Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Saturday 24 September 1910, page 1

SBushe.ines Announcements. ludson's " Eumenthol Jujubes." For Coughs, Colds, Sore " :fW Throats, Hoarseness, Bronehitis, Influenza, and the Prevention of Consumption. A * Favourable Expert Criticism. E F The Laneot Laboratory reports is conclusive Sevidence of the value of Eumenthol Jujubes as an f. I-antiseptic. The "Leancet" says:-" Proved to be as effective bactericidally as is creosote." a Tqo "Practitionuer": " They are recommended S for usei n cases of Oral Sepsis, a condition to which .1 much attention has been called in recent years as a - source of gastric troubles and general constitutional S ~ disturbance, and are also useful in tonsilitis, pharyn0 gitis, and similar ailments." a " The " Medical Press and Circular": "These C a Jujubes should be of special service to lecturers, * public singers and speakers, and, indeed, to all who are called upon to use their voices frequently for • prolonged periods." i The "Australian Medical Gazetts": "Of great ** service in affections of the voice and throat." The " Medical Review": "They are agreeable Io take, and in many cases of catarrh of the rbspiratory passages afford ready relief.". HOT DAYS AND PLENTY OF THEM ARE NOT FAR OFF. It's time you thoughlt of a REFRIGERATOR to protect your food from the summer heat. THE * "BREEZO" REFRIGERATOR Is made from selected'asoasoned Queensland timbers, and lined with strong zince It is finished so as to constitute a valuable addition to your furnishings. Itis made in several size, and offers far better value than the imported article, It is just the right kinld of REFRIGERATOR for hot days, CALL AND INSPECT. James Campbell & Sons Ltd., COMPLETE BUILDERS' AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIERS, Creek-street, BRISBANE. Carnival. £400; SOUTHPORT CARNIVAL. £400. . SEPTEMBER 26th to OCTOBER Ist, 191. T EAMS Rifle Match, prizes valued £18 18s; Motor Boat Races, prizes £22; 11th , Anpual Show, large prize schedule; Pigeon Match, £50; General Athletic Sports, £50 and trophies; Grand Regatta, £50 and trophies. Other events-Tennis Tournament, Pishiig Competition, MIotor Erxcursions. Further particulars on application to 666 E. FASS, Secretary, lsox 1, Southport,

Garden Fete. MINISTERING CHILDREN'S LEAGUE. AGARDEN FETE .in aid of the above will be held in St. Paul's lectory Grounde on SATURDAY, Septeber 24th. Open at 3 ,.m., close at 6. A emlssn, Free. o . L. FERRIER, 1896 Hon. Secretary.

SOAP ! SOAP I SOAP ! AT Barry & Roberts Nicholas-street, Ipswich. White Sud ~ eap, new line, 5.d per bir Roie's Grown Soap, Bad per bar Ross's K.erosine Soap, 7d per bar Boss's Barilla Soap. 7Td per bar New Idea Fsoap, 7d per bar Velvet Soap, 9d per bar Vold Water Soap, 101 per bar. SunligLt Soap, 3 bare, 1(jd Scr carton Velvet Soap, 3 bars, 10d per carton. Starch, Starch. Loose Star , Ild per pound lb Boxes Silver Star Starch 5)d Large Packets Silver Star Starch, is 10d Large Packets Colman's Btarch 2s. WASHO. WASHO. 'fry this, 83j per packet.

Educational. jTUESSMAKING-Tho Langer Classes I, are held im Darker's Rooms every THURSDAY, from 2 till 5i, and overy THURSDAY EVENING, from 7 to i}. Ladies are invited to inspect tho Charts, which are non-calculating, rcliable, and easy. 2"?25 IPSWICH TECHNICAL COLLEGE. INVALID COOKERY COURSE eom· menced on TUESDAY, 20th Sep. tPmber, at 2 p.m. Fee 15s. R. A. WEARI1NE, Principal.

Government Advertisement. ELECTORAL NOTICE. T Annual List or thie Electoral SDistrict o Stanuley (with tile Gatton Division), and for thie Electoral District of Lockyer (within tile Gatton and Laidley l)ivisions), may be inspectod at tile Court liouses Gation, LaidIcy, and Ifelidon, and at the Police Oflices at Lowood, Forest Hill, and Murphy's Creek. Objections to names thereon must be sent to thie Electoral ]egiistrar, Gatton or Laidley, anld to the persons objected to not later than ist October, 1910.Dated Dated at Gatton this 22nd day oF September, ,910, ARTHUR STAINES, 2069 State Electoral Registrar. Amusements. S BMOR DAY at RIoadvale State S School on Friday next, September 30. Ball at Night. 11. Gray, Secretary. 2001 A SOCIAL IN aid of Refreshment Stall, St. lnary's Bacaar, to bie lheld in Coominya hlall on SA'~llTl)DAY, 1st Octolore, at S p.mr. ]tefreshments Supplied. F]irst-class Mlusic. 2s Gd and I. t(l. P'. Kieroan, ]ion. Secretary. 1711 LTUCIRE PA\RTY and I)ANCE, in • nil o lf Convent Stall, P'OSTPON)NDil rnlnrm 1n:3h Instant, will take placem in St. anlrr's ilnil, on TUEiS1DAY Next, 27h1, at S p.m. T'ick-is s?li (f?r 1:Itlr will slarld good for 27t!h irunrtnl. Tickets, is rid aclr. l1. ti'llIlEN, ,lan. SHi. _4!tr A tiANI) StCIAL will ie held in Thioli Siatrr Selrn TO-NIChIT fS.7TI:IIiAY), Se?c'PIIb,'r 2,1, ill ril if tie heLrreirshrlint Stnl nil SLt. Miirvs Ilernarr. Tickets, One Shilllirig. Two (Cala ?rill leave tile Club lhtal at 7.30 for Tivoli. H. E, JONES, Secrotary. 1770

Business Announcements. Health . Must s\( Not Be Trifled With If it requires remedies of certain potency to stop a pain, or fever. or to loosen the hold of some disease, weaker remedies are apt to be no. better than no remedies at all. Remembering these things, you will better appreciate.the matchless prescription service at Fox's I Every important, preparation is made from assayed drugs,, every tinkture, syrup,' &e.; is standardised, the .precise strength of overy remedy is known. Then the compounding of prescriptions is done by registered pharmacists, and each ingredient used is doubly checked to ensure absolute accuracy I The value of a prescription is not in what you pay for its coffpounding; it's in the good it does the patient 1 Have your prescriptions put up where pure ingredients and expert compounding will ensure just the results anticipated by your physician i W. F. S. FOX, 1M.P.S. (by Exam.), BRISBANE-STREET, IPSWICH.

Martoo's Grounds I Martoo's Grounds ! To-Night I To-Night ! ALSO MONDAY NIGHT. Mr. E~DWARD CARROLL has pleasure in presenting the Biograph adaptation of the Life and Adventures of JOHN VANE, TE NOTORIOUSANURALIAN And the Famous BEN. HALL GANG. R] ISTORY often repeats itself, and especially in the instance when Bushranging was l. so rife in the colonioa that it became a menace generally. Amongst the notorious men of the early sixties was O1IN? VANIh , who, despite being led into the downward path, had some good within him that did not show on the surface until the latter years of his life, and he had tasted the fruits of his evil doing. MIr. ALBERT LUCAS, Elocutionist and Actor, will tell the Story. SYNOPSIS. 1. The Beginning of a Downward Career. 2. "Bailing up a Chinaman." 3. His Capture and his Release by his Sweetheart. 4. Michaecl Burke Horse-Stealing. 5. The Roward for his Capture. G. Sticking up Bank at Carcoar. 7. Police Surprised by the Gang. 8. "That's My Watch." 9. Sticking up at Bathurst. 10. Police in Pursuit. 11. The Bushranging Camp; the Warning. 12. When Rogues Fall Ont. 13. Vane Joins Ben IHali for Raid on K(cightley Homestead. 14. The Bush ; the Gang's lDemand. 15. Next Morning; the Demand Satisfied. 1G. The Quarrel; Vane's Remorse and Farewoll to the Gaug. 17. Notice ofI Reward. 18. A Mother's Devotion. 10. S rprised, and Surrender of Vane to Father ld'Carthy. 20. Vane in the Hands of the Police on his Way for Trial. 21. Sentenced to 15 Years. 22. Six Years Elapse: Releascd for Good Conduct; Thank God, "Free." 23. Thirty Years Elapse; Vane Surrounded by his Family ; " Peace at Last." 24. " Often from E'il Cometh Good." SUPPORTED BY A PROGRAuMME OF LNFLNITE VARIETY. Selections, Overtures, and Incidentals by IPSWICH MIODEL BAND. 1996 Admission, 6d; Reserved Enclosure, 6d extra.

TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. NORTH IPSWICH CRICKET HIESERVE. The Empire Picture and Vaudeville Company HAVE PLEASURE IN PRE?ENTING SANDARTE I SANDARTE! SANDARTE! hTAR TURN FROM MR. TED HOLLAND'S THEATRE ROYAL. Miss Jean' Jeffrey, METROPOLITAN SONG AND DANICE ARTIST, And the following Picture Gems:Papinta! Papinta!STAR STAR COWBOY (Dramatic) THE DISTRICI ATIORNEY (Fine Dramatic), THE BEAUPIFUL SNOW (Comia). MARION'S WHIMS (Comie), and the Fine American Biograph Picture, THE sMOKER, and numerous others. blUSICAL SELECTIONS BY THE BLACKSEONE BAND. Accompaniet, Mis? GERTiE LARKIN. Gates opem 7.15; commence 8 p.m.

Exaurs!onu. P. E. ]ARIIAT AND SONS' Emloyees' EXCURSION TO SOUTHPORT. ?ON SATURDAY, October 22, 1910. Train leaves Ipswich at 0.30 a.m., returning at 9 p.m. Tickets: Adults, :s; Children. is 3d. 1905 CITY BAND TRIP TO TOOWOOMBA. SATURDIIAY, OCTOBER 15. TlRAIN leaves Ipuwich SATUIRDAY, . 2L 2 p.ml. 'rabi leaves 'i'oowoombaa SUNIIAY, 6.20 p.m. ]Faes--5s ,I Adults, 2e 9d CIlildrenu. l'asseilgers residing on itristane l.iiu ran relturn ly lhe MSil Train. leavin2 T'ooowoomba t5.31). W. POUI.MAN, 2081 Seccra'tary. r'lll "QUEENSLAND TIMlPIS" Otice . is the BIest stabnlishlment in ·West Moreton for all descriptions ol letterpress Job Printing. Motto: "Neat Work and Modorate Charges."

]IARRISVILTE SCHOOL OF ARTS. NCERT and IDANCE, WEDNES>DAYl, September USth. For partienlnrs see Dodgers. 1936 Football. TO-DAY (SAqUlIDAY) CltICKiET IRESEIRVE. RCllHtY ].LE:.UE3 FOOTBALT.. l'NIOR 'IE llI SIII'. 'P, (Councll Cup. Starlights v. lBelviheres. Klick-oft :.30 p.m. Aliihission lid, adi0, FrJIN. 2l195 Impounding Notice. 31POUND l'INIE at Wivenh:, for tro'Lp's, BlowQ G,.hling, slt, him! fr',t whit " like 511.1 nler s1houller. If not rlhasd will be Sohl on OeoIsr 1Sth, 1010. JAMES DIONALD., 'ound-keepo,. 2107

Jeligious Notices. 8. PAUL'S CIHURCH. SUNDAY (TO-MORROW), 25th September, 1910. 7.15 p.m., Evensong and Sermosl by tlhe Reverend CANON TOML1N. 2094 [PSWICII Spiritual Society, Temperanen IHall, TO-MORROW (SUNDIAY). Afternoon 3, Evening 7.30. Addresses with Clairvoyante Headings by Miss Venable, late of Victoria. Subject, "The Higher Spiritualism." Collection. 2090 MISSIONS BY REDEMPTORIST FATHERS. E REDEMI'TORIST FATHERS w]ll hold MISSIONS, as follow :ESK--Begin September 19th, end T'o-morrow, 25th. 1325 ANDREW IORAN. BAETIST CHURCH, BRISBANESTREET. SERVICES will be held TO-MORROW - (SUNDAY), as under:Ipslnwiclh : Morning at 11, Evening at 7, Rev. T. J. Malyon, F.S.Sc. Dinmorse: Evening at 7, Mr. Fox.

SALVATION ARMY, NICHOLASSTREET, IPS.TiCH.I I SELF-DENIAL APPEAL. RED-1IOT REVIVAL SERVICES. _RIGIIT Attractive Services will be eondnet'ed all day TO-MIORROW (SUNDAY). Knee Drill 7 a.m., Rolibess 11 a.m., Testimony 3 p.m., and Great Salvation Meeting at 7.15 p.m. Everybody welcome. 131 r IPSWICH METHODIST CIRCUIT. SERVICES will be held TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), as under:Ellenborough-street: 11 a.m., Rev. F. Duesbury;, 3 p.m., Rev. John G. Wheen; 7 p.m., Rev. John G. Wheen. North Ipswi.h: 11 a.m., Rev. John G. Wheen; 7 p.m., Rev. T. Powell. Newtown: 11 a.m., Rev. T. Powell; 7 p.m., Mr. S. Massay. Basin': 7 p.m., Mission Band. Brassall--7 p.m., Rler. F. Duesbury. Ebenezer: 3 p.m., Rev. T. Powell. 132SROSEWOOD SROSEWOOD PARISH. QERVICES will be held TO-MORROW S (- SUNDAY), as under:Marburg: 10 a.m., Childretn's Service; 11 a.m., Matins and Litany. Preacher, Rev. HI. C. Beasley. Rosewood : 11 a.m., Matins and Litany, Rev. H. Gradwell; 2.45 p.ni., Clildren's Service and Holy Iaptism; 7.30 p.m., Evensong. P'reacher, Rev. II. C. Beasley. Lowood: 7.30 p.m., Evensong. Franklyn Vale: 7.30 p.m., Evensong, Rev. H. Gradwell. 130 MASS LIST. SUNDAY (TO-MORROW), September 25 : Eskl (Mission ends). October 2: Marburg. 2: Tarampa. 3 Sandy Creelk. 7: RIosewood. " : Diamore. 8 : Mount Walker (Murphy's). 9: Rosevale. 9: Toogoolawah. 10: Biarra. 10: Maoorang. 13: Fairney View. IG: Glamorgan Vale. 1G: Enoelsburg. 17: Anthony. 19: Upper Bundanba. 20 Pine Mountain.l 23 : Peak Mountain. 23: Grandchester. 24: Milbong. 2 : Mount Crosby. 27: Walloon. 30: Mount Brisbane. 30 : Harrisville.

METHODIST SERVICES. FOREIGN MISSION ANNINrERSARY. rTHE Rev. JOHN G. WHEEN, GenSeral Secretary of Foreign Missions, will preach and address meetings as follows :Sunday, North Ipswich: 11 a.m., "The Vision of the Holy Waters"; Ellenborough-street, .45I pn.m., Great Public Meeting. Subject, "Methodism alld MIissions"; Ellecborougbh-st'eet : 7 p.m. Subject, "The Call of the First ]Missionary. Monday Night: Anniversary Public Meeting. Subject, Hissisons in the Pacific; what we have seen and heard. Collections at all services and meetings for Foreign Missions 2075 OONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES, IPSWICH AND DISTRICT. CERVICES will be held TO-MORROW '( SUNDAY), as under:Central: 11 a.m., "Draw Nigh to God":7 p.m., "Watch," Rev. Joseph Robertson, M.A. North Ipswich : 11 a.m., "The Character of the Kinedoiom of Heayea"; 7 p.m., "Why People go to Church," Rev. Oscar E. Brown. Rosewood : 11 a.m. andl 7.15 p.m., Rev. A. Castleman, M.A. Mount Walker: 5 p.m., Rev. A. Castlenman, M.A. Blackstone: II a.m. and 7 p.m., Rev. N. W. Ileaney. Ooodna: 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., Mr. l. Mason. West Ipswsich 7 p.m., 11ev. F. W. Hewlett. Amblorley : 3.30 p.m., Mr. A. F. Pa.yne. Tivoli: 3.30 p.m., Mr. T. fl-rrier. laeoview : 3.30 p.in., Rev. N. W, Beauty. Wallon? : 3.15 p.m., Mr. .T. W. Evanls. One-Mile : 7.15 p.l-., -Mr. C. IT, ,Shillito. 1h0v:,l 11 fllnm., l1ev. F. W. esowltt : 7 p.m., hIr. T1'. Slhoredon. ILonmside: 2.331 13.1n., 11ev\. F. '. lloslewLt. 1825 BUSINESS MOTTO. TbiE "QTF.LNS NA4D TlM'.S" Olee Lath, Iost Establishment in West loreton for iall descriptions of Tltterpress Job Printing. Motto: "Noat Wpork and Moderate Charge."

Business Announcements. BY ARRANGEMENT With ore of our Leading Queeneland Boot Mandfaeturers, we have had made specially to our own designs a special line of WOMEN'S GLACE KID SHOES. PRICE, 5s lid per pair. LACE OR BUTTON, and in any shape you fancy, all Solid Leather. No Cardboard Stiffness or Insoles. IN order to induce the manufacturer to make this line for us at the price we had to arrange to take a big quantity, over 100 pairs each month, and we ask you to call and see this line, and you will obtain a cheaper and better shoe than the ordin. ary Kind, and also encourage our enterprise. Our Ladies' Window is Full of them. Rawlings Bros., THE LEADING SHOE STORE, BRISBANE-STREET. Meetings. IPSWICKI TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. fHE ANNUAL MEETING of the above Society will be held in the Endeavour Room of the Central Congregational Sunday-School, Eaststreet, THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, 24th September, at 7.45 p.m. We want you to grace the Meeting with your presence. CARL M. F. FISCHER, 2037 Hon. Secretary.

THE FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY OF QUEENSLAND, LIMITED. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. rrIHE FIFTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Shareholders in the 1 above Company will he held !at the, Company's Office, 60462, Raomn-street, Brisbane, on FRIDAY, the Both Sep-i tember, 1910, at 2 p.m. Business : 1. To Receive the Dirertors' Report and Balance-Sheet; 2. To Elect Three (3) Directors in place of Messrs. Henry Moreton Stevens, Christoph Frederich Uhnlmann, and John Pander, who retire, in accordance with the Articles of Association, but who are eligible for.re-election.. Nominations for the office of Director, signed by at least Three 13) Shareholders, must be in the hands of the ReturningOfficer, at the Company's Office, on or before the J6th .September, 1910. 3. To Eleet an Auditor in the place of Mr. W. C. Horstmann, F.I.A.Q., who retires in accordance with the Articles of Association, but who is eligible for re-election, and offers himself accordingly. I4. 4. To transact any other Business that may arise in terms of the Articles of Association. By order, HUGH SHARPE, Manager. ARTICLE No. 61.--Any qualified Candidate for the office of Direceor must be nominated by not less the Three Shareholders entitled to vote, who shall sign his Nomination-Paper, and deposit the same, at the Company's Office, not less than Fourteen clear days before the date of the next General Election. 1601 IPSWICH AND WEST MORETON PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. T HE THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL 'MEETING of the above Society a-ill be held in the Soeiety's Office, East-street, on MONDAY, the 26th September, 1910, at 8 o'clock p.m. Business : To Receive the Directors' Report and Balance-Sheet for the year ending 31st July, 1910; To Elect Two Directors in the place of Messrs. P. L. Cardew and W. Tatham, who retire, but are eligible for re-election; And to Elect Two Auditors in the place of Messrs. George W. Allen sad George Humphreys, who retire, tlhe former being ineligible for re-election this year. Candidates for the office of Director and Auditor must lodge their Nominations with the Secretary on or before 4 o'clsk a m. -i MONDAY, the 19th September, 1910. By order, H. M. SCOTT, 1801 Secretary. P Tenders. BUNDANBA SlIRE COUNCIL. TENDERS for the following CONTRACTS of IROAD-WOlRK will be received at this Office, up till 10 a.m. on THURSDAY, the Gth day of October, ]910 :No. 13--Forming Six (8) Chains of Cole-street, Booval; also, Raising, ltreaking, and Hauling 1t0 Cubic Yards of Gravel froma Margaret-street to the abovementioned Street.No. No. 14--Hauling 75 Cubic Yards of Gravel from the Blackstone Quarlry to the llrisbane-road, opposite the RIacehors inotel. No. 1--Ablout 7 Chains of Re, Formlillg and Gravelling on Macfarlaue-street, Boosal.A A DI)eposil of 5 per n-nt on ansount of Tender to accollpau y each T'iuder. 'The Lowest or anlly 'Tendr not necessarily accepted.Specifications Specifications mlay be s ,?n, s ni d l 'ender-Forms obtained, at the Council's Oflice. O . A. STI'PIIHENSON, Clerk. "Queensland Times" Chambers, Ipswich, September 23, 1910. 2090

Business Announcdment,. It d Cheaper and Bettr BEIRNE' iFw smPMIENTS OF VAN 4'L CHESTER GOODS• which,,6 spite of the advanabd price 4i cotton goods, we are going t sell at our usual BER VALUE -PRICES :36in (pure) Madapolams, .id 4id, 5d, 61d, 74d yard. Vjin Calico, 3~Id, 4d 41d, 5d, Old, 7jd yard. 36in Horrockses AI Calico, 'f lid dozen yards. ;: 36lin. Horrocksees B1 .Calico, : lid dozen yards. White Turkiesh Towels, d 43d, Ed, Sd, Sd, 1l0d, ,3 is 3d each. Brown Turkish Towels, dd,5 Gd, 8d, O9d, 10td, is, is l4 ,each. Cream Table Damask, 8 814 10-d, is, is lid, 1s 3d, J2p4dd yard,White White Sheetings--441n wide 93d, is, ls 3d yard -" wide, 8Od, 103d, is id, e 4d yard; 72in wide, i0td, Is;:li 'ld, Is 4ld, Is Gfd yard; ,SOa widc, Is 2d, Js 44d, eIs Old, Sd, is lid yard; 90inC wlsde, d3d, l Sd, is 10d, is 1134, yard. Grey Sheetings--in wide, 7 Sd, 10iGd, is yard; ?Oin wide Sjd, 103d, ls, Is lid, ls 3d yard; 72in wide,, Ojd, lS".8, Is Il.d, aIs 3d, l. 4-d yard; 803 wide, Is Id, Is 3d, is 4Id, Is 6d, Is Sd yard;: 90in wide, I 3d, is 4Cd,' Is dd, Is 9dIs Ild yard: :? WHERE QUALITY LIVES, Big Bargain Corner,~" IPSWICH. ; maa , VXTr.TED, Price for Sinking.-WSiA ? (labour only), till Septemier10 .For particulars apply H. J. 0rei ham, Orangefield. " TO CONTRIACTORS. " TENDERS are invited till io p on SATUR1DAY October' 1910, for the ERECTION of a DES!DENCE at Newtown. Drawings i Specifications may be seen at, Office, Greenbam's Chambers. N, WIf. HAENKE, 2002 Archi TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the ERO?~C TION of a STRONG-ROOK aLda: CARPENTER'S WORK at "the "Queensland Times" Building, ,u.ntiTHURSDAY, the -29th Instant, at'. Noon. G. BROCKWELL GILL,'-. Architect "Queerslaad Times" Chambers. 2025O-, GOOLM?N SHIRE COUNOCIL.. : 1EN.DES will be re?eived at this Office up till 10 o'clock a.m. op 2aturday, 1st October, 1910, for thfi: Lease, for a Term of Three Years, , of the Council's Quarry Reserve atb Dugandan, comprising an area do a about four acres. For further particulars apply t he undersigned. By Order, ... 3f. BARLOW, Clerk. i Council's Office, -Boonah, 22nd September, 1910.'

MA MA CREEK SCHOOL OF ARTS., .ENDERS Invited for the ERECTION OF .IRON BUILDINGQ 5ft x 25ft at Ma Ma Creek. Plans e.nd Specifications waybe seen" at State School, Ma sa Creek, or W. Philp's Store, Grantham. Five Pl": cent deposit required. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in hands of undersigned'not later than 8th October. A. S. PHILP, . on. Secretary, Ma Ma Creek Suhool of Arts 2053 GOOLMAN SHIRE COUICIL. TENDERS will be received at thLs Office up till 10 o'clock a.m. on Saturday, let October, 1910, for the following works:-Contract No. 21-Work on the War.. wickl-road, at the . Wa0spool Gully. Contract No. 23--Work on the. Lower Coochin-road, at the esnthemn side of Beverley's Hill. Contract No. 4--Work on the? Charlwood-road, between Muller'sand Damm's property. Specifications can be seen and Tender Forms obtained at the Councils-. OFfice. A Deposit of Five Per cent, in caesh-. on the amount of Tender, must be en closed therewith. H. BARLOW, Clerk. Council's OLce, Boonah, 22nd September, 1910... SHIRE OF WALLOON. lOAD-WORK, T?ENDERS are invited for the folL lowing Contracts:Contract No 17-j(a) Excavating Dip; (bI) Constructing Yards ; (c),Concrete W'ork.Plans Plans and Specifications may be,secen at this ofice and at Mr. W. J." Btenett's residene?, rdghitview. "TDposit of 5 per Cent on Amount Tender," otherwise informal. All Schedule Itabes must be filled in on theberk of Tenders. Ail Tenders are subject to the print, ed tenrcals conditions in every re specs, and close at 11 a.m. on the l)th day of October, proximo. Any 'ender not necessarily accepted. By order, Shire Oeice, Hanrbmurg, H. KENNIEALLY, Clerk of the Shire. the 22nd day of Septenmbar 19L