Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 22 August 1940, page 5




To Connect With


SYDNEY, Wednesday. - Pending settlement of the question of landing rights, Pan-American Airways will resort to the freedom of the seas to enter the east coast of Australia.

The company's 827 ton motor yacht Southern Seas will arrive at Sydney on September 2 to inaugurate a direct fortnightly connection with the clipper service

at Noumea.

It has been unofficially indicated that any application by Pan-American Airways to fly either from Auckland or Noumea to Sydney will be unwelcome.

British commercial airline companies, which have discussed a Pacific air service for many years, are anxious to "protect" routes from and into the east coast of Australia for development later. A British representative has been on Canton Island for about two years to safeguard British air base interests, but he lives in a pack-ing case" but beside Pan-American Airways luxurious hotel. Christmas Island,

has also been "colonised."

The Pan-American Airways combina-tion yacht and clipper service will provide a seven days' schedule between Sydney and San Francisco. The yacht will leave Sydney on September 6 with passengers and express freight for Noumea, or to connect with north and south bound clippers. General agent for the service in Australia is the Oceanic Steamship Co. (Matson Line),

The Southern Seas is luxuriously appointed, and has 20 state-rooms. The minimum yacht fare will be about £424. With the air fare from Noumea to San Francisco at about £4178, the through fare from Australia to America will be about £A202, which is about £430 cheaper than all the way by air via Auckland.'

Pan-American Airways will inaugurate a full commercial service with passengers from Auckland to San Francisco on September 14. Clippers will leave San Francisco at noon on Saturdays and Auck-land at 7.30 a.m. on Saturdays'.