! II I

1 11 al ( enlletmna COI NT HI HhhlDlNli

! uri lal eil Ion ph le in ! «cry Detail



Bltlt K HIJA Windsor modera few minnies

( hapel si on tram lil c ."/li. Dickenson and 1 orstcr HO li apel M_ BRKIirrON -Hrlcli 1 llirilLSIDHaCE, 10 room«,

all ni« lih'iin«, snlendl I | usitlon stalle«, 4 I Im tea train »U» Colmar and Alford Mlddlt brighton_ IrRIUlirON - luniWirtl (or Clrlstnu« «ara J > li i i-onlortall Hill b nail rooms near lu lil ( I ni I T Hain "bl Collina jil _ BIHOIITON MIDDI ! - llodrrn 1 II 1 1 slate tout

"ruma turf it order ft minute» train kail (ni nor an I Alford Ml I Ile brighton

BRIGHTON III irirhoutlinl anl Chun liai -

I «tntslie Ino 7 toonwllIU Ab «e»er I l8 ti

i-erk Imnedlatc |orauji«lon _A)l»»in_ IV-I 101

BRIOIirON 1ITACII lji| länadr-I li "í roon I

1 Hal 1 lacing tram sei rr I li tor gurog« i,"5 no» «aunt A)lulu Ila) st lljr[gl Ion __

/TUMIIFItllKll I AST -"llaiiliomo ( rilli li \J lilli uroona rvtry collin I i A « »k Han Jil Collin«»!

/1A.M111H11HU - l)nr I Au o Irlrit lill 1 II \.J noun 1/_Allard al IA II Q eel «i

/1A11IIFHWH1 Han I. Static ~N tri I

<L 1 II I IS ii« Jil v 0 »/ Inn I la I I ii «l I snni.ll 11 I 1 1U»I » l r r a all

INfllHllltl -Migilll I tri k lilli"/!

nain root a III I i » Urn all» u. i II toi iii a « eil lall II gani i II II li 1 utrr» i I » i I 11 I

/ UN I IHIlUIll Ila ian Irl I lll.l » »in V lol» lou 1 c 1 la J-K fe ti kel D tan an! Wriler __

/ UN TI lilli 111 C1 ol I «ailinn Superior \J lil k MU A 8 roui« cut veniente«. In old 13 it



CIIAPIL-Sr - Dentist« ROOMS (1) c-rtab

llsl ed practice spion 1 d position Gr nt op Alindnor Etatlo Iel K17

sun I q tltuble I lldhji, _

CITA Colllns-st t nion m «tee Bnilding -

SUIT! roo na 10 x 1 1 10 x I } U I 17) £l'0pa Henderson Ko. table b lldlng _

CIT1 Queen st -I rat clan Office SI ITf J. 5 _p_a_H -nderwn ),qinlabIo-bu Id rag_ CITY Fllndcfw-treet.- Well lighted SHOW

ROOM about TO x 100 good» lift £1)0 p.a.

Demi roon Equitable building_ CITY - GARAGF large and well cej rippc 1 pre.

miser in cintrai position Hcnicrson Eq it able 1 ldg_ ______ CITA Plin Icrt-lan Softgnods Centre - Owners

»UI alter existing Bl II DISC to suit or re

build ^Henderson (.quita) lcjniilding_ Clll Normanby ii n nlier« Chancery lane now

imdergolnh alterado Plans Ac at Hen

derson s r*quilahlc-l ildlng_ CUTI - rACTOIU f I ATS entrai gro nd floor

I "0 x O -/6 secon 1 «cor A) x M 15/ Hen dereon _L p itabjo-l II ling_ Cm I lin 1er« »t Op Central Station -Splendid

SHOW ROOM JO x CO Henderson l.nultab]c

building_ __ _

Cm Kinder» lane -Fine SAMI LE-ROOM 10 x

l8 and office 20 x 1" i.100 and rates Hen demon tq litable 1 ulldlng

CITY Kinder» lane - W ABf HOUSf 3 floor»

x 100 another 84 x 100 Joseph Wannan, estate agent, 00 Q leen »t_ CITA FLATS - " excellent storage (LATS

Block place second and third floors, 3D : each _ Ham Colllns-st_

CITA li -OFKCKS would renovate for

t good tcnat t singly or suite BaUllcu I at tewon. 1 Collin» st__

/UTI OFF1CIS GolUn«-*. best pojitlon two *-, Iront room» perlcct light modem conveni ence« £IA) Beauchamp JIP Collin» »t,_ CITA Collins st - Urge ROOMS music

teacher» or office anytl Ins quiet aclect. 11 rite M Roberta 10a Collin» st



Two hroun I floor and two tlrst floor rooms

Si liable mcllial min


3 a Collins street_



Han Isom« and Conn odlou»

COLLINS ST FAST-ROOMS »litable raed In!

man i.7/10/ mont! Balllleu Patterson 37a

Collins st_

lOSf BCTIOSUU SHOP ttoll fitted modern re

mirri cnl» unciiallengcd businesa poxHion Dickenson and (oraler HO Cliapel »t_ /"lOltSI It SHOI op I O Fitzroy «ult dropor

' 4 Iran « Jow tent Keir IX) Sn lth-«t

c D

RAI! R S SHOP Solway op 1 O next Moran and Cato « and Chandler'« at.«-- «ni. " _opp irttinlt) Kclr JCollingwt


S roon« «cstibuli 1/ "roo]

Caulfield_ EAST MAI AIRS - Brick A II I AS, 27 0. -0/

0 room«, 17/ 10/ Looker auction-cr Co ilncldjdatloi_i

"IJIAST MFLIIODRSU - Confortât le modem -«-/ brick A II LA * roon s ever) convenience

montl___C I and T Ham 28l_lolllns st_ EAST MIIBOIIRSI -Compait brlik MILA 7

room», convenieneei» immediate po««cN«iun

EAST MI 1 BOHRST- Close Tram Train - Brick

ULLI - room« convenience», cellar aV n ont! Arnold IS Queen st_ Í.1AST llELBOUHSh, Hotham st - st perloi

-l-i modem A JUA room« convenience», rent CS4 p a. _ljngrl l«e_10 Queen«_

EAST IIIAHRAN Clrw IJcctric Tram - Srsv 6

rooncd brick AILLA a rooms and conveni

Holdsworth HU li llllatiuvrd Uawka

b m____ _

IT« VST SI _ KILDA Close IA inihorJSUtlon-Brick

ITiLSTfJlSWICh -Brick A HW 7 room« all

I rovrmcnU, close «tallon £1 Ullic op «la tloi_ "lîALSTf RNincK- I umbu ed nice brtëkTA 1IJ «7 .*-/ b roon s, piano plate Ac posacavion imnic llatcl) I« _Jlam_tollln«»t_ _

E«ïsFSDOS 5 Minuten station -? roomed brick

HU A | (Ticket grot nd tieft position 20/ week Apply 58 Slcholson «t, _ _

171 ARM 320 acre» including SOO acre» fallowed

. 0 acre» groa», i ear ( eelong liberal term» to good tenant Cull condition» povvted to any addrreK Hendy Leary «nd Co auctioneer» Geelong__ "1,1 ACTOR! Utile Collin»-»! mimile Town hall

.J Ho. ra. ba«emenl cat! Jftft x 4h*t perfect light 1.4 p w Beauchamj 310 Collin»-«! _

FACrORl and llorcho isc 3 minutes C 1 O

other I Ittlc lonsdale 10/ Christopher HU Han» a« 1 tttle ColltniH«._ 1711 AT or hall new A HI» 1 larg« room», nen»

. rale kitchen A-i 35 near rlt) hi Kilda road Mlsi rimons, 11)1 Swanston-»!_ ITU AT to I IT splendidly furnished good |o«l

- (Ion Uttrrson Rosey and Co Ï3D Little Collins «I (near Town lull)

F U H S I 8 II I D I L A T


7 main monia and convrnlcncca.


fTa Collin» «tree!_ 171» RSISHID Malvern ideal pcaMioo charming

. Allia ItfMDI'SCf 3 reception 0 bed rooms liatl roon II 11 piano el -ctrlc light telephone ( lover AAilllama,_ _

"liiLHMSHID Toorak choice position lilla RF A- SIDESC1 1 reception T t<rd room» lal! room HW piano trleplone _M Glover li lilian s.

IrtUILSLSHM) St Kilda weil appointed A II I A

? I« room» bathroom II W piano telei bon . leetric light n aid« will remain Glover Alii

I Han », _ _ _

"ITtlRMSHfD Sherbrooke well lim Ished art .» TAGI roon s perfect position garden orrliar! ever) tnodctn tonvenicnie M do«ca-ll llllanu _ _

"TTtlltSISIKR Brigltmi Allia RESIDÍ SP(

J rooi s batbroo n II M I iai o »hört term (lover William» Imiltahlcbilldlnh

1711 KM lill) st Kilda Q«. A ILLA facing -Ö. Wael root » lathrootn li Al piano ele -, trie liglt Glover William», Equitable-building


TjlURSISHI D HOI SI TooMk 4 reception I all

» rooi 0 bed ron « drcsrincrroom I ot water crvioc garage Ifiutif I grounds. And*nvn and Sanklv II "li Bins st _____ _

MILA electric ..".- . - -us mil ute tram I artic lara At derson and Sanklvell ¿- Collins st '

rjilRStslKDHOlsl Toorak 4 rrcv-ptioti 4 bed J rooms, dressing room rlrctri liglt lotwatir a-nii-c Anderson and Sanklvell -SA Collinv-ftt

TjlUtSISHID I JILA St KikU J recc|>Uon"


7<U RSISIKI) AI1J A Malvern I rrci-ptloa 3 bel -I roon ». drrasing non " n aids room«, electric light ttnnl» court, 1 aero lan) Anderson an I Sat klvrll S2S Collins at _

"|,ll!'Sls||hD HOUM so ilh larra, «lose Rounl J cal gardens 3 ms-ption 0 Uxl rronss, 2 batii rn. s tenilatoirt AO 0/ Anderson and Nat ki veil _5 Collin» «I_ ITUHS'sllll) HOUSh, CamlirrwTll 1 reis [lion J- ti Us] muru« tennl«-court ire.) H lawn 1 i In ii a station Anderson on I Sanklv ill __> Col 111 s m_ l.ll RSISIK II HOI (TU Toonil . rocrptlon n bel A rodil « rlrctri I li M linen and «tiver All Al denon an I Sanklvell 2-» Collins-«_ _ IritltSlSiiia) llOl'Sl O miaut» Annadale «to

- lion I nwptlon 4 l»"d routna tri | hone- i.1 1/ _Andrrson at d Sar klvrll ___jr_Collltu st

IflURSISHU) HOUSES, all «vibïrl s n-nlaj« .»! to

íS/t. I artic liar» from Anderaou and Nan klvell _J Olllua ot__ IriM.SISHFD AIIJ.A, Irahran minute trun A

? roca is gi-vi piano j" 0 week!) Anderson and Nankivell ^Collin« st_ IjlUItMSIIf 1) Sanúringliain fartig In-art

< bri k AHJA revciticm 5 bedroom», pi one hard n Ino ticket LS/Î Len me

tloneer III lolIltMt_ __

ITIURMSIIKI) Elwvod near tram la ich I rick ?- A III A 7 room«, piano »liver linen 60/

eli) lamil e auitionisr_III (Aillina sl__ 1,UHSIsllia) llflghlrai tnun I aih I rick I A II I A 3 reception 4 Iwl rooina ar»/l

.ki)_hwevn Uimie, a cllnneçr aviisllins-sl

.I.ILRSISIIIÜ AIASMOS8 Allia», Cottage« all J- d terlption» reniai*. Consult S ».yu II lxinnr auctioneer Jil Collin» st Eat isil

II one r J*

ITlURSISlin) Toorak 0 min ric» »t»llnn BRIPK

- 5 liedroom» 1 ns-cptloi I llllard tot le atable« larg» garden A3/J II C Hey ward up »laiton _._ ___ lilUllMrlllTD Toorak H»tFict~A II IAS all «ûrT J excel tlomllv well slluatcd all rent», II c lit)war I o| «tallon_ FRSISIIID Brigl ton "pretty AIIU o i-oom*.

llano tltmcbeail train o ii v 15/ 2 montis' iriancv other» lohn Brolil li llfClIli«-,!

lilURSISHID Ha« Horn DI HI I A 7 rooñi» 1 luth I cater I lino canico, only JO »elis t

t othir» Ü 35/ John Brotchie 315 Col

lit » st

]71URS|S||| I) Tooruk ni Irllghtlul A III» ULM

DESK 8 rot t » an I dillie» »tabling Ac J Carter So Hil >arra_

TTAURSIiqilD walking'llstance eil) IIIJoi brick I All 1 A II mu «, decirle llttit Ac . gm»

Omer houlh_\arra [

IrilRNISUFD ho till larra near garlen« clean

1 coi tortol l> tumi») ni ( 011 AUK 5 rooi is 15/ Albirt Oaklev 144 1 oral rl_ lilUHSlHIII I) south larra i mimi*« «UtlóT J1 I an I« n e I alcony HOI KI t loci) f imlsl e L Albert 1 oki v 141 1 ior«k ni _

-|¡M RSISHID si inda lose t « I on~tram J' ro I lal«« Uro. isl («lilly ROU

DISCI i Ur Is I a| for 1 i onll« Hit

der u tlonerr

*f.1Ults|s|ll I) HU A Art adair|l n Hi i

T «li » i i ni i I si on len D n ru i

« I Well r Q e t

3 TM RSIsltll) llrlkllo (Ililli) han Iv Is-a li

' Hil I rx s II 11 II Aliar I u d

» II) t

,11 HSIstll D li « I I cn llsaln, III I Illa a. Al I alio Uno II I III rix I i Hall 11 li,»

,11 Itsislllli st | la DI A II I A rex i «

I II «a I n 1 tier«. 1 15 42

III I M tin hi Jil ( Ititi« «I

1,-11 HSislil D lal Mil ir h ti a . II J' HI I I " r rusia lol

II li u 1 (

1,11 IISIslll I IM I lill A r lal lit ga II a a « tr I arl Jet

(ill a

1,11 RSI-HI I s | 1 » llcj I

II II lill I I r _ I 1 1_ \n |

"I Sivuml nut it

IfllfllMS 111), S I Illa 4 e | Ho 4 bel

- kttcle liai ga« st lose I «tel A4 3/ Haynes 175 Toonil id Tel


Tall RN1SIÜT) Hci!cs«illc g ntlen an a RFSI

DI NC I I reception " be Iroo i « kitchen I or hard ! orsc ! ugg At 4. IO Miss Symons,

111 S «al atonal_ , ITimNISIlI I) «itl c« n roi dort ni gentlemen a

IIOMIS tri I rook a.»«/ Sj udringlum H Hnkl Im l <UI Healesville A.1/J/ Miss S)TI ona 101 S luniton bt__ 1711 ItNISIII I) HOISFS I/jme Maco Ion Warb i

? ton Smir g1 am lamklei Mo mt Dande-nong Mornlnüton Irankstoi Menton ."-. S) n ona, 101 swanston st _____"_"__ IrtUlAlsiüD St Kilda I ea itifull) appointed

VII Li 0 room« tennis court croquit lawn telephone hath heater Ac £4/4/ Mia» Symons 101 Suunston at __ _,_ ITiUltNISHCD HOUSES Windsor Prahran Arma

dale Havillah irn St. hilda Malvern Sol th lan- Urikhton Kr» lu» thorn Camberwcil Ainterb« ry MUa^mon« 101 b»anston-st

171URNI3IITD S larra near »tation tram gar

? deni 3 reception 7 bed rooms telcphont latí hcatir tarden £4/4/ Mira Simons 101 Swanston st._,_ TflUItNlSHED Toorak 1 reccpUon 6 bul rooms A telephone eicry comnnicnci garden JL4/4/ several otber» £7/7/ Miss Symons 101 b«-un fiton st_,_ I ¡TURN Islll D Toorak bcautiiully al polntcit

1 II I A 4 rece] lion 4 bed rooms i urscrlea maida' rooms - hathroonut II W s (ennis court £0/0/_MissJfcmoiis^lOlJIjaaiiston st_ FURNISH! D East Mello nie 1 iburn South

larra Heidelberg Iianhoe Hsternwlek, lui

sen Ion large selection HILAS and Houses Misa Symons 101 Swanston st ___ __ _

FDBNTSIIFO HOUSES Gembrook £8/8/ £S/5/

llcalcaville £3/1/ Warburton £2/10/ Hamp-ton Matodon Mornington 4.3/3/ to £0/0/ Miss li) mons lol Swanston at_ FUIIMSIHJ} Hawksburn, near train tram B.

ULLA 2 reception 3 Ina! room« large kitehou ga» «love Ac very c1 cap Misa M Grath OH IJirabctli st_ FURNISH! D HOISKS ncaumtris Hlack Rock

Ihclsra Carrum Ispendale San bingi am Nllllgroic Warandvti available nrl) Januar) Mim 11 Cratb 06 ! lirabeth it_ FUIlNIbHID I>ruhran nice I osltion D! WU

111 LI 5 rooms grout ds ne v llano low rental good lrnant_ltiM M_Oratb tvo Hirjbcth st FURNISIILD St hilda Close lambina le 0 A~ , li! LI Ö rooms, ever) comen! nee 40/ | Pi-inco and Co 2a0 High st bl Kilda

aUIAISHFJ) St Klldi c\o<? Esplanade

1 II I IS 30 Ta/, 43/ CO/ 00/ nil requisites. Ince and Co 2J0 High -a bt Kilala_

TalUlLNISHin lindern I ri k 1IIJ 1 Lost Cam -aV bcrweli "min statit n 0 rooms trnnia, garage c! arming home Ham Collina st

FURNIbllH) st Mila oie montl 1 olida«»

dttarhel brick HI I A clost »Utiou aid Issach n Heber alictloi eir __

I7IU11NISHI10~SI Mila tloao Ima h Iclarl ti

"roomed MILA facing rtsir« cloie tram

IjiURVISIIPD Albert park onomohl! hollina

. i lo«c Imarh " roomed dctacheil 1 II I 1 1° -/ ButcbcT n ittloncer_ ___ __ __

FURNIbllH) Clost Trama, Reach-COTTiri

4 mons «te 270 lilla b mons 4«"/, oller*. Illidge _op_To» li lall ST Kilda_ TalUltVIsiIlT) owner leaving State, ircttr noral H .,... .,- ~,, ..i".. .... oU¡ re

i'unshon Hiiro) st.

I TTllllNlSHFD bnutKulli 8 ro< ins Hstern rick

I J? i. J eicr«Hing SiItndl 1 Hat at llrookl)n

Agency 407 Collina st __ _

IIUILMSIIH) Hami ton r roome 1 lilla tent

bathing box J or 0 monita» Sa I inido I Argu»._^__i

JaiUIAIslliD llamplon 5mln ttatlon neal LOT A.1 TAIIF u rooms an I tent a/ »eck An old

IjlLRNlSHFD M Kilda Ural IleäTl 1 li I 1 0 X.1 rasai tent billian! talle month or 0 ut-rks from_2-nd list 4^/10/ T '1 l_ark it_

"iniritNISIIFD Ke« 1) ! brit! Hill -rooms L central two months _,/ ivctklv I.A M Argus__ "làlUIAISllM) Duart llraroiwil H para le 1!

I lertimrk 0 roomed I ri 1 RIS1DI NC! motor garage Ar £j/5/_«vrt-k Jim n W ( ullina t "I71UIAIS1ÜD Vont llbtrt HI I A co« |oi!tr>

A?_orchard tclepl me »II« r a M ntr Argti«.

FUn\ISll!Dlllll 8 rooina lino Irlrnbonr

Io« lu, fruit trees, let 6 months nominal nnt 22/6 2 Hall st Morcland^ti air «tallon and tram I71URNISIIÍD thorotighlv South larra station

. »nug clean 5-roomed ULLA 22 0 M ( inlr«

144 rTinderast_

lallltNISHU) large ' roome I Hill u am-» A roi I river frontage close station Sans bon I Warburton _ __

IJILIAISHID C1 armvood r I "st Lilla 8 rooms A. ((mo »ilvtr linn I irs-aln tJ] (rani, op lllnd«er union T l_S!"_ TjlUIAISHI O 1101 SES lilla« Kooma near A. lunch Ideal auminrr re«! Irnccs £-*/I0/ to

4.4 IO "tr narkl» «t. St Kilda

IaNLRVIblüD-Fivr-rooroed 1IOI S! (n Prahran

«erv ctnnforlat le ever) comctlicncc C1)! In« » 41) I liribelh at__lent 6CK)

Tai. flMSIIHl S! hilda brick 111 I IS 4 rooms X' .- u « nioms, .»/ 44/ «roon« lit con »rnirnt position». Bridge op SL Kilda To»n hall_ 1211 ItNlblllT) 1IL1 1 superior st Kilda lork"

ii i« hraih and tram | riiale I nine S room» gani n elritrlt light A4 4/ Maihlnanl ( oietl All-en park_ _ /TJJI NllLNTI 1 -dunning lill 1 fuml hr I « vX loom» will let (or u or 1 n omh 3" a week Hall! e i Pall ruin rz t ollin« »t

nAMPTON (Toan Hoard HOLsr u raoms 16

shop id D«elUng I"* Te! Small and Edwards Hampton _

HMIKSIUIA-!»!" iriek Hill i r omi*

«veil (umished all conirnlenees 1 or I montlu. Io« rental Jnapctt momiiga ucninga Appi) 5" Murra« »I lirai ran

HAW hsRiniN -Fiirnlrh -d 1 rick 1 IIJaA~2 bed

room», piano 2 sittiturrooins kitchin 30 scnloek Mähern rd _ _

HU!K»nilA, 3mln Station - D! I rirk

1 111 1 Uciml rooms »i len lid or 1er asa. halt «.ard 25/ Ualdli k op »tau n _ _

HllVKSIlUIA -l II las is "25/ «al bâlconi

House 4/ Oo» block autiloneer torner

Malvern an I 11 lilian s rl» __I

HlUKSniON- Ne« 11! brick lilli cloke'

tram anl train li room» 2-1 lloldsnortl

"ISa llilllamvrd Hawksburn _ _

nlUKSHtRN - ( mfortablr " roomed" I rick

HlasID! NI ! In prrf a t order mlnuli trail J A t arter «.«uti larra_

HllVTIIOl N -Uriel 1ILLA I) roarmr convrnl

en TA Unte »llotinn t good sit« ation I andy «latían »i/ Hallen ami 1 ctr)

nlWTHORN -na-autllul 1 II I 1 t» rooma hat

oony nt«idri cr- b rooma garden a. S »«orth t urlng laord lia»-1horn station _ _

H 111 THORN - Fun Uhr I choice o roomnl

I rick lill 1 n oior ctrakr , r mice pt»«l j lion AVIO !.. O Hil! Clrnfirrie »Uti II

nlWTHORN ( lui tarn Soutl ) -< -nibman «

IIOMV 10 mum« J acres stablr SO cloae

. clock Carlile lui urn_

1 W Oallr) Slndlrv park Rani

I Brici. 1 ILLA 0 main r Mints kltuVn mai La room«

I «ii 1 ou», »lal te A.

latrge groun li, f ur m n» I

| 11/1 CROTIIW Arn_andj o_JiS_9iiren st_

K! W Min ita siailon Ft nu»! «d 1 IIJ 1 draw '

Ink din ng 4 tied ruoms, kltthrn gasstote th I euler cvei) eomlort J.. (0 «r otlrr Miss bim ins 101 Stanatm at

KI 11 Cowl Position -Suprrlor I rick 1 lija" fa

rooms largt «rstibule subl¡n", a.SI otltr»

Johnston Kew station^_ ___

Kill OomcnlefK lo Tram - Surnrior 11 II

1 IIJaA 1 roon s lou x lad Kulali!.- pi iltr) I 0(411 «nrrouii ling« lb, stmndga I

KUI-Queen Inutlrltl HILA 3r-c«|lloi 6

bed rooms "2 x 15 lal | a Heider.on la)uiuble Wdk_ Kill -Purnl.lul 'I lion» all loiicilrnas I

Hie minuit a train a. . «i k millie i latt raati ni ( Hit » »I

Kill- Brick ItlblDI NC!_13 room» contení

ince» |i ki 1 |H»illon moderate irntal drat

claw tri ant_n»illleii Utteraon 3 5 < Ulna at

KI 11 CMiner 1 -Iii n -» iierior 1 ri k 1ILI 1

8 roan a r n »air I tiro «limit kout kr< mila

chai At» _i rmuirll IIH-KIII lill t olllnaja

TAIIHF comii «lion STIIHU ault,- kro

?i rer r »in anl apirll li rrrbal I »It aird In Collin« st l||lv U s | tait los l ollln» al Mrlliournr_ _ ^ _ _

T ORNE.-1 urnUhnl RINFIII N( ! 1 rrrrption 0,

S J ted roi ma garden ti! | ti tit HW «rnle ,

thathrooms ri« cr boat lennla-tourt Ml« sturts, |

101 bwsniton au

MM 11 UN -I urilla) I 1 II I A ntonia an 11

t uni ri lu u» Oom t . lilli Iran ron

mer baili k bul. llallll u I atttmoti am Kui« 11) I I I_ _ _

MU 11 KN FAST -«Vu a n li i e I r k 1 II I 1 D'

main riomi all tau« nlrnt .» kt»l gar Irn Ilallllm lattin n I 1 ( ollln »t

?\f All HIN - (aimfortabln i rw 11 I! lilla Iii. looma clrr« ioma irnc «Id« I all tie tri light AA Ham 2»! ( ililli» at

MAI U IA Tin Mi l lira blatl II hartland,

a une inn« I rick 1 II I is il toi na -I 0 Owen laiult ii In I uilillng I .illln» M

MAIA I IA -1 II MS lo I IT 1 IS U f» I

il/1), J.;il -1 ."/ II«amsl « II tim frrrltsnl _ __ _ _ _ MU 11 ILN I AST UNI iii ill) furn I» li I I rl k ¡

HILA T room» At lit gani II 1/ Carn ami Kel!) dwan I nul _ _

MlllinN min Mali i Half minite Trim

HawOioni ni Nr» I) 1 1 II I 1 " ro I n ilrrtri llrhl mel killi en Irnnl I Aljierist

MAI URN Or»» I ruin uni rrnins.-llo.lern

11 II 1101 S! 4 roon a 10/ ) «. I lark« li High»! Mahem _

A TAIA I tlV -SHOP ail I I) »i Hing « lit fniltrrrF I ill kood »laid ".Ik Clarke 111 High st , I Malven)_^_ _- -MALI HIN I AST llaid« S allot S i| rrlor

" 10001.11 modern ! rl 1 1 Illa nice gar hu ' Doiigltui Jaeolvi la illk-ld »latlon

.\rAlal HA -Hiller Irlrk Hill

Al. (largi) ira» »line lal) leal r AT »1 annthei 87/ lUrrl», "4 tllenferrle rd __

MAIIHIN - limipit l) 1 iniA ? rooina

ilnan station 21/ other» from A/0 Harris 74 (lit lift rrir ral

M HA HIN J Ulniiini lb Nrli Irani-11 II

rinin« 11/ »«ki» II ( llrywaril t Tia. tali alatli ti

MAI 1PRN-M« lal thai e lo nut Onerii

Anne " na nu m at Mint rl It finish al 1/ II Ig-s liai«ern Pli i U^' _

M 11,11 UN-milk IIKf-IDI NI ! s rooina

« iiliiKi», mwerel kulpi W 1 IVulcr lion sr 4W I «Ullis at_ M1_N TONI uni irnlalie I 1 II! is two Inn lah«!, I

«lan 0 r wine I lit use« uni Hourn» ja. Uni ii, Urnlon_ Ml NTUNI SailnnUk -Sinon 1 ILL 1 kar

ig I ama J/ l»cl»i moulin Oven ! | Hal I I ill ling nil_ M1NIDNI HorHull» A»i i lili -lurnblrl

ii ml I lllll!»l« all t 11«. lele-ilionv II ui 1 1 I «arl« M moir 17s (ollln».I _

MOONI 1 1 ONUS - liri k 1 II I 1 "roi ma uti

nil ni\« .1 uri IlkM milli i Futur I 1 i ollln« .1 _ -HlKiNll PONDS Hull rlmrl HLia "

j.M r n » n ' '»ml n I'd "II cm I I «I Illa Ikcu II "II 1» Muli» »la

ulil Siailon -Iflrwmrll III. ? ? . «lama Mill AH tri


The splendi 1 suite it present occupied by


Suitably fitted for hank coi merdai institution or

stock m 1 «lotion linn

GI» G HLNDfTlSON I iiilublc-billding_ OFIICI double counter light central clicap

l»/fl week Appl) Major and Arn-stron. Leadenhall __Markct_st__________ OfFlCfS Collins 6t prominent position will

lighted moderate rental BaiUlcti Patterson 1 6_ Collins M_ OKIC1.S suite 3 wclfilt basement offices

centre of city ideal losltion Baylee and Co 323 ColHijyit_ 01 f ICI S, «Ingle or c i suite Al »reno isca Store»,

factories Sample roams in eviry part of city Ham -SI Collin* st_ 011 ICES «ingle or cn suite sample room« Ac

will lighted low icnt ils Al Brun 40 1 liza beth st_._ 01 (ILLS Collin« an I oilier central street«

modem 1 indinga tnodirute rentals (rank Martin J 5 Collin« »t_ 0(1 K Us (text mont)) collins «L close Bank s tites or kim-'o rooms good llgU from A week Arool I_is Queen st

OK ICIS groun I floor st He t roon s strong

room cloakroom JCCO also storage Ar no11 __8__¡_icen j_t__ 01 (ICI large Kin 1rs st (op Station) *»/

another lo/ II Ginlev auctioneer 144 din ders-sS______ OK ICES Hislto lsrgc ai 1 small "Boom still

v ocant Geo W I lltson 441 Collins st _ Odin Colline-st lid floor «I Icndi I llttht ___18 x V2.» or two 10/ Arnold 18Qucclr-«t 0( I ICES S ile 4 roon s strongroom in modem

11 lljh g__ £110 Arool 1 1S_Q icen st._ OK 1CL Furnish si toloIIT 1"J Alllllam »L _near Bourke st_Apply Caretaker first floor

OLDIRFU-IT li Collins st - Snail

OlKlCr splendid liglt and ventilation moderato rtntal Caret-ker _

01 DUH II IT 4 5 Colllns-st -Ground'lloor

S lill of t io largo ROOMS moderate rental Caretaker_ PR AHH IS -Al ORKSHOI I« mdrv lirgc )ard

1 Mirket-st Commentai rd Marks iJ)

flltle Collins st_

PRAHRAN -Brick nlnutc »tation 0 room»,

.- 0 Inna lal IA II roa lis la/ Mo-rl» 44 I unt ni Windsor_ "PRAHRAN -«HOP and Dwelling 1 rooms good -I- busincai stand _l"/0 Davje« 1" Cliapcl st _

"JltOf ESSIOSAL Collins st C») consulting - oro in I «cor «URI (PIES ncwlv decorated electric ligl t water nttendancc interview soli clt____Mrs_f I)_ ~ ROfLSSIOSAL CIIAM|IIRS Collins st best

I rofcteioml q lartcr marcvt centre of city, latest mo Jem conveniences Ham "til Colllin-st. QUI I SSCI III -ro I FT nod ni A II ! A

Wendouree Hesse st newh fumisl ed nvailablo Xmas week Mrs Sayle .3 Alma rd st Kllla_ _

-LKSST Near Bourkcst -0K1CI /«

I Slow room Jl x_t_) I ale -Si Collins at

Rl-jü» STIAI SU1T1 firtlshcl lllitehall

Bank piare cllv s Itinhroom bedroom lath room 4°/ Hen I non I quitahlc building_ _ RISCW0OD-A1KA 0 room« 2 acre- land

II clianec __!)avies 1 C11 pel st lnthrvn

"DOOM 22 \ 40 splcn li I light hoo ! vontllaUon

SASDRISCHAAI - Two inontl ? tierra! UU, -

rrccptiru 4 1 ed ln_Jnh mil I« " both I ot water «cwere 1 tennis iroq i I hal Iv holf ilatlnn AS*« onicrr nn l_Sn_tl 4 l_iollln«n^ SASDRISCHAAI -(u nlihel tamar« lelruary

A II LA ovcrv convenience tennis court

s wered Officer and Smith _4_i4_ColUnt st_

led or ._.

I and Grace,

Sai dril g1 am op __t_tlon_ ___»"___? a Btn_ SANDR1SGH AM Black Rock Hampton - Fur

nish si tntumlshed HOUaO telephone Small an 1 lalwinls «-anU'Initlum 1 8 Collina st

Q ASDRISf II AM Close Station -Modem » II I A k3 ty room« convenid ces (ree (iel el A"3 Jobo A ale and Co 3a Coljins »t ______ S HOI s st I II Ia comer ivositlon n iln «tri t

trim route 5 rooms tcwlv nlovat 1 1J ,

"0 liri Ige op SI K11 la To vn I »II_ S HOI' Sowav 0| I O litrro« splendi 1 op

I ortunlt) draper low reut Ion. lease Kiir WJimlth n_

SOI Til A ARRA- Brick A 11 LA 8 rooms and

conveniences comfortitl furn! bed mo lerale r nt to good tenant lliillieu Patterton and bons It) III _ _______ SOITH 1 Mill A -" room« eura lirgc spion lid

street nice garúen £ S p a Haynes at d Ces, 1*5 Toorak rd ______ _

SA ARR A - A i rautill I n ru ern 1 II I I 4 re

. is | lion I lil» oma kltil rt bath heater elis trie ligl t, Ac i ilnutc tram Mi« Symon» lol Swanston st,_[ SOUTH lARRl-SIre f ml/hccl AILLA Too-

rak rd S room.« every coi venitnee garage telephone Ham 231 Collin« »_ SOLTII 1ARRA Close Cr linn ar «c1 col-Sub-

stantial 1 rick A II LA o room« convenience«, »tot ling £100 Ham "al Collina st_ ÇJOITII AIRRA.-DI Irul HUcA 8 room» «7 vestibule °* 0 tvostorv -1/ Cowetlock

AH rt (takle

(JOLI II A Util A Cl»-e Bola K> i n« 111)1 -I s icon 4

Oakliv 111 Toonl rl

Albir! Oaklcv 111 lo _

?c St K11 h . _.

novatL I a. 3.

I OlHII! A ARRA « I se St Killi 1 al- link

Bri lee op st K11 la Town I all_ VJOITII 1 ARILA lill U - Charming I alcorn IK w sIDIsrf u>lj rcnovatid ' I I ( ar lu « i tis larra _ _ SOl-llI MI IIIOIRSI -Al ARM10I shs or lae"

tone«, l'eue tv »I lp| Inj. railways, feny, owners will build lo suit tenants. Henderson

Laniltal le 11 lh | ___

UT Kit DI - M si in tri k an I slate A li I A

0 rxins «lo« trims beach «elect locality J; anothir -, 0._Hrl Ige fUJIIgh »t SU Midi ST K11 DA t lose I «I lil adi-New AA II lill A

h rea n s ilectri lirfit np.ii position ° U

Briige | __s| I [ida T vrl hall_

OT K11 DA Clo»« (hapet t Tram ant rroln 1(3 Siw IA II A II I A »1 roon s «lectric lis,l t ? Vc _s Jlrilge ___r »iil_all__st_hilja_

V_T I ifllA S.-II i k AIH A h rmnu carin »> ni« position Sa/ uiother 30 llrld"i st Killa ___ ___ _ vJT hil DA I trim, sen 1 Mir te Isi lottodei"*> s, | t li 1 I rt k A II LA tu n« m». . il .es »ta

1 line, larg, gurden Alf«) Bri Ige st hilda

V_T 1 II DI LIST - («rilen an« fan ilv HI SI f* DI St f 1 room. 1 lliar I hJrage rthanl

I l-l Dock trasoí al to G«-mui«ll 1 i»ett toi

I lllm-st______ _ ST hlU>A f ASI de Mil ut Ir li Dandenong

rl Iratl-laiilli RFSIDISCf li rom« nttruti e groun!» Alf) ILudcraon 1 emítanle 1 llldlnh __

Oí KIHiA I As I 5inm Balaclava suilou

? > IIIJ u AIM A " roou» ircttv gar len |irlect trdcr I S_llnMlil-on (q illa! le building _ QT IvU DA-Qusn Atne trick A II I I 1 rcccp .O Ho 5 l-l room« «csilbute stahllng al x S3. Al«) Hei Uraon ___q iltal I« I oil ling

ST MUJA Redan« lllghesl Beat losltion -- Cloie Tram«.-Se* Iv di orated I) roomed

HIM AIOI_II itrhcr, metlo ns-r_ ST K11 DA- I" rooms iver) evinvenlenee #ur

nin n must be | urchasctl I ri e J-1_.. I) It Argus odlce

KT K11 I) I Wellington it -II f trick A It LA

0 rooms n vv ta it g thoroi-hlv renovated 2 i I «»lol linroy «I lunctton st Mid»

ST MIDA Rea oiitnl ! I parade -Balcony

DOINI - rooms «table or parahc 40 Aotrl» II Cult rd, llinl<or__

(.«1 IvIIDl-lirlk lill A A rooms ii I

K^ i ii s| 1 s li I loJtloit *» tlirn y on I 11 Ilv IS val sim »t_

Rl 111 I) A n In sutl n - Modem II «ton

liol si s good rooms possmalon ml Janu ary I tri B. i irhami 11 M IJIIIM at

or KHJ)A (Ive Tram and Bmih llectrlp ?J lit.)»-lour room W II AILLA >_/ another I I ( lind cn 38 li L-l «t_ CJT KILDA Central Pallion*- I entleinan a (1 RI.S1DI S(1 10 roc ni. iCTfrst rdir -10« I imslion I ilzrov t li t lion St I ii la

t*_T K11 DA Midway Henri Train Bri k COT f1 1AGI tlroons elstrli Hhht ti "./week Klte_87 (itznv >t_ _ ST KI! DA ( los "Train and sp. ~\t^ tj A

HILA omfortahly fiirnistiel Apply "t.

Gr v st

Ql K11 DA ( lo« Rea h Trim -Prrity new 7 H ra i \HJ.A - Il ttlier a li meer

h «TORI J «tor« t Marti t lane ort llourkc-st ,

y r it A' 1. It vi li I IM llomk-st

OAl INSTON ST I A( IXllll 1 storiisl 11 Inlth« (^ well lihuUd Biillliii I »tt non J75 ( Hins .t__ (JW ASSTON SPRKT ll| | Town rall-OH II I

" mt \ ret, tirst «sr

an! Ha ghton "0 Hv_ alOOR \K-Chnmili h modern All I A tewlv at 1

. well fumUhcd 4 Is Iron« 1 n-ceptl k11 clin iranien a.J/1/ AIL« Sji"(,|,fc ]ty] s au

rilOOlt AK-cllriik HILA r rxvnn tllr I ilvs» J. «tullun guest iioaitl n loder 13' Q leei »I

mu K1 DAHhMORII COI T(l l'Ai ACf ond X lo vii I all liol 1 1 ih lia« gool louie

USII ItSI-ll! !> aha minier .f in Hiern

A II I Is uni Ho «es ni urta from 2.1/ to £Axl All«.« Si mau« 101 Swanston«!

""./Ill IS mil lltiise« «cviril I« a Hld II«

1 a| tolnteil ni iiiml J» } sub rbs ulva lulf A illa i liât« Ai Ills« s)m<" » lol Svtanatnn st

.\-IIIA Iii roimtrv Si) tulle« Milloinu 0

> ru ii- furnish« I ii anning sit tallon A wsk lluxlon 4 (ollinisti _ \VIS( VUVTTA-PRI MIsIS hüi, es-ciiplMl Iv 111 nlrrn Bal k rpleu 11.11« tin ali I li plv I to tríelo- s I risk Cnmiiurilil Hotel llancaralli WARRlSimL-Piirnlslusl COITIOI lov 1)

I «Ilion A mom» very clem dalntll) lur nisi I lice uunlii Mlu Al Grail W I lira billi «I _ _

\\;ARHS AMIIOOL-IIII.III as I HI MISIN to K1 I 11 Iv »! rv i n r t( Kim li ond I tiri «trvst« I st Indi I slo| storer »on ni ellar lj | Iv G S Ah Kiv r li um ali Is ii _

W'lSDSOl Britt A II I A 0 room« larg« li ir li« minuto tram H Or mt op sia

liol 1 I S3



.-ul.-l 1J) lilli. . .. , ,.w,,., ,,,

. " «IIIKIIVII I »pi milli) vvulenili j* a I 5 ro ni I ho rse A stall st ii 1 i vvstir I

dairi lliiksmlil a »ho| ilatllmse Ar "nh j.» 10/ in AH) ia»l i« a gol h i i ni A» pa u sa rill A II Hats t 70 (Ural Hi al __

I -A ARRA II SCriOS l"o URLS gol -Y, tlisolat Mil hard isltv ool itsttilr) well (uve. I « ili.llv I lid |tttl) lilli mv ti watend I v ir k at I tv it r ia hod Vrxuc.1 h II » none! vitag stall li willoi.« Ai 7 ami or

I vii tvnlti t dlHilv |artiiin.Ui will tali AA A i ensiler a v r u.o ul It >ftr A II Han

I II II Illili eil .1

Ir I ... ....

ill ill Uti .; train ....

As« nt ri i st A «I wari) tinko nu I bun» in, Q i i si _ A -II AIR AIS-I II I"« Innrlng orihanl ft I

. t« uisJI « culbitlldln.s, AC*), linn« Clarki ami Sons OS Qirtiut



? kio« potatoes, ha) onions grasses, Ac. to prrlettlon 10O acres sown down part lullliated pentiancnt water secure (enees good hollo, " , rooms stable barn Ac price £0 pir acre terms. BlitrilAI LL UROS and POHTEIl, 82 Swanston at. "A SIL!NDID IIOM1 FARM suit superior XX (amil), lu ínilea Mtlb good roads 130 I ACRES 0 acres cultliatrd, «i-aler froiitoBi 10

itaddotka 11 roomeil liouse complete stock and tionicstoud buildings, tiuâlhing perltet order, price C'DOO


. 1II1ED I ARMING -42 ACHES part cleared I fciictd - paddocks ircek frontakc -ood 3 roomed [tlntllink outhouses, 1 acre )oung orchard free-hold Prior £133 Terms- 4.25 deposit and balança. £2r) y«arl»

niRTCHNEI L IinOS A POTtTI'R S2 Swanston »t A-CAItnUM and CHI Mil ON Till S!A -

. lit/OCKS 60fl x 330(1, from £30

Terms-8/4 monfhli No deposit

Get one (or lour WFI'K I NDS and HOLIDMS A Bl 0115 11FR1- ia the BEST SAMM.S BANK UimCIAILI UKOb A PORTFR 82 bwanston st




In the Estate ot M UIOARIT 11 ITHEllS Deceased

IOT I-TWO IIKICK HOUSI.S 31 and 33 Mon bra« street corner o( O Grady street Rtnls, 13/6

week each

IOT J-DI BRIC1« ULLA ' FAI MOUTH" No 41 Ferrars place, opposite Albert park Ilailwav Station, next door to Dr. Crhclll Rent 21/


LOT t-O! WOOD III I A, "PI.Y MOUTH . No 42 rerrarÄ-placc Ubett park Rent 10/ «veek

LOT 4 -D ! WOOD COT! Ad! ' ixmmith . No 41 1 errar« place DI WOOD COTT1C1 'Sid mouth," No 370 Albert rond, corner 1 errar« piare Rents 12/ and 10/0

LOT 1 -' Dartmouth " No 374 Albert road. Albert park DP WOOD 1 ILL 1 Rent, 10/«veek


street, South Melbourne opposite the market, and No 1 llatcrloo-plaee an IRON COTTAG! ot rear ot «arno Henls 22/0 and 8/ per «veek

It is the intention of the executor to absolutely sell c« cr) lot

TOLL» ILL C!RTH1C!T!S except Lot 0

Terms-111 cash in a month Solicitors, Blake and Riggall Sale at our Real Estate Auction




OUIILOOhlV, LARG! TOWNSHIP ICO aire» lilfchl« IMPitOUti, splcndidlv leneetl sibdi«lded an I «vati rnl (creek) 1NCFIL! NT homestead, »attr laid on, ever) oom-cnienec flower and «ege talile kardent, wools!«! slabllng cart, and ma chiner« «lu-1» Now used principal!» as STUD Sill IP I ARM and for cultiiation Owner doe« not dalry but propirt) eminent!) alaptet! for dalrjlng and I 1MR BUSING AU. RICH CHOCO LIT! SOIL, with cn» coll flat» nearly all leen sown .town rngllsh krasse« Ulis IS A ( IIOICI» HtOPHtTl and reall« GOOD HUH «C Position tneiyuallcd splendid ha) rape anl barley conn r« OUNMl RFTIItAC Price, £12/10/ (cr ure An« lirra« in reuson nt 1J I cr cent.

11011 VII 11 C1 1101 II and to auctioneer, (arm and station «aluinin Paton 1 uildlngs. Ila 1 IbraJHth sHject,__Melbouriie t_"^__



IN Til! COUMON1U1ITH Onl» Hctjulres lour Inspection

N! Uti,! SOO 1CRI-S

1 Mile from Important Town oO Milos Melbourne

Beautiful Undulating Countn- Well Fenced "Ol liniS BVFN C11LT11ATFD, balance hmvllv grassed under «alua!le timber ivhlch will moe than na» the »vhole pureba* mullet

SIM 1 ND1D 11 1. 11ESÍD1 NCE,


!or llisolutc sale a» istati Moat le Hound Up HIDROIK PMll, 4-1/15/ 1CRE KrmBtoSuu

»«ole Agent«,

ST! W HIT and 11001) luitloneer Sworn 1 aluator,

_laind «talesman IO ITItabctb street_ A O E N T I. ! M 1 N . S HOME,

lastirn Subirrl lonlcnlint Station

10 roomed HISIHENCI (htuliling akme coat£2300),

lier« Convenience

Beautiful Iniit ard I lowir Gsrden, btabllng Horse nnt Cow l'addocka.

Oier 2 1CRES LIND.

¿lid) or offer



Onlv 13 mile« Mclbourn 1 mile ralltvav station

1»0 tCHI S gooil I) URI INO anl CUITT1 «TON laND 11 II house, 0 rooms, and usual outbuild inga, itcrmsnenti) ««a cm!, «til fented. It» acres rradv for Hie plough

Price, at 0 per acre, £590 deposit, balaneo 5 )ear« at 5 per cent

Till» is an I NC! PTION li, OPPORTUN!« to ac pure i goo.1 outer suburban farm

IOWA E1GLAND and Co, 50 Queen itrcct, Melbourne._

Half mil Subnet an btation an 1 Command Si|ierb InrflareaHe li ota. oí Mountains -si "pi-mon w n nu i - rooms (ja x io ACI

«enlenirs In ground« 231 x Sa') ««lib donllo (rnntakc oivncr leallig btatc, bargain, AOjO,

trims at 5 per cent

T It li MORTON and SON,

72 Swanston »trott Melbourne,

_And II >x_lHll_

1 It R 1 I. 1 II I. F


1«S leres T-RIFHOLH 6 mile« from gool nariel rail «a« and butti r faetón town IT pad du ka all »lieep proof check banka and channel, II L Ililli!, ill Li good tlwtlling outhull ün;«. 1 »in ..rtlurd '0 Alltt» Lil!UN!, a.1» pir aire,

tinus arranked

II 1 1YOOD and Co..

Swan Hill Ki rang Hog« anti

_ PLUTO Colline-strrrt. Melbourne _

A A - 4. !( Uki) FOII £-JH

?«?A. -2 airca t transi rikht out I»r the jloigh

Hi I iliuc could lie tirare I (or x.M HILSI

(1 IS-, IlLlCh, I INO a lullt» ratina« »Cation, 1 lull town»! ip tut« carr)lnk 11 milking tints 7 luddork« ftnml »lib po« in I «rlrnt «null tot

: 4 bail cu««shed »tabli loose box

Price, Onlv £720

I II 1 O li I T I II 1 It Í. ?i\- rillltll Mllf.s MHA10LIA!

liaO ACR!>

On-nl and tinton land Sih»(Aiilia! Iui| roietiiuiis.

A"! 7«i 11 RES HK.IIIJ IMPIIrtl!I>~ rich

«olcnnli soil «Ith »ilendid blatk tilt» mit ..bin (or lucerne laO atnai of rultiintton every arn t leans] »eil f ntct! with »heap proof fencing good 10-rxmi I bous, «vattr laid in ilsir), mau'» hut

»talle »onlílieil (»Ith pod ires») ili.Tp.lard« all lu thorough order |vrtniantnt ruunliu. water 4 lillies from »tatio i i mil from »c1 .»ni lambed 1 «io t« ra, anl raised fat lauba laat )rar Price, a.7

¡.er am

lal 011 II ONI Ma» aillo 21 -fl, .A JO, 31 31 «fit lo bprncrr »tri, I Hrlbouine

I - ICIH-S 10 Pltoni 1IILI (,OA(. CON .»A. ( FUN i rtbard | g» pcnltr) i mile« II S.

»nu Ural ria»» fruit inca I car» g ino.iii capon »I plia growing cro|i» i lie ' nunnet! I oust, out

baum«, eiunsiti ligk'" |oulir) runa. Prlrc limliidr» 2 tu«» f »u«a loar l^u puullr), cart, liamnta, farm tinplemitita), 4.00t), di|walt b)ia| le«, Ou i III« n »trta t _

Aim» HW niiniAd MAID FinwiNii,

30 milis eil« handv M Hool mid II station thocolate und I latk »pltndl II) grastet! till III (or plough, largi ruimliit, tretk, seicrul I iddotka

gtimi Bloomed hems tutliousrs AH/10/ acre, i.Aa) di pavait S) aplry IS) t»uieii strrtt

A-hOO-WI! HIP SU IMP-DO li Rl.s 7leh

. blatk sol), ni H s ja urn« ploiikhed II) acre» pot«toe» in lal kood gras», N111 5r 11 II HOUa!, comiilctc tutbulldiu.-s, miall urrhanj,

it A gift at £1000

II! IA IRD Mil HA! L, 63 (¡uri n »tn-et

A CUES IS-' Tarago Rt«cr .frontage permanent,

water, turt rilli rlvu ftalj with good 'than!, lulu« ata! line;, itlthln quarter mile rall «tay »tallon l.lppslaitt line -1Í50 lu )iai« ttrms, largain to worker caivtbl grrut Improve went Chus Jt_ 11 ill _4 i«_loJHia» alrei I _

"A"lH!.S bfl, flrreniliorough kooil grirliig, will «.A. »lalrnil humrstrutl A.7 am, 4.150 drpoi I krnulm »arrillre l.iml-rll ion (Juren at _

ACHI.S 210, n lendid »a ii will improicd pinny

»iil.r, gio! honman ail (sil ia), a..1/10/ Jatkson ami Itijmond, Uiirnli Tasmania_

lit!» 80 l.n«T»borough goa»! grarirur well k minn.I homutral Al «n Alf») .1.pindi, k nulnu »airillte 1-imU-ll HOlJiuuiH

Al I1HIT Pilli«. 3 Mlus. Tram and nêàTh."~S

Mina. Station -Choice D I». 11 n 1 ILLA, slate rio!, luo m»,mun ««Indowa, containing n larue an I lofty rooms iraslihoiist pantry, Ac , largu open lark, «nallliule, »II« tiled iiat'u, arl halt «ard, lead light» AN AUHOLUTI ¡iiFT,

£715, eaiy ti nu» Dinlop anl Hunt, City

JIHvl P1HK-MODIIA lllllüi» Ulla""" S I irkc rooma, brlt'i stables, t lust bearii, 4mlii

Irani und Iruln 4J x l.o

ellon lenni

CONRIIK anl MOHLI1, luitioneir, IS) quien liri et _ _

V1R!ni Pilli» 11 right «I (i.iiv,iilmt Hraih

and Park tarli I. 1 II la, 7 moins 11 tiiiicnit ni e» 1050 linns Arnott! IS «'lisna!

Al II! It I I'lilli AtuM -HU (Oni(ll,"ft

rouma I mitiuti frnni tram ml hand« lo »lut li ii Hilliard» and ( i, 1 >« liri Ipurt «i

A I Ililli l'Util a.7a-laalclv HI lirlik al 111 I A, 1 room» lib I nior rai«« gani n aid ' minuet, good aim t Ulthanla an I ( ti, lim llrlii, arl «I _

Allll IIT PARK, AÎ80-W II IOTIAO!, "li

room« tint to truni and train »bli »trr t lib linda mid ( i las llrhlport at _

lill! IU 1IIDDLI I UAH Hiring SiatiiuT »V I ark-S| Iriulld Irlik HI,slD!N(F n room» ? I s tri« light Ali», (1 nwitia Í.0V. llalla uiieiit,

Mid Iii pari »lal Inn

A IPIIINI.rON, Poikilui látale rio« Stutliin «i\ -I hobt lill« sirn miilotklngr'trrjltu,

nMTU muí rli.r from 20/font dil.pmli pim,, Munliri) an! Dram 17 «>u III «L, lundi hanlin.

All M "" C I) " 1 " ~1, - |,

lu Hut birril, (.Inn- to bl al Inn

HltKli lll.ia spion lldl) nulli, ti It mm« At

Und V) « I a) Prlu, Al wo Ina« Ti mu

HO ( HOST HW lill« und In, lu I lulu 11 4.1 , IW l|uoen tint

VlllllDMI li.niIKII r I (iHi«uilinil«"»liïrit, -A -billen Uti brill Hill 1) rixmi« mr« . m

«rnltnii lalasklionn, «¡i AlJOO Al mid mid lo

l8 I, lull »t

AM HT! 11.1 1 nlon rd -linaine»» MI I',~"CM

110 d |in>|t 11/ mimili i to Inttresi Slum .on, niiillmiri r Nnrlh Mi Iii unit or lo al uguie« "A M'l NIAU -lluiimilo» ion lill» n ?*..-, » b ni 4 minnie« from mil u ».txi mil W 1 I mlir 41 I I illina»)

\8P!NDM1 thal t Atat (li »ml , 1 ,

al Y III DI lis Ifl It li,,,,, Wah I, "lag,,

11 1 I Ollln 411 Ullina ,1

,0*1 llOlA III 11,11 rs siAtantlall) i-onMrutil ?t\ Irlek lill 1 [I linn mini« u«|lull t nula

tiiirt iarn laigiln j.1 Ui ( numil TuchiH I Jill IViIlinait


AS IDFAI HOME-About 100 Acres

and -?- Includiiih

1 ARM COMBISTD-7 Acre» Orcahrd,



Near Sir John Midden a

To bi bold a» a

COAIPI FT1 ( 01 V(, CON( MIS, Inclusive of IA5>rflUI HOUSE H'HSISIUSGS.

(ven an atrcnt cannot odcqiiatelv disrribo the de light« of this GLORIOUS «-IASID1 R1TBI A I Tu tlurouhhly upircclato that stilcment you II need to view the retrospect of la) ui d country fruin the lookout over house rill RLSIDLSt ( contains S lofty rooina- rial room«-with itadligiit doors ami windows perfect in even respect tiled 1 earths ind grates, ciscment and bay window? complete bathroom consemtorv frrmr) water laid on to kitchen, bath and wiisliiiouse Wc oro »ure the hous aiotu could not be built for lesa than ASDU I ntl) hedge» and pardens surround the homcmttid and a pim drive of 100 lard« Iel is to entrance mtcs. Till COMI LITE Fl RSISIIISGi. arc most thorough iiincipol large item« being piano (cost Ato in hiighind) pianola (cost AJ8) music cabinet and roll» (co«t ASO) drawlngroom »ulte (cost £25)

llitini. It suite (cost CIS both I) plccia) walnut frame», suddlibahs and luther respectively bed morn sulti massive walnut (cost A_" nil recel| ia t» «hw) ruralshiiur« t-oiild not iicawibly be re Idlccd under £S00 lill OUTBUtLDISt S ore most lomi letc-loose box stables coachhouse 2 hal Hheds dairy cow bulls men a quarters hame»» room poultr« houses, vards runs Ac PIJIMA SENT WAT1 R SUP1I1 dams, iron tanks 10 000 gil lia tank m ver filling KA F STOCK f ARMISG IMPLFMENTS CHOI'S Ac can onl) be summarised 1 ere but we hav« complete inventorv -4 cows 110 sheep 2 pig», «i lendid horn, 200 head jvoultrv some prize birds 1 incubator« and all com I letc paraphcmulia for ixpert poultrv forminh 1 ae lolatocs, 1 ' ac us-sorted crops-lu fact obsolutciv cvervthing for profitable in 1 progressive working of the cítate ALL 1U_U)\ TO STAR! OPLR ATlOSs from ti e moment of poasr-\«ion on 1 no outlay require 1 Scarly every item throughout, for the most part i» v irtmlly new tutving I eon in use onlv for about 1 month» (or A RITIRJTJ GI NT! FM IN HTA AllTtCIIANT or anvbody willi litsitiCNi caiiacttv who could work the pltoe a« i I ARM AS!) TOI RISTS RliORT w« nre san guim that til« imposition onlv need* fnspecting ti 1 the result ia cusllv predicted

I rice £1800 ASoO co«h bal ince 10 yearn. Sole

og« nts

I ATI10RS CROOM and Co rwonlry land salesmen .13 Collins street opposite Coll a. Tel 7 39 k


HF VOl I/lOMNr for a m\tn rnovrvcF?


2 mile* from rl\ Btn I** tnilra from Melbourne tooti Hprlcultiirjl and (,rarjnf- land Mark Atti an 1 ritli rlvtr flau jHrmnnontlj watered bv frontage to rlvir siihstinttilh fcncctl hm»c of 5 rooms do ta ched kite! rt. Hable outbuildings and Minali or

A K OROSM-NOll and Co

Stock station und l*and SalMin.-Mi

COI ! rS^STHH-T ? -MU HOURNr W \1 I It O M I) It O U 0 H r s


4K> ACRES undulating eountr) rich I lack and ihocolatc soil fcncctl wire nettlnh HIIKHII led into »pad lot ka 4'ACRKh under Oils TO ACHI2« I eos "0 ACHLS Potatoes Ac OUI II ARD in full bear it h WITIKID bv j ermnnent «pringa superior HOI Sf ( i leoma) situated on main road do«. t> |iost olllec i rramorv school and eli ireh P1UI ( £" ! er tere tenr» orr ti gcil (xtensivc plant and stock iptlonal at valuation

Fs G 1,1 s H and 111 A C K IA 1 1. L

lXjl ITAIUK-BI UJHSG til fjlzabcth strict


. ISO OR GILA/ISG PRO! OblTIOS splen dil district 11 mile» city »na ACRES freeholl practicallv fAfltl ACItl RIADA FOR PLOUCII und r good sole of gran» I orman-ntly watered 1)1101 OHTS POSITIV ( 11 USKSOAA-S 2a0 acre» rfehci-t block toll 1 alance nearly nil first quality gnr la paddock» Mil I10MLST1 AD cf modim design cintaining 0 room», stalle», frcdrrom mi chlnery sjicd« 14 rl ill cowshed »liearing «lied rilo Ac ( enuin« rea«on for sale Tlllii IS IS A DISTRICT WIKRI- AAI II AA I 111(1) AU OUR KAES SO IK KSOW AA1IA1 III AR( TALK ISC AROUT ASI) 11 IS A BABGA1N AT X10 AC HI i.1500 cash balance arranged

D STUART DAIS and Co Auctioneer» and

Fann Salesmen 2rA_C__llln« strcvt_


well fenced ri) aire» in crop 4 air H orchard »atorcd Iv crrek» and dam« Will, ( ARR1 » COW S ( AMI 1 1 mile school and |ost ollie- 4 roomed I o i*e kitchen «table, cow sheds Iced house .lair) Ac

Price, A» 10/ 1er Acre a-TOO Cash Balance lasy

SILSClS 100T! vi ! Co 1"2 Bourke street Milboun e

A. _

n0 acres absolutrl« one ol the most reliable farm proisrtir« wt have iver offered lindulatilis lan.! trefoil knee deep on flat» sup. rior t> roc tni-d homestead stable» is «tall») inachittry sheela, man« qiarlei» price, -IO 10/ per acre





Close to larg« market town perfect climate no drougl ts never too vvet, overage rainfall -sin ,

i) roomed houir cal Ita! ontl uiidinL,».

1 rio, Atlj 10/ ¿rood ti to«.

t«X) Al Ill's

2_ iioiir» tnmi At 1! urne » mflr« from ralrwov quarter utile from ri h >ol and I 0 h "x1 lion i*tcad lim dilry uni n llkmg vard« riuuiing ivaur (.per iiuiufil) A-ACRIIlir JLA IO/, ivis} term»

Anotlrer "O) At HI'S tlo-a to ulxrve the bent carrying i roicrtv In illstrht til 11 t nn«.

I «r lunler pailit ulam arah to roi« apst Is

WAI GOOD an I (o. Modini-cliiinLi-i II" Col

lin-stretl «ni at Kvneton uni Qi amlutook_

A A A A A COLAt DISTI llT - lust to hand ¿\ i ni lot of I ROI I RTILs tor S Al I, in .rea« 11 su 1 all iiircliser« «uni« with all im I it vemcnls tiber» all li provem nt« lo do giving Mivir« a gx-l opportunil) to bl) it low rate« ai| rise tie vail with ini| reveniente. LAU. AND liXllv nilUll ( It Ol It 1 tSl

I SMITH N1COLSDS and (X1 ITA ITD (D P Si au (ion r) (ann and | ropcrty alt-onen -^ Bourki strcel, Melbourne

». -DAIRMSG IT MIMI) (ARM t.ipp»lanl V. io mil«! from Melbourne 1) mile« from station . 0 aires rldi riv r Itali« tuhdlvid -d inl» 1" iiaddmks all Ululer 1 nallah hra»« and clovers, t\u | Hine potati land vldd I. ima per aire ltkla liecli ililli««ted Till« | rupert) will easily milk IO» law» all tt year hood " r house, lo lal! cow slid stalle« |ih«tlc> and oller out lulldltg« I rl -c jLII/10/ |Hr air« »mall deposit, balan t 11 s iii Alix lilli 1 Qnenst,_

"A PPl.l for lartlmlar» of HOUSES Anotáronla*. ¿\. sii.pi Invn-ttn nta, )ar-"is.t lis! C J and

1 Ham toi Collin, «t

i li HOS l o dock Highst Pis-Mon SHOP a \ an I Allot 11 post olll i alilrc hall uall»lu«r nil Wott an I Bastings, auctioneer _ A LITIOS SAI U «stl IH-c lil rbarnbury park -V Ulan ~l»x» itihtilllTnt lilli sITft» two minnie* fruin riilwa) station Nicol Miller _ C- IA 1 11 li 1 1 1) TO O li D~l. R

. Queen Ann AILLAS, other design« email iliposlt, tálame casi r.nt term«, 3/ wet. each £10), inures! 5 1er rent-, or cash ASO) to Ces» lice mutinied booklet Country con tract« cash onlv DUNLOP and HUNT 11 I Ilia, liethsl I hou, 1001, Central, am] 1395, City. Open till 0, _ _

BAA I ltOSTW.l ra x It» right on t .aclt St

Kilda Hrl.hton tram route, road nudi, largaln_ti flin STOIC Armadale ____ _ Bison i ml* Sab of risld nilal and'fûsli ra«

. Ill Of IvS i rand A irvv («tali, I enitrce G ill), Ikixlig D\i_ BIRI tis¡. -III LAS ~4 roonu» £2H) i rooms

Al i ti mm« IAJ> rent tentui buy Pre valU, 12- Qieunt_ ___


A Mill -»til Rav «I li lattatr

Th DI Al Allltis PARK S iw Available,


Ircntitigtle fsilitule (rituuav pirud«, and

Oiln-r Sinst»

His« o U-iv III sISISsS sm.s

Trum» run thro iglt ti e i Uti II« m «t Interest in. on I btaiittful i art of tin Lav « plctur-«i lu «rea on I lilian I vi sr« I omi« IO year«

( tt plans trun li ( A ILV atti Co Cltiutvi rhaiulera J5 tJplllns-atreel ___

BLACK ROCK Half Moon Ita) -Pinn Building;

H1T1-S i braih Al ile|milt, 10 t inouthly 11vni W I Aal Iw Colliusst

BOS'lllir-Ilaitliioiiii I ile V. HILA llomt, S

larp ruins gar len (mil tri« s Ac hn,o nick Alt*.' Crain) und Sambell t_i colllna»t _ _ "liÜS lill T«. Ilandv li Sialloii -Pomforlablo 5 ».» ronnel (DPI A( I cur) .unvenli-nie lor limber lunluiiar» i II Brock 3L Ci Ulna al

Í>0\ Hill -Siw QA HI LA,'A room» "ni"«.

> position ever) i ottvetiii nt e eloa station V) x lui) A4 5 hilton ip stall II

BOSIIIII -li II A 111 A liront.» lonietTHnce»,

i Igli 1 willoh J »cn AIOO Sutton rp «latlon ______

BOA lilli -Mugiilltieiit IIIXHIv 1 mri»*~iil-Jri

I» »li Ion v li u un« ir pan-til i.315 linns II (an> hiunii 11 «lalltli_ Bit ~l (I "li I il S

Tram, Hem! (Siolcn (\>rncr ( harmlns


9 rroins, «invenlin ra care,,.' If« x lfti

I I losltlv« Koli (lu ip

(RAMv M AUTIS, 175 CVillin« strict

BRHIHTOS 111 Av.ll -CVriinolloiw Alllu~ïtïSÎ

DI St 1 IO r «ou « hltihcu Au gontl brick .tabling «ni haran . asnlialt« cn irt lur.o grounil« in IV«li» s) rubl n and (lower iranien

dnu to Lath uni baili« ellis 1 ORRlsil II an | (o IA (Jueeint AA li All ARD und co, li

Quin st

BRU in ON - Cltolsi Building AHOiMFST.

in till pitt» I lim illitrlit M II Allnul in I Co Jl Queen «t

BlUtmrON - Aloleni I rick A IU A » r otu

I erin I or Irr motor gararrt I II Inuti inn doe bru li lanl "Sx It» cot« tonnor «i I

Ali. vi Mi K11 lltlithtott

BlUGIims'- i.eiilin mi KI k IIIJIIDI st |

14 roui« letli I r I i I r i v li nn v Hid d si Inn I a li a, ») IViui ir at Uhr I MIHI IIHJil i

IJRKlllliiS - li II A 11,1 A 8 ri.ui« all c

I» vni II is «lill r of land 71 v IV) bailly ti iln nu» Cot nor ml lllorl ililli Bright i

BUK II I OS S v tri k Hill RLSHIISlI "

l n all 11 11 l ». s| I i II I i <. I .HI i Al «0 I r i I Uf r.1 M I Brlgli

H HU lill A C1 « Uri I l-u», II t Hil is

l I lllolli nts s, II a I III ! lill

II . st

.Jllll K HILA Hawk»! im II rwin «catii I

JV * (ml fail! fr Han« I i.s »n ) \

III 0 x ti I) x li 11 x 1 ii «a iilu ii val i I A mil um .tallon 1 li in it nu II v 11 I I li


BUlHtS or Tenant» should Inspect PROrFR

Tll'S in Hie hind« ol John Buchan and Co , auctioneers, istatc agtnta, J2a CoUina at , Mel-bourne, op Ki|ujtuble__. C~~\ M 11 1 It W ELU


Biirkc-road 20 x 100 upwards £3 foot

BUILDING: Al I OTÜ1 NTS 4 mina staUon,

40 «: 100 41/ ft tirm» 2 vears

_AKNOfl) and (xi, l8 qucou-sl_, OAMBFB11 ILL, Splendid 8 per Cent Unck In

«estment - TV o |wlra solidly built semi

ilel-ichctl brick 1 (Lias each 'a rooms, all conveni-ences alwa)« let, £725 pair, safo spec , certain


1 a ADMIS, Camberwell_ O A M n~ ! It W 15 h L,

Channing position, convenient station,


0 rooms, return «cranuali, every convenience, land lill x ral Immediate pouocsioA, £050 __ ARNOlDjind Co, l8 queen-el_ CMiniJHllHL-Gtntlemán« nrtlatlo brick;

VILLA, S rooms vestibule, croquet, femer), ' ncre allotment, sntriflee, utgent sale necesaari, offer jGirjnmi II Tuckttt oat Collin» nt._ /?»IAMBI K11 Hala.-SubslmUal brick VILIaA 7 a-a room» firle I stabling land 85 T 175 £7 0

cas« Jenns lohn llamsa« and Som, ¿\1 OolHns «t

0.11111! Rll ! I L -New brick 1 ILLA, 7 rooms,

splendid position, ciery convenience, £t,o0 Creamin and ( o 4P Illiabctb st ____ C1 A N T li R B U R Y,

J Tlie alckno» lodged Hcatity Spot of

Melbourne s lo-cttiest buburb, no«v in Bubdh-islon,


£2/10/ Deposit, Balance £1 Monthl«

RLjht on tht Selcctctl ! LI CT1UO TRIM ROUTES



70 Swanston street, Melbourne, Auburn, and

_ Conttrbur)_ N T 1 R B U It Í".



ItlblD! NU

In iieritct order

Confalning io room« pantr), «ia«h!iouse, hithronin. and c«ir« otlur con«rnlencc scurrcd lt««ns, tiltil roof, tlotc to two station«, 1 in I tbO x "02

PRICE £2000


_372 Ilourl e streit IhJbournc_T ti 009(1

apt INT I Rill 111 Canlcrbilr« -1 refined modern

lion» lnrl ULLI tiltd roof artistic in design comfortable in umngrmrnt, U fine roam», tutrfiill« decorated acre land lawn und gardui,


DI NC IN andJlILLITl 07 Queen irtrcrt. _

/"«ANT! HillRl 3 Minute» Staltion - IDHI. N-> HLLIIIOMI cholct allotment, 240ft front agc 0 spadoni room« and large bathroom tu trim«, ball lead light» coitl) fittings »plmdidlv hiult and, immediate pos-aesslon tin lu liad worth c7 4) sacrificing 4.0IO ras« tenu» Dunlop and Hunt Ulllîala thjL_cit«_ C"iANriHII|T|tl "is.uretl Het-tnc Tram Route -

' (¡rani Uuliding II lol Ml VA «T \ .

i.jO/10 rath 12/10/ibiKisIt, halancc C1 montlil), oppoituidii Oimiiiell rutktti 10! Collina»! _ /SïNTHUlUtl lharniing 1 iews - IJtieinAuni

1 II la, 7 rooms Ibu aubdiiislonal block I ihcup 1600 Gemmell, Tuckitt, 301 lol. llna-nt_

/pt 1 U I, F 1 E I- 1), v> High Position

1 Minnies i.linliimtl« biatlon,

11 II lilla,

Containing s room« «irandib back and front, nnl ti.r« cumruimrc «« lier, ga«, electric light uti I tclcphoni subhf 2 loom boxes, large buggy shed, mun s room Lan 1 m-arl« 4 acres

A BUtl.AA at


NH.SON, 10OT1, and Co,

_172 Ilourl e street Melbourne Tel WOO.

CAl LFM-1 is Dandenong road, Oppoite Dcrln

road-The linest liullable IHtSAESS SITH in Caulfield lud »in a 150(t Realising Auction, lierlntttr« 1 «li Dei , at 3.A)

DI NOAN and 111 LL! R auctioneers, or DOLO las ! 1101V», laulficld_ CHILTON NORTH -Capita! 2-«lor) brick HA

blDiACi 8 rooms lialcony, «cralidah, let 2l'._>700 sound inicstmjnt _Hani. C.ii lim st. /"ailtLTON'N -ifcll built brick IHJal 7 room«

V btueslonr foundation» xSOO John Hamaal

and Son 117 Collina st_

C UHU II - lurtlon Next baturdav - I wo

(OTT 101.« or lilla, beach frontage «a t ¿«a llittin -nu! Peri«, auctioneers, llawthun

Ti! io, llawthorii____

CHHsp\-roTTM.BS lilla« Ac lAa, £17,

A200, J.22C AJIO, upwards. Ward, atrnt, op stallon Chebca __

/Till! I»! 1 -ILLOTMINTs 00 x 287, b/l w month!« no deposit last chance the-u blocks.^ Ward at.tnt, op station_C!n!»4a _

CIIM-SI'l-ll.LOTM!Vrs from x1), £1 de",

poll I ard 10/ month!), no inter»! War!, a^ent op «tallon ChelTa_ piTY and SI 111 RU IN AUCTIONá,

C1 " mil RKIa-STIH IT Glrnlworth Hotel, de

tk.mci ...Iii altired inn» 2 hlinn»

."-."02 I Il/IUITII STIIIFT-D! Shu|, rent £l"a)


-7 11 ATI It STIt! PI II 1111 RN -2 Brick 1 lllus,

s rotin» nut Í.AIUI lach

4 SFlMOUl! MINI! ARM IDA! F-Urick lilla,

7 nain» nmal «ali» Cxi/10/

1, ! and 5 LAMIIUT1I AUNUt, ARM ID ILL-3

Brit«, lilla«, 7 moms. Ac

0s) I 1! ITTIDOW N STItLET-2 Brick Q A. lilias,

I. rooms, Ac

! NOON M.niON STItlET-S Aerea, «lit sub.

/"liri, '», 1 Itcckrtt «1-U.LOTM1NT lift "m. v^ \ r"lt lim «llh blore luttlou lilla Da«. 1 anrri Igi li) I'tirru st

Cifri -PH01T Hi His, Collin«, Elisabeth nourle,

i ITindrr-t an I other streets, long tunta. 11. Y 1 ale, ib.. Collin» st__

CHI, 5.'. 1 Ilickrtl at -AILOTMLNT, Mt »

x C ft Ubi . with Store. Auttion Hu lubic

K latngrittgi 111 (,ilis n It_

Olli Uni Pan Suitable Garule

DI NI !.s land Jl ft. v. Holt A.500, , u.) trim«. _tanir« an! l«rll«,_S«an«lon «I

Gill Qui-, II «t - splendid niaOt K. Ila! x I si.

extciiKJti 1 rirk fattor«, »ho«room« an 1 nOiir-a, ii«i |rr foot. John llamtaty and bm,

117 Aillln« st




Ollltr Subuibs.

llrvitral Printed 11st No« Available.

DI' Uriel HI LI, 7 rooms, slate roof, lilli

. room pantr«, «vaslihouse, tnniglva ga» «lo« , land til x 114, J uiiuules tailw i) station, 7S lllfchrtt M liest Kblimonil, £7ai_ _^

DAlltl, IgrlciiHnml ! HIM, 111 I") lim»,

Irtin, M lied ruunltur trick uioalitali

Clarke and SCILI IH tjliet n st_ _ D ililli INI. Iliifehud - lutllon'sale-! IHM au 1

or Juni 1 1 Nik», Dciunlci II »ti tullin ailvertisuueut» Hmuta«, attttioiieir, 17 ( iiliiii» street __ _

EAST"CAluT!.HWFI I« - Auuim Sill, muí

kag« a lorcthaure 11 eilncwbn, lilli Di inn Irr, D! lilla, »pent« r i rrarcnl (htrtoti uni lla)Ue« auilinnctr, J'ai I Impel al, S. 1 irra

Ialisr 1HIII0UIAI lil Lan downe-st suhstan

-al tktl 2 «tor« Itl.slDI.NI !. an I cunienirnt poaitlnii. Auction, Ham » roon a Ttiurtala« Du U 1J11ST MILHUN llargaln fmln^siutlon \|

114 dim brill 111.1 1, S Mimi», roof i« n «jomcutcnu land 50 x 12a, moro tf rctpiiri 1 Jew»)

lxiokir C-aliltlrld Malton^_ T71 isl "li MJ« (I p O duin Parliament btimr* J-J - Aiminoilioits I rltk ULLI ti rot in« um tent. ne. i land D7 x lal), A.22.i0 Arm bl. H «intuí st _ _ _ __

EL s T I II N W I O h.

lor Pilli II! bill

Tin claim NI i isrvri,

Till» lind lu» (routages of la»! to mrlallril an 1 chaiim Uni »mrt« lrotn i>/ l.i 4'i/ | u I.. I

NJJ.SON FtxilU and_(ai_ ITJJtuirknat llrlli

El S I I I! N 11 I I lu


12 r aim' bill mil room »u«ant«' iiuirlir»,

stihling n»|ihalt tiuiilacourl. Ar,

11 nura grand sitnatl II

CHIS I0KIIIM1IR und txi I, ljueen »trcct

mirror. I mrrnianti Is hraulifullt IliiWinl

uit faithfull! billi, «J « 111, lfas,i Suliitanilil I rltk lilli 7 rxun«, pirfrii irdir. »Iibllug lull 17 a AS, multi ron! Cmlii »lullen a.7fl0 lilli , tp I Irtrttiwit!» nation Ut 1»»J. 'I honu i., Ildl.lit.iii

I^lsSTI RNllll h - llodtni (iurui Annt W11"

14 lina 0 luv rouim brantlftill) tluorutcd. £t>V) llavlei milla., Itlollinsst

ITUbTllAllinC, IToae »lution - ()urin inna JJ lill 1 li r.v ni» « «atibilb all mmlrrii li,

lings ml i-oincnlrnccs, a.u.>0, A25 drpoait Ila),

beumllii i A Collin» st

IjiLSTi 1A11 lib, ( loan biatlon - Qui ni «nu,, J-/ ULLIS 1 room», all convenient ia, htr»t lltllnga s, wrrul, £1.1, 4.25 deposit lliik-n uml ( i. I-T I nllln» st _ _ _

liM-s-U ltNlH(IK"-iTKilu bvltk 1II.U1, b gi» I JJ mun», stubllng, (ennis n uri, j aun land, A /»al lohn Ibuiltu) M7 Collin» at

.faiLWOOD -licit Srasiuo" 1LI.OTMI NTS obtilti". J-J util.-, next tram und btnelr, ibetrlc llklit, kia «uvcragi, ia«y lonna Daley, bulldir, hi« «owl_ _

TalLWOOD - No« O. A "ULLA (tiled roof), ti A-J lonini, «eatlhnli-, convtiilencc«, 111) a 150, tram route; tbaruilng bonn Ham, Collins st.

IaiSSENDON, Albion st-Comer,'to x lil¡

J A.I tlriosll, btlunrt 5/ inoiitlil) l.i ina mid Jour«, iigtnt«, lloouei Ponila

lalll'llllll Sill, «Ithltt l».rmiles (. pi) "omiL lulning 1 III n a I in I Um«. Imnlakia, l.-WJ lohn Ham»!,« 117 A Hin» »I_

171LAD1 IIS ISL1ND (luniraiiT Oniim) I \s J1 M INA - Allia («Jon» ICHbS niurli iliuibb »In o! Klug Wami and will« n« '»".'.' Ihr Um »t lliiiwlnm louiitr) in Auatnilli »' » hu

I.iirrur gr«»«.a | ol it.» j IIIJIUI. I«. """ >''«?!

mil «lair« ing n unir» 11 111 I FH I M I. II» Al III» li. ir I«»'" '"ni Ing li«'' ""'.T ,'f ,' LJKI -Ji Arnv nil!» »»'< ' i trn X») iliiip II MI»n down «lib I" ni .an« lil »he p ir ! ii.lï. inûàil Mi »u |il t «»I It irnwdr

Au. Uli UM» I «ttrl nillir ii Hi li Uni »oil lull gi »« I »'C I 111 \ I ililli

»in »I. rn ii i.r»ln « tltaju lo trin«( r lu/ la (ruin lu II nar« ">> lui« lliini i-ouii tri ina) lu a nu li miiikil lim) AllioO lit« in n »I i i in I I ii. I> l I l«iluM »r i III u l i« itMinit mu i" ia 11 lu« mr nun pi ml

t l»lai I si ul \n i Irii lint lal lu» II I

lilli I (ill IV u I I «Hil urki »I III ir I. P II ,

i lill «li! I III I I« Lill I

1,-itiU Ul "u u HA li nile lind, ne» lioina,. J lark bain !«-»! I irntnn Creik iniiik basti, I lurk«n I nain road »ution iloae, uiiliaiititiie

11 out Oat I incruld

.lol I niiliiiiiiiliiiii of I'hl.-i dum o[ Advcr«

ti.emtiiU r-to l'tkjjo 7.)


(Continued 1'rotn I'nge. 3 )

-r-IOR SALI - lCltLS C1) river frontudo 1 mile J.1 from Yarragon rniln ly station ( ippalau I ra«y term« li U Graydon, Ho«: Hill V O or S b Graydon 1 iimigon __ IT10R SUC, Good HOÜSr., 10a Allotments near

' beach 20/, gua lan Yean, ca-«y terms 1 ann m, llentoni_ arsAHDI-NVAl,!, » SIlllllU IN S V VDDOCh ' sJT I xcellent RlaOCliS for SALI In this ndmired i state-Kooyong rd , 40/, 4a/ IL, ludbrookav, 20/ 30/, Dawn ti , 15/, 20/ Apply Hun, 81 Collin» street, and ftiomsou and Collinson, Gar i!cn\ale_____ a ARDÍ NValL! -Splendid «arlety of VII LAS and

Allotment» nil prices, on extended terms. Sntalland bdwards Gardemale, 1*8 Collin» st_ GÜNTLLMANS lilli RCSIDLNCI, wcli~l»iillt

brick, luxurious') furnished, everything practl

rally new, beautiful garden, stabling, raragi, land 100 x 2"0, owner returning Lurope «vlll aacrl lice _8 Dickens st, St Kilda_ Gllbi NSIIOROUCII, on the Monty River -

Choice Holiday or Bcsldentlal SITI.S J arra blocks, £"0, terms, one fifth -ash, 10 minutes

ttallon and store«

Wil II 1 DOalll, MO Collins street (Commercial nank Chambers) __ G RP IT 1UCTION S1LF Thomhury park bastóte",

sot, Uce. 10-000 AlaLOTMLNTb, easy lenna. Jvleol ilillcr, and Co_ Hllll'TON, Cloie Train and Beach.


riled roof, 10 large tooms, cicr« convenience, 1

acre land private batitintr. box, free rai!««ay pass (1st class for 6)ears), £760 make )our own terms,

BHtNAltD MlOIIiria, O^Quecn^lrcct._ HailfPTON - Splendid lariely of ULLAS,

Buil.linpr Allotment» all price« on exeep I loiiol^ terms. Small atid Ldivard», Hampton_ HAHKSBUBN', Onl) Öiio Sllnute Station -

Dalnl) Q A VILL1, G splendid rooms beau Hull) decorated, lovely garden? £1000 Balding, o| »talion_ HlHIiSnURN, 3 Minutes Station-Brick RF

SIDFNCL (bluestone founilatlons) 7 laroo rooms, £050 Ha) Ice and Co , 323 Collins st

HAllbSnUBN-Fxcellcnt brick balconied RE"

SID1.NC! 8 -rood room-, nice position, con «enlcnt Chapel st and station, aCOaO Ham, Collin» »t_

HA 11 T 11 o n N

(¡urat's Paddock, Choice Position


Glcnfcrrio-rd., ati/10/ ft , Glenro) rd, £1/5/ ft

One tenth cash balance 3 years, 4' per cent.

ARNOLP.18 Queen-«! . HILL, Glenferrie

HAWTHORN* (UPPER), Harcourt st - Brick

BbSIDENCT 10 Rood rooms, cicry convent

rnce. Habita-, land over 1 acre, £2100, Arnold, IS Queen st__ HIHTIIORN, Auburn Ilrlf-lits -IV B 11'laTH*

SIDLNC!, 9 rooms, land 10O x 1"0, choice loaltlon, onner anxious to realise, £1050, uffir ««-anted MclboiimcjOncn, Auburn _ HAWTHORN, Bargain Speculation.-Bungalow

VILLA, 2 acres £1250, neat 1 illa 8 roon», £410, pretty 6 roomed I Illa, aUaO, terms Mor ton Auburn __ HAWTHORN, close Station, llriolcd Position,

Beautiful Hews -Brick ! II LA, 8 room« frontage 78ft , £1050 Towl.r. Glenferrie station TJ1 IDniaBtltO - Choice Building ALLOT XX ill NT» and 1 Illa» for SIL! beaiiliful view», t lose station Allard and Co , 81 Queen at

H LID! LBI R(! N , Strathallan" 1 stair Adióiña

Macleod il S - 1 argo Al laOTMl NTS i.15 long lenna Membre) and Deane, 17 Queen at., Knell, Ivanhoe ^_ H!ID!LB!Rd N, Close to station and Golf

I ink» -Secure a Lot in Hie beautiful ItOblNNA HILL EST1T! maRniflccnt views, big depths, 10/, IJ/tMnot. _!oley, llcldcllicrg

HtllH.LUr.ltC -Nearly new UBI HJaÂT" .

rooms, blkh iiosltlon. inagntlTrent vie««-«, i loe station, land ¡acre, £335 1-oiey, Hcldel Krg_ TNVE8TO**S.


TERR1CF rnONTAGF -Tcrrare of 0 solid stone

HOUSES, 7 looma each, £4700, nul» £17U

LiGHT Single fronted COTTlGhS, 1 rooms emchi

£1700, rent» £218. TWO COTTAlaLS, 3 und 4 rooms, i-800 rents £75

TIIR1K COTTAULS, catb 4 rooms, £1000, renta


HIL S F. CXJTTACLS, each ' rooms, £2M0. rents


Ttieso and many other city Investments, -bowing

from 7 to 10 per cent, net

De hate sound lu«fitments for TRUST MONEY, at li lier cent, to 5 per cent

»end for catalogue vi barms for Sale, also (or details ol Propeilcs


11 and 12 I'lltlL UIAIIHFR». PIRIb STlti ET, _ADELAJUb._

T V V h b T M 11 N T S s. I xee-utom* and MurtKaerra' Bargains

t HILTON, City LinL-lli per cent. Cottage In

«istmrnt, a.1000

II BIJIIN -T»c~«tory Hrirk Shop and Dwelling, £J.« i.'« deposit balance 41 per cent-, long ternis

Numil 1 ARM, H) arn» rich volcanic »oil ca|uble irrigation, |icnnannit «tater, subitanlial ltomrstrad . utbuildinrr«, 14 ruilr» cit) , £lb aa acre, highly ri


UM 1! I3)(.AI!, 539 CoUlravatrect, Commercial I ink Chamber»._ I NI LSTIUNTS -Tnisters Selling, Why hesitate JL «bout thine? Buv now do up, and tect your I uni l'air brick Collai,!-», »bowing 13 per cent, li-aX) !i«o Collage», high position, slowing 10 1er eint , XITOO tan arrange tenu« if requind

Three Shop» and tv,o Collage-*, forced sale, over 121 iir t.nt , tl("0 I

PltlIlltAN IIODG1S and Co (Only Ono Ad t!ir«ai), ïi!7 and 109 CHAP! Ia-STH!.IT 'Phone 24», Hlndsor Ol'LN alLL DAi SATURDAY. I'hae»

t i a lu inspect

^L_0« rt JO Years. _ INlKSTiiTNT, l-l ST MPLIIOLRNK,

Splendid l'oiltlon on lill!,

3 !11.»»IU IlRICh Rl-sIDl-NCtS,

Each S lluoma, Convenitntts 1 Rent» Caïublc Good lmreasi, i.8200

ARNOl I) and Co , l8 Qnceii-atrcct,_ .f-!. V ia~~S T M E .N T.

X Joltnalon st.. Collingwood,

4 bound IlrlcL »HOI'S,

Dwelling», lakehouse, »tabling;

Reut», £2eO executors tike £2600.

_1RNOLD, l8 Queen st._ TNILSTMLNT INritAORDLNlltl -Brunswick, X llarkl) at -".ipirb terrace 12 brice COTTAGI-S, i rooina, aeivered, let 12/u, U1U) or otter. Miller at d Bull, TO 1 lirabetb it ____ 1N11.JTMÍ.NT lAW.PllONAL, S Melbourne-3

handsome brkk HOI «1-S, reluming la)/ wcekl), nu «irparred position J ininutta nation, atiuOi) llillir_aiidjlull, 70 I llzaVili st_ 1Nl!2aTM!NTr"homtthIng Cliolee N Melbourne

-ferruce 4 ne» britk COT! 1GI"S, alate roof, »1 owing excellent return, £I0eO. Hiller and Bull, 70 Hhabelhat_ IN!LStM!M, llind-or - Tno «olidly con

»inn Hil COlTAd!», 4 naomi, reluming «US li a., opportunll), aUM), recommended Gemmell, 1\u krtt, 301 Collin« »t__ INU.STM1NT, Heart Cit) - Handsome brit*

BUILDINGS, bhop, !actor). Office», CO x W, notais,, truant»' «ale, aV.lJ,HOe> Gemmell,

Turkett, SOI Collins st _

INI LSTMKNT, Richmond -Three two «tory bride

SHOPS, excellent teiianU Uni chis «hot ping «nitre, genuin«) ilivrjlmcnilloin, S>| Colllr-s-st.

1NAIS1MFNT, Moonee I'ond», lllsh Position-2

S I II COVlAllhs cadi 4 room«, ««ivcni

«mes i.5îpa _i.t0-.__leauchainp_310 Oolllnimt INI KSTAIF NT. IO Minute» II P O -J I tick COT

l'U.KS go«l orekr, rent« 1.97/10/, l»argaln, i-l____> ll_ 1^ rovvlcr, _»ii_tl_Mi__^jW0 lallin«_st__ 1 NI ÛiTMi NTS -ü'raai-iivc I rick SHOPS i.110 - 4.1M), _ maailia I rick »hop«, «.91, J-llOO 4 li aitlvo . »lory, ¿113, i.1400, mua roule Horton, lui um »tallon _ ____

TNIKSTML.N., IO Per Oent - Pair brick COT - TAHhS, I room« gool order, rtnlal 21/, bar htln i.010 Grant, op. Al Itulvor «tation, IVI B"_ 1 NI I S'IMI NT -A splindld line uf brl.k HOUSIÏ)

.*- «lose trata, rent« i.l_, }ricc, 4,1450, oceuro linn quickly laym, asint llruusvriek _ TI ANIIOK High and Health) Building Position, ?i- Cuiivcidint biatlon - Al-UTMJ.NlS u) x lui and larger, from 17/0 It C. di|K»slt, i.3 «tuirtir Plans «Vc , Arnold and Co, auitioueers, 1» Qticin st _ _ _____ TI INIIOI, in the Mo«t (liurinlng losltlon -li 1Ï J- I ILLA 0 Luve room«, hirdtu, \ am., 1000 « sv Urins._I oley, liunlmc_ ii INHOI -lall or write Tor plans our great

«.lullon Hull ling l_Tb, lu/, 12/6, 16/, 1 it A)/ !oot_upw«rd«_I oliy,_jviuhoc_ __ TIANHOF-Call cr vvrllo tor particular. .L A1U,AH-:. room« 1375 £400, £.50, JUX), n rooms, i.500, 4.550, Í.5SS, J.0OO, upwards. Foley,

lv jiihoe

"I I ANHOr - A our Choleo on the Charming J Valley Vuo Kr Uli, trand position. Milli and Icililiy ila«» In station from 20/ foot, i-IO de 1-ill bilinco 6 pir nut,, S years, Plans, lim II, Lilli ot__ _ 11 VNMih- l.tntain-ll Allia AUOT-I.NT, 80 J x 160 opp station, 4./ loot, easy temi»

huci! Ivanhoe_ __ "TI INIIOI -riila Will Pica« \ou-HUthlully -I- built Q A A IMA 0 room«, vestibule, eua sinatory, »tabling, -WSJ_Knell li-ajilioc_

T - Graud Mew hslate, Fcrntrisi Gully, Near '' , Slallon, I/ivoly Ale»» - Sale, Boxing Day -_ "A"etio_ ' Satur-y'a Argu»_ KIN0 1SLIND IvIVO ISLAND - ko Drought«,

FTIMI«, or Itabbiu, Itaiufol!, Illn -Al onden lil Dairying, IVillcnlng, Potato LAND, 500 aerea,

I intli» Jetty, main road, «¿/J, 400 Aerea, Alca, towt, good land, -.160; MX) Acre«, dora Past I cut Jetty «ile, rich Land, £200, 250 Acres, bett tim! cr country, 25/ acre, 100 A cr it, similar land, « 125, 100 Acre», main road close Ourrli, £M>, li vrara terina. Freo Illustrated booklet UcUibli)

Inf irniatlon

CRANNY anti S.AMURI.L 325 Callina alreot, and

IV ft,, end il Position. LAND 13. x im,

lleautlliil Motlim Drik A Illa, I) I Inon», -Porte« ty Fitted and Decorate , i-l »JO.

Vi o. cRosniii AIn. und <».

_.Au.tiouecrj.f-e., O.Ji«ie_ii .street_


2-2 ltooin», Ml lotivvnlenii». Btalilliiii.

Und J Acre«, i.-*». _.*-»'" _*>,';,*»"}ir C'1"

ARNOLD and Co u18 Quen sine!. _ _ KLWr'CloM Huirle Tram Route-bupçrior

A ILLA 1 result», comtiiliiue», large allot

turill, ila) di posit, balam « «a»y. SlrandipirU

Ki vv~s,.l. i.dl.l Position, .1 Illunie» llirker S'l»

' ..,,''-tJi.fJ.uM) Ll.slDINCMJsia

. lou« loom», mrv IS.HVI,iilui... sul.lli«. iraní««, l.rgiin. 1.2J»» latlii.rl.l-.«. 1" (.win »I

KUI', splendid, lilgli l»««*Uli»ii - l.eiill.inaii i

briik ULLI, I" room«, pirdct ordir. I» (u \ 151 ft ¡ bargain, 1105«) JolinHoii, lv«w »Ulura.

Ki.W, Ilir«« Minnie. Milloo, >I'««« .'1,,,lilül> ,*

.Vvv ¡) I bluk I H LI, » mum«, I ledron

I uirc, ruin'ni In li«»"1 .lolinston, Ko« station Till ti« I I« si Ai «uillll« I lN't> l"7ft X HKt

K' .vim.1,1 .ílvld,) splindll ihn , lor ipiltl,

».iii, ../ fool lui n«lon Iv««« slut!, ii

|«_*INl. ISLAM» , l-l MIL <r l.i. . Ti«) ii» Al III s spl. mild tin i iiumlrv, rlvir rum

through inopirty. I ¡''.¡li '".'i.1"*-..'* *\t"^L,,,."L'"

rop» l.rtti« <n iipplli'uiliii ' """" irensdiis M ALAI UN st m Iv brill,

prailliui. mar «i Ullin, ti lairlllis-, i.ll.1. W. I l"



lUtU.OÎI i

.»I AMI UN brill, lil sll.l M I pl.k.d 111 po«liliiii, mar «idliiii,.;iv.i. i.2l»Xi -

»ai rlliis-,

( ullin« s. ., ,

AI.VPHN I*\s-| N vv I'll LA. 7 room« lilnl

roof; Uli p.» in«», .le. lib llhht. laud fox

»w, i.«» lisik.r, l milli Ul.

It TALA I UN, heilird si -Vital II ULLA, 7 M lùoiii«. «suivinletiie» -i) x 160, good order!

J..W, HiauelianiPi '1° UllluaiL



Pit Illili V HOIJGI S and Co (Filubll h ti (Jier a) Irar«) 10 and 1(11 eli IPI I SI 111 I I

WF Hill POSintlll Nfl 01111 It ADDRFSS.


lHUSTLb 3 RAM 11 10UR DOOR, lew Minutes


1 Igbt Magnificent liooni» Ali Litest Ippolnt

mints lliroughoiil,

Tiled Hearths ( rate» Mirrored Mantel«, Ovcr

mantcls I cid lieht Door» und Hindoivs,

li reel iln Lniimcllcd Balli

Ho Imito lour Archil."!t to Inspect,

ABSOIL C11 i A GUT at £9-1 Wc Ii Arrange

Terms. Other» £1100 £10uO C100O


llithln bight of the Station


Six good room» glaaicd in back verandah, sliding windon», nice launs and gardens back and front, fowl nins, nrurly 200rt deep room for carriage

drlvo at »ide,

Mirrored Mantels, Tiled Heart!» and Orate» Picture

Mould Grille (te , all In perfect order

DON'l MISS THIS CIIANC1 Inspect, and lou'Il

Bil) £500 £50 deposit, balance, rent terms


A Lil I TIM!, Time Minutes Station,

.Hell and lalthfully Built light roomed BRICK I ULLI 1101H, Bluestone loiindatioiw,

Stable, coachhouse nice order throughout,

£900, Hc II Finance lou

'Phone 219 Hlndsor ilircc PlutetoitH to Inspect,

Open Saturdiy Afternoon»

307 and 309 C31APLL-ST 'Phone in and we will

call on )ou.

MIL!ERN, Handy Train and Touching Tram,

Picked Position, Admired b) Melbourne a Leading allcliitect Corner Allotment -Beautiful Queen Anno ULLA IIOIIL, 8 large, massiic, and tastefully finlihcd rooina, 24 \ 17, 2! x 10 and no on, dome and p-inol celling», large loadllght doora and oicrdoors massiic mirrored mantels and oicrinanteis, tiled hearths, grates be , electricity throughout, large, room) verandah, spaclona half, fernery, gardens, lavin», o«er "Oft frontage, only £1025 Ask »ole and on!) okcutat Prahran IIODGbS and Co Our only address lo IM and 3CJ Cliaptl itrcct, 'Plionc 2(8, Windsor Phaetons to inspect Lst_o«erJ«l_)ejirs_

MALI"! UN Chance of a Lifetime - BcanUIul

I) F I) VII LA 1 rooms, lest position, llattlctree rd , alongside trains und train, land CO x 100, garden, launs, and paths, every com cid cnec, must nell at once, this ia a special pro pert« and a sp.dal bargain, onner going a»a)

40 Wattlctrccrd., Martern, or 213 Swanston« , ililboumc _

MAU 1RS - Bride VILLA! 8_Toom»7~Queni

Anne, land 70 x 176, lovel) position, near station,I £075, very easy term» Allan, ltuascU,

Co ,_435 Collins st_ __

MALVi UN 1 1ST -Choice Corner SIT!, llattlc

tree rd , corner hingston st, electric tram route, luction llama room». Thunda). Dee II

MlHUtN-lïnc block LAND, llnttlitrec-rl ,

close Glenferrie rd 31 x 123, £0. Cami) and bell), 61 Snaniton it

M Alai MIN 11ST -Handsome tiled roofed 7

roomed brlrk 111 LI elaboran I) fitted Ideal position II x 130, £!KK>, terms. Miller and Bull. 70 lliiabiithat_ MAI URN 1 1ST Undoubted Localit) - Two

Uno IlLOCllS 00fL, 70fL X 141(( , 50/, casa linn». Clarke, ISlJIIgh-ec^ldaUeni_ "Jl TALI HIN-WV) HOLS!, 8 room« conCêiiT .a-'X encca. al out 2 acre». £1000 Clarki, 1J4 Illili st, Maliern Open all Saturda)_

"\rif.VI RN TO THINK 0!» IIOllB M'IINO ."-»XALttRN. |S TO THINK 0! HODGhS Oldeat latabllihed Realty lirm South of the larra


liaU }ouneIf of our »crvice» Sec our Ibg lllg 11st of lioi'crn Dwelling», Homes, and Investments. If «vc cannot suit yon nilli what s airead) erected, »e will dest-rn and buiid anynhere to «our own liking SU. OUR !\CLUS!!L DESIGNS. Greater satisfaction obtained b) building and haling your cxatt requirements Let us adiiso )ou.

\ou Get H hat lou liant, Not WHAT'S GOINO

Plcntv of Und to Select Horn

llODGlS an I Co (ROBfcltT 11 HODGES),

Op. MALI lil»! ST1T10N (N011H1.11F- LLSt)

.PHON! 1169, MILVrRN

SCO Plans and Photo», to choo«c from See our Buildings now being erected TO 01IDLR in Ma! vcrn and Prahran districts

Special Financing, 4j Per Cent, to 3/ In the £109.

No Valuation Ice or Legal charges

Interview us an) cicnlug He'll lie pleased to seo ) ou Rcmemlier ONLY ON I. HODGES and Co, op Maliern »(«tlou



!\QUisrn, .utrisnc 11011h.

Corner Blotk situation, T1L!D ROO!, larg* re turn vcraudah, » lar-,o and inipotiug rooms, 25 x 10, 13 x 21, mirrored mai tels, tiled hcurtha and grate«, lncanileuent lltbting, to»cr, UlKOhJi, 1.111NS ILHNLltl, tram back and freut, tlosc

Three Phaetons to Inspect.

'Phono 1152 Maliern

MA I, V 1 It , \

-Let us point out. Hie property to «ou from the station, £3eaa talcs it Ne» Queen lune ULLA. 5 rooms benian hall, mirrored mantels, Ac Oilers, a~1», ilCO £|ji>, £I7S, moitl« ex tlusiul) in our hands mi). »ictlul terms, J/ In £100 and 4} per tint

IL 0 II G E S.

Opposite Mai«em Sealion.

One Iddrccn Oula No II anthea.

_Thone 1159, Mai_ _ -\ TALI HIN, 11 itCHLl.SS MALI I ILN -AVX Gentleman's Superb lltlck Q A 1I0UU S large rooms, artlatleall) deigned 1 v lea lim. arch!

tcct, mott handsomely finished tiled bathroom, enamel bath, lath lealer, all undir one roof, »air rounded b) charming garden V endar only built this 13 menths^ago loinnalsor« realisation C8 x luO, more land if required, £llaO. Isk txelusiio

"SCa HODGES and Co (Robert II Hodge»),

OpiiorKe Maliern Station One Iddresa Only

'1 linne I11J Maliim_ Phattons to In«pect_ T\f ALVtltN. 3 Ulna. btatlonT 1 iectrlc Tram«, .LIX laolt). High Position, Surrounded I y Hal

icni'a Best I'emes - £G"3 hu)« lrandmw ti roora, tiled rool, minori-el mantel», tiled hearths At , allotment, 65 x 142 Hedge» and Co (Robert II

Hodge» auctioneer), on Mallem itaüoii Phone 115J, Maliern. Olio addrc.-a only. Open all day

Saturdi) _ _

MLLIIOI UN! - Ssien »ubilanilal brick COT

?TAGI.», 4 room», bath, producing £200 )tarl), co») tenrn. £22uU lmold. N Meln._ M INTONE. " ON' Til! ULA.

tlilAP A!I0TM!"NTS, AH Trices.

I'll II! Heights of Doier Slope»,

PluinmerVroad and Mentone Height«,

Onl) £3 deposit, extended terms. Plana,

^MllaL and ! DU ARDÍ Mentone, 178 Collins »L MIDDLE, AI B1.1IT l'alllhS. Facing Park, SÜ

lion-ilagnillecnt brlik HbslDhuNC!. » rooms, elictrlo light £9*11, 8 room», £023 Davis, ngtnt, Middle-rurkstatlon _ ____ MONT ILnl HT, Splnidld Position, Close Su

lion-Modem brick 1IU A, 7 rounis, conitstirncot, outbuildings, land 121 x HO, £1500. Arnold, lSJJueen at__,__ MOONF!. PONDS (Handy bunion) -Modem

ULLI, 0 rooms, convenientes, garden, lawns, good allot., tJOO, Jolm lale, 352 Col lüvs-rt. __



Just In agine

1/« Al Hill A WIM, RUY


Cv-Vcalcnt Tram and Trau-,

4,25 1 ACIL

-ianrllou« lerma

Ko Dcpoilt. No Deposit. Na Deposit.

C,8 M mthly

Don't delay Nt w la your chaacf.


^_ ____i3ö Swaiiiton «trecl_

\l Olli LAND - Queen Anne li n V ILLA. 0

?olll. roum«, vntlbule inn coinenlenrv, 41 x 1-4) corni r allotment £SbO yiinibre) and Deane, 17 Queen «L _ _

"\ TOI DIAI LOO Aapendale, Mentone, - 8c«U-__> IM ALl-WAILNTS Atll-a. allprlna exceptional tonn«. Small and hdivirda, Mordialloc, 178 Co! lina st_ M\)IINLN&TON, Famoua Soialde Resort - All LA,

- 0 rooms, near In-acii, «talion, partly furaisbesi, «Util gas-stove Owner, PO, Mornington

MOtlNTAIN_AUMiK.ND SITES, lx*utilor_iT.

Dandenong near Montrose, £10 each, 10/ irontlity Plan« Vale, eS-ijCcdilna-aL_

MIRRUMRHNA- Auction, Siturdoy, Killi, I»

splendid Allia SlttS", adjoining raliway «ta lion 4.5 i]ii>oilt Plana tlateman and Co., Mur rumbeena_

vJOItril MHIIOURNl-aiOP and S room«,


*Vv)HTH Mil ROURM II1IX-Brick IIOLNK, 1' balcony 0 rooms bath, couper, 0525 bluip «on, aitctlonetr N ytelbounie ___

\T01ini MI31IOU1LN1 - Hie roomed" . _

_> IIB COriALI convi nleni-e«, line politlón, 4-210 to cluse rsutc Cnvkct and Co __

VrORTll MFUIOllRNh. ao*o I Hy-Brick" COT -1 I" ALI, 5 room», bath, topper, 010.. li dib, 214 Qiiesiiiberry it, _

.VToimiccni.-TiionNiiiiii'i PAUL VATATÍ, XI I y auction, Sal , Dei in, at J o clock. Nicol, Jllller, and_lo. 'Plvoiie 75W_ N0I11 II MILBOLRNL -"six roonie.1 I) f

brick ULLA, elco convenience perfect ordrr, fine pvwltlon, near Town bill, £1.0. Crocket and Co _ _ _ _ _ NOltTHCOTi UPPI It -«superior Al n A II LA 0

room«, eviry convenience, lan I 00 x 116, U2S tcrnw. M mbryjn I _l__«mt_IT JJueenj^ - AKMilLlL-buiicrlor geuü nun a IV II AILUA,

0 room», 75ft. x 12.1ft, landy garden, uteri fits» Jo! n Bin lui! and C i _ _ O IANDA, Clrne Coach, Township -MOUNTAIN

110MF 1600ft ab« vc «ra level wide ranga view», 60 acre«, ni utualn »Imiin. BFAUTIFUL I'FRN l.UIIIIS (iqnal Ferntree Otillv), excep. tlomll) eiiirmluh lit" price 0.2500, term«, lui n Donaldion, 450 Collina si , or Harry Uolika, Olinda_ ONF 11101 SAND ONI IIUN11UID ACltl-3

Irrriiill at ot, Va») lunn«

On Main Rall 1 In (les lo b hool, Uiurcli. *&,

uni siv Mil « liri ills» AlirkrL

Keep« loco snip und 0 to loo (altin All I far

Xljk Anointment I.slav,


Hill ami Mouth Motel Melbourne, or wrllti


Also SOO Acre» Will In JO Miles -Iclhourno.


III DI 0| n c1 At III 1 OR «J! K h RAL!. "io vi ill s - « u ,, u, n a le roa I | rolly i

dill Uli I suntu ull | luihhisl last yeir excepting li in re» Mt ft r gi ans will «ulslli Id si. permanently urn ! ulicrp lo it re »II On )iari new lilli ti rooms vi ali r lill on lutbiitldltigi, ortluml «1 t|»st lunn within 60 mile« Mtlbourti«! I Is profit is» ms! wtuil I li t nadlly li»/ «irej

irlic, 4.10 ii ti ile Is-jt ii It ntl«


01 bril it 476 Cullins slice!

) lltlvl II I I Us (m Bri k lalcculid ItT

sim Nd Origma, itml nu«. Allard mi I C .1 Q i ii si

ÏOIII lil I liol RNI 'ltniisi .1 -la ton hill

111 x ii) hood wurr link, lornittr uni


»OHrsl ! NiurliTr Bel li-dix I ItlSslllLNl I

si 11.s \ uirti la I um from on» ii li 3 1/vt« oa> llaiiuuy ii" (.Hin««

yniliiiiN ni »mi us «ni ( iii mi ni II

1101)1.1 si OH" MAIM UN SU IK S (ti wini ii» ) .fin m lush li In le i | lil

llikk li« mt lovius well let OM») I air Ne

Brlikltllu« i virllle ou-B iii vii u 9 l«er « i L I liottncos li oSl/l«/ o"s) I boto IM' Hal mu, ci. i II all day saturday,


PRAHRAN HODai'S and Co. (Kata», over 60

Ye-ira), .'W7 «nd 000 CHAPEL-STREET,

Tclepliunc 218, Windsor,


See us for itARGAINS THIS CITY, mich as THIS;-NEW QUEEN ANNE BRICK VILLA HOI!!:,'7 rooms, mirrored mantels, ovennantebi, tiled lieirlli«, grate«, fjOft. frontage, everything Al, excellent position-, C750, terms arningcd.

Otliere, £StX>, £1X0, £1000, £1160; moro to choose


_PHAKTOXS TO INSPECT._ ?pilAIIRAN', Illgh-«t.,,Good Position. - 2 brick X SHOPS, returning £91 per ycart £1100. Dixon and Son», and Edmanson, Clianel-at._ PRAHRAN'. - D.F. brick, 7 rooin»7 liañdy posi-

tion; £023. Dixon and Sen», and Edman

son, Clinpcl-st._ PILÀII1IÂN. - D.F. VILLA, 0 large room», well

titled, good position; £475. Dixon and Son», and Udmanaon, Chapcl-st,

Pn.ESTON.-aentlcman's HOME, on hill, close

tram and station, 9 large room», »tabica, coach-house; bargain; Inspect; £1075. Stott and Bast-ing», Northcote._ PltKSTON, Murray« Hie Estate, Spring and Cooper

It».; 23/ foot, inside street 1'2/U; £S deposit,

l'lana llembrcy and Deane, 17 Qucen-at._

E-Week-end and business BlaDCKS, Grand

'. Vleiv l-tate. Ferntree Gully, Boxing Day. See "Auctions,1^Saturday's Argus._


RICHMOND, Credit Foncier.-Great unreserved

auction sale, Villa SITES, next Co-operative Bakery, Saturday afternoon. il'Olnley, auctioneer. RIVER-I'ItO.NTAGE KA nil, suitable city milk

supply, 1.11 acirs, rieb flats, house 5 rooms, cowshed; £1250, easy ternis. Looker and Son», 152 Quccn-st._ ROSEBUD, Dromana, boat Three Time» Weekly.

-50ft. Siatidc LOTS. £2 eaclit 10/ deposit, 6/ monthly. IV. !'. Vale. 383 Collin» »t,

YE - ON - TUB - SEA.

CROWN LOTS 1 and 2.-071 ACRES, nnimproicd, near Hie while cliff», ra« side of Sorrrnlo, only a road »eparating from u lovely beach; tem-perature lower than Melbourne. Could be subdi-vided at handsome profit. Kalina)- In prospecL Don't miss thl», ns beautiful bay-« lew land is almost unobtainable. Offer» invited. No offer necesaarliv accepted.

EXECUTOR, 61 TlvoU-road, South Yarn«._ QAXDRISailAl!, TRAFALGAR ESTATE, O Clo«e Golf Pavilion. Beach, Station.


Onlr £3 deposit, balance to 5 )cars. Plan».

OFFICER and SMITH, 434 Collin»-»treet; SMALIa and EDWARDS, Sandringham, 178 Colllns-atrcet.

SANDRINGHAM. Fern Hill Road, Only "£703.

Moduli 7-roomed YILLA, tiled roof,

On o Conier Allotment, Overlooking Sea,

l'rrn Hil! Road, VILL1, 0 room», £185.

Aim, VUalaA, with Stabling, corner, £450.

SnuU and I'd»-»!-, Sandringham, 178 Collins-«-. S" AN'URINOHAM. - VILLA, recently Guilt, con-

taining 0 room«, vestibule, easy distance sta-tion, standing on nice allotment; o«vner» deter-mined sell; £433; offer wanted. Thomson, Collinion.__Mclrû*a»-st.____ SANDRINGHAM, at Black Rock, lHidcn-parlt.

Ill ACHE'S, -facing beach, lota m by 170; grand tl-írr«; .as«- (rnns. Plans, prices, Percy Thomson, 4-2,1 Little Collln«-s_,»llcllwti*Tie.



C50UTH YAKKA, Fniouritc Street.-Hi:ttE'S I io 10UR OIIAr,i*E.-llrlck VILLA. Hone fomi-1 dation, 7 rooms, iplrndid ordrr, between tram anti train: srorc other«. Aik HOIKJES, OP. MALVERN STATION. Renumber, one address only. 'Phone 1161). Established 52 year». Tharlow inspect,_ SOITII YlRR.l"lIILL, Dealt Sites Available.-2

ni/}CKS, each 43 x 141; £8 ft.; terms .', years, 5 per cent.; trustees' forcing míe. Arnold, l8


g 1>~ L B .V D I D PROPERTY.

<«_ acres, rieb *rn_ng and nilUvatlon land, one milo from Woodend railway station; «ratered by permanent cn-ek anti spring», «veil fenerd anti «iib.

divided into ft paddocks, metal road passe» gute; i good »-roomed W.U. hotine, stabling, outbuildings.

PRICK, £0 per acre.

Further particular« apply


_Awtlonwrs, («â*>Oli"_(>Hlti*_*trt»rt, Melbourne.

ST. KILDA '»'AST-IZxcelknt Family RKSI

DENCE. llot!,am-sL. comer lnkerman-nl. ; land 210 a. KUI Auction, llaiu'a rooms, Thur-lay, Dec. II._ ST. "KILDA.-Handsome 10-roomcd llOiJSI*, In

iplendid position, large rooms; must be »old; £1200, genuine bargain, and on icry eaay tenus; rare opportunity. Dickenson and Forster, 110 Chapel-st.___ S" T. KILDA,--Hv Auction, in Hie room», Tûesdav,

Dec. li, nt ¿30, Queen Anne brick VILL1. 10 rooms; land 03 x 230. Baylee and Co., 32J Col-lins-sat._ ST. KÎLDA.-Q..1. VILI.l, 0 room», all comen!".

ene-e», cloie beach and trams; £450; easy terms. C. Prince and Co, 240 High-it., Su l(ilda_______.______ SP. KILDA, lit tween (-tallon, Braeh.-StvlUh

Queen Anne brick VILLA, electric light, rooms 20 x 10, loungr, hall, launi, 44ft. frontage; £!)30. Hail», agrnt, Middlepark atatlon._ QT.-KILDA. Weat Beach, ideal"Position.-New Ü- Q.A. Wie!-. VILLA, nice home; built owner'« occultation; £1630._ Ham, ColIln»-»t. _ _

ST. KILDA.-Ne» 7-roomed brick'VILLA, hieb"

est position St. Kilda, 2 minutes tram, train;

£1600, ¡lam, (*ol_n«-it._ ST.~KILDv.-palr oxcrpílonalli- well-built bal

cum- HOUS'àS; let 28/ and '25/. never «-mp.)*,

tram pane«. Ham. Collins st.___ JJT." ~ llandscaiic mcslenTQ.A. brick H-1 Vi I J.A (tile roof). 8 rooms every couvenlence. Rarage;_£1ltt0. Ila-n. Colllw-it._ ST.~rtJf.Ul, 3 lllnnlci TramT Traitr-Handsome

modern brick VILLA, 9 rooms, conicnic-ccs,

stabling, charirdcgjtonir._Ham, Collins-it.

ST. KILDA-One of'thc, few"" rcinalnlnir choice

lleaaidential SITES, comenltut station, tram, and «ra. Ham, .lil Collin«-»!.

HOUSE, 7 rooms, stable, enrage; Ideal post

tlnn.^iiorris, 41 Punt-rd , lllndaor,_ ST. KllaDA ilOAüT "laANDEN-." No. 409,

Handsome and Thoroughly Built

10-roomed BALCONY llirslflENCI*,

Complelc oilier«, trnnl«, land 100 x 2,10, AUCTION. FRIDAY, 16th LNST.INT.

GEO. G. HENDERSON, Auctioneer, Equitable-bids;. SURREY HILLS. Snap This, Good Term«.-N'ew

0-roomrd Vii.LI, every convenience, 7min, station; £ta50; mutt nil. Ibompaua _d Irvine, Iel. 12C, Canterbilr)'._

SUItl'l.Y"llILLS. - aennluely weH-willFllÛL

Bungalow VILLA. 8 tmacJoin room», large verandah «pace, ciery domentic courenletice, wire blind«. Ac, sevrerrd, atnrt made, asphalt paths; land to i 160; £703, £100 utah, 3 )i_rs' tern-. Dunran and Weller, jairrcylllll«._ ÜHOP"SITES, opp. Cañ(erbury"station, 1.1 spien* s-* tiid »iirs, iuiproiing btisineits position«, auc-tion, ground, balurday next, at J. Ham, auc-tioneer^_ SHOP Sri'!-.«.-There Building Sites extend from

Bryson-«!, almost to CUnttrbury-rd., and face I'oktaud Telrgi-_i[UiJ)l_lces._.__ SHOP" srrES.-Tl.c.« excellent Site« adjoin a

number of newly-erected and tully-occaipicd thopa, and are_«Aorthy_altr*iüoii.____ S HOI' SITES" iireient rtire o|i|urtuiiity builders,

siieeiilators, t,n'- those ««ho are aware bo««retail tiuaiiicsa concentrates about A railway stat lol>.___SHOP SHOP SITES.-Good suburban Shops, opposite a

station, are al«va«-t. In demand, aiul return

steady renta from established tenant»._ ÖUOP'hlTES, Ojip Canterbury Station.-Canter. is> bury ia progrv_ive suburb; bundrt-d» of new home« hate bccii_bullt of recent )eane_ fc* JliOP srTES opp. CantiTbury »tallon, bein«

* limited In number, miut Incrca.» in value. Attend auction Satunlay net!. Ham, auctioneer.

al O O II "" A s_

Cownodlnin Brick Villa 1IESIDENCE,

IO moma, ornants' .martcrs, kitchen, Ac, brlik

al-bllng, coachhouse, and garage.

Large grounds (about 4 acn*a), nice position; _S0O0.

Cli.lS. I-Olliuwrillt «nd_Ço., 15 tjiernratrret. __ rnOOIUK, Ilelweñi Slation""find"Tram, .uid'Oniy X Feiv illniilei.' Walk from l.tlier.-Comfortable U.K. W.U. VILLA, »lato roof, 7 nicely papered moms, (harming garden, 41 x II); quiet, «elect, and lony mernie, surrounded by trees; £7-2.1; tenant guaranteed 27/a- I er ma anaiHjtd. Solo agent, Owen, üiultabie-bulldlng. __ _ _ _, rilOOllAK, on Crest of lilli, S Minute« Trams,X Attrae-tlie brhk lll.laA, 3 rrca'ptlon-rotim», 4 IKUVOOIUS 2 maids' rooms, kitchen, bathroom, lutiery, scullery, all coniailrnce«, usual outbouaes, land 1-acre; price fii-JKI, term». Apply Percy II. Noseda and Co., -230 Colllns-st., op__AK« oBlee. _ rpOORAK, Picked Iligil" PtMltloil.-Ilricai VILLA. X o room», gardeni, lawn», A'c, In aplrodld order; £2^_lla)leo_aji,|jli^s_I «_2_olIlrtr.jil.__ fllOOR.ll«. - lUniuomVbrllk VILLA. 8 t-Wii», X stabling, nie» groiintU, irnin. Hawksburn »lallon; £l.s_M>, llol.lanoilh. IUwk»burTt__ _ r|100l(Ar_-I)eïirablo iuodero~Q.Arbrlek 1TLL.1,

X tllni roof, 7 room«, few minute« Tool-« sta-tion. tram»*_£ira»__ llani,_(>>_n*_-s1______, _ TOORAK.-Substantial "brleli VILLA, 0 roohu,

every modem comenlence, g-ml.-n, li»vna; will itantl art-bltect'i luipeclion; <14iX>. Ham,

folllns-it._ _ " rilOURAK. Cine» Toonlk-n!., ill "Como" Fatale.J. Fine llaltlrntial blTE, (¡0 x BEI; £8/10/ foot, and oilier- Korrciter and C'o^ 13 Quisnsit._ '*TTMIS.i7' chariiilng" Iirlek VILLA, 8 rooina,

-J «icry ooewnlencc, l_«t SI, Kilda), beautiful garden, one acre land. Ham, Collins st.

\X*1NI>8(HI. -"Ntw Queen Anne brick VILLA, 8

v I room«, eonitnlene.-¡ &8.11 x List nice pru|»erty; few inumtra' tram. Ham, Oolllna-it._ WIM)ton.-C.|.IUl "D.K." brick VIIJ.A, »

rounis, 3 minute« station, tram; small «lepoalt, baUiiee evleisled tenni. Ham, C'ollliia-at.

HOUSES AND LAND WAN---. A- WANTED, bv recommended tenant. Fur

. niihi-d HOl'SK, about t) roomi. S, Yarra, St. Kilda, E. Melbourne lirrlrrred; 12 mouilla;

_"_lé_ .""_* bymoM,_lui__j4»an_un-a_._ A-.Mia- S)iniua,'~IO! r!wau,aton-ht.,~h»s a mun

. ber of nation ami other illvnU, ««anting «vrll-furnl-ied IIOMW, moiuitalns and uraaldr; £3/3/Jo £12/J__¿._ "A I). liitTil. IV. Johnston, 101 Queen-it., and arl. Kew atatlnn, hate numerous Inqiilrlea for Villa, Shop, or Cottage PROPERTY. I-rliculara nsun-alcil._ _ _ A" l'ïftvliaaa-r, lirT*|lilnii~(ll»lri(l, inotlern la-liTt

VILLA. 0, 10 room», near «cul £2000 to £.2300. Frank llsiliii. 476 Om1m»«l._

B"HIGHTON, "SaiidrltiBliaiii.-VIlJ.A, brlclTprf.

frrrt'd. 7 rooina, l'art li ular» and piice,

'l_r_ivrUer,_Ariru» oinea_ _, pOMMQNll'IlAl.TII of AUSTILIUA.

Depirltnent of llonu. Affairs,

M'lhnurur. Mil D.iimhrr. 1011.

OITI'.IIS lire lui Uni until I.n III tin- 2!»t II..eiiils-r, lill, bom ( nillliu lu l«-a«i, or ilulld mid LIM«.', aultul'li. Plt!,MISI»l (or PiaaLiI rurnoatra, al Mllbuo Norlb, Vlrlnrl», (nr n |vrlnd ol three (3) vrar»; Hu- n-ntftl, iminlii-r nt niotii», liai, nt building, and altllltltin (o b.' «latí«!

0l!,n« the Innot nr am- of nilli li «lill nut Itecta-arllV be siHi-pleil, alinllld be an endowed and udi!rt-«s<.l In Hi., sointar.«, Iieparimini of II,nue Allalr», ilclbuuini.

KIN'O O'llAl.IJ'.V,

Mlniater fur Slate fur Home Affair»

/"10TT10I-I WANTI'D (»eu-iall, («.li buyer; V.' ipiiil. uii.nir gi«ui; an« gon.1 «tihurb-, pani? ulai« rii|iii«atrd. A, II, and II. IV. Joliuiton, 101

Quitii li,


/"VOTIACU 3 or 4 rooms» on largo block or Uni

V-" garlen m it »ree» "c within V miles of Melbourne cash terms L S Iv IO Surrey IliJJs_ C1 and T HAM (estab 1S.-1) 281 Collins «I,

. op Ino Block have constant inquiries PRO PI KTlf.3, every detcrlpUon many investors wilt Ing_

I71UI-.NISHI D HOUSLS - Tuekett and Styles auc .- tlonccr« Ac 369 c lliria-st (basement) have constant inquiries for t_rnished Rcaldcncc-,

Omicnt plca«e coinmuuicntc_.

IJIURMSHI I) Ilanllom hen Canterbury re

. commended tenant« 1 adults 7 room« gar ago or stable -tillable £ 1/3/ ( emmett, Tuekett l61 Collins »t (fe! 1)0 Centra!)

"\ P-MBRI Y and DLANT- ngents, 1" Queen »L _-L have many buyer« for INA LSTin NTS lilias Cottage«. Owners plca«c fonvnrd particular»


Mc have a Cub Hiiver up to £1000 lor

RI SIDLNC1 8 to 1. Room»



lae!)g Is-ucli I- rooms.

linn ediate inspection

COGHILL and lIALLIlfON 70 Swanston st

?nili.D A Windsor Invvvksb irn or Armadale -

ULLA RFQUIRFD Bevin rooms to £7-4)

cash buyer wailing Dickenson and Forster HU Chapel sL 'Phone 111 Windsor__


ARNOID uni Co,

Auctioneers l8 Queen street Have Splendid Dein in 1 tnr


_Owner»_invited to forwar! parti«ular»___

TUthlTT and STAIFS Auctioneer! "c "jO

Collins-st (biscment) Invite owl era to for word particulars ol PitOPl RT1! S lor Silo or to Let_ WANTFD Tast St hilda Toorak Furnlshe 1

1101SI al out 8 room» garage 0 months term guaranteed tenants (- a I tits) VI (.love VA ttllanw I «jiiitable bull ling _Colllns st_ WANTFD we I appointed HOLS! 12 room»

1 lin 1er« Portsci Alentono special tenant« good rental M (.lover William-, I qultahli lullding Cojlin« t_ _ W AVU- D several uni ir-ils) el All I AS for goo 1 > » clients must lie in good districts and handy

slation ( ar Iner 80 Swanston st


A A A -If you wish to BUV or Si LL a BU31

. MSS or Hotel consult Melbournes recog nised experts. Al 11 «on and Co 49 Mlzabctli «L Mclboirre N_tcd for prompt «ales, largest lists. 'Phone 2183 lily__ A" A. I- IVATPIL! milo mining financial

general ttgtnt« I mrs repmrntathes S m building« Queen st Tele-i! one CIS !


tliorocgl Ir round Insp-s-tlon closest Investi gatton allowed bona Ide clicuts finaneca arranged

Walter O ll-scoel __"0 1 ILabctb «L_

B-Pilli ATI BO ARDING HOI SI St. hilda 1

. rooms lone lease Imutlfuill lill o it ground« ii agnlflccnlly furnish <l -I linos organ reception room« m n! c-roniu lu is »loiplng 1 iii» carpel« linen outlcn gla ware finest quality I ard» In view jrlre Sicv m si" Collin» »L_ B- PRIAA1F BOARDING tin li ipolll g tower

. tulldliih J rooms 4 baihroon » hot and cold water . «nlranic« I «tair«s«e« Imhitlriil draw .ngrocms »mi kim. lout gc do dil omi singl lelroon» year» istalllhcl £_l «ear profits price OCOt» uno lisli I ii nice o J» easy tenus

steven» irColhi « »I

BAM 111 t ¡pp»hn I .olding tnwn 2»5 I aga high

prices first clisa | lint barg- in Small 31 Queen st_

BOtltPINt HOI SI l-l t Mellnurno S room«

22 ti, nell furnished front an I Kiel lulconic« 0 led« complete jrcttv dravvingrooin inol din logroom spotlessly clean Oil Steven« 117 (ol

BOARDING liol SI mountain I oil lay resort

willi 5 aero« and 2 ootta-c«, outl till ill gs tumping i laut lowly guille« spring« Lurhain Coo cc Sassafras.


room» »tabill h -2 Isvardir» hinuinc business iilemlid opportunily £S_ Swryn Loraine auc oncer 111 Collin» «_ plTA Ti V an I IIJNCIIIOV ROOMS splendid «-' porition superior butine».« 1 ighly rccom mend assured income £1 _ Astlcs Dukin an I

Co 41 Flh-bothst _ CONIFCTIONIRA, Pa»try Coole I Meat«

»| len 111 tra le near litv trollt« £4 suit couple must sairlfiir OA» (.ruin 119 Collins «(rest __

COVFICTIONKIIA Solt Drinks, near Her

Majesty a Thialrr ilvvTillng munt sell brit ofTer aiply 1 p in 1 5 I x1 ii tion »t_

ClOllIS.-Tin old an I will ki iwn IIDARDINI

J HOtSI Iruinnas I MINI F Id! for S AM Ire hold al ! lunitiiri as a h°itg coictrn

Owner retiring ill lu allic Aisitor» booked for


Apply Vine CARSON Cowes._ DRAI 1 RA -Al INT1 I) good suitable PHI

MINES mid Ile Janian country or outer nibttrh_M C __Arhua olllce______ EAST MF-UtOl UNI -BOARDING HÖHST laset

posMion permanent« no agent», lor parti culara apply At»*- Irgu« it i e_^

IJ1STATF ACINCA offen-d long-cstihllshe«!

-t rent roll i.10 COO Riiarantced al sohltet« gênait c price a.2300. lr»scr and Macdonald 00 Quorn t __ _ ________ IjllltsTCIASs GITA III SINFSS (fine «hop)

. i nique «vpport mitv for arti tie business li I« Particular« hvvcyn 11 Uramo auctioneer 311 Col

lins st ___ __ _ FOR 8 ALF a good suburban ladle»' DRAPPR1

III S1NLSS rxcrllcnt positlcu Apply 70 Emlth-et Collingwood_ IjlRLlT Grccneroccry sphndid trade round til

customer«, net I rotit s.4 hunte waggon, liar r .- £"0 girt Cral ) 149 Colima st._ G INFRA!. IHSINISi» Collingwood tnrnorrj

i-ii rent 17 0 »toik about oro recommend £100 lalterson Rise», g» I HU« Collin» «L



I very Hotel business las Ita own peculiarity, whlih the buyer desires to know II) cilllng npon in you can Inquire a» to the superiority of Hill or that hotel Ale ara in a |s>aitlon to answer your question«




311 loIllrcxU-x L_

HOTFLS.-Dcloro I urclu'lng Inspect my list

genuin« City buhurban Country Horn?, «irlctckt investigation Iron! ol»/) to £i0 0-O liberal a«sl»-nci on y gicuinc hume« submitted. Allison 4J Ulubcth-i_ _

HOThl-S.-For (Irrt ela»» nOTFLS cnnault J F.

Rankin Roval Hank Chamber-, "0 l.l_ibctli. «t_Liberal JiHbitani- to buy cr«. Te! 20a_


llcaconifleld paradi Al HU! I' P ARL,

Magnificent 1 oittlon I aeing the Hay and Having

A FYonlag« of l>I(t

To be Poid a« a COING CONCFR.N, with


Furollure and stock at laluation.

A cry Liberal Term«. Full Particular« from


373 Ç"ol!lmM«tri-ct, Mclbournf_ HOTIIo-Rare opportunity will lea»» with op

lion pure liaao property, tliriv ing district suit family man for such assured hood iucome, owner retiring, initucdla o p. MR «si ti



HOI I Is freehold IA Ii un ri eist ritt fino town

beautiful bon- nul furniture-, J-UOO just »pint reu vitltg I mi c_ olCO to £150 vwckly Od.*» term« m ut «II, doctor» order». Ilemijt an I Cli -17 c*ollin« st __

HOTF L Ii-aac gootl cnbiirlun hou«c Al INThD,

i-ixx) over, strictly | rinelpal« only J K , 201 Barkh st linn.»Ich Last_ HOTH"~onl) hotel In a really hool ikl «11*

triit, ii gol! g £*J0 will advaieo OJW lo buyer John M Gee Old toihaugi

LAI MIHI, thomilghlv «ound ratal II his! "0

year« eight pounl« wrckl) mill door tra le, trial hlven, no agent». TVS MUiobonst, North lltzroy ___ -\niK~ltOlTND, old crJnbllshcl 180 qinrt» till .o'- good customer» S horse« cart» plant jU"(>

good opiwrtunitv rapalle largi extension Day, Mint Allirtrl Cal terl ury___ *Vf Lil SPA! I R "Ï I wcckli an Mob printing hi si

-Li unas «oiid district £71.1 lialfcaati balança term«_M ii__gcr__lxc_Linge _3U> lolllns-at _

OPI'NING for (.entleiiuu with a coiiimcrilal

experience, a« In gool dty Dual ne»» every investigation Metlir Arn-_ PlItTNIII Al ANTI I) aounl commercial binT

ne»« Paamania establislsrd .1 vcara refer enec« both »I le« undeniable capital required about £.000 buslncM capable of txtcnxlon, non« lut principal« dial! with Adilros Box 103, 0 P O , l.aiiiiioilon_

T»l!l,IN-ritV i lil i-subllahMi

X\ ollln» great opportunity .... _ 1 usine« sarrltlco £100 Autln, Deakin antila 111 illrnlieth «t_ fl _-A ROOM and (onf-ctloiiery Pan? ( cods and J hehnol rciuiidte» hood rlroet rlsii g « iburb dwtlling ultarled 0 room» doing good trade sicrltlc« Alls» Al Oralh m I Util« ti st _ WANT11) GF.VnJJIAN wltluapltal. tTmüíñc

aouad city bualucsa, activo or «leeping Cunio,



Rourke-«! Melbourni




Hie Old Original, air and Mr«

street I...." .

( Phono 0_9. leilira!),

alvo the Highest I rica for La Ilia Ccntlemen l,

Oilldi.u« LABI Oil CLOilHMl

Old Trunk« Bag« Furniture an 1 All House

Clear-..»; Old leith, an! Platinum Uni,

£7 Per Ounce, Plates, ii

AH letters and parcela pronitlj attended In

Tlie only «dinsa Is li. HO Russell street eily (| holm (JM>5 Unirai), o| |s»ito hil.,« iliealrc


A A -Mr an I Mn II I» 111 VM3 Hi « bill _ , liidlcs tenta s M II OH ILOllllNtl Jewell iv HIKI» 111 lill« Uiirn Bah« ml I niiilo. hlgl -st | rlit» Udl «s ii anging lor luournlnh |lii>i luiti lilli.*, pareéis in.

omlry inle « receive 1 r 11| t ol!« i II i ItO I x .llllloiiit inrir llir MiJ sly » II II) II, nil hril I" Llglfuh It» kit I I Ms» I ira!

AlKlNA 111)1 ANNIII Nil lil NI 11 I g1 «t

i h | ri civ li I i all Iii s ( ml " , MI 1 lill CltirillNI lill rstr | Iv uti l I I I Quilín I l B o«. llUanl HU Itunallsi City Mill SU« ( II

AAVVV Mr» flu i» rilli A s s. tis lill,

.Get« lill oil ( liri HING Bool« Nins 111

I ri« n blur« uti i ltd lui Comm -nial si bouili


A IA-I liles t ils ni I I hil Ir I! » 1 ! II

.OH (lOllllV Hut Olli lill r» attei leL and Alts Mirri lue llalv ni id So it li ra lelii ne «' I Wli boor

All li «rilli is I. II « t nile « till

ten« Ictiol! (loillING HOUGH! iel

Irn in I tirrrl« |ioni|tl. ittrn I II Mr in I Mrs Hann, a Oirtrudt st, lilttoy, uur UblbiUou



. Mr and Mr" t MITCIIFI!

1-0 ami 18t IILSMI1 STIt.KT,

Oppo-ilc UMII H1NLI Hill

Hripcctlullv inform li Iles nu 1 g i Hen cn that they «til continue tu give extreme value for every da ¿erintion ot iJi'lli« Centliiiiin « and Children« LI F10U CLOTII1NI biillaims 1 multure lied Linen lilted Ware, Rug« irunk- Ladles ihang ing lor mourning please note ArtlfUal leeth Platinum Pin», -7 Per 0T I-««**-!' sent by po«, full value by return « o also supply- other statis. Utters and parcels immcdlalciy atleuded to Wc mud no represent .tilca

lele| hone 4025

No connection willi any other firm

Mr and Mrs. A MITCHFLL, 179 and 181 Pu_wll street, op leinncrancc lull

A A A .



111 rou" IIOTHIV IN( india us Our bl FT OF I CLOTHING pilco« au di tim li ti LUI OH CLOTHING lill GKSl mid DIST

ile Hint

bADIL-S OFNTS and CHU l>RI"N S LADll-o , GLNTS and lill! Dill IS

Clothing Hoots *»c t lntlilng Boot« -c Ile Duv rurnltiirc

letters and l'art is Attended To

Mr and Mr» BRANDON 71 and 73 Gcrtrndcstrecl lltrroy Phone lO'O Citv

FURNITURE - Soong's 203 Gertrude-st., Fitz-

" roy hin big! c<t price» (or all «urplus Fur I Hill re, llanos, HciMcads ( a carls Phonographs


ITIUHMILRL-Con.ent» ol large houses, «Inglo

* artilles Piano« Hilliard table», cash wait ing Beckett Bros, lurniture brokers 150 to 100 | Certru-Jc st Fi-xroy Tel -""____

ITAUlcNITUni -Wo nandlc Contents House», £60

" to £1001 iinmcdlalc ca li wttlcmrnt Beau ilnmps auctioneer» 310 Collin« «I_______ JjlintNllIHIR - Ben lelmnip « licdncsday a ond

' Friday « SAILS li «t msrket in Melbourne, «stabllshtsl I years HO Collins st

irtt RNlTUItl -Highest plie s lor oontrnts larg.

' or sin ill home« | lino« singh arlie!« II

lohnson and Son, 301 I linders lane 'Phone Cent, 295S_ __ _____

IrtLRMTLRI secondhnn! liottsr-uil or «ingle

artilles hlhlust price« hlvcn fair dealings, na delay V Clucl s. 278 Chapel st Prahran. Plient .'Ol li Only address_ _ 131 INO Iron frame unv make in coo 1 lrder and

«oiidllion, about 020 Mr lulil encr

ol Flstcriivvick lost^ofilic_ FINO «chivo«hlcn llpp or Itonlseh £10 to

0.10 for cool Inslninirnt noxjl« ( Pll_ KOII TOP DI sii it li i t Vi nin Address «tat

In., | ri m I __lrrtts office _______ SHFTPSIvINS Wiüibi Ivjngaroö, Oponsum,

Rabil! Bear Skins Iii les Vi no camulla* Dion Itigl est price lim Haughton and Co, 273 Spencer at_ QHlilSlvlNS wallabi hangiroo Opossum H SivlNS Hide« Wool Tallow, le no oom mission tfiarhoa Virile j rice Hat, lvcnnon and -km», tram Ur-nlnns, RIclimond _____ _

STAMPS I! ANTI I) Aiutrallin« used 1819 1*180,

an! old colleciicn« highest price» paid Fonlgn Stuinpssold CaHIogues (rec li Ackland, ¡a Collirs-st (oi flens) ___

STIMIS-Raro lilttnlian use! 1«,0ISS0 old

r Hi lions hi birt | rices nail In State, cata logue irratl«. Charles. Donne 300 Post office pl-us. \\7AN1I|) Sot o( SNOOlvlIt BAILS Ad 1res.« » » staili,. | tice Irjdr-uiin s Club 4» Inker

man st SI hilda _ __ WANT ID Hire TI NT about "th tmu.ry mode

rati bute siro un I i rice address Vdglo


VtJWTMl, WfiuT" V> lund State

t otch_ \Y"ltOlGin IRON SCRAP an) quantity, and » « i'ighest price« -Icph n ierguson Propricirv


IA PI y DOr.-Splendid case MATHIMATICAt, __. INSTItlMI'Srs How, len«. Dividers, Com passes Drawing Pens Ac , l8 0, worth £2/2/ Benjamin 192 swanston st near liourlsr it

AN UNUFDEEMU) 1 Li DGl - Genuine Gold

Southern Croe« HRUOll!, SI. worth 15/.

Benjamin H>2 S__an«tin-st_, nrar_I!ourke_st_ A Beautiful Sterling silver HAIR ll'ILSH,

stamped 8/(1 worth 1S/0 Hcrjamiit ¡t>


AN UNI F ->rF_MF_D -Good VIOLLN, Bow, Case,

IS/ worth £t'l5/, warrantotl perfect Den

Jamln _192 Swanston st IK Swjinstonjit._ AIL hind« bccii l'OTATOFS ready lor plant

ing Table Potatoes, Onions, current rates.

II Smith 176 I Under» «I_

Al bMITON s ALUTION MART, Corner Bourke,

Russell st« , Bargain Centre of Auitraloaia, Auction sales daily, General Menhandifie, taney Good» Cutlerv A« _ __

A Few PIANOLAS Ángelus, and other Piano

player» In gcsxl order which have been talen In exchange ABan and Co Pty Ltd , Col

lin» st

A AI ARA targe and lamlsome, «rilli 8 Cvraries

inspection Linbn Bvron «t st hi|dj__ BAGS, mw, al _ tccoiidltand »pcoially xlccted

farmer« n lulreunnu got quote» laloic jin ing order« It and A Otilan». 520 Collin« st_ BAH IRON, sfeel Forcings Holt«" an I Nut«,

Rivett, Ac Victoria Iron Rolling Co., Dud lev st ___ Billi HLVnil - Rotorua, world a best, gas,

lud, tionlh'a trial gratia, -0/ upwards Rotorua^ Manuii-turtDg Co , 257 259 Swanston st. BATH III ATHt- -* 20th lrntury,""fuel and ga«,

from 47/0, rap! I «canomfcal, durable Alwin Fischer and son». 231 I llrabeth «t_ BATH HF_A1Ht- - The Douglas, aafest.

Ii«te_t, l«est 15 000 In daily use, «bown work Ing _Dougla« 1 Rourke st_ BATH HI ATFi S~hlt»t patent Iron O No1«

lew aillrc_, l)_u_l-, S 1 Douric it , 1st Door, throujih hlnn«__ _

BI'DSTTvAItt Camp ne!« btrctchers Hcddlnj

(kapok dock or wool), lowest irlco« all qualities. Dimmy « Alodel blore» llirhnion I _ BILL! Uti)- - lluvo your BILLI U.D-TABL1.

made equal to new by fitting 'I with li « Imperial Low Cushions. Alcock'«, Iii Hin bell st _______ ._.___ BILHlllDS - HIL lamotlS Bijou TtBLI,

slat, bid, fast rui nlng cuihloi« supirlim billiard ilotli, can be used al dining table Al cock and lo I'M Ulrabcth-it, Melbourne.

Bil 1.1.AHL)TUILl-S, new and bil , cloth, lalla,

Ac, Ftccl-ior loin (..»Mons fitted any table -liomton and Jailor lui 105 Husacll-at. Tel ¡HOI

Bl! 11 ARD 1 VU! I rccondband, in piel order,

fitted with low cushions. Alcoci and Co.,

155_M sjiholb st_

BILLI ARD DINING TAI1LLS, to fit any room,

ts«t quality lowest prion, alto. Billiard Top«, lallshaw llro»., 191 Queen-«!_ BIRD SLID - Purvc»i Pri tiller Mixture,

?uailili ed against all light «red«, (lint Ac , In «caled |jilcti, Cararic« , lllb , (ki , Parróla, Sllh _! __-t~ bwiuistonjt_____ BLINDS-Mnen and Uee, Venetian, and Venn

dall BUNDS, I cudi in shutter«, Minda al eicry ilc-cripllin Minufactured hy Carr and son» Sou -.pneg «L, Mtlbournc_Tel_158_ BLINDS- Aeiiotlan,~lcr»ndah, Sun'Uuen, and

I-ace Ulindi, manulactured and repaired Campbell and Johnson, 139 Lotudalc-st, Melbourne. Ti! 2UT8_ BMNDs, Vcrandoh Window Tent«, Tarpaulin«,

Hag» canvas llosi wholesale, reliil Thomas n»_l reply li I 116 Bourke «L Tel 1311



Tent» for Xmas tripper»(I x 8- 1O/0, 10 x 8-15/

12 x 10-21/a 14 x 12-JO/ Hv«, (rom 0/0 each

All sires anl «niatltica

in stock Pull pjrllcularl



_ _110 IK J 20 Swan stn ct,_ Richmond_ i-IVSH IthGISHHN (tiearly ne») show carn, -' I nuil) C-isc« (all »lie») topper Urtu Pie I warmer» Oik. Tu . < «inter, Glaia (mirrored and

I lain), Christina» ¡vtoiklng», and Teddy Bears, Ac.

I At once


CtFMIvNr- limita best FTigUih, now landing

> 13/0 cask, Mack Ugle first elan quality, 12/9 | Moore« ftmln-r «uni* south Melbourne _ _ CIHFF.01TI RS, Hool sllcfrs, ««rktr1 Patent

Safitv led bv hnvitatlon See thom work at

j IO C-renlon^t , South At.lbourn» («car City rd ) COOKING STOAFS-' Rob«, . . Unique," ' Vevi

Favourite, manufactured Cast Iron, Revelv I Ing topis r I-rmcf, Gas Stove». II allia Brea.,

4111 Dotirle-iL_ _

COOLING STOAF-S-Ale have btove« to «mt

everyone town and country u»e, write br Hita. Metiera Uro« _J_I9 I'lltabolh it elly _ ^OÖKI^U STOVI S an_ lung- ol «verf kind

V- n paired by skilled workmen, hot «rater work a «pfclalll) Metter« Urn«, 239 Hlinbctli it_ COOKING S*10M> iplcudld varlclv tola de

|K»t laraou« 1J.L Ceclong Stove«, all alie«, 03/ I lo £S3 _ Chamber» and Seymwir. Melbourne

COOKING STOAKS -lid Rang-, Mantelpiece«,

liiiutory and 0«« Utting» Louis Anderson land Co 13.1 Hinder« lan« Send for (_i__h'5__e»_ OOOKINU STOA tv Copiier», -lín«, lTuini-i

Doors anl («rate», largo assortment, lowest

|irl-«a._AA Mlnchinton, «___Cliapcl »t S l«rr^

C100I. IIOOI*S>-t «i» Ornamental lotta or 11 hite,

J (Viol AILAIUC ' COMPO (Palnla heat fid , peel otl) Iron and colour merchin'», or tal .bon 1Ü1I FRA - Hurd Uro«, for Rolger»« ruble«, -> 22/tl Diiiurt» 18 » doien, Clirlitotlur John sonn labiés 14/ dosen, UcaacrU, 11/ doten, Scia Carvrnc_ CuniÍRA- Ward Uro«, lor ILA/ORS, all the»

/ best brandi ki pt in atock, and every «having rtqulille _ ________ _ ~ «11F 111 -VA uni-Uro« Inr BC18S011S, cverv

lire and shape warranted quilltv, and ready lor Immediate use_ Ol 'fl LUI -Hurd Broo (or ail Tito best «ni

liteat Saint) IIA/OHS - Star» ' Ullletti« Auto Strap Gem Junior, «pan» bhnlea._ __ C1 UTI F II A -Hard Uro», the oldeat mtablUhril

/ and brat bouse to obtain what you require ii 114 Svvanstiui st_

"«UTI MIA-Mud Bro»., for KNIM-s »ultslle

I r the bush (ann, or homestead, »portii_, llshlug, liunlllig, «coming

-AMONH I NOAOI MiJvrf"lUÑ!.B, 18« «oil !

irrfrit diamond« £1, £1 £3 inward« Alriunlrr ant! lonpel, corner Bourko anti 1 lira I'll) «t» _ _ ___ ,_ DIAMOVD RINO (11 lyV-illitnonI claw act)

I aimed M de I' Co, £1 sell ticket J)

II Peirson 0 P 0

],1VIIN|S. iHirlalle and tniitlon li Mirshall

- Imlil/uKil lump«, Amnilor« OH ImrniM II ii IM II Uro« and (0 Iroirlitary ltd, larra I ink s nib M llnirn _ _

1.1NOINI Iho Ijiinon hasul. le IMSV iirnlng 1- «lull «I 1 miine« left. (11 1 an ollur h null

1 lu li 11« Ive W I llr .l"ll it North Mel

I > iru

ivh il « is great sp« rl nlth rt I ut ruin ed 1 rl « s It« mo'

is 11 ( Oxley III Mille (0!

1 ¡.I rv Hi|il »li Bourke







YOU'l.i. FIND .11,1. THESE IN


At Hie lamdon you can buy tho bat von nerd for summer wear 111 Hie- lullcat ronfidrnec that the style la correct, und that long, and sall"factory ten-Ice Is certain.. For every London Hat Is in newest style; every but ia well made, and of a qualin- which guarantees good »ear. Then, .lhere ii the added indiicrincnt oi unusually modest priting.


tirana, tluuhle brims, cable edge, black »Ilk lund», rises 0( to 7i.1/11 MEN'S or BOYS' BOATER HATS, mule straw,

double brim», table edge, '-Jin., all silk band, good grade- aivcut leather, all sines, 0-1 to 7J

-- ... .. S/«. 2/11 ilEN'S BOATER HATS, real Jap., rmttlo «tra»-,

double brims, roll table edge, medium and wido . all silk hanii», padded lieud lining", «weatprooi leathers, medium and »-ide-brims, _r/_ 0¡ to 71 .:.4/(1, 4/lt, and 6.(1 MEN'S FOLDING PANAMA HATS, fitted «rilli »Ilk

lianda and «««'rat-proof leathers, in four widths of brim, sires oj io 71 .. 0/0, 10/0, 11/0, 12/(1 MEN'S FIXE PEDAL STRAW FOLDER HAT, haa

black band and pood grade bead leather, me-dium or wide brim», very Hexible, and light weight, size» 01 to 71.4/0, (I/O, 7/0 MEN'S SOFT KELT ALPINE HAT, bound or cut

edges, Rwcat-proof head leather, all-silk band and binding; colon*-, black, brown, cedar, slate, and drab; nil size».. 0/0 MEN'S'K ALPINE HATS, nude li)- Christy,

lyindon, bound edge«, narrow, medium, «r «vide brim», all-silk band and binding, «weat-proof brad leather: colours, black, brown, cedar, green, »late, and elrnii; all aira?«.10/0


all-silk band, good grade head leather, smart, ne»- fli'lt-, and very popular for new acarain'» .wear; ¡ill »Ire».5/0 lHMriS AND SHOES KOK SUMMER WEAR. BOOTS AND SHI1I-S FOn SUMMER WEAR. HOOTS AND SHOES FOR BUMMER WEAK.

Three Ulinga in particular recoinmtnd laandoti Fcu'.ivcar lo the buver-thn ii) If, Hie quality (ivlilcli (mures lasting shapeliness and good »-ear), and the marked moderation uf the prices. These are a lew typical example»;


goloshed, with American golf backs, scivn »airs, narrow round, full round, or narrow square toe», sires 5 In 11.11/0 MEN'S (¡LACE KID DEIIDY SHOES.-welleil soles.

American shape. .. .'.14.9

With patent, leather toooaps. 13/9 MEN'S KNCLISH-IIADE TAN WILLOW CALF

BALMORAL BOOTS, Derby fronte.., bulli on a perfect Utting Amcrhan last, medium and full rounded toes-a most comfortable ivalklng boot; sizes 5 to 10.10/11, 22/U




F. S. MEYERS, Manager.




. Al (he Lowest Rates.

Bv Measurement, tuft, to the Ton.

i Tons 2ft. Mixed. 21/ 2 Tons 1ft. Mixed Block«. 20/

S Tons 1ft. Mixed Split. _>/

Altona Brown Coil. 15/ Bakers' Hood, Butcher»' Blocks, Coke, Charcoal.


The Very Beat, at ne«v prices. Prompt delivery.

Agents for M'lvor Timber and Firewood Co. Pty. Ltd., Outtrim, Jumbunna, and Altona Bay Colliery


Trucks Consistir,I lo AU Sldi-ar-s.



Head Office-North Melbourne Rallivay Siding. Branche:-,- Windsor and Essendon Railway Sidings.

'J'honrsa-Ct-ntral. 1M1: Hindior. 3(0; Ascot. 331.

IâiIR-lVUOD.-Uox~!llrick«. W3; Split do., 1/4

. per ewt, by load; lit. Mixed Mock«, 2 tons mraniremnit, 20/; 2 ion» 2ft. do., 21/; Stove Wood and Mallee Boot»; Altona Coal, 13/ per ton, drlivrrctl; Jumbunna, Pelaw Main, and Newt-alla Coalr, at low-eat rates.

Agents (or M'lvor Timber and Flreirood Co. Pty. Wood and Maître Reola. Altona Coal, 13/ per Ion. Trucks consigned to any railway lidiug at

wholesale rates.

T. CURPHEY. Rumley, Vletorla-park, and Kew ralhray el.!inga__ T_rl___ _à07,_Centra_._ 1^IW'lVOul).-liox Blocks, Sin., (or «tores; Mai

- lee Root«, Cbarcoal, Victorian, Newcastle,

Screen out the film' by putting in rereena that really proiect you from flies and all other summer l«?st#. Our wire door» arc atrongly and neatly made, and are priced from 8'6; abo expanding »?imbi»- aireen» to fit any wibdow- (Cox'a patent), 3/. Solid tomfort »lil be your» Inside our ttcrrens, and Uicy are worth twice what the falbttvpleci

lM"'SAU«.~Tw_" WINSOWKifA Apply "Janies X]_ Boll and tv., 9 CJut-cn-st. _ IälRUlf-Tni--: NETTING', for protecting straw.

. berry-beds; also all fruit-trees; prices for«OTrorsl, IV. C. Oxley, 344 Little CoHln».«t.

'Q. A L V A 1* 1 S'E' D I B O H"

i C 7 8 9 10 Of.. 1/7. 1/111 2/» -/? 3/1 3/0 Redcllfi« . . 1/7 1/11 2/3 2/0 3/ 3/J Globe .. .. 1,11 1/10 2/1 2/5 2/11 3/1

Less -2| Per Crnt, Dlsoount.

These aro Ilia Best Uranus Manuiaettired.

All British Made.


QALY.I.NISEII lllOÑ,""ali,ihtly defective, almost

equal to best tiranda; inspect white in town; tit.. 1/1-1; 7ft-, 1/111: aft-, 2/-I.; OIL, 2/ü.l ICH., -/la); per ton-4ft. to 8ft., £lii,5/; 'aft., £!,; 10ft., £17/13/. .Moore's Timber-yards. _ G "ALI". IKON. '.Apoiro7'"be»t"ôb'islnahle. Noto

special reduced prlce»:-ili., l.rñj cit., 1/10}; TH., -ï/Jlî 81L, 2/S_; 0(L, a/Il; lWt-, 3/4. Oors, limber mcrcliants, Ni.rtiarkct._ G""ALV. IR-.N', corra., 6ft,, 1/0; ti.-, 1/0; 7ft.,

2/1; ail., 2/4; 9ft,, 3/; Wit-, 3f2¡ black comí., 1/0. Cl-rnberlaln'» Unlrcrul Shire«, QueenVbrldgr._ GAS KNGLNE, "Croaalry," tube Initioñ; nil

be lern «vorklng. A. IVIllüm-, boot factor)-, I-nno-idgi-st., Abbotsford;_

GAS-LNGINl'. "(--«.ley,'' tubo Ignition; can be

«een working. D. Willlanis, boot factor)-, l-nçtldgc-st.. Abbotsford._

L'NTEIIS, 237 UNTKI-i, BourkeGU.NTEII.S, itrect,UUN'mtH. UUN'mtH. Opposite (lUNTKlin, Theatre GUNTERS, Royal.

CIIRLSTMAS PIU-lllNTS. - Nover befoie luve «ve o-cred such a magnificent aauarrtnient u» ut present in Watches, Jewellery, and Silverware. Every article of n liable quality and at cut prim- for cash only. The »yilciu of small lu-lis and quick nie« (lui we so »tritely folio«» enables ui to oller crail« the bc«t value In this city. Bring actual manu-facturers, we ore prepared to make any article to order in a few «our« at brdroe-k price». Kully Illustrated Catalogue post freo to any oddit-s»._.

HOUSES, itandanl drsigti, 1 to s rooms, esll

mai ra for building materiali given; write for Plana and priées; freight mauled any aUliou. Moore'« Tlinber'yanlv_ _

tr fuel I.III down to a mini, _. _.«dont oil Andrews'Oeelon_ Fuel-saving COOKING bTOVla.

VALID CHAIRS, ««ir_/d__..,-.nude lo order, very cheap; also Cripple!' Tri.


INVALID CilAIItS, every description, In stock ami

uudf lo order, very cheap; also C ' ' ' ~ ' cycles, lalllhaiv llro_, 191 Queen-it._ IHO.NilONOKHVrBuilder»',' llouiehold, Farmer«'",

and Tradratuen'a Tool«. Write for illuitrateil catalogue. Moore'» Timls-r-yanl».


.SUING, abort end», 1er HALE, suit nursery,

men, oKbard-ita, or market iranleutrs, Ap pl)__Jîtoreman,JI'ho_Ai_)ru«___li1e»,_ _____

I' AWN-MO"lVKlt8, lewin"* .nak-a-a. KniTtor «It.

-a logue of Ganlrn Requisites. Thomai li'l'beron and Son, fat-8 Cullin»-»!.

MA _

The rare attraetlreneM of our Mantel» ia «ren at a glance, They baie an air ol »ni-Untlil eli» cane« Ulai a/meal» to the eye at once. But clowr Inspection allowa the tplendld material-the excel-lent workmanship- the superior llnlah, all the good pointai that tuuke us leader« lu the trade.

COX and Co., 303 lainrdalr-st., .Mell,., COX and I'«., _ «ml Non market.

.ANTliLl'iKCrîCeiiiïïêrTTliilRuaV be»! valúo oh.

talnaWc; tírale», Tilca, clearing line»; Cool,, lng Stoves, cheapest and best, It. and J, Edgar, iii 1'oit-ufflee-place.

H"AN'ri.EI'lEUtó,""i"larliÍ¡r and '"Wooî;""-rales",

liles, Lavatory Warr, C'ookiitf Ranges. laouli Andenion aud Co., _)3 Flinders-lane, Send fur cataloiTiies _ _ MANTELPIECES, aastUtlliga," Utrat «Irttictia; iii.

speit lirlore buying elsewhere. Douglas, 371 lluirkf »I., lit lloor, tbrnimli Kino'«.

MILK CANS."Crt-uni 'Cull«. Cn.ili-r.l, Ar.; miall",

liri« lu ruoose from. New aildri-tia, Joyce und Co., SS7 131_l«-tli»l.. Melbourne.

"YlilllillllS.'for 'all 'p'urnoM-., cheap."' Cotterell liX and Co., glass taivi'lllng and mirror fut-tury, .Sole new Billin-.», 2.1(1 laiii«ilalr-.t., elly.

"iWlll TAI»», "Propeller, Shaftlns, and Tut«.

?»Tfjrprm 'rAlli. Propeller, Sdaftln-, and Tut«.;

1\1. lira««, Cnpprr, Shrei, Tube, Rod, llnu-.lng, l.mip«. llarhurton, ll.iiirk.- ,t,

MY It T I, li """ It .INK II A M S.

Y It T I. II 1! A N II II A M ¡i. In conaeiiiKiii-ii of lim luipri-i-etlenltsl da. maud all lim.unit lin- .»rar fur our di


MVI'Tl.i: ll.iSK II.lllri,

cul»- a limited «uppl.v Is nijllul.l.) fur (ho I'lirl'tnu.« Seasen. Order tarli-. Dirri:Hull« fin 1-n.iklliis nilli furli bain.



XThTS, lor raililng bird», ubini», ibu; liruiu, X> »nine, and Set Nein; liirgral stock Flailing Tackle, IV. I'. Oxley. ,114 IJlllo (idllna-at,, Milla. OIUI.1N. -lli-a'llllful Ealey OIIIÎAN, rlcli, pawm

ful Kuli!,, iluiililr kner-nvell; inu,| SIILL nuli'kly; will I a ko £17/10/. lil Swan-at.,


lllC.H,lHl»!STt*.--Pll'IN(i. »Ilghllv riistnl. never -_. ii.-'it. ilu-aii; I'umps, (anna» lint»'. Wari.ur-teil, np, MI-IIM|KI)(', Boulia.'-«!.

T)AINTi:it.s.-OlJi|NA, Hater I'ulnt, the aianilarj X o( excellinrr; try It, ami teal aullare, loverlng and dnrabllliy: Tit.. :i/ii; i-oluur lanl». Pan I kulara Coi'j, !>M Lou'dalc-it.


PA1FRIIANCINCS (| altern« jo t free) Alabas

tine lllilelcils 0 1- 1 urhisl rs lowest

q otntion«. Da a 1 lo oil an 1 colour mer chants 133 1_ 1 llul eil st Alolbo irnc

PUGS and UTT1NI S vr hi t Iron galvauiscd

I lack steit! 1 |« Hot le Thomas Al PI crsol ii d sol CoIllns-sl _ T50PI HOIsi ( Cant Cu'toinho s_ lane

SADD! IRA ai t H tit«, "tockvhii». Leggings

U Idles cou try Ile | ire i int« Cheapest at 11 nier » 1 4 Bo irle st it d 31 1 ost-oft... place Utme " li_ SAH S llrcivoof c1 capest uti I best Weighing

i lad Ine« Cop 1 re« es ici «cconuhui d W Hil« and Ço^ '6__I ittlej ollln_st_ C_ AFFJS fireproof lew sccondland, agents Vic IO toria Safe Co s safe« litte 1 Ch ibb s loci«.

Bei iel amp llrotl trs 31 ) ¿"I _C llinsst_ QAlhS flreproor I Milner « hill cost Chubb t

Q AAA DUST Jarrah. Od j cr 1 tg Incl i ling 1 ig n lullars Jarrah Co Queen a-bridgc S ulh Mcllournc_ SEWING-MACHINES


an I IASr IA1N11

Yo i owe it to «o irseir to | roflt by the very Low Prices at which WARD BROS I HL7I A NA is sold-£3/10/ to £0/1-/ Lasy term« and tears guarantee lou can pay n ore-«ou get belter


(Now (riding a« A istraiian Sewing machine

Co I ty It!)

36 3S Frrol street Nortl Melbourne

__ *»>! Chapel .street 1 rahran _ _


til IV MlUIIN-hS - HF S.

second! and kind usually mean endless

inr* a sccoi dhan ! mad ino when £4/11/ p r ci isca «oí a te T unka a Iravvcr droi». head «owingmac)inc. with all the latc-it in provements Guarantee 1 (or years an 1 i onev to le refunded H you arc not satis (1 1 alter tno n inch» use

TAF ai I CO PTA I TI) -Melbourne anl

TAI anl CO PTA IIB -______-_s burbs_ SI WING MACIIIN1 lierthclm Improve I big!

an i cover fittings corni let o9/10/ any trial Ward Droi 221 Chapel st 1 rahran

Colosseum____-_ SLUING yiACHINFS -Singer» llerthelm« " /

guaranteed Crieve s cclehraled M«cl Ines, lev 60/to OS teni« Iff Gertrudc-«t Fitzroy Tel 4097____

8I.WINC, M.ACIMNI dill cul Inct vibrating shit

tie I early ne v 01/lf I irgaln Hard Bro*. ."I Ci apcljU. 1 rahrai oi Colons cum

In In icstmctiblc Beds convenient and com fort-lie lillie In 1 ian« Head loot and strong Coi jer Si ring Mattress asily taken lo piece» Tie 1 leal A mindai Bel

In 111 ACK 1"N \yiM "It Gin 19/ lil "0/

li WIIITl FNAA1U I o «ira. MORRISS! 1 THOM is an! FORaTII!


D10 FT.!/WITH STR1 LT - IIAlMAHhFT IAD TANKS Tunk« Tanka.-Hie large« Tank Alan i

facturer contractors State and Feite al (,nicmmcnts Write A 1 Allan 2u_. Bmnsnitk »'_

Htnoy__ TASKS (so are) Tanglefoot Flypaper Lan p

vare Kranich« ire Hollo «ware tlnuhware

Blicklead Tloc Mitel eil uni Co Prop Ltd brush i ii cfacturers 330 and JO !_nsdalejit

TANhS guarantee«! full size and gauge "4 0

Orb ' louble riveted 400 gallon» 50/ (MO «0/ 800 "70 1000 So with tapa and covers Trou-hs U 0 Uatli» 13/11 DoucU» Pump», 11/(1 Inspect, lime for catalogue«

C J I INi IORI) -91 3 street

tpLNTS »trong calico do iblr-sevm «cams, 0x8 -L 11/ 8 x 10 14/ 10 x 1" 13/0 Fly s all tites. Dimmev s Model store». Richmond_ ITMC1_TS.-F romantic Hobart, Sydney Colombo

X Briilsanc boat bo ight sold, and cxclungcd Davis 103 Collins it bcourficid clumber» op

George a._ _ _ _ TlChlTS lo T««nania Sidney anl AAeat Airs

tralla very cheap Pulton « Queen »-walk o|p loy n Fall_ riilMBUI Doora, Window« Rconng Iron

- 1 enetnc Wire Ncttlt g Urgrit ai I cheai»eit ftrn__ ii MeHio trne Moore » Timber yard«;_

li««, Noveltle« ladle« Bags Bruihware Tancy


Goods Chemist bun iries, «! ipmenis

mall rleap-st wholesale lotie 1. I) Fels, 311 Little Collins st _ __ TIllF Iltur Fo ntaln slrup anl luicca

Bisiberry Slravvborrv Ac very fine Ne! sen I td HT «_eorgc-«L by incv_ ^""LNI!iAN Aeraniih Florentine anl F*rlcid

S n BUNDS Venman Shutter» Wire Door» m-iii.ti.lured bv Carr an I Sons, 1)9 Si ring at Melbourne F-stab 1855 TeL 124 _

?\""10UN présentation Stead bow ease com

» plete tost o23 »ont on trial any wl ere with out cash, take 65/ Mr Webb 1 3 Daudenong rd Al indsor_ra "_/*101 IN How C««e hamhome Amu pre t t

") i urti «celng bargain " 0 worth Ow

weeli trial anvwlire A Lewis Toorak 1 O

.\7I0I1N STRINGS the I nest Vii a olt.rel set,

\ iicludlig allvir 4tb "c lost frt s iltl Iii Mlxibethit_ W'ARBlltlON, SSI Bourke «l-STl ChS D « 1 > F-nginecr»' Machinist» llequhite» Metal Threat Screw», all «tie» Nut. Al «ober«, bet



White Paper Cut to Any Site

'INDHIII.s from £5 10/ Alstons pilent

»ttViUhest ali plevt and mon lurable mills 11 ixiitence Work» n sir Qunn abridge South Urib XMAS SLITS I ASA


XMAS SIITs, Suits of which y-ourscH snd XMiSsiiT- yoir Irltnda will bo prou I

XM AS SUITS. that . the Lind of Suits you get XMAS St ITS here, on iijit i of kasy I j) XMAS St ITS. Ulrnls. bil I li ity Hull



MIASJI ITS. _ J P_JONISI _ ARCADh. O! It blla_TlCI-l_. rlmlcm. frei i _./ r-nl «Lion guarantetsl Alfrel William« oplt ian 311 Sr« «ton «t mar Iltur s -11 teste I fr o



IMMLSSI V AIUFS in Immediate AAcar C1 OTU

INO at l/ondon an ! Anicr rai Si i pi) stores. I au. O Suit« cspe-ii! well talions! IA to 50/ tiittsfaitlon » certain!! lorn r I istcrn

Market (oi ly)_ _ ___

TMMFaillTf AAKAR CUTTIIINO « Specialt) al X li t dan an 1 American Su-| Is More« I an I 0 Suit» tailored ty expert tillo-« k / tn si Notl ing Fetter Coner 1-aitrrn Market (onl) )

I-IMF-SSI VALID in St II- to llra-uro at lit

lun and An erican Rupj ly blore», lullnrcd cxperll) In in «idling« of latest weal o an 1 patient f«i/ to Id»/ Coner haitcrn Market (uni))_

I MINOS, till F to get licttfr instant service clotl

Ing than 1 and O bUITO I'uultlcw in oven detail 15/ to _ _ll¿_l¡OB surf lilli

loi . 1 Aiiernin supply Stores, corner Haslem Market (olly) _ _ IltlllMSTIBIA MPF1AI1NO to Fverynno All o

Ucea Thiin-Our Si«stil line of New I \N\ M AS from lO/il y » ir «Ixe I« among Uu ni l_i

I n ltd At cri in Supply Stor* corner F astern Harket ((till)_ IN DHU III sr (OljOURN-a Uno ni Specially _ made BATHING (XXsTlMFA 2gannnt

1 II (1 will stan I «irtlnh Ion do i aid Ai erl -an s pply Mon-» cs rrer Laatern Mark t (onlv) _ _ _ ___

1 ilM.AH UVTI HAU HUSH, malo from tie -_ | m«! Cashmere willi »ilk Hock«. I HU 1 1/d Tils Is (he best tails In ile ill) 1J do I and An orban bunly blores coner iJ-teru Market (ciIv) _


Fin I for ptten» and n If inciniin« n 11 c1 arl-p st free an vi re Suit« t M aiur In i 42/ I/indon an! Ait erican Sillily Mont «srner ."allom Market (nth) _ _

IMIOsslllll t dei II u«r Aale ti in the

SHIRTS I » k11« nair Coll lar 10 Aflir «ontf rt lloco lays! llur a lind n aid Vin ri

vin li Iii lar s| in jtomcr ljuitctn Market (at ly )

TNDIsllTAII! 1 tie llnost H.iilyloH ir ?L (Intllig In Mrlbourn Is the I and o

SUIT _ I -i)/ I'ulloci I in in I ai ilalo «lyle liindon al ! Anrrican buiply St ret», corin r lustim Market (onl) )



OMI NI RHK FOR lilli DIIKN - Mn. Illusion « S.mlllng SVTUI for c hit Ir i Pis thing SI oui 1 alnaya bo nant (or dill Ir i wl Ile teething It Soothe« Hie Child Sollen« th

(um« lill)« all Catii Cures VA lud Idle and ti Hie Heat Remedy for Diarrla-a Directions for using Mr' H Inalow a Slothing Myrup-For a child tu dir one mooth old (1 to IO drop« threo inantl « oil hair a teaspoonf ii «ii month« aid anl up »arl« a tea«] toni I ti ret or lour Iii ii a da)

I r DUrrl era repeat Ile al ovo lioso every two loira ntl! Hie «lindern! II IKIargrs la clang I lor Ills boiler Mold orcrywl en


CONRIITlTION.dOam to 6 p,in ) Raturdaj» 10 m S | m I nil-

li ANI S I Olli MOST In treatment of Al I RKIN DISK ASH (Acne Leanna 1 «orlaala Lui is A arl cuse I li« uni Ulis ra) DISUIMV« of Hu Iros Ullo ( laud ai I of ( lirist at d Abdominal (Irgul > DHU I 111 lurloccie At be« Naturday a Midi cal cob t in In rho Argua ' Mid Agc

AHRAtn ii ARARU) Celebrated I «UTI IN

HI-NSA.-Gen ill Idinrnt« Col a lu)« Mid Hin » an ! Itali« ral II i din m 1 Ueclong bun ly florea llohhtensl All c1 i Isis

~A ( IRU li IIOIV1.N MAA DINrtST (lato -V with Dt« 0 Nctn aid Merrill I 1 Mr lind vu) SA) DI SIIIINO fl i nr (\!lln««t l\l

(It I iii I s» i xln etkn « ga« a li lui t rod

AUD1IOI ISM ( I RH) luvliih ill lively anl

»pro lily i stroyil lil I Iori I Í Go! I li «til le Al Hoirie l_ |tiict and t ni« Itiv A It

A Mill I II S I! ni I I IIIUH ILS r | ei I Hy

i\ In U I II S.I rdi>« till W d »by

i I Irll ) is In« lill 8

A MM I H s (or 1 rt I lill s DIN lisna IO J\ I II s I Is » al o It us. II _| I

Ami Ir Al i ig r

A iiiiiK lAi linns s i i ai r» II «I

o'- It II r 1 t a I Ila 1« i c1 tter AAuri r

a I Wei 1 r IO s il »

A Rill H III I Ullis vinrl \ erl | n t -\ li I it II r I I II s g jr I I II

i I l li l I t I I) v r llr li is r r s j . i ||t

Bl lill I si H Mil I III Uti 111 I K H

lill Al 111 NI li lill ii st I | Ml I l

r pi I 1 111 i U«i ! is |jt| j v r i « al I I I DU sr«

/Mil ION sIRIS! S II I i 1 s lil r)

\J Hillls always real) i II ni f r ill I I nlis ! I S I He A Ni | r | rl I r

« Ml Allltll I I Nu» 1 I I I » I li « I _» Her (in w11 » rd I I i i r li j

g annie I) irlil Ir Hi e I I re N ro|ulhi I sill I I I ( II . I ,"

l-lONSUI S II IILWl.'», ii!,",1 « til I I IK Uren lo i at __,.__.»'___?.£; Liper» »i milli»! In all Ntn» *_*l Blt-V J>I~-Ara»




11 NH 1NSTON "*TR1_-T

Dlrccll) Opposite St Puul « Cathedral

lour Door» from Uli 1 rs-stnit Rallwnv Station

Surecon I I IORSIfcR »ho I« a legally quail del and registered DI NT If, SURGI ON of lie

torla examined and rcgliterrd b« tho Dental Boanl of 1 Ictorla moat rcspcctfolly draws tho attention of the public (hat next month in the aimiven_ry of III« II NTH 1! lit IN HIS PRFSFNT Pill MIBUS during »bleb lime lila practico ha» been built by mérito ion» skill and recommendations from grail

tied patients I appreciate this so much that I »iah to prêtent mistakes as regard» my address by

recommended patients.


At I evened Pricca.

Oi aranlerd 11 Itliout ! tin I xtractioraa.


Discovered and Perfected by

Dr Cralger


We find It absolutely nccc«»ary to inform UM public that it is at ti ia address


Po«-heli I hate Onlv On I n-bliahment,

11IIS ADDR1 SS 0*41,1,

No lgenclcs routs or Can« assers in Town or


Til! PRFSS PR 11SLS Hie Medical Profession Recommends an I the Publie ! ndorsea that this Marvellous almcricnn Si« «ni of Removing


TRUTiiruni ii n nour PAIN

I» Di monitratcd Dalle


References to be Seen on Application

Please !o not confour 1 this sistem with the Old fashioned, So calle I Painless D ntistry

Our Ilcautlfiil Accurate tilting, AMI RIC IN MOPPla TFETII

Giving Hearer l_re Comfort, and Natural


A ni iirrii ui SIT OF TFFTH

Ire Our imerlean Model Teeth

Hith Coralino Gum I'lati» llithout Spring«) or


COR II INT i« the most recent up to-date Plate used for Mounting Irtlflcial Teeth

Hie «outhful contour of Hie face and roouth Reproluced

It dific» detection Comfortable light and dur able Coraline is perfect!) tóateles«, and remaln*

" " ' pure

(»all S.r spetlmen« and La(est Methods.


I A»l TI I11IN CAN lil AltUANOhD

1 ull »el» from One Guinea Guaranteed £2/2/

Sinele Tooth 2 0 011 Set» Itrmodelled, Teeth Ulled, Bleached Pearl li hile Extracte, 1/ and


t A1TI0N -I have no ennrassen* or tonlai tour ii g collecting tlrposlts, .Vc and I devote my «loe Hine pcrronslly to mv one practice, and claiming to be famois», I con stay rigbt where 1 am known I « nt« reputation




ind also Saving of Pounds Obi-nln_ Elegance,

Lair and Comtort

Countr« and Town Patients Idvired. Cut address

out (or reference

Call before deciding elsewhere to

j i lannsTiR



Direetl« Opposite Nt Paul ? Cathedral,

li r I) «nr» from I 11ndent-sit reel Rail«s-r Station OP1N lltlüll 11ENINGS UNTIL 9 pm


TTio lamoua Remed)


Those »ho luve takin this medicine are amazed at It« splendid healing power Sufferer« from Rronihltl», Cough, Croip, Asthma, UliBculty of Bnathlng, Hoarseness Pain or Sort-not« In the Chest expenrnce drll_htful and rapid relief, and to those «ho are subject to Cold» on (he Chest It Is intaluable as It tffett« a compitió cure It Is mint comforting lu ultaiaiig Irritation in tho Throat and ( lilng Strrngth to the lolce, and it neithtr allon« a Cough or lulim- to become chronic nor Consumption to develop Conaiirop lion is not kno««n »here Coughs have, on their ttrst nppearanee bren properl) tira I rd with Hill medicine No honre aho lid lie without it, aa taken in the lieginning a doae or two ia generally tutu lent and a compbte cure la certain

Small »iae 2 it 1 irge 4/0, Chemists and

tulidne linders the Proprietor,

11 (I HbARNL and CO ITD , Chemists, Gee-long, 1 Ictorla_ _

CLARKE'S n 41 PILLS are warrantes! to Cure

Gra« el. Palm In the Hack, and all kindred complaints. Free from mercury. l*atab!lshtup»ards of 43 «tars. Sold by all chemists and fatent medicine «tndors throughout the world,

roprlctors. The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug_Company__Lincoln. England._ CHINTS!* DntTOn.-G. TYE KEE successfully

treats all ilist-aiea, internal and external. 21 NiehoUon-«t., Filtro«- (op. ExbfhKloii-ganlens). Kindly note int-IIing ni_tiame_und addreue_ C"llllÑES"_MiCTOH. - J. F. SIÜ'KKE «urces».

J full) treat» all dlrciscs. internal and external, without operation. ".lllrrdliou«e," l8 Eielyu-st., K»»t Mellonrne. op Continuation School.

CIÍINI.SE DOCTOR. - TnchTsillN «uece-tfiilly

Ir.ata all di--a«e», internal and external; eye »peelallst. 2S3 Swanston-»t., op. Ijoipltal._

ÜLSAPPíilNTKD FAT I OLKS.-lVhcn you lum*

tiled al the metliada of rnluction known to médira! ae!rni-e, si« h a» starvation, dieting, violent exercising, Ac, »nil have found the)' baie done more barm (ban good, hut try "Foruicltes." You »ill be aurprined »'id delighted at the pleaaant, ea«v nar in »Melt there remarkable little tablet« rsiluce i-xn-i« fat, «vlthotit raining Hie iJIghlcst tu.plrariant clfri-t.s. One little tablet before each inral only is rrqill-.1 to prnnanetiy cure the inrat stubborn caic». "I'ormettr»" are obtainable Irnm all t-htmlst». drapar». Foy mid Gibson Pty. laid., Colllng»ood, sid The Big Store, Prahran, at 3'l prr rtrtnll, or direct from S. II. Ilrnshal!, ihrtniat, îlil riarriidoii-sirret. South ilelboiirne.__ TV". GEO.-!*. THOM IS offer» »kllful and conXJ s. it-iilloua treatm.nt for Hie cure of sufferers from D_i..«ra of the Nenoui System, SKIN, and HLUOD. r.sams. pa*aed, both Ihr Royal Colleges of Surgeon» and l')i)Rielau«, England. Conaiiltav nena, pcno'ial, or bv letter, lo/, willi mrdit'lnr. lledli-al Enal-il.hment, 139 Sprlng-atreet, next Fruiré.««'« Theatre. Hours, (Mill 9 dally._ DR. "" I. ~K " SMITH'S




Consultation« Morning and Ki ruing.

_____ Fee by Utter, £L_ lill!. (¡IIH'KiTIIS' "I'VltOID" for Grey Hair: X ' all millah, hübet Lindon guarann-e In-hind it: thrr- »bailia. Tuûliiiunlala, Colliussl. artlits,


UR."ltE!.ÎE'S""llt'.»PIT!L. 101 Exhibition-«., Little Collin»--.-All disease, treated; own dallv, mornings, altemnnn, timings. Ad

illrlnr, 2.«;Jcttrr___7_._ ENTISTS.-Ilatra'and Binge, 281 Collii_-»t.-, _~ Set», £'2/!2,'i¡; UIJ Plates, Miiflu Hemodrltrd; Exlrattions painlra», Fllllnes; Gold Trrth; Irnn« accept rd. Tel. 6013.

-,I_llM-»-S, lirai! Noiïe», Catarrh Curetl. with

' out operntlan or medicine; trial treatment

free. Ntir.ipaibJJn«titute, 12J_Çnlllr_;st. __^ DtÄHETl-C- Hillun'a""Compounil speedily Int.

prou-s t-irn adiaiirrd cate»; »7 curra in IO) rases. l'nloii_Co.,_2U9 i:llral«-th-«t., Melbourne.

DRUNbCNNIi-S CÍlílEll" by Dr. Shaw-'a ANTI

ALCOHOL, voluntary, «ecret; home treatmrnt: ngUi.ret! bv (¡oiiriimint. Write, e_3, 61 Russell-si., on l*ulllna-at.__ _ 1aiiTs"aud IÍPII.ITSYT TRENCH'S REÍIEDY.XI lira. Solomun, 173 Montiiguc-.t., South Mel-bourne, »rote:-"My little girl Sylvia wileri- from 111' for tiwi«.- in.mlh-. she liad aa many as no lu one nigh!, and .niurone had to wata-li her all tlte time. I lu.I lirr i.ndir II leading doctor, but she waa getting ter-.-, «then a lad.« gu\e me a book on Tn nt-lt'a Treatment. I got u packet, and the second one cunsl her. she ha« no1 had a fit for fourterti mimili«. Sin- ia qulie Iii.-I« and enjoys good brallh. I »III I« «cry pleaeil to ris-ommend your treatmint to anyone." 'Hie Union Agency Company,

I'M Elliuibtthal.. »IrllKiiirnr. _ _ lalEDEIIAL MEDICAL'IN.S-riTL'TE."6"l3 KfluBelh". 1. st. N., llarket-biilldliig», dally, 2-3, 7-8

tem. Al! dbraac« mated Advice and medicine, 2'ii. Dr. Malone), turgcon,_




Pli-aaanl, It« llablr, Safe, and Sues.-eas.f_,

S|.li'ii,llil for the U«i-r.

The Beat AperlcnG

I*rlee, I'd a bottle. Sold by eheinlil« and medb clin, lendnra, ami by the proprietor,

IV, (!. HEARNE and CO. LTD., Chemist», (¡co-

long, Vii (uria, , I>

HAIR DRESSING, Dyeing. *e" Kar« ilatwia*««,

.Hani, uti- l'ai laura.-Italrwork, every deacrlp, linn. Allen'», 1113 Collin«-»*., op. Grorgti'«._ HAIRS," Mole» PERMANENTLY "REMOVED by

t tntrii-ity. ills» Stone, sa Swamttoii-»t" 3rd Huiir; lil )rara evpeibiue. Hour«, 11 too,_ HAIRS REMOVED by electricity never reappear;

painless and markies« appliances: vail ex. neill IK.-; icrtllliatc.l va pert, ildnie. Ul_er«t_0, 57 Swai-lnn-at. __ _ ______ KIDNEY ijl8i:A8rSräirönlr~tni! A"dwii«etl, an

Curable by I'tillon'« Compound. Free booklet (rom UnlonCo., ïti) .F.IIi_b*ni_»t.,J|I____bo_inie._

LoNGiinnE's siiLPiinn HAIR RI-STORER

ONGMOKE'S HIJI.I'IIUlt HAIR IIIISTOllliH .Uringa luck Um .,,.line of ).iulh lo

S ey or faded bair,

lerniaU, Sloma, ..anti Draper* «eil It,

(¡lain Until.» . I/o, 1'nat free from the proprlnton. 2/0.

I.ONGMOItl'.'s,-'nie Melbourne», laU.MiMOUI'.'ra.-186-7 llourkn-»»., llclb.

A'rASSA(li:,'baí«relieíru"!, iliii_iory,""u»ed for all -X iittiM ular and iieriou« eomplaitiU, by certio-rated miiitciir», .Nauheim Mi-«igo Inittitule, 1-4 Kti-Bell-iH,_,

MA8SA(li:.«-('íillTlñ'il and adulta trr«t(s|"by"inati

«cuati tilth I'lnitlnrntul rxpt-rltsire; i-onsuilulinn Irt'i'. Nauheim ilumaigo Institute. 1'2S Ibuaall-Hl._ VrTv-WAai:.-Illiciimailsin, Sciatica, "ParulyuiH, i'a- N'riirualbrnla, Calarrli, Paraphrgla, Infantile Puralyal«, Inn ted at Nauheim ilaiugo lnatltute,

128 ltil-.rll-al.

"\II'N, us«' VI Wl for iiitarrh, iii ingest inn, plb», lil. liver, kidney, »ml ncnnu» illwrd. r«, Infor nintlon Irre. Vlail-romn«, l'.ipiltalilu bldg» , t »| lln»-»l , .llrlhnimio. _

\|Ol)N MS, Clilni"- Herbalist, diploma Cuuon" lit - Inn i niii and ixlirnal il'i«-i»s miicixscfully ttiited, l-l ttu.isll st, Milboiinu. 'Phone, len! ,


"XTATUIlAMNi:."" S'alutc'a Oreat Remedy (or

XX ('..Umring tiny Hall. Nu. I, light brown, I So. :', dirk btoivu mid black luir, j/u, poslid 0/3.

I 1 llollun.l, litt ('«dllnssi. _ . j

N"'H1» AS-I II I NI I Niurlll», all Ni ni. Dista«««

li.ilisl willi« iii inislli lui ». Nun Mihi Hist I , III» I.I I «Hil .»lint (rvtubllsliiil lix«)) A><" '

(mululu I Imll it. is

N "and ".H ".II" '''-'« ' ""'N'O'I'IO.,,.'" shoubM«

vi KI, «d' it 111. »'I ' b) I««'. '/.> ,M ."?*. m

i^NÎV^iïA«;;/!;,^,;;!^!;!,. LÄVÄ..^Ä'AÄÄ

I I, slump Ino booklet

...»ill l-l NI ' . tir._ «II soil» DI» wi I moina

I* IIINGltiiRll HAItl-S lilllt HUHU on HAM) PAH III s i I osi n I Holland, I air sp.« lill it, jil. ii Hin« «I

tSUSIIIIHN I'«" nil«', rrlleiit Alr-llialrl Hkln rt Houpi His vvniiilrrhil icmcdy lor all bkin Trouble., «.enlim, ¡J.




should, In «11 matters of concern, be listened lo nilli careful attention. The advice of ono who »Iieuks from knowledge and experienco 1« valuable. If von arc seeking some mean» of improvit/g your health, those who know will teil you that üeccham'« Pills rwi-ii-i marvellous restorative pmpertl«--, more likely than anything else to set you up and keep you well. This incomparable remedy I« well adapted tor all r«»rm» or indigestion, and those who know will teU you that

B E F. O H A 11 ' B






have arliieved a great and wcU-mcrilcd reputation for curing dyspepsia, flatulence, sluggish liver, cou?tlpatlon, and other ailment« «riling rrom digestive troubles. lUdlculous claim« are put forward lor many advertised prisnarations. 1 hey ar* so clearlyexaggerated that one is wise to »hun them alto-gether. But Bcecbam'« Pill« may always bo «airly depende- upon. They have stood the tr-rt of time, the«' have earned the approval of generation«, and tiley still remain more popular Iban ever a.« the world's best family medicine. Quickly, but surely, they will bring about a healthy action o! the stomach, liver, kidney», and bowels. They will eitahllsh the health on a sound basis. That is winive urge inquirers to ask those wh.» know about Ilceciiajn's Pills. You will find Hut they


Sold in Boxen Labelled.

Pricc-10Jd. (3D pilla), 1/1, (56 pills), and 2,0

, .,. . (168 pill»). _.__i_u_»-.

TAI'. BULL, Disease Reader and Herbalist, Pre

. s ¡dent of AustraUan Union Herbalist« (regis-tered), Brunswick-house, 8 Brunswick-street south, F'ast yielboume. Hours, 10 lo 4 daily; Thursday evenings, 3 lo 8; Al'cdin-ilay, 10 lo 1 only; Satur-days, out of toum. Prrscnptlon« renewed day or night. .NUL-No charge maiio unless patients ara «atitfied with diagn«!«!»._ alltUSSES.-"Eclipse" American Filiale Truc.

. no spring« to chale, accurate fitting; single 17/fl, douille 22,«1. Denyer Brothers, comer Swan-ston and I-nsdalc «ta._

nïItrsSfiS, Beits, Elastic Stockings. Anklelsî X Kneecap», Crutch.«, ENEMAS; strirlly incalerale price«. Den) cr Brother«, corner Swanston and Lonsdalojls._. ___ ITvitUSSia «ccurately fitted and made to oidcrf X moderate charges, AVarucr and Webster, 210 Swanston'-t. __ _ _ _

TTABIOOSE VEIN'S, Ulcers CURED. Call n't V write for booklet, G. II. Bartlrman. chemist, comer Best-st. and St. George's rd.. X. Fitzroy,



Ii You Hive Suffered fnr Twrnlv Years,


Sold by Ciicmista anil Grocers.

Send Post-card, or Call for Dook of Ccnuine



ISO Flindcrs-lanc, Melbourne.

WJK will CORK your RHi:UJ!ATIÄM~or retín}»

v ' your money. Mr. Geo. Tay lor. Hopetoun, Victoria, wrote:-"AA'nght'« Rhi-iimaclc Remedy .cured me ol acute rheumatism alter 1 had token only two and a halftbot_lcs. I hid tried mamtilings without getting relict." Mr. S". .A. Silion. Avvhltu Central, Auckland, S'.Z., wrote: -"Will you kindly forward mc a« «non «« possthl,tbre. bottle« ol Wright'» Rlieumatic Remedy, a» it lu« proved a «ure care for rbciimmturn and «ciática." Send for free booklet, posted to anv address. One month's treatment, .'./_ Wright's Rheumatic Remedy, 229A Hlrabetb slmrt, Mel-bourne^_


» ' your money, month's treatment, 5 Ö. Wright'« Hheuinatic Remedy, 239A Eliaabetb-lt.. Melbourne.^ See Wrdnccday'« advertisomonu_

VXTIIAT Vl.AVI IVOF.Sl-IIeln« men" to grow vi strong, women to become healthy. Ha» done thi« for tliou*andi. Al'hv not for vouT Infonnslion (rec. VI.VVI IIYGH-Si'., 3 ,'posUgc 4d. A plea lor intelligent living. Sis-olal Talk to Alomen. Tbilrsdiy, llth. al .1 p.m., I iivlroom», F-qultahbbuilding, yicllmurne._

(Continued From Page 1.)

PIANO, "Mignon," iron frame, check action,

hand« case, full-tone trianon], doubla oblique; £28. Paterson'«, Smith-sL, Fitzroy, uc«r Poy and dinon'«._ PIANO, "Carl lIoa«,"""he«vlly' "«trung, doubfi

obliqua trichord, round, full tone, flrst-claia order; £29. Paterson'«, Smith-it., linroy, near Foy and_5ib-n___________

PIAS'O, "Wilkie Kilner," full lire model, check

action, heavily atrung, trichord, tone oí Un« quality, perfect condition, handsome LlarkwuoJ case; £20. 1-tenon'», Stnith-»!., Fitzroy, nur Foy and Gibson'«. _ __

PIANO, "Ktdallf," iron Iramt, check" action,

splendid tcne, good case; £22. Patenou's, Smlth-»L¡_F'ittroy,jnear F'oy and Gib'on'a.

PIANO, "Roacner," Iron frame, check action, tri-

chord, fine lone, walnut case, in good order, a useful instrument; £-. 1'ateraua'«, Smith-it., Fitzroy, n_rj\>y «ndoiluon'«.

1_H.ANor upright" grind,»C had veri

. little use, full iron traine, nilnut e-aie, ail In pcrlect onler; £33. Mr. Noble«, 200 Clarenden. »t.. South Melbourne._

1JIA.NO, iron ffameisi, Becker, lovely tone, check

action, nil lno.ltni lrnproimrnu, i\>«t £(_. iclt ia«h£_S. Mr, M'Kcnile, id Clirendini-at, s. Melbourne._

Iyl.ANO, In "good order, will sell for £10 catii. Uno

. tone, action right, urll-|K»lii,hcd tow. in. tween 10 and 6 o'clock, Mlaa Sobletl, ïis. Claren. don*st.. South Melbourne.

PIAS'O, Bordf walnut, very »weet tocê~£25

term», 10/ deposit, 10/ monthly. Itl___"J F.mlshing Co., lill S'wan-_t.

PlASOS.-l_hman, £20| Henrie," £21; Aueber.

£29; Bord, £32; Me- give rlaliwt term» la li» world. 1'iuraon'a, 152 llourko-it.

1 DÍANOS and ORGANS, great variety, »ccond.

liand, (rom 3/0 wctkly. l-n-glc and Satu. 106 Eltobcth-«.. next Block Arcade.

PIANOS. - Itenanli, «_d; AVchcr, £_»;' Bord,"

£22; JinUin, £13; from 10/ deposit, 10/ monthly. _ Paterson'«, 162 Bourke-al_

PIAS'O, the" famou« Rcnirdl, unequalled'foi

value; £1 depewit, £1 monthly; tall and In-spect Paterson'«, 152 Bourkr-at,

PIAS'OS and ORGAS'S to «tilt the most keen rat;

expert knowledge, and moderate purac; uaali cr term«; deposit optional Maple», 271-3 L)goa<

«L, Carllon.

13»l.AS'O, hanii-nine meiern upright grand, perds t

. tvrdtr, »pliudlil tvne, perfext keyboard, ree-cnlly £_S; £20 i-a«h, or 10/ nuulh. Mr. Jame», 1st

Cliapel-sl, Prahran.__. PLAYKiri'lASOS. - l.îtost and best SSnote,

oomlilnullun Player Piano), Just landed; in»peoiltsi In« lied. 433 Col lin»-it., corner Markrt-ai. STRONG, RKRVICKAnLK AT.IIAS'DAIl'SK.ATS.

TIIUNH, SKRVICHADI.1- ATR.AXD.AII SEATS. --?-Here is astonishingly good value in Seals -and lamiigm. VKIÎ.V.NDA1I SKATS, lory -'-stning bluckwocsl Isthi, mntintro) on Ima -Irumes, nicely lirntitic«), 511. long, Isoltcd, .-18 «I; «It. long, ImlKd, 21/.

-CAN!". LOUNGES, lor verandah or ganlen. .-very «irnngly made, 21/; exceptionally airona; -Iranio, cloiely plaited cine, '27/0,

TYK and Co.,-Melbourne and TVIi and Co.. - Suburb«._ ST E P. L P. and O 0 M P A "* T,

Furniture, and Carpet Warehouse,


Three Doors from Bourka-atreet,

Complete House Furnisher»,

ill Good« Marked In Plain rigurea for Spot Cash.

Ile Offer You Beat Valu« In the City.

_ ST1-U. and COMPANY._ m ii E " K A i. i z o i c.

Combination nedsteal». with AVIrc Millee«*-», 19/«,

A lenna Chair», «ni» soils, each. 0/ Ollie Revolving Chair».,. £1/7/6 llic I'amou« "Culler" Oltlco Dealt .. .. £0/lti/.

' lnspecllon Invited,


2_ and 210 r'llz»l>fili«trert,



A-I-ATfllB. Drilling. Planing, Shaping, Screw.

. ing. Milling, l'un, hing, Shearing Maclilnr«; Cuthman Chucks, Pneumatio Tuoli. li oma i Ml'lientun and Sou», Colllni-st, _^ ALL aaaara'ol MACHINERY for Engineer» »nd

IVoodwotker«, l-ithf«. Planers, Hand nmn», "c. llrtan and Edwards, Ktng-sL, ateltiotime.

BArrtiltlhS «nd All Mining lliqiiialtra, I .Hey«,'

Plummer llloiks. Shaftings, Castings of every W- Anderson und Son«, Llinoln-at,,

111« buiniiit.

.OKI/UNO, ill kind«, sir.-, new «nd »i « omitían«,* X* used In principal factori.«; «h.-apeat houK ia eily. Frank A lal und Sons, IK.1 Quern at,

BllSSir., WAHI'., «nil'Corlis- ASVILS.Aiies;

.Hld BinUllillb»' Toni«, Kivnlgi- lliock», A I.e.

iKixi'« und I'm«.

/XIIAFFCiriTUIS. Horse Works, Hone," Biri i_ Mill«, Ssvv Hinches; gturanlced l«-»t lu world. tlulin Illunie uud Son, Parkside Ironworks, North


ASTItMlS, In inn Ibis alni, malleable, and Iron,'

,ils.i Pl'.iih'litlisrri and Chlllud W'lni'll. Divlll «ml Baird, llrunvwlrk.

]RlilGAI10S' I'LV-NTS, Evan-'a'" Ccmrliiigaí

Purnim, Pavrv Pasman Portable l.'ugine«. Jumra Cravin, Souili Melbourtie.

OIL IÎNGINF-4, «ultalile for «baflruttlng, piuiiii'

lllg, unlllg, .Ve ; M nd for latulogili. IV. C. Oxli'l, 314 Little Collin« «I, (mil lo I JUMPS, a Spi'èl'iltv", (Vnlridigil, Plunger, hand

.nid bolt drivviii Win,I,lilli, S|ir«)t'ri. Hand and motor. Calais««!«-, ex|»crt «dike Inc. AVek-h,

uni Co., Helix.urne.

US TON PROOTOB*" 1-racthn «nil Portable Steam KNGINB«,

atalionarv and t'ottab!« Oil Kunine«,

..irasblng M«chlni'«.

H v M KAY, llarvtalrr Work». Sun-taa*.

_.|(j|-,__"' GA»

Ö _," " ..nan rrlul of Ihr ?H0RN8nl'"

¿«'I T.,'.° nrr^eil- lErhour rriuat »how I heir l'I^-sl ,.'''._.P_f'yCVl-rillna- tli'lr onlrr nilal

{(A'rTw'A ilÄAL oí SU Iii'- >'< ONt tNQlNl!.

onlrr 1*111

T UM AL'oí ittl-llHÏ'. 11. 0

'"lÎîr" lie.trio Lighting no ntlirr engine equal« .i! UIIIINSIII. ' willi li I ruvl leal pnwir (or (ho

.'¡vlrli! I ll.ll'ni. << '..'.»"?' "'?" '« "* "'. I'''1-' C%U|TM lOI-V»!')'' »I'CIIO* GVS INSTAL.



Ml 1 HOURN! - Svdn ), - Ilrisban»

_M'CON|ill«M) MINING ami Or-BlUI. M1CH1NÎ P> 1 111 Ml RCI1 laVI« Write toe eataUogue, No. lull is alni Im Imiuirlr« Invita- Cameron ant Sut) uland. M 28 QuiTii'a-lirlirgr.«!.

\\* INI I li first la «a _ll roDUlnrtl IIOIL! Bfaii I 11 illlllNIl al' it I*IIP wurklng pn« »in uni bat thin 1 »lib Nilli full particular» and prhr fnl nilla

Ü A. DLDllO OK-, fj» Quwiiitreet,
