Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 29 December 1886, page 4


Tho mode in winch the £3,000 re-quired to secure Mr. ORMOND'S donation has been raised is sufficient to prove the necessity of a fund for musical culture. It is certainly not creditable to Victoria that the comparatively small sum which was demauded for the in-

auguration of a great and important movement waa only obtained by catering for the class, who are always ready to attend a bazaar, without any regard to its ulterior object. Had the standard of musical taste been generally of a high order, tbe public would have_ been less apathetic ; or, if the profession had been united, its members might easily have found the money without resorting to shows and lotteries. But now that the endowment is complete, the next step is to use it iu the manner that will be productive of the widest and greatest benoflt. The objections to a chair of music, the work of which would bo hidden in the cloistered obscurity of the University, aro obvious and unanswer-able. In that case the higher teach-ing of music in the colony would depend upon one man, and ho might utterly fail to draw students. It is conceivable that a pro-fessor might be afflicted with a painful fondness forthe abstract theory of music, and might render his subject as dry and uninteresting, to all but a very few, as the reading oi statistics or sermons. On the other hand, like some musical professors in England who avoid lec-turing, ho might form a choir among thu best voices of the University, and mako a brave appcaranco at an annual concert. But neither of these very probable results-neither unpopular theorising, nor a little singing and playing-would be an adequate return for Mr. OitMON»'3 generous gift. Nor is thoro much ground for believing that anything better would be accomplished. In Edinburgh the professorship seems to have been a iailure, and tho scanty number of students wbose wants it is supposed to serve are practically taught elsewhere. Tho experience ol' Adelaide, again, however favourably it may be viewed, does not warrant the spending of so much money in this particular direction. The majority of people would like to have a guarantee that a chair of music would produce botter results than those which have como from somoof the prosont professorships, before they could cherish any yearning to seo it established.

But supposing that a man waa ap-pointed, who had theoretical knowledge, skill of execution, enthusiasm, genius,

method, and all the hundred qualities of |

tho ideal professor, the objections to the chair would still remain. It might create a few specialists, but it would havo no offect upon the standard of popular taste. A still mora fatal objec-tion ia that no professor could teach satisfactorily where one of the most important provisions for instruction is wanting. Anyone who wishes to study music thoroughly and professionally will go to Europe, where he can attend the conservatories, hear the best players, and listen to the most perfect renderings of the greatest works. This practical education ia the better half of his train-ing. But in Melbourne, where classical musie has not yet been thoroughly accli-matised, there aro no examples, no regular representations. It is impos-sible, therefore, to make the leaching complete without the necessary accom-paniments, by which alone a practical knowledge of the subject can be gained. Pupils must study in a school which has all tho facilities, and the facilities do not yet exist among us. We can hope, by thehelp of Mr.ORMOND's donation,to call them into being, but to begin tho work of teaching without them is to begin at thowrongend. What result is tobo most naturally expected ? Tho students will not hear tho works of ,the great masters, and they will havo no appreci-ative audience to induce them to make music a profession. Consequently the course will be theoretical, and the few who struggle through it will chiefly be sustained by the prospect of adding to their name the coveted letters " Mus. " Doe." In this way a new order of half-qualified prigs may be added to

colonial society.

The true way to extend musical culturo is undoubtedly by tile establish-ment of an orchestra. The consti-tuents, the materials, if we may so speak, are already here, though they are disunited, and they could be brought together by the golden bond of the endowment. But a difficulty is raised in regard to the expense. It is said that more money would be required than is at present available to pay the members for the long and arduous labour of constant rehear&als. This, however, which is the sole objection to the scheme, is balanced by certain other considerations. From the very first an orchestra, playing before the public, would contribute something to its own support. It might in a very short time become fashionable, and then it would have means in abundance. There would, of course, be a loss at the start, but the interest of Mr. ORMOND'S donation, when added to the money obtained from perfor-mances and from other sources, would probably be a suflicient subsidy. If a further amount were required, it would be much more easily obtained after the orchestra was in working order, since people pay much more readily for -what comes before them in a tangible, palpable form, than for what is.'only promised to them in the future Only let the scheme be begun, and it 'is sure to make rapid head-way. There is thus an endowment in hand, a certainty that the orchestra will earn more, and a probability that the public will be more liberal when they leam the advantage and enjoy-ment of a high standard of musical culture. We must believe that if the movement is started in the right direction namely, that of popu-larising the works of the great composers, it will extend rapidly. Such institutions may bo trusted to grow. Tho great Conservatory of Leipzig was not created fully equipped in a moment. It was founded with a far smaller sum than that which is now available for Melbourne, and it in-creased as musical education spread. Is there any reason to anticipate a dif-ferent result here, or to fear that an orchestra which has, at least, a very handsome subsidy to begin with, will proVe a'failure ?

".The orchestra would tend in fact to oréate that first requisite of musical culture, an audience. While thero are a'few at present who have a love for classical music, thero is no large section of the population that can understand or care for it. But as year after year the works were performed and made familiar, the number who could ap-preciate them, who could listen intelligently and with pleasure, would increase. Melbourne would be the one popular school, and would naturally become the musical capital of Australia. Those 'who wished to hear the best representations of famous works would vißit it from all the other colonies. It would in time draw the be.°t performers by furnishing the most cultured audiences. Given any such spread of musical in-telligence, and the teaching will follow as naturally as the fruit grows on the tree. On the one hand, the people will support what they appreciate ; and on the other, students, instead of cultivating a private hobby for a degree, will be stimulated by the prospect of a career. The one aim should be to make musical culture wide and broad, for unless the general taste is improved, the endowment will bo spont upon a small cliquo. Wo hope, therefore, that the most careful consideration will yet be given to the disposal of the money. Mr. ORMOND can have no desire but to see it laid out to the best advantage, and the first necessity seems to be to educate

au audience.

Last week, at Scott's Hotel, Mr j

ROBERT REID gave an account of what he had seen and heard duimg his travels m the United States and in

Gi cat Britain, to a number of his Mel I bourne friends and colleague» Mi

El ID is a wideawake and observant i tiavellor 'J he passport which he car

ned as lopresentative of tho Melbourne j Chamber of Commet oe gave him access , to all sorts of good company and valu able information, and although hospit-able Americans seem to havo furnished him with some figures a little difhcult to swallow, ho noted many interesting points of comparison between Victoria and the places ho visited

Among othei suggestive and in teresting topics, Mi leLlD described what is thought and done by Canadians and United Status people in the mattei of immigiation Lveiyoue, ho


The tnanulncturtr tile agriculturist the workuit, man-seemed to value imtnigr ition nt ita proper price i hey put a value on each able bodied ininiic,raiit of A íOO sterling îvovv our working men who have hitherto been so shortsighted m thnt respect must rise and be equal to the intelligence of the American in \nluni(, immigr tuon vt its proper pri e H is reckons 1 in \uienci that the vu lue of immigration per annum exceeds that oi all the ramea in their countrj

lins is no doubt one Ameucau view of tho immigiation question On tho other hand if immigration has " made ' tho United btates, dueioued IICL re

sources, and swelled her wealth to fabulous dimensions, it is now alleged that the enormous immigration of European labour has aggravated and precipitated formidable difficulties be-tween classes in the United States. However, it has occurred to many energetic and philanthropic men and women who aro trying to deal with the problem of over-population in Great Britain at the moment, that Mr. REID'S view of the value of properly directed immigration is the right view, and that intelligent Australian colonists are just as likely to ac-cept it as the Americans and Cana-dians are. Two gentlemen, repre-senting the " Emigrants' Information " Office" recently established in London, havo come to Melbourne to find out for themselves what Australians generally think about immigration, and to report on the advisability or possibility of bringing drafts from the surplus population of Great Britain to Victoria. Apparently, it is difficult for those who are discussing tho emigration remedy in London to under-stand why, in a vast and undeveloped region like Australia, " labour," which

is said to be the source of all wealth, is not welcome. Lord HOSEBEKY took some pains to ascertain the opinion of the Australian working classes on immigration when ho was here, and gathered the im-pression that they were much opposed to it. He has said so several times in England. Mr. NOKTON'S rant and bombast cannot Tiave thrown much light on the question. The two "re-presentatives of the London emigration

societies have therefore done well .to

come to Victoria to look up the facts on the spot

Probably they will bo astonished to find how strong a feeling exists, not only against " state-aided immigration," but against immigration of all kinds, among the working classes in this colony. The best way of ascertaining how the wind really blow3 is to noto the attitude of our politicians or public mon towards immigration pro-posals. Politicians in a democratic community, like the ancient augurs, make it their business to carefully watch the auspices, and the lesult of their observations is that scarcely a public man in Victoria would identify himself at the moment with any im-migration scheme. It was even rumoured a while ago that some ladies had withdrawn from the committee formed to bring female servants to the colony, lest their connection with it should injure their husbands' pros-pects in life. What is not under-stood in Great Britain is that these colonies aie experimenting largely with a state policy of a special kind, and founded on entirely different ideas from those prevailing in Canada or the United States. Our fiscal policy is akin to theiis, but Australian com-munities have directly and indirectly gone much further than any other communities in discouraging and staving off " competition " in many departments of life. The policy is a cowardly one, the attempt will probably fail, but mean-while all sorts of indirect methods of keeping down population are admittedly popular here. A picture drawn by Mr. lvEiD in his speech is frequently before the oyes of Victorian working men. He put into words the very evils which thoy aro taught by demagogues to dread as the consequence of an influx of immigrants. He said :

" With regard to the life of the people, take the common people of England, and compare them with our working people, wbo are settled here with hornea in the suburbs and their nice little gardens, living on their own freeholds. In England they have to Btruggle from early morn to nignt They have no prospect of rising above the surface, and it oppresses one most grievously to know that there are multitudes of our fellow countr) men at home, as good as any here, living under such circumstances. To transfer them here would be of lasting benefit to us. It would be a blessing to them and to


Although many Victorians agree with Mr. HEID'S last two sentences-and

must be perfectly well aware that the fear of "overcrowding" is perfectly chimerical in these colonies-the majority of the working classes in tho Victorian towns do not, nor is it easy to persuade them that Mr. KEID'S view does not imply a menace to labour ; wages are high hero at present, but manufactures and trade do not expand very rapidly, and competition might re-duce wages, they think. Until the ex-periment of restricting competition and discouraging immigration has had a fair trial in these colonies, and until the disastrous effects of that policy in the long run aro clearly seen, the influx of labour will always be unpopular with the Australian working classes.

Immigration, again, has a different meaning for, and a lesser value to, the Victorian than to the Canadian or American farmer. The development of our country districts is not rapid. The struggle of the small selector with drought, solitude, a somewhat enervating climate, and insufficient capital, is a hard ono ; notwithstand-ing the succoss of emigrants from all olasses of tho' British unemployed in the North-west of Canada, wo doubt, indeed, whether the majority of those who come before the London Emigrants' Information Office are able or willing to face such difficulties. Furthermore, the farmer who is a large and constant employer of labour is rare in this colony, and although farmers grumble incessantly at the high cost and unsatisfactory character of the labour available, representative farmers are slow to guarantee steady employ-ment for a large influx of unskilled labourers., liad the offer to found an irrigation colony which the Messrs. CHAFFEY made to the Government and peoplo of this colony been accepted, and had it proved as successful as similar experiments have proved under similar conditions in California, a steady pros-pect of employment for labour in new industries throughout tho colony could have been held out. Labourers might bavo become settlers, and families might have thriven on tracts of land which aro now worse than useless. But the oiler of the CHAFFEY Brothers was rejected, with the approval of the same party who advocato a " dog-in-the-manger " policy with regard to immigration. The prospects of new and extensive agriculturaldevelopments are not therefoiovery brilliant for the moment. As a field for immigration, both town and country present difficulties which, no doubt, the pioneers of the new emigration move-ment will fully realise boforo they leave


1 If market movomonts aro a good criterion of European opinion on the (juobtion of peaco or Har, thu mo in tho vnluo of wheat within tho lust fow days would point to strongly hold fears of ii war. which might shut oil' supplies of Russian, Hungarian, mid possibly Indian

wheat from the English consumer. It ia not difficult to understand the sensitive-ness of Mark-lane dealers. The store of grain in Great Britain at any given timo is said to be cquul to a fovv weeks' consumption, und no more. Unless tho navy of Great Britain can hold tho command of tho Bea, the food supply of her. enormous population ia never safe. And tho pessi-mist statements about the condition of tho navy-which aro neither proved nor disproved-together with tho alleged superiority of tho combined fleets of certain other powers, may well affect tho grain market. The rise in this casa differs from tho recent upward movement in wool, which depended partly on it suppoaed revival in trade. Tho relapse in wool is certainly a disappointment, and it now looks as if improvements in tho 'value of staples used in manufacturing aro destined to bo followed speedily by a reaction. Tho opinion is growing, even among some of tho moat conservativo financiers and business men in England, that no revival of prices is possible until "tho silver question," or tho correlated " appreciation of gold question," are dealt with on broad and decidedly radical principles. The dry-rot or decay in tho prices of staples seems to bo mourabie, and producers are driven to consider ex-pedients for stopping tho declino which they would havo laughed at a few years ago. Wo might, of course, soo wheat in northern Europe at famine prices, and yet, at tho samo time, no improvomont in the demand for other staples. The complaint is sometimes heard from farmers that wheat is novor at a paying prico except when they havo none to sell. Tho complaint involves something Uko a bull as far as producers of wheat all over the world are concerned. ' It will, however, be a piece of bad luck

if it turns.out that Australia and Kew Zealand have seriously reduced tho acre-age undor wheat, and havo thus no sur-plus of grain to meot European demanda. .?At present the 'favourable weather for wheat promises to make up, in Victoria at all events, for restricted cultivation.'

'IlicP andO Company s Rojal Mail steamer Sutlej, with the Liiglmu mails to the 2Gth November, arrived at Albany at half past 8 o clock jesterday morning She should reach Adelaide on 1 riday and Melbourne on bunday next. Among the passengers for Sydney are Lord Sandhurst and one of his brothers, the lion Mr Mansfield Sir ?\\ lllinm Mansfield, second Baron Sandhurst, was bom on the 21st August, 1855, and suc-ceeded his father, the distinguished general, better known as Sir William Manslield, in 187l> He was a lord m waiting to lier Mujesty from 1880 to 1885, and was Under-secretary for War ia the last Bhort lived Gladstone Ministry Ile is married to a sister ot Farl Spencer, and has had two children, both ot whom died in infanc)

He has three brothers, one o£ whom is married 'Hie lion Rupert Carrington, a brother of His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales, is also a passenger by the Su tie]

'lhe revenue of the colon) continues to be steadily maintained, and there is e\ery pro-spect of the estimate for the financial j ear 188G7 being considerably exceeded lhe holidays have somewhat interfered with the receipt of returns, but judging by a compari-son of the figures available with the returns for the corresponding period of last year, there is good ground for the expectation that the next financial statement of the Treasurer will be even inore satisfactory than the last, and will show that the pro-sperity of the colony is still increasing and likely to increase Up to December 22, the latest date for which complete returns are obtainable, the revenue amounted to £3,011,000 The estimute for the jenr end-ing June next is £b,D16 707. lhe experi-ence of previous years proves that consider-ably less than half the total revenue is received during the first six months of the financial year from July to December inclusive, but it is confidently expected that the actual receipts up to the end of the present month will not fall far short of one half of the estimated revenue for the whole jenr, in which case the Ireasurer will have the gratification of announcing to Parliament, at the end of the financial year, that the estimate has been so largely exceeded as to leave a handsome surplus. Last year, the revenue for the first half was 1148,000 less than half the estimated revenue for the fall twelve months, and yet Mr. Gillies waa able, at the close of the financial jenr, to announce a revenue of 1131,000 in excess of the estimate Viewed in the light of this recent experience, it seems reason-able to expect, as the '1 rensurer does, that the current year s surplus v> ill considerably exceed that ot last year

'Hie Minister of 'Water Supply is framing the conditions upon which the land \\ Inch it was proposed to hand over to Messrs. ChulTey Brus for the establishment of an irritation colony is to be offered for competition It is hoped that the Chaffey Bros will re con-sider their determination not to compete 'lhe Government feel that it would be a great loss to the colony it the land were secured by a speculative sindícate, and if the objects sought to be attained by the agree-ment with the Chaffey Bros, should not be realised 'Hie chief partner in the htm recently arrived from America and has had an interview with Mr Deakin, who is using bia influence to induce the Messrs Chaffey Brothers to tender for the land, and the gentleman in question has expressed his intention to visit the Mildura run for tho purpose of closely inspecting the country and the facilities which it offers foi irrigation before coming to a final decision. Hie firm have received cordial invitations to visit the neighbouring colonies, for the pur-pose of negotiating agreements for the carry-ing out of their scheme, and they will pro-ceed to Adelaide, by desire of the Premier of South Australia, early next month

The roport of Captain \V Howard Smith, Captain A. Currie, and Captain 'I' Under-wood, who were appointed a board to inquire into the efficienc) of the pilot service at Port Phillip Heads, has been forwarded to the Commissioner of Trade and Customs 'Hie board heid 17 meetmps, during which they examined a large number of witnesses, whose evidence bus already been reported m the columns of 'Jhe Arfltis 'Hie re-port, alter reviewing the general con-stitution nnd working of the service, states that while 21 sea pilots arc sulhcient for the requirements of the port, 10 men should reside at Queenscliff insteau ~ei four as at present and 11 at Williamstown 1 hey find that one vessel cannot supply the wants of inward nnd outward bound ships when a rush takes place, and tbey therefore recom-mend that the pilots should purchase a third schooner of about 1)0 tons burden, and that the insult, schooner, which now lies at Queenscliff, should be utilised for the purposo ot taking pilots off outward bound ?vessels and convenue, them to Queenscliff, or ofsuppljing pilots to lnwurd bound vessels in cases ol emer(,encj 1 Ins schooner, it is recommended should cruise fora distance of live miles seaward, while the outside Hchoonershould beatadistanceof from Gveto ten miles troru the shore Hie latter vessel, the board consider should nev er leav a her station, and should alua)s be emplo)ed sole!) in placing pilots on board inward bound vessels Should the outside schooner run short of pilots, the inside vessel should take her place, and shoul 1 the outside station be at iiii> time left without men, two additional pilots should al once be appointed Hie boird contení) that at present no n al com-petition exists but that if the alterations suggested by Hiern were given ilTect to, the pilots would be stimulated to greater rivalry Hie) also recommend the equalisation ol the rates imposed for vessels in Hobsons Buy with those charged for bringng vessels up the ^ arra They pro-pose that pilots should not bo requin d for moving vessels boin one wharf to another if a tug steamer under proper control is usi d, and state that vv heuever a vessel is compelled to enter tho Heads without a pilot, no pilotate should be collected 1 lie) also suggest I tho removal of the pilot office to Meloourne,

and urge that pilots when called slio ild pro-ceed to duty ut once, instead of requiring 12

honra' notice In conclusion the boord specially recommend the Commissioner, in the interests of navigation, to provide for the erection ot a lighthouse at Split l'oint.

'i he report of the Pilot Inquiry Board fur-nishes some interesting fact» regarding the Working ot the pilot ajstem and the revenue of the members o: the service. Until recently 22 men were engaged as tea pilots, but lately their numbera have been swelled to 24. Ihe men are divided into two companies, four of them having their homes at Queenscliff and 20 at Williamstown 'lheir actual receipts per annum daring the past lue ¡ears, after deductiti,; the coat of administration and amounts placed to the credit of the sick and superannuation fnnd, were tor each pilot m No 1 company £1 00014s 44., and for each pilot in No 2 company £1,005 Gs. Cd 'ihe total expenditure during the same period, in-cluding wages and provisions, mamtenance and repairs of the pilot schooners, allow-ances on the valuation of the vessels and their plant, insurance and travelling ex-penses, was £¿5,034 14s ¿à. 'Ihe average expenditure per mau in No. 1 company was £320 18s. Gd , and in No 2 company JtSJ2 8s 7d, their net income thus being £.7.)!) ISs lOd per nnnum for each oí the senior pilots, and £67217s. lid for each of the Junior men 'ihe board state that the valuations placed on the two pilot schoouerg, Mavis and Kip, are excessive, especially as such high valua-tions are used aa the basis for calculating the interest und insurance, which were sought to be shown as real disbursements 'lhey

point out also that no vouchers were ex-hibited tor the Btuted annual expenditures of £2,288 for travelling expenaes, and £1,600 for interest and insurance. In addition, during the time these deductions bave been made, nosum has been placed to the credit of a depre-ciation f nnd, or u fund to provide new vessels. A sum equal to 2J per cent, on the annual gross earnings ia Bet aside tor the purposes ot a sick and superannuation fund, which on August 31, 1885, amounted to. £37,035 10a. Pilota arc entitled to become pensioners on this fund after 10 years' service. The num-ber of recipients ° of, allowances is now 19, and they are paid a total amount of between £1,400 and £1,600 per annum. In case of the death of a pilot before the expiry of the period of 10 years, the money paid by him into the fund is handed to his widow and family. The board mention that the pilot schooners nre groaaly overvalued, and state that the valuation should be re-duced by at least one-half. They suggest that, should the pilots be compelled to purchase a new vessel, ita coat should not exceed £2,500, so that no greater capital in plant would be required than the present appliances were valued at. The acquisition of the third boat would, therefore, not interfere with the hand-some revenue of the pilots, except BO far as an amount would have to be provided for the maintenance of the crow.

One of the moat important mattera dealt with by the Pilot Inquiry Hoard waa the question of the appointment of sea pilots. The evidence placed before the members presented the anomaly that some candidates who were comparative strangers to the port were appointed pilots upon their lirst appli-cation, in preference to others who were of well-known high local standing, and who had previously made attempts without suc-cess to obtain the poaition of pilot To obviate this condition of affairs, the board propose that the three most competent can-didates should draw for the office, urging that by thia means tho preaaure now used to inlluenee members of the Pilot Hoard for their Bupport in -procuring these lucrative appointments would be lessened, and the present invidious responsibility imposed on the board would be removed.

The Board of Examiners will hold examinations ot candidates for mining enginedrivers' certificates as under:-At Sandhurst, January 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, 1887 ; Castlemaine, January 11 and 12; Maldon, January 13 ; Maryborough, January 14 ¡ Ballarat, January 17, l8, 10, and 20 ; Stawell, January 21 ; Dimboola, January 24 ; Dayles-ford, January 27 ; Beechworth, February 2 ; Bright, February 4; Walhalla, February 0; Bairnsdale, February 12; Melbourne, February 17.

The intercolonial cricket match was con-tinued yesterday, on the Melbourne Cricket ground, when the Victorian team commenced tlieir innings. As hud been expected, they made a much better butting display than their opponents. Bruce and Publier were first in, und when the former was bowled he hud scored 39. Palmer played a very fine innings tor 77 before be miiBed a ball from Turner. Horan, the only other batsman who went out, got 22, but bia play waa not up to his customary Btandurd. Midwinter und Trumble carried the score to 213, and were not out at the close of the day, with individual scores of 33 and 30 respectively. The mutch will be continued at noon to-day.

The Victorian Cricketing Association in-tend, if the intercolonial match ia finished on Thursday, to entertuin the New South Wales players nt a picnic on Friday, at Mordialloc or some other seaside resort. It the match is not finished on that day, however, the picnic cannot take pluce, na some of the leading playera of both aides will be engaged in the match against the English team, to com-mence on Suturday, but the association will invite* the New South Wales players to a social entertainment on Fri-day evening, either in the Melbourne Cricket Club's pavilion buildings, or some other pluce in Melbourne. The Iteception Com-mittee of the association will meet in the pavilion of the Melbourne Club this after noon, at half-past 5 o'clock, and will then probably be in a position to determine whether the gnme will conclude on Thurs-day or not, and be able to make their ar-rangements accordingly for entertaining the New South Wales playera.

At the meeting of the Victorian Crieketera' Association, held last night at Young and Jackson's Hotel, a letter was received from Mr. B.'J. Wnrdlll, secietary of the Melbourne Cricket Club, asking for the patronage of the association to matches to be played in Vic-toria next season by the amateur team which

the Melbourne club propose to being out from Lneland Mr Wurdill stated that he applied thus emly for the patronage as hu un lerstood that the Luglish professionals were again opposing the M C C by entering uitoarrangementB with the trustees of the New South Wales Cricketing Association's ground to bring out a team next season Mr Jumes I ill) white, on behalf ot himselt and Messrs Shaw and Shrewsbury, also wrote a letter to the Victorian Cricketers Association, which was read last nicht stating that the) m tended to bring out a mixed team of cricketers next season, and asking for the patronage und assistance of the associa lion ni the matter of the matches to be plu)ed on the Melbourne gitmnds against ?\ letona It was decided to hold over the consideration of the letters until the next or linnry mectiiii,, which will bo held on 1 uesdo), 25th Januar)

Some ol the members of tho Victorian Cricltetny Association irtend to bring under the notice of the association the advisability 01 otherwise of increasing the number of balls in nu over from four to six At the meeting of the association held last tiitht Mr H M Gooch gave notice that at the n»xt meeting he would move that the number of balls be increased to (> '1 he notice of motion wnsc,iven inconsequence of the inordinate length of time over which first class matches now extend, through the perfection to which battiiic, has attained Mr H li Budd also gave notice last mjit that he would at the next meeting novo an ameiidmentoi the rule rclutin" to leg befoie wicket Hiei form of the amendment wns not given in the notice of motion but it is understood to be to the effect that if a ball be stopped by the body or legs of a bilsman, which would in the opinion of tho umpire have tukul the wicl et it it had not been so stoppea, the batsman shall be given out whether there was any break on tile ball or not Mr J D Heather the honorar) Beere tir) of the association informed the meeting thnt the takings at. the intercolonial mutch on Munda) amounted to t2¿u and )esterdu) to ¿ist. Hie business nnan^um nls in con ncciion with the return intercolonial match tobe played at b)dney on the 22nd January «ud following da)s were determined upon b) the meeting which abo settled Biimlur arrangements lui the intercolonial match

with tbe South Australian team to be pla) ed on the 12th February and succeed-ing dayB on the Melbourne Cricket-ground.

The liailway Commissioners jesterday accepted the following deferred tenders : For sjpply of hardwood timber daking the year ending December 31,1887, at Murchison, Quiggm Bros.; at Echuca, Jas. Mackintosh's Sawmill Company ; at Wandong, R. A. Robertson ; on the Daylesford line, J, Lyon ; at Nugambie, Darroch Bros.; at Glengarry, Mitchell and Lung ; at Myamyn and Hey-wood, Jos. Barnaul, all at schedule rates ; for the leasing ot grain Bites at Tungamah Allotments 1 and 2, Brunton and Co.; allot-ments 3 and 4, Ii. H. Horsburgh ; allotments I 5 and 6, JOB. Fry and Co. ; grain sites at Tel-

ford-Allotments 4 and 5, K. H. Horsburgh ;

and 6 and 7, Thoa. Brunton and Co.; grain Bites at Diapur Dam, Kaniva, and Nhill, Jos. Fry and Co.; grain sites at Warracknabeal Allotments 1 and 2, F. H. Atkinson ; and 3 and 4, Jua. Fry.

At the meeting of the Melbourne Hospital Committee yesterday, a proposal to provide tent accommodation for 200 patients on the premises, in view of the possible Bpread of tj phoid fever this Bummer, and the recom-mendation of members of the medical staff, that certain warda should be closed, waa the subject of some conversation. The sub-committee who submitted the recommenda-tion wera requested to supply further informa-


The Steam Navigation Board will hold an inquiry to-morrow lit ball-past IO a.ra into the collision which occurred on December 17, in the West Channel between the Bteamer Lonsdale and the schooner Tyro.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that on Christmas Eve the Sydney Liedertafel, having ascertained that His Excellency the Governor and Lady Carrington npproved, went to Government-house to serenade their patron'and ber Ladyship. About CO of the members attended, including the president, Sir Patrick Jennings, K.C.M.G.; the vice president, Mr. J. Ii. Street ; the bon. secre-tary, Mr, Herbert Raymond ; and Mr. J. A. Dcluny, conductor, with Mr. Charles Huener beiu, accompanist They arrived at halt-past 10, each furnished with aChineae lantern ; and the effect of these many-coloured lights made the approach exceedingly pretty. Taking up their position fronting the long colonnade, the Liedertafel Bang " Every Rustling Tree," "Spring Evening," and "The Long Du? Closes," after which, at the request of Lady Carrington, the company entered the drawing room, and sang "An Eastern Drinking Song," the "Vintage Song," and "0 Christ-mas Night," each most creditubly, and to the evident and warmly-expressed admiration of the distinguished listeners. Mr. Frank Brewer's solo waa very effective. After the Christmas hymn refreshments were served, and 1ÜB Excellency called for three cheers for the Queen, which having been heartily given, Sir Patrick Jennings proposed the health of Hie Excellency the Governor, and feelingly expressed his thanks und those of

the society for the kind interest which, from the time of bia arrival, Lord Carrington had manifested in the Liedertafel, and the warm encouragement given by this and thes)m pathy of Lady Carrington m the progiess of music, lhe tonst was received with enthu-siasm, and a special cheer added for Lady Callington Hia Excellency, in reply, thanked the Liedertafel for the honour the) Had done Lady Carrington and himself by their graceful attention and great kindness in serenading them on Christmas Uve. He spoke m high terms of their performances, and of the pleasure he and Lady Carrington alwa)S felt in attending their concerts, and called upon the company to drink success to the Sydney Liedertafel, coupling the toast with the name of the president Sir Patrick Jennings thanked His Excellency, and in wishing him and Lady Carrington a very happy Christmas, trusted tbey would ior muny years remain in the colony and attend many more Liedertatel concerts After Bing ing the National Anthem and "Auld Lang Syne,' the members said "Good night," and left, all charmed with the genial courtesy of their distinguished host and hostess Lord Dudley and the lion H. Ashley were pre sent, and the entertainment waa an unquah

lied success

A new motor car for tramways has been re-cently tried with success in San Francisco. It is thus described by the San Francisco Bulletin:— "The motor was fixed in a car exactly similar in size, shape, and capacity to a cable grip car, and when the whole is perfected it is claimed that there will be 20 seats for passengers. It will differ in appearance from a grip car only in the fact that the en-gineer will stand in front instead of in the centre. The motive power is gas, with which the reservoir is to be charged once a day at power stations by means of a rubber hose. Absolute silence in working is secured by leather friction reducers, and a great feature is the production and storage of electricity while the car is in motion. This is used for lighting up the tram and also for driving the engine on steep grades and effecting a start. In the course of the trial many interesting and novel features were disclosed. Thus the same lever is used for starting ahead and reversing, and also for releasing the driving gear altogether. When the car is stopped the machinery remains in motion, and a great

difficulty, that of starting on a grade, is thus got over. Wherever a car can be held by a brake it can be started, claims the inventor, and any possible sliding of wheels can be got over by means of sand boxes. The speed can be varied to an almost unlimited extent, and the car was propelled at the trial at a snail's pace to show how progress could be made around dangerous corners and through crowded streets. The brake-power is exceptional. As in a cable tram, all the wheels on both cars can be locked instantaneously, and the ease with which the machinery can be reversed adds a still further safeguard in the event of a sudden stop being rendered necessary. Any summer car can be converted into a Noble gas-electric motor car without great difficulty. As to the prime cost of the motor and car Mr Noble says it will not greatly exceed that of a grip car, and he further states that 1,000 cubic feet of gas per day will more than suffice to run a tram

of two cars."

The St Petersburg correspondent of the Daily News can states that it ia asserted m well informed circles there that the Governors Geiieuil of 1 usteiii Siberia and the Amour, Count Ignatieff and Baron Korti, who will stay here most of the winter, have many projects of importance to present to the Government Amongst them ia one which attracts general attention among the popula non ot the vast Siberian temtorj Its object is to put an end to the deportution to bibeua ot crimínala from nil parta of the Russian Lmpire lor many years the aboriginal poputution m Siberia have energetically but vainly protested but the deportations ha\e continued to the present time increasing jeur by ve u 1 tom 1751 to 1SÖ4 nearly one million crimínala of every kind Were aent to Siberia 1 rom 1604 to 1873 uboat two bun dred thousand were sont Originally the Russian Government hoped that the exiles would assist m the colonisation of the enormous biberian territories, but in tina they have been thorough!) deceived 'Hie cMles with few exceptions, have but one wish, to leave the country as soon us possible 1 hose who having but little hope of returning with the permission of the uuthorities take ndv antike of the first occa sion which pieseuts itself to escape, are un merciful]} punished It ia calculated that between 25 and 33 per tent are til wa} s in flight and that two thuds of the crimea and oflence» committed throughout Siberia are due to the ernies the Governors Genera Ignnliell and lvorff will represent that this slate of thinga cannot continue without great prejudice to the development of Siberia, and tilt) will propose the construction of new prisons in sulhcient number, and also the transportation of rnoie convicta to the lar(,e Russian 1'acilic island Saghnlteii It is thought that tluso representations will lind favour with the council ot the em


An orchestra of ladies of good poai tion has furnished one of the reCent senaa tiona in the lorm of amusements in London lho Daily ldeyiayh writing of tina com bination und ita first concert saja - At present tiie orchestra is limited to a string baud It is possible that the heawer brass

instruments are unsuited to ladies' lips, and lair cheeks distended by blowing, for instance, a trumpet, would certainly not look pretty But apart from this, the affturisconstituted on the most business like principles. There are 14 first and a similur number of second violin», eight violas, and eight violoncellos. Three ladies have even been found willing, and competent, to play that ponderous lnstru ment the double bass. Some of our best families are represented in this orchestra. A glance down the hat reveals such names as Bouverie, Oliphant, Lytton, Dalrymple Ha), De Grey, Curzon, and many others. Girls ot almost every type of beauty are there, elad uniformly in white frocks relieved by shoulder knots, some of pale blue and others of salmon colour. No Adam is allowed to invade this orchestral Men. It is true that when a choir is employed black coats are permitted to form a Bort of background to the picture. The ladies are also graciously pleased to admit the sterner (and lower) sex as soloists. But the members of the band are women to an individual Even the chef d'oi cTieslre is a lady. Vicountess Folke-stone IB no holiday conductor. The admir-able playing ot the orchestra Bbows what pains have been taken at rehearsal. Lady Folkestone stands to her work as Richter does. She taps the desk with her ivory and silver mounted baton, her beat is broad mid distinct, and she gives the 'points' with professional care ; all ' just like a man.' as one of the fair visitors was overheard to remark. Vicountess Folke-stone ia, of course, not the only lady con-ductor on record Worthy Pepva alludes to a woman who bent time with a stick Madame Trebelh, Miss Lila Clay, and Lady Folkestone herself have already directed public perform-ances. Ot the orchestral portion of the programme it is not necessary to give many details. It was naturally confined to muBic written for strings only. Yet another novelty was provided by Mr. Louis H. d'Egville. Thisgentlemanannouncedthathe, asa single performer, would play a duet upon the pianoforte and violin concurrently, and he fulfilled bis promise in the most ingenious tushioii. The butt of the violin waa Becured in a holdfast under the performer's chin, and while with two fingers drawing the bow acrosa thestnngs, M. d'Hgv die simultaneously played the piano, often w lth both hands. In this extraordinaty 'soloduet,' stopped and even double-stopped notes were played on the violin at the Burne time as the rest of the performer's fingers were busy with the piano-forte accompaniment, lhe muBic was of course speciull) written for the feat, which, even as a curiosity, was not a little remark-

able "

In the haste of completing the arrange-ments for the drawing of the Temperance Gala Art Union on Boxing Day about 100 numbers corresponding with tickets which had not been disposed of weie inadvertently placed amongst the chances It oc-curred, strangely enough, that 19,346, the number winning the first prize, was one of these, and when the discovery of the mis-take was made Mr. T. Ferguson, the secre-tary, and the committee decided to meet last night and draw again for the first prize. A gentleman representing the press, at their request, drew for the number prize, and the successful number turned out to be 64,330, w hich is held by someone in the neighbour-hood of Sulky Gully. ,

An announcement appears m our advertís ing columns with regard to a reduction of the charges for admission to St. George's Hall. Signor Sall was enabled to reappear again last night in his remarkable teats of strength, which together with the wire-walking of \V[om ratta and the extraordinarily clever dancing of Miss Ida lieiith, constitute the most re-markable portions of this entertainment.

The second display ot Mr. J. Pain's fireworks takes place this evening, on the East Melbourne Cricket ground, when the illuminations and military band concert will commence at S, and the fireworks display at a quarter past 9 o'clock. The reserve en trance is opposite the Treasury gardens, and the Is. entrance round the corner.

Tor the case of distress recently brought under public notice by Mrs Jj. A. Chads we have receive I 2s fid from Tidele.

lrom BBB we have received donations of 10s each to the Kew Asjlum picnic and the Brighton Orphan Asylum

We have received a subscription of £3 3s from 1 h. towards the \\ indaoc Tire Relief l'un 1

\V e have received from J G C a cheque for£I with a request that its proceeds be np Îlied as followa -Prison gate Brigade £1, mmit,ranta Home £1 Dr Campbells lo biccolunl 10s Childrens Hospital, 10a,

MISB Sutherland a Home for Destitute Clul

dren 10s Dr Singletons Home for W omen, 10a b

Ï he hon aecretary of the Society in Aid of Maternity Hospital 1 atienta desires tq ne I nowlcdse with thanks the receipt of £210s from the Mejor of Melbourne (Mr William Cam)

Ihe Rev J Brown deanes to acknowledge receipt of Sa from h B Ballarat as a subscription towards the repairing the Bene voient la)lum organ lins lias been sent in response to the appeal made m / lie Aram of December 21 by u correspondent signing himseli Music

ihe P rt Phillip Steamship and notel Company announce by advertisement in our slnppim, columna that the paddle steamer Lona late will run to Schnapper Point Dromana and Sorrento to daj, leuv me. the Port Melbourne railway pier at 1010 a. m, returning again bj the same


Vaccination with calfljmphis advertiaad to take place tina atterroon at the Calf Ivmph Depot Rojal park near BrunBwick Callljmph ia supplied weekly to public vuccinat >rs on application

Hie number of visitors to the National Museum of Natural Histor) an t Geology lor the week en lim, December 2'j waa 1,5 )5 1 he museum is open to the public daily (Sundays tveepted) lrom 10 a. m till 5 pm.

in the National Museum building at the back of the Universitj

11 e following waa the number of cases relieved weekly by the committee of the Melbourne Ladies Benevolent Societj for the fortnight ending December 21 -rumilieB 4 )7(iiuhibenngl 2 «¡individuals) compriBinc, Widows 200 sick and infirm 112 desertad wives t¿ vvivea whose husbands are m prison C vvivea whose husbands are absent, 8 wives whose husbands ure partially em ployed 17 do unemployed 8 aged couples 24 1 he outlay dunni, the fortnight in relief of cases waa £14.1 4s 9d Contributions aie thunl full) received and mfc rmutioti given bv the lion treasurer Mrs Dunn SU Avenue W m Isor . by the secretary 4 Juck son street St lui la or by the collector Mr M Wright Cotham road Kew ihe com nuttee thnnkfnllj acknowledge hrce and valuable contributions of children» new cIotlnnL, lrom the \oungLnhes Dorcas of the Presbyterian Ladies I College and from the Kew Dorcas Society , UIBO a bag of clothing from Airs Green St Kilda road

North Brighton ond two boxes clothing per Messrs Beauchamp who kindly receive pírcela of clothing le at their office 14 Collins street w est for the society