Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 30 October 1937, page 4



Their Excellencies the Governor-Gcneral and Lady Gowrie, attended by members of the persona] staff, were present at the Naval and Military Club ball yesterday


Her Excellency Lady Gowrie, attended by Captain Blacker, was present at the annual conference of the National Coun-cil of Women of Victoria, at the Melbourne Town Hall yesterday afternoon.

Their Excellencies the Governor-General (Lord Gowrie, V.C.) and Lady Gowrie, His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales (Lord Wakehurst) and Lady Wake-hurst, Sir Geoffrey and Lady Whiskard

and Miss Whiskard are the guests of His Excellency the Governor (Lord Hunting-field) and Lady Huntingfield at Govern-

ment House.

His Excellency the Governor and Lady Huntingfield, and His Excellency the Go-

vernor of New South Wales and Lady Wakehurst, attended by the personal staffs, were the guests of the Naval and Military Club at a ball yesterday even-ing.

Lady Huntingfield, at the invitation of the president of the Association of Creches, attended an informal meeting of the metropolitan creches committee yes-terday afternoon.

The Minister for Lands and Forests (Mr. Lind) returned lost night from Cann River, East Gippsland, where earlier he opened a new school. To-day he will open a new tourist road at Mt. Arapiles.

Mr. D. Mccall McCowan, manager at Melbourne for Burns, Philp, and Co. Ltd , returned to Melbourne by plane from Lon--don yesterday. Mr. McCowan has been absent from Australia since May.

The Rev. P. W. Stephenson, head mas-ter of Trinity Grammar School Sydney. and formerly Federal scrtctarv for the Church Missionary Society, has been ap-pointed secretary ot the Commonwealth Council of the British and Foreign Bible, Soclrty In succession to the Rev. A. T, Thompson, who lccently retired on ac-count of ill-health. Mr. Stephenson will

take up his new omeo in January. The Rev. G. W. Sheppard, who ha« bein Acting Commonwealth Secretan- since Mr. Thompson's retirement, will then return to England.

Mr. V. Y. Kimpton, a partner in the firm of Messrs. W. S. Kimpton and Sons, re-turned to Melbourne In the Marella yes-terday after a world tour. He was accom-panied by Mrs. Kimpton.

At the meeting of the committee of the Melbourne Dental Hospital this week Dr. J. Polack was appointed a consulting den-tal surgeon to the hospital. Such an ep-polntment is a very high honour, and has been made only on two previous occasions

At a meeting .of the Council of the Aus-tralian College of Dentistry on Thursday it was reported tiwi the Council of the Uni-versity of Melbourne had agreed to appoint Dr. W. J. Tuckfield, senior lecturer in den-tal prosthesis, acting professor of dental science during the absence abroad in 1938 of Professor Arthur Amies.

At a meeting of the board of manage-ment of the Alfred Hospital on Thursday Dr. G. A. Birnie was appointed an honor-

ary physician to in-patients until March, 1940, and Dr. C. S. Wood was appointed an honorary assistant gynaecologist until

March, 1939.

Mr. E. W. Bryant, of the London office of the Aberdeen and Commonwealth Vat,

left for Sydney yesterday in the liner Walpawa. He will take up a position on

the passenger staff at the company's office

in Sydney. I

Mr. E. J. Kennon, of Cliveden MBtMrioM ' East Melbourne, has received a cable ml» ,

sago stating that his son, Mr. Colin Ken-non, has passed his final examination for the English Bar. Mr. Colin Kennon was

formerly a pupil af the Melbourne Church

of England Grammar School, and a stu-dent of Cambridge University.

For the fourth consecutive year, Mr W. Forster Woods was elected chairman i of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne yesterday. Mr. Woods Joined the stock Exchange in 1895, and has beet; a mem-

ber of the committee since 1903. He

was also chairman from 1930 to 1938.

Mr. R. J. Oehr has been elected a life

governor of the Adult Deaf and Dumb So-ciety of Victoria (Incorporated), of which he was formerly honorary secretary for 21 years.

Mr. John W. Barrett has been elected president of the Victorian division of the Australasian Institute of Secretaries (Inc.); Messrs. A. A. Fitzgerald and J. Wallace Ross have been elected vice-pre-

sidents, and Mr. W. Kirkhope has been re-elected honorary treasurer.

The Rev. Adam Clarke will begin the third year of his ministry at the Clifton

Hill Baptist Church to-morrow.

The chairman of the Buffalo National Park committee (Mr. C. J. Pollock) and the chief engineer of the Public Works De-partment (Mr. A. D. McKenzie), who is a member of the committee, will leave for Mt. Buffalo to-day. With Mr. A. W. Keown, the assistant superintendent of the rail-ways refreshment service, they will make an administrative tour of the park, and discuss with the newly appointed ranger (Mr. J. Watson) the maintenance of tracks, the impoundage of animals, car parking arrangements, and similar matters.

Mr. D. P. Mannix, chief clerk of the probate office of the Supreme Court, has been notified that he has been appointed to act temporarily as registrar of probates and administrations during the absence on leave of Mr. G. E. Wilson.

Mr. J. W. Strong, who has been city en-gineer at Sandringham for three years, has tendered his resignation. The council has called for applications for the position.

Mr. V. Merrell Wright, managing director, and Mr. Cyril J. Turner, direc-

tor. of New Era Film Productions Ltd will arrive in Melbourne to-morrow from Sydney, where they have been supervis-ing the production of "The Avenger." The picture is being made at National Studios Pagewood, under the direction of Mr. A. R.


Mr Alexander Cooch was elected a

member of the committee of management

of the Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and will also act in the capacity of hon-orary treasurer of that Institution.