Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Monday 21 March 1910, page 4

Ithaca Town Council. OPENING OF NEW OFFICES. SPEECH BY THE STATE! TREASURER. (By Telegraph from Our Correspondent.) Brisbane, March 20. The opening of the new Ithaca Council ChanrFeirs in Enoggera-terrace was celebrated on Saturday night, when the council entertained a large number of representatives of the .other local authorities .and other gentlemen at a dinner in the new building. The Mayor prehided. The State Treasurer (the Hon. A. G. C. Hawthorne), in responding to the toast of Parliament, said be hoped Mr. Thurlow's remarks in proposing the toast would be justified. The people were responsible for the Parliament, which was what they wished for and what they deserved. Be was pleased to think that the people now wanted two parties. They had now a strong Opposition-a most necessary adjunct to any Parliament. The Government had two items-population and railways--on which all others turned. lie was pleased to see the movement in favour of a Queensland transcontinental railway, which would have undoubted advantages as against the Federal scheme. They must also open up the country before they could ask more people to come. They were now getting 50lt people a month, and the Government proposed to make tite country as attractive as Canada and other countries to which ihmmtnigrants from uItotti.. were turning their attention. Continuing, he said good seasons were insufficient for the prosperity of the country without good finauns. During the last year, the State had seen its largest revenuie and largest expenditure, and he hoped thiat both would be exceeded thllis year. ending up with a surplu., though it might be only a small one. Ho tlien referred to the financial agitemnent that was no(Iw awniting ratlit nfiction by the people of the Commnonwealti. It was to tale the place of what had been isall'd the Braddon blot, but what had been, in reality, a bliessing to tie' States. The 25s per capita paytment agreed upon by tite State and Federal ministers milghtl not have bIren as ialltrl as could have IbteeI wished for, butI it. would ensure ai filed sllii lllUt I whiti e thfsl State lr.-sttmUres tmighlt d.p,-nd. Tlic Brnddonii linls. which w\u,,lil terma'inilte Iltis yt.ar. w': n prlt. of the Constilution, and whenr it wns dropped out they must hiave sonrthliite to take its pinets. TT, lohiokl ulllpn tlhe matter te thte ttost intltaortntn levri of the tt? t ot importfnt. ever yet, hield 1 tt Aufralii. lie naekd all no rndorse the actiti of t.hI Silt.1. Ptomier and treasunrrs on April IS. --Mri. R. J. Cottell, M.L.A., also re'.e., ad in hius aspech made re