Gilgandra Weekly and Castlereagh (NSW : 1929 - 1942), Thursday 19 January 1933, page 4


Killed by Lightning

Earle Charles Page (22), eldest son of Dr. Earle Page,

was fatally struck by lightning duri ing a thunderstorm' near Copman

hurst on Saturday night. *

I About 6'. 30 p.m. deceased and his

brother Ivan, aged 18, were driving!

112 head of cattle from Nettle Creek to Heifer Station and were endeavouring to drive the cattle into a dip yard "recently erected, about five I miles from ■ Copmanhurst, on the Daryulgil Road'.' They were finding this difficult as the cattle were agitated by the storm which had overtaken them: Ivan saw a vivid flash of lightning and turning round saw his brother, and his horse fall to the ground. . An examination revealed that;both had been struck dead. '

Ivan caried his brother to a cream stand 150 yards away, ai^d after placing clothing and cream cans around him, to protect him from the violent storm, galloped six miles to Gordon Brook Station for assistance. The manager of the stat''on rushed in his car to the scene of the tragedy and the body was taken to a doctor's surgery at Copmanhurst, where of1; forts of resuscitation were app'icd without success.

A messenger was despatched to Heifer Station to acquaint Dr. and Mrs. Page, who were staying there.

Deceased, who was bom at South Grafton, was educated at the Public School there and NewiirgtoiV College, Sydney, where he was a prizeman every year. He graduated with a degree of veterinary science at Sydney University in 1932. He was a Rubgy Union player for University and Australian Universities, and was chosen as a reserve for the Statc.Deccascd was a first class rifle shot and an amateur boxer. For the past eight months he was managing Heifer Station,


lit is reported that Dr. Page will resign the leadership of the Country Party, as his son wgs looking after hie property interests, which will require a good deal of the doctor's time in the future.