Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Tuesday 3 April 1917, page 7

Ioo?calawah leter. 1EMOIRIAL MONMMINT, The monument erected in honour o ?. 9 those who have gone from Toogoola-? ,\ waah to fight for the Empire 'has-now been completed by the contractor (M[rl. Williams, of Ipswieh), and arrange?nments are complete for its being-u " veiled. 'Ihe ceremony is to be per. formed by the Rev. Chaplain e"ri?g ? ton. PERSONAL. ~Latest information :from the Ipsr?c, General Hospital regarding George, Heid, who was recently seriously n '"-a' lared at Mr. Andersen's (ToogooIa . wasb) sawmills, is to the effect that: he is making rapid progress towardir recover..--Master PBert Wilson, of the :: Toogoolawah telephone exchange, son -of Mr. J1. N. Wilson, head teacher,i, Toogoolawah, siho r`cently eat .fTo?,examination for a position as jua?ior minhanic in training, has passed with ' honorcrs, heing llaced first for Queena- . land amongst those employed in ,the delnartment, and fourth against ,all " coners.--Tnformsation is to hand ,tat.h Mr. W. W. Proud, at one time erplayed in tie railway service at.?oo. goolawah. Ihas suecessfully passed his. examination in the theoretical and tractical aviation and exreclts to leave for the front very shortly. Mr. :. Proud has keen undersoing instrue- . tion in oae of the Southern aviation scbools.--Mr. D). C. pr.se, general anIrge of Nestles' . farms, I-a ee rfor:'. Sy.vdney on Saturdayv next, with *the .i ohiect of attending the Royal So-:. cietvy's exhibition tLhere.' RIFLE SHOOT.IN. A prize shoot was held on tMhe oo poolawah range on Saturday last, i when 14 members competed for. the Australian Natives' trophy and cash prires presented by the club. The ranges fired over were 300 yards, 5 yards, and 00 yards limit, with han' dicap 100. Mr. .1. Henderson came first with 00 oil the rifle, whilst Messrs. T. IaIner, D. Cameron, W. V. Femple, and G. T-aunder were Ike other -irize-winners in the order named. ACC1I)ENT. Mr. W. J. 1'Keanna, a dairyman of Greolr's Creek, was rather severely injured through a bullock charging tim. Mr. liKeCnna went to drive the animal awayv from the milking yard, when it savagely charged him, and knocked him dlown. hr'aking soveral of his rit:s and :adly lacerating his fare wilh ,ne of its Ihaorns. Assistance was sul:bscq:e:tly rendered by Mr. A. Williams, of iarlin, and D)r. Fox was summoneed firom Toogoolawnah. Mr. ,f'Kenna is now recovering. March 31.