Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Tuesday 8 March 1910, page 8

. AfflDSIMENTS. -.^?- - . « ? » —

f, -fTHE LUCK OF ROAfflNG *:* CAMP.'

..In the alleged adaptation of 'The Luck ot Ettoaring Camp/* with wilch the members of j Mr. George Maxlow's company opened their Sicason at the Palace Theatre oa Saturday feiigat to an. oveRflowing house, Stumpy and the ; rugged, good-natured habitaea of bis cabin rjjave no place. There is no Kentuck to « apostrophise the finger -which the new-born

offspring of Cerakee Sal had, in a. spasm of pain, caught for a moment and held fast; no /philosophical Oakhurst to advise in naming the -. little stranger; no Man^o'-war Jack to lilt a . lullaby in an awkward endeavor to coax The vXuck to Bleep. i~ These well-remembered figures have been Replaced by familiar melodramatic types set |'in ^.'narrative which depicts the reckless life ipt the Golden West. The heroine is a wild '' mountain flower, which/ a conventional stage jvillain seeks to pluck; j)ut in the hero she has Ya doughty champion, who, after a eeries of i ifalfee accusations and attempts upon his lite, earTtes iall 'before him, and iB rewarded with i-ijfche smUes and kisses of , the girl he loves. In Kifleveloping' his scheme, the - 'adapter' has ^Introdufbd some thrilling incidents, including £i murder, a* rescue iromjfcynching, a duel, an : ibduction, a struggle ,for~ liberty, and a sen-. National climb for life from an underground ikiave. So that playgoers who like their drafmaiii fare well peppered have here a dish to I the' liking. % ? ? ... Ths drama is adequately interpreted. Miss JEthel Buckley, as the heroine played with plenty of animation in the lighter scenes, and ?invested the more serious ones with many ?'aninute touches of pathos. The hero was im; personated by Mr. Kenneth Hunter, who gave :^*a good account of himself; and the part o£ the ^villain could not have been in better hands ^ihari in those of Mr. Harry Diver. Another well-played character was that of Jovito de i ISutro by Miss Nellie Ferguson. The fun of j .the piece was kept well afoot by Mr. J. P. iSb'Neill, Mr. Wilton Welch, and Mr. John f-Josgrove. * The Randwick District ilusicai Society will ?give its first subscription coi-cert in the local { Town' Hall on Wednesday evening next. ? Miss - i&my Murphy (soprano), Ml*a Nellie Carroll ¥ tcontralto), end Mr. Winslow Knight (tenor), ??will be the soloists, and -will render items from \*T3\ Trovatoxe.' Choral and orchestral pieces ' will be given by the society, under the conducLtorship of Mr. G. G. Park. '? ? Miss Ruby Isabel Michael will give a concert; ! an the Y.M.C.A. Hall, Pitt-street, on Thursday ..next, when she will render some favorite ope: xatic numbers. The assisting artists will be fthe Tuckwell Children. Miss Irene Jay, Brenan ^ Marsden, W- Moses, and George S. Holbura. The plan is at Nicholson's. % Miss Myfa Wall, elocutionist, -will give a i' dramatic recital a-t St. Jomes- Hall, Phillip^jstreet, on Thursday, March 17, when she will '?render same fine classic recitals. The asslstf tog artists will 1-e Misses Elsa Fischer, DJlian Hay, Jessie Elphinstone, ' Gertrude Palmer, Messrs. Laurance Phillips and W. EL Lynch. J The plan opened on Saturday at Nicholson's. ' 'Aladdin' is to dispel the fantastic fabric of §'A Waltz Dream' at Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday night next. The delightful opera ?attracted crowded houses all last week, and on Saturday it was witnessed by another huge .and delighted audience. There will.be the ?usual Wednesday matinee and evening performance at Mr. J. C. Williamson^ Pitt-street ?; theatre, but on Thursday the opera will be etranEf erred to the Theatre ^.Royal for a week. ?.This is to' permit of all things being prepared ?;for the advent of 'Aladdin' on Saturday next J:at Her Majesty's Theatre. The gorgeous spec; tacular pantomimic extravaganza has enjoyed £ a record run in Melbourne, and will form a Pleading Easter holiday attraction here. If The dexterity with which 'Hanco, the Hanfl;i«u2 King,' escapes from fetters, shackles, teropes, and irons of all descriptions, and intrl||cate design, continues to be a source of amusespinent to the patrons of the National Amphlfftheatre. The turn is interesting to watch, and |%uring the coming week should provide good | amusement, for Hanco has issued a challenge I' to all and sundry to bind him in a way that he I; cannot free himself. Responses promise to be | plentiful. The National programme was changed fpon Saturday, many old favorites appearing in iv^aew items. The Kelso Brothers, Plorrie and i&teUa Banger, the Drfscoll Brothers, Wise and ifaniton, Pearl liivingstone, Verne Brothers, ^maintained their reputation. An entirely new E; company is promised by the management for

Eteext Saturday. $CvTl» Bijou Picture Palace, near the railway ft*tation, was filled on Saturday evening with man appreciative audience, and for their pleapsure the management provided an excellent lories of films. Comic pictures -were well to f^the fore, 'Incorrigible Man' being one of the vjxaost humorous. By way of dramatic studies, fcthe adventures of Dick Donovan, detective, g'srare most effectually pourtrayed. Other spe^rCially good films were 'The Japanese Inya^'wion,' 'Held by the Enemy,' and 'A French S.Romance of the Days of Jean Valjean.' E.' The Lyceum Hall was reopened on Saturday E3by JSIr. C. Spencer with, his theatrescope enterLTtaiument, when there was a great rush ot pat|,;i!dns. There wbb a splendid programme. Perri^iaps the most 'important item was 'Custer's Pjl^t Stand,' a realistic film depicting an imgpJNirtant event in American history, in which ||-the American Indian is seen on the warpath. ijiThe scenes of . desolation wrought by the~late pitrench floods are vividly shown in 'Tarls jP'ITlooded by the Seine.' There are also a numWteT of other educational, humorous, and scenic K&lms. It is announced that on Friday night Hiiext Mr, Speacer will present an original film, ikaepictlng the life and adventures of John Vane, Span Australian bushranger of the early sixties, Kgwbich is an Australian production entirely. ^p2le usual matinee -will be given on Wednesday. ^,'A strong bill was presented at the Tivoli jjlfteevtre on Saturday, and as a result the bouse Grawas packed at both the afternoon and evening rapferfonnances. Vasco, the mad musician, who Relays -any number of instruments; Miss Liilie ?paagtry, a singer of iher own original songs; 11^:. Harry Marte, an English comedian: the Hj$3Ue Brothers, . in their daring acrobatic feats; B^aj.3Ir. Tom Dawson are still big attractions. Hpeir 'turns' were received with eutliusiaBm. Kbm Kelly and Kingston appeared In an HEliiViriJnc jeketch, 'The Cbrlstmas Turkey.' HS|gio&s others who contributed to . the proHjf&irime were .Mr. Bert Terrell, Mr. George ?^Ue7 Mr. Post Mason, Miss Olga Grey. Mr. B^. Warfon, Hiss Sva. Hughes, The Vivians. Hr, WiU Dyson, Miss Dorothy Forbes, Hiss ?BprBoyle. ? . ? .. ':.;.:'.:;--\^.'';.-;-' HK^Icro Cinematograph,' giving ^ Jthe discovMtttes made under the direction ot, Dr, 43onadan, ' Wmfij&ie iaboratories of Patho Freres, was a «erKatof woaderful pictures shojenyatShe GlaciarHgsm - by Mr.' West on Saturday eveiUua, to a B^Bl-filled house. Animated 'pictures were Bapwji of the micro organisms in a . drop of ?^^d from e ratVs tail as seen through a ^^merful lens during a period of five days, while Bwferat was healthy and while, the animal was H^mwing from sleeping sickness, with which MtEHiaa been inoculated. Many other interiKmne and comic pictures were put on the B^^t. and jnduded scenes of the Paris Floods,

illustrations of Gounod's 'Fftust.' *. 'Freih Air Fiend,'; and *'A Good t-eBsan.f- . \ Another succeseful pflrformance w§s given by Mr. Oscar Asche and ~Hi« L51y Brayton at the Criterion .Theatre, of '*Tbe Merchant ot Venice' on Saturday evening, when the house was, as usual, packed to oversowing. Mr. Asche's impersonation of the character of Snylock, dUteripg ast it does co, completed froai that of many, distinguished actors, nae been readily accepted by a .Sydney audience as being the correct interpretation of the author's original Intention; an4: aar?wich,-*a6 ioond favor in the eyes of the aareresicerltitfc'V.aStoe. -I^ly Brayton, as Portia, (appears, if anything, to improve on acquaintances and :0n Saturday {light quite carried ^tb.e:-nqnse by_;jsto-m;. . . The -ottier characters -in- -tte p3ay ;were :as -well sustained as before. 'The Merchant of Venice' has another 11 nights to run, ?when it will be succeeded by 'As You Like It.' There wfll be the usual matinees. ? ' ? .