Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 30 October 1939, page 14



Carnival for Hospital

Rivalry between interstate jockeys Ima resulted in Maurice McCarten (Sydney) accepting a challenge by Harold Badger (Victoria) to a special contest to decide their respective ability-on Shetland ponies.

The contest will be one of the leading features of the sports charity carnival which will be held at the Show grounds on Saturday night!.

When the conditions of the match were announced other Jockeys issued challenges to sheds, and additional matches have been arranged between Ossie Phillips and Jack O Sullivan, Alby Olsen and Henry Mornement, and Reff Jennings and Ron


Alex Fullarton and one Regan will race on ponies over fences, and, with other Jockeys, will then compete In a, 75-yard running championship and a half-mile cycling championship.

League footballers, professional cyclists. And professional athletes will also assist at the campat, which is in aid of the Children's Hospital.