Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 2 October 1939, page 13



Exciting Game

WILLIAMSTOWN 17-10 1121 pts » I PRAHRAN 16-18 1114 pts )


In one of the most exciting fin-ishes ever seen in an Association preliminaiy final Williamstown de-feated Prahian b> ieven points at Toorak Paik on Saturdav and earned the light to meet Bmnswick in the grand final at the Melbourne Cricket-ground on October 7

Wllliimstowns desperate resistance in ti e last quarter when i strong breeze favouied Prahran will not readllv b* for gotten by the sl\ or seven thousand sup porters v.ho travelled bv specnl ti lins from the other side of the citv The total attendance wis about 14 000 ana the leceipts were £573

The unetpected h tppened early in this quarter when Williamstown cau"ht the opposition tempoiarilj off ginrd and piled on three goals foi a lead of seven go Us Those who believed that Prahi an had tired and that the match ii eadj had been won bv Williamstown weie mis-taken In the 12 hectic minutes which followed /rahrnn scored goal after goal and in the last lew minutes led bv five


Kicking five goils in i magnificent burst Hawkins nttled the Wiltimstow n defence but it wis not foi long Fiphl

ing doggedlv Williamstown drove the ball foiwaid where Vallence marked ind re-gained a one point lead for Williamstov n With onlv one minute to play tne excite ment was tenlfic as plavers threw them-selves Into the ft ay As the bell tang Jamieson gathered up the ball und shot It throiuh goil to give Williamstown i victory bv seven points It wis said that I the goal wis kicked after the bell which

the umplie (Hiyes) filled to heat foi

some seconds

Determination md the necessarv ?lamina to fight a gruelling match to the finish wr-ie Williamstown s chief assets The effects of a hard fought third quitter appealed to unsettle the Prahnn players vi ho lagged behind In the pliv early in the last quirter Theil iccoverv latci however wis magnificent

Williamstown s method ol ittickirg dovn the centre of the giound wis definitely supeilor to Prahran s uucer

tain passing from difficult angles on the


Clfvci Fovvwirds

In no m this cuson have two oppo ink

forwards c\ "Jed as the j did at Toora! Ptrk I Hawkins wa brilliant in leading out andt njIng (or mark* He kL)-ed lour s,oals in the! second qui rter and Ave in the last quarter VallLnce v ni. almo t equally Impiesslvc in L. ne

ni pliv and Iii1; clever fading out to mise

opportunities for tean mates unsettled the] Prahran full bat.k Johnsonl Vallence kicked three goals in the first quarter two in the

third quarter and three In tin last quarter |

Aided bv the breezi in the first quarter Williamstown soon gained the a ctndancv and clever coaxing out of Johnson bj V illenct i «nnbled rhomas to score the first L,O ii \ ti lencc s first goil was one out ol the bo\

Rurning awaj from goal he shot the ball over[ his shou'dcr and found his mark- with an imazlnt, shot At thr first chalice Williams

town led 4-8 to 1-3

Hurried klcklnt, deprived Prihrin of mmv scoring opportunities In the second quarter The forwards with the e\ceptton of Hawkins kiel ed inaccutatelv and onlv five Boals were scored in more than lo scortnr shots Prahran led bv 0-13 to 5-10 at the intern]

| Smart Handball

Williamstown scored within 20 seconds of the resumption when Cave who had been outstanding in the ruck added a koal the speed and clever handbahli g or VV lill imstown beuna to tire Prahi an A the last chingc Williamstown led I» 11-Hi to ?-16

1 Prahran made i disastious m s nkc in

«lid enlim pressure earl in the last quarter when Vallence Spol es and Jamieson added goals loi William tov n Recover i g qulcklv Prahran attacked with rinew d vigour and with > little more sustained »dort It might lnve won the milch

. Gotl kickers- williamstown- Vallence <8i Thomas I a > Jamieson i2 Cave 2i bpokes 'Quinn Prahran-Hawkins GI Rolfe I2) .Probvn Cl Thompson Brcnchics Daves

M Cave the Williamstown follower was he ¡best man on the ground Hal Ing in advantage .In height he domtritcd the ruck on't nnrked billltantlv Wilcox (centre half back.i its the1 I bet defender and McDonvnh also ii« in. excellent form In addition to Vallence TI omasl helped to upset the opposing delendcrs The best of the others were Quinn Fit h Spol es I

Jamieson and Chisholm

McNauglilon in defence was an outstanding plaver Tor Prahran He »eemetl lo be alutvv«! In position and his marking was sure Hiw

kins was at his best In his ti mil forward1 'nosltlon and Thompson pi Hen well In the nick Brcnchlei rave Prahi an one of his best games for tin. «caron Rolfe plaved an outstanding game cn i half foiwnrd wing His second goil was from a brilliant shot near the boondari Of the others Fleming Roberts Bo irne ind Probvn nlBjed well

Daves Pralranl Iniurcd IIIJ shoulder in the list quarter and vis rcplvced bv Tailor


Jick Paterson the Williamstown rovei

collipsed in the dre'slng-room iftcr the mitch against Pnhran but îecovered qulcLlj Eailj In the list quartei he îe ceived a severe blow on the head and was under the attention of tialners for some

minutes j


I Lowest on the premieiship tibie last, season Williamsto vn new has v splendid' chance cf winning this vers piemieiship penmnt Williamstown list pliv ed in a I preliminar) finit iii 1024 when it v a* casllj defeitcclL) Tootscrnv


I Compaied \ 1th list =cison when onlj

5 200 people attended the eoriesponclingi I mat eli the attendance of 14 000 it the

prellmlnaij final on Satin da j represimtcd inn enoimous increase it is estimated! |that lo 000 people have seen the second Iround matcnes this season and that|

£1 470 has been til cn at the sites


Geoige Hawkins the champion Asso-ciation goal-Mcker has completed the season with a record total of 164 goals He scored nine goils on Saturdaj Harrj Vallence kicked eight goals and increased his total to 128 goals