Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 29 May 1882, page 6




Sir,-My attention hue been dan several loltcrB which have lately appeve. 'Iht Argui-the first by a Mr Rim-(| second by a perBon whose iiomr/ijlud not remember, and tho last bv"Ginjta all referring to tho very iiiterealirig ¿tal

as to who first discovered cold i-Victi It seems to me a matter of euston: u that the correct facts, ni far as tttrn my recollection, should be made piba: deni with each of your correeponieati _) ematim would take up too raucht!j v nluablo space, and therefore I thill c Btnto tho facts of tho matter I remember them, and I may he« ki that I am blessed with a very tri memory. My husband, the lill Gi Brentmu, and I settled ia Melbo.t-t ii year IMC. Ho corned on bmuai jeweller in premises in Collins street e near Quoen-Btreet, and aitb«equenliih moved to tlio premised now o:n|. Meesis. Berghol! and Toute! sa tobicea lu tho month of May, I8.1, n ihephsii aged about 22, entered our shop, da mo to buy a lump of yellow metal «$ between 12oz. and 13oz I did tilt know tho valuo of tho article, bit hiüi. to a Mr. Garrow, ono of our írnríj¡_,i tested it, aBBtated by a Mr FoiiäKi

w as a w orking jeweller in our empltf Uti the Mr. Torreatcr roforred toby "üatriraj hutwhovvasuover,aBfarasIkuo»,inliaJ for hiniBolf. They told me it ms Al liuBband waa nvrny at Geelong at tbiaj business, and IdiduotknowthomtH'ini but pending Ina return I madehimir-ti vanee, but my husband atterwariifiij for it. Tina Bliephcrd waa lliomuCsed a nativo of Wlntchappel, London Bl

old mo that Ho lound toe soi o

ho following circumstances -Hinil ployed at the time on Mesa«. Mt M'Neala station, Daisy lull 0a(= morning in the month o! May, r¿t ireek watering his sheep be bhki shining on tbo nuegot, which wuk* out of tho bank of the creel, im»« on in the day returned and toot» ' w ith bim, and brought it to Melwa I my hueband a return boqae.tionedttffl about the place where ho toual MP and ho volunteered to show Mr isa and Bomo friends tho place A w.»w cordingly rando up, cons sting of »did; bix frionda About three days alwIW Btnrted, 1 lioinnB Clinpmnn. to m ¡f returned alone, and gat o na hu «»" waa afraid of tho foreigners m« WP them tho Blip Ho said ho fvnW Sydney, w hero ho lind friend' o in ccedett hy a Bteamer (I belieiot-eS^ commanded by Captain Oilmou IJ bo in your recollection lo« ..ya got abroad Hint Mr Chupo-«"g

made away with, ana m« «y timely end I never »_«» »'. bim until thojcar lM,.I.,thltÄ liBViiic heard that my eldestdin W« Sabelberg was living nt St KM" at my aon in law a house, and W<&> Bent for mo to boo lum Aliboy*» privation had left their traes IMJW him at once, and to makeqattemm»" him Bcvernl questions relating to ïaM bia early hfo, which he ansir ri w hesitation Although in Anitral'iW! palmy days, fortuno had not eo« Inm.nBlio waa poor, feeble, and m in ill health 1 helPsd.h,TJi5|j|

way, and he a terwntd«i pfjg*

a Btation owned by Mt »«"

the iirm of Buckley and N»°» TJ obtained employment, and ver bjgß warda I heard of his death Tha«^ of the f.rat gold found and «old »'ß and 1 homaa Chapman was be «^ found uo reward here I ^"i Chapman that he loft a familio* "

New South Males ina stato off] that bia wife had died a abo I»»« IttBt interview v it h ta« «,,,J any reward paid for 'nBUf8l,gnu'",chiiti

Victoria, it seems to mo that pogWJl

descendants ouel.t not to boot kw J

IhavonohcsitntioniusW d^ to tho date, 11, Ma", ^i'v""-Vrelhñ found m tilia colony If tb'i*6'S Bhoulri eertfl.nlyl.avoheardofiS If it was found it was not mm f

1 ours, .Vc


Muy 20.