Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Saturday 26 December 1908, page 14


Uieir Excellencies the QoVernor-General and the Countess of Dudley left Sydney for Melr boun|e on; December 21. It is hoped that their ?Excellencies will- return here early in the new .year and remain in Sydney for three or four .months.

Everyone will' t-e : interested in the engagement announced -during the week' between Captain lueslie Wilson, A.D.C. to His Excellency the ;Governor, and Miss Winifred jSmith, daughter of the late Captain Smith, of 'Goderich,' Bayswater-road, Sydney. Miss Smith left Sydney by ? the Aorangi on December 21, and after. Msiting Canada will go on to London, ; where her marriage with Captain Wilson will \ take place-in June. ' ! Mrs. David Anderson and the Misses Anderson intend. gbing.;to Europe for a tour, and have booked^ their passages by the R.M.S. Omrah. : Mrs. J.. G. Sheridan was 'at home' at the Hotel Australia, Sydney, on December 21, ' and .invited a number of people to welcome back her:sisfc^, ilrs. Raystone Davey, who has returned;frpm England recently. Mrs. Sheridan received -;her guests on the balcony of the winter garden, and wore a becoming Princess gowri of white -satin veiled in silk grenadine and a petunia color satin- straw hat trimmed with manve , flbwers. Mrs. Davey was in white taffeta ;silk with a Directoire coat of Irish laee. and ;a 'white hat with ostrich feathers. I4ght irefreshineats were served on small tables ~ dotted about- here and there on the balcony, and the afternoon proved a most enjoyable one. Among ths guests \7ere Mrs. M'Elhone, -Miss Hordern, Mrs. G. Gaden, Mrs. arid Miss Garvan, Mrs. A. T. Holds worth, Mrs., iffilchrist, -Mrs. 'Wallace Mort, Mrs. and Miss Norrie. Mrs. A.' Hughes, Mrs. Tillock, Mrs. and Miss Gerber, Mrs. Levy, I,ady Harris, Miss MacarUiy Mrs. Edmonson, Mrs. Hugh Leslie, Mrs. Rouse, Miss F. Cohen, Miss R. Caro, the Misses Lamrock., '-*-«.? A pretty wedding took place at St. Thomas Church, North Sydney, on December 23, when Miss :' Winifred Leonie Dodds, only daughter of; Mr. and. Mrs. I^eonard Dodds, of 'Penshurst,' j 'Neutral Bay, was married to Lieutenant J. I Mejtcalfe Jackson, R^N., youngest son of the j late Rev. J. Russell Jackson, Moulton, Lincoln- j shire, the' Rev. G- North Ash officiating. The bride was given away by her father, and wore a charming Directoire gown of ivory satin charmeuse with Irish lace; while the Court train of ivory satin was lined with chiffon and embroidered in .pearls. rThe old Limerick lace veil was worn over a coronet of orange blossom; and the bride held a' sheaf of Madonna lilies, -.and wore a pendant of diamonds and ornaments as gifts from the bridegroom. Miss Mayne, Miss Linda Milton King, Miss Vera Milton King, land Miss Lily Watford were the bridesmaids; and Miss Evelyn Corbould and Miss ^Dorothy Lambton were the train:bearers, and were dressed in white birectoire gowns, with lace caps, and held scarlet posies. The bridesmaids wore DirectoiPe gowns of white satin charmeuse, with silver embroidery, and black picture hats. Directoire wands, with scarlet flowers and ribbons, and gold bangles, engraved with 'H.M.S. Fantome,' were the gifts from the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard -Dpdds. held a reception at 'Pens-hurst,' - Neutral Bay, as soon as the wedding service was concluded. The reception rooms were decorated with yellow flowers. A string band' played thrc -shout the afternoon, and refreshments were served. When leaving for the honeymoon, Mrs. Jackson wore cream satin and a mole-color hat trimmed with pale blue forget-me-nots and pink rosebuds, and a cloak of Cluny lace lined with pale blue silk. Among the' invited guests - were Commander and Mrs. Pasco, Lieutenant and Mrs. May, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee, the Misses Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Milton King, Dr. and Mrs. George Sly, Miss Sly, Mr. and Mrs. Walfbrd, wardroom officers of H.M.S. ^Fantome, Dr. and Mrs. Mackinnon, Miss Nellie -Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mitchell, Miss E. Mason, Mr. J. Leslie Williams, Mrs. Guesden, Mr.- and Mrs. C. Markell, the Fleet Paymaster, Lieutenant Basil Noake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. ?Mr.' ana-Mrs.- C. A. Lee, of 'Alston,' Neutral i Bay, have issued invitations to the marriage of'; their daughter, Emily Mabel Lee, with Mr. H. j Grafton ' Carstairs, Melbourne, Victoria. The '? wedding is fixed for January 6. and will take -place at St. Philip's Church, Wynyard Square, \ Sydney, and after the cer°anony a reception will ] be held at Petty 's Hotel by the Hon. C. A. and ? Mrs. Lee. Miss Edith Frederich, second daughter of. Mr..W..Frederich, of North Sydney, was mar- i ried to Mr. Edward George Martin Baker, only; son of the late Mr. G. Baker, of Chatswood, ; at the Pitt-street Congregational Church, Syd- : ney, on December 16. The bride was given j away 4-y her father, and was dressed in a j gown of white silk, trimmed with silk applique, ; and an embroidered veil over a wreath of orange j blossoms.' She carried a white shower bou- ; quet. The bridesmaids in attendance were ' Miss Laura Baker, Miss Lilian Frederich,, Miss D. ' Frederich, and Miss F. Frederich, and their dresses of white Swiss muslin were trimmed with'- insertion and worn with white 'Merry Widow' hats. Shower ? bouquets and gold brooches were their gifts from the bridegroom. ? Mrs. Frederick held a large reception at Bau- ?. mann's at the close of the ceremony, and later i on fix. and Mrs. Baker left for the South Coast, the bride's travelling dress being of Tussore ; silk,- with' touches of pale blue on the bodice, and-a ''brown 'crinoline straw hat, with flowers and tulle. Among the guests were Mr. and Miss' W. 'Llggins, Mrs. F. List and Miss List, Miss'-M.' Proctor, Mrs. R. J. and Miss Nosworthy/tfie :Misses H. and M. Yarnold, Rev. N- J-' Cocks and Mrs. Cocks, Mrs. H. Finckh, Mr. and Mrs. H. Forsyth, Miss Graham, Mrs. F. Bettengell, Misses V. and I. Pettengell, Mies' Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee, Mr. Houldtngi lire: W. Roberts, Miss Roberts, Misses Johnston, Miss Graham, Misses Phillips, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Goidding, Mr. and Mrs. A. Helliger. Mr. ?? Dennett, Mr. Morey, Mrs. Young, Misses- Thompson. j Miss' Una Roberts, youngest daughter of Mr. I C.'J. Roberts, M.L.C., who has been on. an ex-t tended visit* to friends in England, returned ^to ? Sydney. 1-y the R.M.S. India. j A~ farewell' social was' tendered to the Rev. ; D: -^Creightoii, who is leaving St. Thomas* Church, Rozelle, at the beginning of the New Tear,.to take over a new church at Woolwich, ; at St. -Thomas'. School Hall on December 22. | DuriBg -th© evening the Rev. Mr. Creighton was ; presented ? with a eet «f silver-mounted pipes and a tobacco ? pouch, by the members of St. Thomas'. 'Young 'Men's Instituted ; Mr. R. Anderson, in' nJaking the presentation, said that j tne 'members of- the club were sorry to lose ? MrV Creightbn during : his six and three.-fluarter years at the chnrch had always- .'been a \ strong supp6rter of the ( club.' Mr. H. Layton, Mr. A. Hope, and Mr. Eolith, son., .also spoke about the good work that Mr. Creighton bad done Jor the club. Mr.* Crftighton/ in responding, said that he felt sorry ?? because he, ^ had to say gocd-bye to the members. He ..had . spent ' many a jolly night ,at .ttie «lub, and -hoped -that the members would work' 'togeither . and keep the club going. In conclusion- he ? thanked the members for their kindness- [??'??''? ' r ;Ata.:laise public gataieripg in the Protestant i Ball. St, Marys; 4»n December 19, Alderman An- ] ^drew Thompson .(Mayor of St- Marys), oj be- j 'half yio'f'.tfie ?'citizens, presented Alderman William i Xterher'jrttJi' e Bilver tea and ceffiee .service ia ] pla^e Of :-the '^onelost whin his residencs was ?' *-urnt down recently A duplicate iHuadnaled address aa& life-size photo of the recipient J were also presented to Alderman Garner i 'At a surprise ^party at his p resits residency i WerriDgttHi, on December 4, Mr, Victor Iln- , mas'-waB'maae the recipient -of a. gentleman's i companion, prior to his departure for Grafton. ] Tne^pTfeBeSdjatton 'was xoade by Mr. L. SL1 Briec-MiUs ' ;MesBr*. Fred. '-Davis and -Chas Brooks were 4he wtuaprs of the two gold, 4-entiaats of the Eooty Hill Cncfcet^ -3ubn- last -reason !£or the best batting sni Ixrtvijng' aveisses respectively. 'At & social on December 14 tiie trophies were presentei to «ie winners. „ 1 JJBSs'' Cable, -who has jQBt retired from, the , jposiftimjDf sewing mistre-s of Hie Pl&mp'on ' 3»ibUc School, was entertained by the scholars

and a mumber'of parents atrafterriaon ^tea last w«k, and- presented :wilh a silver -backed liair-. brush and conia, ^Misises lyj vDarby ; and ^May Douglass making the -presentation. ?For general public services to Penrith and district^especially in the musical circles, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar j. Fulton- were ^entertained ~at a public complimentary: social in the Temperance Hall, Penrith, on December 16. and presented with -an.; illuminated address and purse of sover-.j efens. The Mayor of Penrith (Dr. F. C. Hig- ] gins) made the presentations. A programme of \ songs, duets, and recitations was given. Later ! on Mr. Fulton handed the sovereigns, to. Mrs. i Costello, wife of Guard Costello, who was killed in the recent accident at the Lithgonr Zig-zag. Captain D, M'Dbnald, of G Company 1st Battalion 3rd A.LS.,.Penrith,-.who has .been transferred to ' the list of reserve officers, was presented with an illuminated address from his ! company toy Captain W. Lennox at asocial even- ? 1 ing at the Military Hall, Penrith, on December ' ?19. Some 50 memibers were present, beside Cap,*ain I/ennox, Lieutenant L. T. Price, ReserveOaptain T. K. Waldron, Messrs, A. Colless, A. C^ Baker, R. C. S. Wilkison,' and S. Thorncroft. Mr. E. A. Harris, F.C.P.A., of the firm of E. A. Harris and Small, was oa Tuesday even'ing at ?iine A. B.' C. Rocms, Pitt-street, made a presentation by the members and. students of the 1903 Accountancy Class, whom he has /been coaching for the recent final examination for public accountants. . Mr. C. V. Witt, in presenting Mr. Harris with a tobacco box, expressed the feelllng of ? esteem in which Mr. -Harris was held, and the grateful appreciation of the students 6t his untiring efforts on their behalf. Mr. -Harris, in responding, thanked the members of the class for their presentation, and in response to a unanimous request intimated his intention of continuing the class for the next 12 months. The rest of the evening was filled in with toasts and music, the following gentlemen contributing: — Messrs. W. Small, F. Harks, H. E. Maguire, V. Bull; O. jGnes, A. Liec W. Forsyt'h, E. Kelynack, A. Kelynack, C. V. Witt, R. Callaghan, and others. At the annual distribution of prizes in connection -with Highfield College, Turramurra, the students presented the headmaster, Mr. L_ A. Redgrave, B.A., with a travelling-bag; Mr. Harold W. Redgrave, B.A., assistant master, a violin music stani; and the matron, Mrs. Redgrave, a silver -mounted hand mirror. ' 'At the prize-giving ceremony at All Saints' College, Batburst, on December 19, the princi- '

Somebody's Darling. When you're trying to snooze, and your nerves are on edge, ' ' And the sea makes you frightfully ill; And somebody's boy blows a horn in your ear, Just remember— Thou shall not kill!

pal, Mr. H. E. Britten, presented Miss Kirwan, who is leaving the district, with a richly-bound volume as .a memento of her connection with the college. Rev. Canon Thompson was also presented with a book by the college students whom he had prepared for Confirmation. , i ,Prior to leaving Lithgow for Berry, Mr. Gv i W. Richardson, teller in the Commercial Bank, ; was entertained at a social evening at Smith's Tattersall's Hotel, and presented, on behalf of the townspeople^ with a silver tea and coffee service. At the Lithgow tent of Rechabites, Brother Isaac Easterbrook, treasurer and founder of the lodge, was presented with an illuminated address as a mark of appreciation of his services. The presentation was made toy the C.R., Brother A. C. Tournay. At the conclusion of the business of Ansten.dala Council meeting on Dec mber 21, the Mayor (Alderman Wells) invited the alicrmen and some visitors to his room, where rafre^hmen ? were provided. A numbeT of toasis were honored and compliments exchanged, with seasonable greetings, between the aJderm n aad officers, relating principally to the successful way in which the municipal affairs had be^n administered during the year. A dinner was hell at the A.B.C. Rcoms, Pittstreet, Sydney, on the 18th instant by the Armi- ; dale School Old Boys' Union. There was a : fair attendance, Mr. A. H. Reynolds, presi- ? dent of the Union and hea imaster of the sch ol, ? presided. The usual loyal to3st was h nored, after which 'The School' was propisei by air. H. R. Browning, a-nd responded to by Mr. de Burgh. 'The Old Boys' Union' was proposed by Mr. H. Moss,- and Mr. M. C. S:epaen, hon. secretary, replied. During the eveni g a musical programme was rendered. In thi afternoon a cricket match was played on the Syiney Cricket Ground between a team of old Armida- : Hans, and ' the school eleven. The Old Boys* ' team batted first, and put up ISO for the loss of : seven wickets, when A. W.' Hyman, the captain, i declared the innings closed. Th! sch-cl (T. K Abbott captain) was disposed of for i:0. The O?d Boys thus won by 70 runs on the first innings. Tne highest sccrers fcr the union were J. Scott 106, H. R. Browning 22, and T. Skuse 22; for the school. Messrs. T. amd H. de Burgh 38 end 45. H. Gordan and Gilbert Nathan were successful bowlers for the Old Boys, and Raife and ? Taylor got the best average for the school. Herr Otto Vogt gave a matinee musicale at his music room on December 19 last. The piano- ; forte solos were: — Liszt's 'Etude in D Flat.' Greig's 'Papillon,' Sidding's 'Rustle of Spring,' Rachmaninoff's 'Prelude,' by the t Misses Wallacti, Elsie and Jessie M'Neil, Ida Buller; Chopin's 'Rondo' (two pianos), by Miss' M'Neil, Herr Vogt. Songs were contributed by ; the Misses Hurst, Wimble, Macmillan, and Mrs. Lane. A presentation was made to Herr Vogt during the afternoon. | Hjs Lordship Right Rev. Dr. Camidge. Bishop ; Of Bathurst, has returned from a visit to the ; Orange parish, where he ordained Rev. A. J. ; Rolfe, of Woiaroi College, to the priesthood. The service, which took place in Holy Trinity : Church, was very impressive, and the Bishop was assisted ? by Ven. Archdeacon Howell : (Blayney). Rev. Canon. Barry Brown (examin- j ing chaplain), Revs. J. L. Taylor -rector), R. i H. Kelly. (Millthorne). J. Bate, L. Alley, and Williams.- The sermon was preached by :the Ireetor. Subsequently the Bishop was presented with an address in. the vestry on behalf of the : rector and parishioners. Tiie address assured . Dr. Camidge of their, appreciation of his on- ; tiring zeil on tebalf . of the -Charch, ? and their deep sense of obligation to him for having arranged for the ordination to the priesthood of one of their own parishioners in ensir o'vv n , parish I At the Sydnev School of Arts on December 17 the Misses' L E and H M Carter were the recipients of a silver inkstand and watch and a -silver jewel case respectively from the pupils of the senior and Junior shorthand classes. Mr. j F W. Turton mad' the presentation, and referred to the growth, of the class and the splendid results achieved -In the past year. Messrs. ' E. P, Selby and W» M Co Hey also testified to the indefatigable efforts of the recipients, and the goodwill that existed The Misses Carter suitably replied. ; A -wedding took place at Woolabra. near Narrabri, on December 10 the parties being Miss

Alice ?- Rout-Sand --iliy- -C.-iciemesha.. .3erH. Ailen' performed :^tiie ! .-cerjeinonjr.; ' -The -bride ?was 'given away by^liet^tetfier^an'd' attended''' by her sister, Miss Clara' Rout,' as bridesrfiaid^and Mr .' Albert Cameron -best - inoati . ? ' ??'TbJe^ parties afterwards let t by tna!l'! torain, J-e6 -Tpnte'to 'West-Australia, their; future nbnje. ??''_[? 'lf ; '?. --? '? :; At : flie~ inyitktibn- of 'the matron of the Western Suburbs. Cottage 1 Hospital, thte lady stallholders and. executive of the recerit; -fete in 'aid of that institution 'were entertained .at ^afternoon tea (prior to the ceremony of handing dyer, the proceeds) . in the. mairon's : room on December 19, those present being the Mayoress ^Mrs-'iTeil), Mrs. g: Phillips, Mrs. Mllbiirn/MJss I.. Phillips, Mrs: Dennis, Mrs.; -Bowie Mrs. Roberts, attended by the Mayor, Alderman ' G. Philips. -hon. treasurer). Alderman MUburn, and Mr. J. Dart (hon. secretaryj.. After, partaking; of --, the hospitality of ' the .matron -the^ visitors were shown round the institution; -and expressed, pleasure at the way things were managed- Alderman Phillips (hon. treasurer of the fete) handed over the sum of £183 Us to the ; representative of the institution. , ? - ; * ? - ? ? ii The: 15th annual .'mock banquet of- 'the. St. John's Institute, -Glebe.' was held in the Record Reign Hall on December iS.-.- The : president (Rev. S. S. Tovey) occupied'the chair. .-Those present included Mr. W.'M. Hughes' (Attorneyr General), Aldermen Eariana Briggs,- Dr.- Litch-fielo, and Mr. James Muir. The following: toast list was honored: — 'The King,'-- proposed 'by the chairman; 'Parliaments;-' -proposed by. Mr. James Mulr and responded .to'Kby* Mr: 'W.- M. Hughes; 'Municipal Institutions,' proposed- by Mr. J. A. Wotton, and responded to by Alderman Briggs; 'Kindred Societies,' proposed- by Alderman Earl and responded to- by the- representatives of the other' societies present; ?'Airships and Dreadnoughts,' proposed byr Mr. J. Anderson Ross;' 'Sights and ^Sitesj' proposed by Mr. E; Cizzio and supported by; Mr. L. R. Thornber; 'Pigbts and: Fools,' proposed by Mr. W. G. Spooner . and supported 'by :Mr. A. Sherington; 'Our Pipes and Our Pets/' proposed by Dr. W. F. Litchfield and- supported by the president; 'The- President,' proposed by Mr. A. W. Cains, and responded to. by. the president. . ? ???:'. Recent weddings in Gwilbura district -included that of Miss Hannah Gray, 'fifth -daughter of the late Mr. Arthur Gray, with Mr. William Alexander Cady, second son of the late Mr. A. Gady, of Manton. Tlie ceremony took place in the Methodist Church, Kingsdale, and -was-perforaied

by Rev. M. Bemb-rick. Miss Minnie Gray was bridesmaid, and Mr. Donald 'Cady beat man. At St. Nicholas' Churdh, North Goulburn, Walter, second son of Mr. James Roots,' of Nor?wwod, was married to Elsie, eldest diaughier of Mr. Thomas Jones, of -West Goulburn. The officiating clergyman was Ven. Archdeacon Spencer. The bridesmaids were Miss Eliza Roots and; Miss Annie Jones. Mr. F. Roots 'was 'best man. At Bihda, Miss Alice Druett, second daughter of Mr. F. Druett, was married to Mr. Reuben Ooxby, eldest son of Mr./R: Corby, of Tuena. The cer^emony was performed -by Rev. Father Kennedy, of Crookwell.! M'ss Maggie Druett attended as bridesmaid, and Mr. Edward Corby as best man. MADAME VERONI, ? ' FRENCH EXPERT HAIRWORKER, and' LADIES' HAIRDRESSER. Wigs, Toupets, Transformations, Hairswitches, Puffs, Pin Carls, etc. CHARGES MODERATE. COMBINGS iS ADE UP: ' -