Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Wednesday 24 September 1913, page 3



will be fihown aL Spencer's Lyrcum, In Tilt- j Rtrrrt, the British OoFral Electric Company, Liroitrd. having ai-ranccd for the cxbibltlon ot films showing bow ''Ob mm11 lamps aDd other flr-rirlc pLnnt aro raaoufarturrd. Ic view ot tho number of procesart lovolr^d, the educaLloail value of tbe pictures should be considcroblr.

The Ic&dlns man with tbe Reliance Picture , Company of America le Mr. Sl&nloy Watpol'. , nbo le an Australian. The Drat acting hv A'A for movinp pictures wts at Sydney In a busti- ? ranging picture, rntlLlrd 'Dan Morgan,' when ho played thr pnrt of no old etooktnan. Wbmi [ the picture 'Half a CliancV came out hT'\ \ dome of bis frl.'nJn thought they rempnir-n'] ; him, .ind Inquiry' fib owed that their suppoek- [ a piaurc arior is Mr. Jack M'Gqwan. who Is playing Irnd (or ths Ksl^in Company of Anr* rlrn. And a third Australian, who Is doInK wrll with thi- EcliB Company, In Mr. Jork Clark. [ormiTly a barbor In Mirkc:-itr»t, Eyjnoy. Thr moving pl't.jri. Is 'cradually* cnlistlns r( thr latrst to appear In n Dim proilurtlon -s Mr. Charles Hawtrcy. the popular actor. The rln-o ho has rhns'n for lit'. Urn cijay In ttls nr.w art, Is 'A Mi-Mag' Tom Mars.' 'Australia Calls.' tbr patrlotlr picture plsy which vn yrriucn hr Mr. Jack narr and Mr. C. A. Jeffries, mid produced at the Lyr»t.m -n Tboatrcs In Adelaide.