Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 4 May 1882, page 6



Bran Winn Tau Dir.-Mumln?, î 34; »tier nooD, î U -

M»yä.-9a.w.: Wind N.W., frojh ; woither oloudy, fine. BaromoUr, 80 82; thermometer, 70. 1pm.;

Wind WSW, f reih , weather dom!), fine Baro-meter, 30 20 , thermometer, 03 4pm W 8 W , moderate, weather cloudy, fine Barometer, 30 20, thermometer, 08.


Clifton, s.s., 2,668 tons, H. F. Holt, commander, from London Feb. 27, Plymouth March 3, St Vin-

cent March 15, Cape Town 4th ult., and Adelaide 1st inst. Passengers--Saloon Mrs. H. F. Holt, Mrs. Frankling, Miss Helen James, Miss Merry, Rev. W. White, Dr Tuck, Messrs. John James, Richard James, Arthur Gath, J. Harris, and K. P. Rugg; also 42 second saloon, and 110 in the third cabin. Mr. Hill, chief steward. W. Crosby and Co., agents.

Dawn, s s , S50 lona, Griffith Jones, from Fortland, Belfast, ni d Warrnambool 2nd lost Passengors galoon, Mrs. Mainwaring, Mrs and Miss De Wardt, Misa and Maatei De Wardt, Mrs. falos, Mrs and Miss Kunine, His Simpson, Mrs Do Guiro, Mlasoa Mo) ora. Harvey, Pea, Robina (two), Lumsden, Holmes, and Malliced , Mocara JOB. Hoggoston, J Barclay, Sykes, H V Tranter, T Duroae, Hourigan, H Rea, Hood, Wm Hall, and l8 in thoBteorage Pigott Bros and

CO , BgtUlB

Mangana, T S N Co.'a s a, 742 tone, John Lewis, from Launceston 2nd lost Paeaongore-aaloon Rov Mr. Smith and Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs Harding, Mr. and Mrs Lord and child, Mr and Mr Rock, threo Uilldron, and nuree, Mr and Mra M Cuoy, Mr aud Mrs Steel, Mrs Weatherall, Mrs H Brown, Mra and Miss Weeden, Misses Pecks (two), Panton, Coulson, Mason, Combs, Couch, and Waugh, Rev M Mathews, Messrs JoUc», Patterson, Nathan, Harvlaon, Smith, Dalton, Coyne, Thompson, Riley, Lockwood, Hunter, Smith Fisher, Huj bera, Waters, Sadlier, Pott, Knovett, and 48 In the atcerage Charlea Hudson, agent

Pretty Jane, as, 101 tous, S Patrick, from Gipps land Lakes 30th ult E J Uralm, agent

Nelson, sa, 015 tona, John nicho'aon, from Fortland, Bi-ltaat, and Warrambool Paasongora Saloou Portland-Mra Stewart, Mrs Greor aud child, Mleacs Lord and Millar, Mesara Hogan, Th imp son. Munro and son, Rev Mr B, iwn , Warrmmbool -Mesdames Rayment, Bruce, Chomley and two servants. Petherick, Rea, Misses Mullalloy, Conrlck, Robb, Hamilton, Mesara O P Woodfln, Raymont, Debnort, O D Cameron, G Hudson, R Carswoll, Robtlliard, Cbomloy, W H Ir vino, and 11 lu the second cabin J Thompson, agent

Richmond, 81, 260 tona, T Boyd, from Belfast Passengers-saloon Miss Whyte, Messrs HalooB, Hindmarsh, Ruffle, jun , and two la the stoorage Nipper and Seo, agents


Hornby Castle, 1,480 tons, Alfred J Olemonco, for Rangoon


Macedon, a s, 1,000 tons, John Craig, tor Albany via Adelaide Passengers-saloon Mr and Mrs. Robt Harria and Infant. Mrs J H Z M Voau and famUy (two), Mrs A K Smith, Mrs Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs W O Carey, Mrs Choek, Mrs Angove and family (three), Captain Heatley, Misses Marla Dill, E. Bindle, Wilkinson, Blachford, Temple, Oipt

Smith, Mesara G B. Turner O Crossland, Jamea Simpson, J G Prince, John M'Cotl, W P Evans, F Lammcrae, J Musgrave, W Hepburn, H Houston, Robert Laird, Frank Wobster, and 20 in tho steerage Anderson and Marshall, agents.

Panda, 828 tons, W Burgess, of Sydney S do Beer and Co, agents

Neptun, German schooner, 380 tons, H Dreyer, tor Apia, In ballast J Kronholmer and Co, agenta

Rodondo, s.S., 1,500 tons, John R Clark, for Sydney Pstsengora-saloon Mrs Bayley, Mrs Coghill and Infant, Mrs Garclll, Mrs Hughes, Mrs John Brown, Mra Toombon and Infant, Misses Malden, Minnie Coghill, Helen L Thompson, Brown, M'Millan, Messrs B Burrowes, W W Mitchell, Frcoerlck Thornber, O F Browne, T Taylor, B J Steane, Walter Reynolds, Jamea J Mathews. T 0 Callaghan, John Lamb, Harry O Story, G A Koh ler.T Urocn, Master« Murray Coghill, Arthor Thora ben, Leslie Thornben, George Coghill, and 34 lu tbe steerage Wm Howard Smith and Sons, agonts

Oil) of Adelaide, A 8 N Co's s s , 1 OOO tons, David Walker, for Sydney Pasaongore-saloon Mr and Mrs. N Gillespie, Mr and Mrs L J Byrne, Mr and.Mra J O Packman Mesdames Welchman, Crane, C Hume, II M Pike Miases Mateo, Mappln Harlin, Byrne, Messrs J G Nelson, R Murtón, W Recce, O S Morrow, H O Byrno, J V Lavers, G A Murray, L Rich, JEM Cormtck, Rev P A Tracy ; and 29 in the steerage W Siddeley and Co , agents


LORDOB - Rthllla, May 0, Cotopaxi, May 15, Europa, May 17, Carthage, May 23, Caatieholm, oarly , Oilcut, May 20, Lualtaula Juno 14

STDNBT -Nemesia, Konoowarra, May 6, Alexandra, MayO , Barrabool, May 8, City of Adelaldo, May 10 , Lludus, May 12

Bnisn.tMi.-Konoowarra, Mav 5, Alexandra, May 0, Barrabool, May 8, City of Adelaide, May 10

ADBUAlDK -Victorian, tbia day, Claud Hamilton, May 9, South Australian, May 10

Nsw ZBAIÍAND Posta - Alhambra, May 5, Rotorua, MayO, loAnau, May 10, Ringarooma, Albion, May 23, Retornaban», May 30

HOBART -Tamar, May 6, Rotorua, May 0

LAUNCBSTON -Mangana, May 5 , 1 linders, May 0

WARRMAMBOOl,, BBWAST, AHD PORTLAND -NolaOO, Richmond, this day , Julia Percy, May 0, Dann, every Thursday

AirrwisHr ASD HAMitüRO -Sorrouto, early, ArnalO,

Juno 10

Girrs I AND LAKZS -Pretty Jane, this day SISOAVOKB -Frod«, May 7


(A special charge Is mado for consigue««' announce

mont« luaerted In thia column )

Clifton, from London -1,000 bara 230 platea 1,111 bdls Iron 500 colts 100 cks wire, 10 bdla copper bars, 5 cks chain, 0 pkga machiuory, 0 ca nails, 110 pkgs hardware 01 bis 20 reola paper, 20 pkga stationery, &c , 10 pkgs booka, 1,631 pkgs eoit gooda, boots shoca itc, 33 pkgs gi Inderi-, 25 pkgs fancy goods, 4 cs leather, 250 bgs brimstone, OS pkgs oils, paints &c , 2 hhds wlno 100 cl champagne 13 ca cigars, 33 pkgB oilmen's stores, provlalona, &c, 5 pkgs Bixlllcry and woollens, 10 pkga druga and chemicals, 10 pkgs "orke, Ac, 6 pkga seeds, 3 pkirs furnituro, 1 cs feathers, 8 pkgB marble, 1 ca bicycles, 33 pkgs miscellaneous mercandlso for Melbourne, also, 207 pkgs In transit for Now Zealand, and 81 for Tis manta -,

Pretty Jane, from Gipps Land Lakes -15 bia wool, 400 bga bark, 0 tns bundled bark, and aundrles

Dawn, from Portland, Be'fast and Warrnambool -4,388 bgs potatoes, 284 bgs wheat, 16 bgs barley, 113 bgs bran, 2 bis leather, 3 bia skins 3 cs fish oil, 4 c< eggs, 00 cs checfo, 5 ca butter, quantity old Iron, 850 Plga

Nelson from Portland, Belfast, and Warrnambool

-4,021 bgs potatoes 123 bga grain, 4 bga seed, 15 bia skins, 3 bla*leatlier, 2 horso«, 1 carriage, 248 sheep, a quantity of hardwood, and five tone sundries

Richmond, from Belfast -2,100 bga potatoes, 20 bgs gross seed, 71 pkgs sundries, 134 pigs.

Included In tho manliest ot the Loch Lomond Is tho following consignment -

loo hlf brls whlto berringa.-W PETPRSOI and Co

Included In the manifests of the Cypromene, Somer-setshier, and Jessomene are the following consign-


94 Qu-cks and 510 cs Vint and Son's famed old Irish whisky, also, 40 qr cks J V S Demerara rum -J Vint and Sons, City

Included In the manifest ot the Jessomene is the following consignment:-

4 hhds gas squat basins, pine globes, of new and chaste desings - C.H. Grondona and Co, Nicholson's Bond, l8 Flinders street west

Included In tho manifest of the Jessomene and Samuel D Careton are tho following conalgnmenta -

47,800 Welsh and 84,117 American Slates, John D. ROBERTSON, Spencer street slate yard

Included in tho manlteata of the City of Adelaide and recent arrlvala aro tho following consignments -

267 bgs popper, SO tns tapioca and sago (eases and bags), and 123 pkgs drysalteries, spices, Jtc - HKVKT



Panda, for Sjdnoy-000 bgs chaff, 700 bgs pot»


Rodondo, for Sjdney -1,622 bgs potatoes, 21 co champagne, 63 ca wbleky, 10 pkgs blankets, 10 pkga boots, 2 pbç.3 grindery, 35 pkgs apparel, 3 pkgs hats, 150 pkgs tea, 10 ca treacle, 40 ompty hhda , 200 cka malt, 13 pkga confectionery, 3 ca sowing maohlnes, 6 ca bono), 8 pkgs toilot soap, 4 cs furnituro, 00 pkgs billiard tables, 00 bga ontmoal and barloy, 12 lils flock, 82 bia sklna, 2 133 bga chaff, 0 erle vegetables, 81 bgs onions, 4 head cattle, 8 ca bluo, 4 pkgB drug gists wares Ac , 4 pkga machinery, l8 pkga luggage. 7 cs caliea and biscuits 10 cs groats, 6 ca galvantaod Iron, 5 pkga slops, 12 pkgs agricultural implements, 7 c8 varnish, 7 es biscuits, 6 ca tobacco, 36 hhds. sacoha rino matter, IS cks Stearine, 80 ska oatmeal, 41 pkgs

merchandise and aundrles

City of Adolalde, for Sydney -7 pkga apparel, 5 pkga cigare, l8 pkga tobacco, 784 pkgs toa, 1,123 bgs potatoes, 100 bga flour, 15 bia hops, 5 pkgs drapory, 89 pkgB groceries So , 801 bc,a oats, 10 cs choose, 10D cs vestas, lo tua fencing wire, 8 cs honoy, 4 eka barloy, 15 qr brla dried apples, 10 pkga milk, 07 cs wine l8 pkgs whim fitting«, 8 horses, 16 bga oatmeal, 4 pkgs blankets, 110 empty hhds , 38 pkga biscuits, Jic , 10 rolla lead, 3 pkga boola, 10 bxs tin plates, t pkgs ma cblnery, 24 pks weodware, 27 ca jama, Ac, 3 ca add, 00 cs druga, 4 cs spouting, S ca box timber, 20 ca whisky, 3 pks stationery, 10 pkga merchandise

Macedon, for Albany, vii Adelaide -17,025ft tim bor, 25 pkgs drugs, 11 pkgs grindory and saddlerv, 20 cs sowing machine« 4 anchora, 7 ca motalivare, 05 pkgs tea, 10 pkgs drapery, 6 cs buttor and choose, S pkgs bacon and choose, 12 pkga boots, 22 pkga aeratrrl water, 24 kga beef, 4 ca fancy gooda, 1 bia corks, E8 pkgs and pee machinory, 5 ska soods, 5 cs cheese, IOCS genot a, 10 ca jams 6 bxs clothes pogs 3 ca pianos, 28 bia candles, 81 ca whlaky, 104 cs brandy, 3 pkgs patent medicines, 3 pkgs pcrlumed Bplrita, 8 pkga mcdUnea, Ac, SO cs confectionery, 10 cs coffee, i pkgs »leard oil, 47 pkgs tobácea, 4 pkgs prin Ing materials, 2 eg cigars, CO kgs buttor, 42 pkgs ana pes hardware, 4 tons potatoes, 53 ca koroaone, ISO bgs rice, 73 pkgs soap and candles, * pkgs furnituro, 27 pkga grocorlca, Ac, 24 cs preaorved milk, 10 pkga dried apploa, 46 coila rope, 4 bis bags, 02 cwt iron, 132 pkgs provisions, &o 4 pltgs platod waro, 5 c8 woodwaro, 0 cs salmon, 4 pkga windows, 8 pkgs wines, 20 cs old tom, 14 pkga nun, 77 pkgs ollmon's storos, 4 ca atationory, 10 tona 4 cks sugar, 22 cka salt provlalons 20 bgs peas, 6 (ka oatmeal, 30 pkga merchandise and sundries